XXIV BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1919. Number 6. CONTEST T REGULAR SCHEDULE OF VOTES HAS BliEN CMANG-' ED TO READ: 6 months. .$ .75. .8,000 vctoj 1 year 1.50.16,000 votes 2 years ....*. 3.00.40,000 votes Erevarcl, R. F. D. 2. I Miss Marie Lyday .472,000 .210.500 V.- Con^csfcrtc. C'’nt for 125,CG9 Votes Ahead of the Leader Feb. 7. THE JUDGES The roMo'v'r v will T( :* • i ; V- ' ir.Vula' ■' n-.-l cou. the vo;;.'' ;iL ’ c'o~ o'* at G:"0 P. A'.; Sr.tiinlay Febuary 15. Cos Pa.clon, ChrJrnian. J. riMciv Dr. J. Y. McKiiviiey. Th;\,- of c::r townsman w’no havv' r.i: \ confi U'ncc of tho ont‘}o of ihis and adjoinin;.r cov.nti-.- ; jr-^r.llcmen v. l oso honor anil ini, i'.-'.'ity h:>s nc v-r been quc.= 'ionc'd. rio;-:^!y nt oio:^ I\ Ivl.; Sat. Ir h. t’l? cdlV \vul cMosc. Th^ ju ’'rc' V.’’; t;.’ Vv' of tho I , ‘’o box at 111!.' coi'tc:-- oiTico tv.'Cii';.- or th‘-! r • clo;'0‘- ;:n ’ •'> scon th. wr;‘:’ as they can l;ml tii'.io to uo ro. RE- ni'I; i o.Uc;-no biulol. v;an CC ' 'c !'■ ' ' .■'"c' nT (];: x'v.\q I YiVi'. Josie IMoclcr Sapphire r.Irs. Palton Crisp. . :\Irs. J. C. Wike B:i!sam Grove j jlrs. Dock Bentley . . .2‘>8,500i Tor-away, R. F. D. j ill’s- Vance Gallovv'iiy 130,000 ScJica !»!'■'s Gc'ova Wil?o:i. . 47"),o00 V - 85,000 I'.I'/?.. V/i l Iiin^:lG 2'15,500 mm cAifiLii C. E. Orr, W. E. Brcese, R. E. La’vroncc ar.il ix number of other £?ood road enthusiasts from this county wont to Ashcvillo last Sat- urtlay to attend a p:atherinf4’ of, rep resentatives from the twenty-two countics con:pri"ing the western section of the State, v ho mot to of securing’: g:cod roads. The Asheville Tinies has Iho fol- lov^iri?: report of tl:e meetinpr: If the rorr;‘7c?'.U'.i,ivc3 in i-hj _\orth Carvoiina (oj'\::'atuv-3 of the nineteen countics whose r;'!v-i v/ere in session al' (lay EatiiiA":hev:lL' c'ouid have ."ttcnuctl the sessions ♦■hero v.’oalii i':' .\o ‘'W:\ voec in the State Capitol from those nine- .145,500 2/1.1,500 i <-'Uss methods r;T':’s AMa V7hite . . F-rc: "Tis;-; ?.Ia\:rie Uccco. ' ' ' 'T 1 ^ ... .■ , . 1.. /a^Ti\ :1 :J”s. . :i8,000! C. !]. . . .105.5: set fi-r civ .1” af' •. 0’’t of lov;:-! oae U'ilts tl- • bn’’ frrn! • n: the your ' an ■ r • V 0 t’’ ■sr'-' r.- '■! 1’ i'Vi' rv:v:-d ;* c'-) iho ■'! ;1 o a’lV,’ OP. ;'0. In ca ' of r subcr:”l^':':s r'e’’: ;• a?f ‘the po="': will l'"> ov^'r^ice tbr.t the letter V\-:is iiiaiied in time to rrach r.s befo?’' clO'-rin.; time and they Vvill be counted. TFE TIN BALLOT BOX n’jysin," v/h" ■■v:.. 1 0’.‘. 'ji Cl i fc''■*'" ov^'r.Ized. /..’’i 'vorr'r. c.n'l r;ir!s v.'lio are ''' ; ■ r t’ra' ?n- ■'Cw^ 'li:;: v/or!<, ar;i re- (o nirol r.f. 'he Iteri Cross - roorr.s ££»’;u:.-clay, Feb. S rC ^ o’clcch. i teen counties Vvli?n the Stcven.'^- , .473,500 ; Scales bill is called for passa.se. The ^ I represent'li ■•VC?'. \.in krov t^.e ni’nd cx •'33 000 these western ccur.ties for the rea.zon -»Q“ Qf)'} thr.*: a Irr^re (ieie 'aticn leaves Tuer,- ■y~^ 500 ^ n;Or:'';r.v Tia]e!;.,'i and t::;it ' (ielo'va^'c ' t'';]: i'tra:;;ht. i 51;.-t;-'fj Hcsoluiions. j In ;v’-Iit:'^: to the oT " r*. ' , 'v.('.rser.'....:, )T Ju Gtd.e Hiu’hvvays Comriiisrion; "’'.c Fe ’^ ;nl Ai;l bi’-, the h’". ■■ ;mi. Id’:. t.I'. • V Xorti'. TJn''.-; a':c^ o I a r: 'dal'on aniioi "' ai committee to draft a uniforin roi'.ds b’di io be ap:ii'e:il-lc to all o? l-ie t , coa:i:ies. Ti’is conunit- tcG con-ir^te.I ol the cha!r;".'.n oT th.:.’ boards of co;;'.m;s?ion..rs of ti'.c t\vc;i- ty-t^.o r.. ’ t!-.' ;Tcd.',,'Ii; • a.'- uiLio:':’* n:enii-;r. ; II. a.. NOTICE TO TEM All the teachers in the county Vi^ho desire to secure credit for the reading circle books, F.cfur’s, “Hovv' to Teach the Elementry Subjects,” and Colin’s “Introduction to Hi<2:h School Tcach- Inir,” must join tho county classes and do the work in classes before July 1 next. The leaders will meet their first classes at Brevard School f;n FatnrJay 22nd, at 11 A. M. Those cf you v.’ho have the books, prepare the first three chapters in your re- sp'^'ctive books. ■ The Ivofur book may tz' had from Charles Scribner’s Sons, Ne\.' York, for Sl.OO, and the Colins : coL; rrom the rvlacniullan Co., New T’ ork, for Sl.'IS. Ecth book:: ccme ' f'3t"r.id. Please order the bco':s directly, if you have not ’nad your L?ach"r c”der thoni for you. The reading circle v.ork iks absolute ly necessary fcr teachcr.s of all pro- lllii RAYER CORNER For a Righteous and Abiding Peace. In days like these of great and sudden chan?:e, there may be unex pected happeninj?s even in the week ly i.'Tsucs of the News. But one thinj;- Ave may be sure of: our pray ers for pcace w^ill be needed this year as much as they ever v/ere. Hos tilities have ceased, fcut pcace is much harder to v/in than victory. The secret of swift victory was un- (’...r CoJ, the .t^cncrous and complete subordination of all forces under one ma.‘'/cer rnin:e cf the v.'cr’d’s history. In prayin;^ for a r\rh':eous and abidin" peace, v/e are asking: oT Cod a "rcatcr miracle Lhan victory. L"t us pray: 1. ••’at the Icndin.e: statesmen of c:ror.eive schools, and, it is further,nations, mectinrc in conference neccssary that all school oITicials de r.iro tiiat their teachers do ‘.aid v'ork and aid aiid ercoura-’'e tliem with ■ ■'-'oi;. Xov,' th' vefore ’et us aP :lo wc,i; and put it in i;nn;e^Iia■;e practice. '’onrT for succors, A. 'd^TCdl^LL. CGUi^TY SUPT. E. :o •.Y relating; to peace, may have the guid- anc ' o' ihe Kolv J^;:irit. ?. That the:-’ n^ay be delivered •'■•om the spirit of revenge; fi’ora all biiterness and pr'^jadiee, and from the pettiness of national jealousy a. That they may not be r’ov; ’ by t’'’.e '..rr of %’crdcd interests, ;:or of the f;.-''/-_irni of snialler minds. Aiird iity Cod and H^ave'dy Fath er, 'n vhor.i all creatures live, and '"o art t’le Gir'.ver e ,:'i ’ -e an;| Ar- FROM ACROSS THE WATER r'l . : i -’V. . v. r -\ ’ .. of Cidacun y v, d a r.ir r’.-' e-id v '- uO.'l a T"’e. L:v' TUi. :-ht ccun.y; :i:un ,; 0. Cr- O!’ iriends and ■ • ’"'-t r rel o- ! . bc3 cnv SCiJC.'i I-.-’ :;rt siij: :n tl:e no one i"’"." ’ja.r.-'' con'a-ns u; t'l th.e ta..r tin h-'' wha ■ ’ ju'’ cut ir.to the ballot box and open the epv.‘T):ie. VERY IMPORTANT. The chan,';'e ma-le fcr the last ei:rhc workini': day< cf the congest is a very important one fcr vou as the six ^CLur: r:zzTi::G i'-”\ 'i'. TT. ('CO va®; horteps ’ ■ ■ ''^'^^ata^ia*’ ' lub on Thur?'’a’.' ;>f , vt “Tl'ie Pre'^ent Form of Federal. ;>;vl j\Tun’final Govov^ime'tt” vas the tonic <"i«ou=sion for the afternoon, led by 'Trs. C. B. Deaver. At the of the meetin.e; de- l’".''v'frd; ref’’"'^hn-ents were served bv Av ry coa.nty. J. L. Cottr ;1, ( .,i i- well cou'-ty; I. 'diilli. . G:';d'i:n coir.ity; I.. P. I'.Ior.-e. IlendeiTon coarty; John Trottir. i'iiu on. coin' ; T. LintLey, Fell', county; Dr. A. r.I. ronnctt, Sv.a'n county; V.'. E. e?-e, Transylvania county; C. E. \Valh.:r, Chi roi:^ ' coun^^y, and Thos. Cox. Jackson county. This committee was in sesslun for several hours last aicnt and invited tho followin.e: aUot. p.ey; to serve with them: Judjre J. D. i^Iarph;’, A. Hall Johnson, C. C. Cowan and 'W. E. Moore. Po'7':h skctclie? of a uniform road, bill v^'ere made but there is yet much work to be done before the bill is biter in all human affairs, v.e ask E iite-’Ercv.-ir i Ncv.r;: Tliv blessin'T u”on the Peace Con- Dar Sir:—The 2Sth of Januarv ! ^(?‘^’2nce, assembled in the interest cf ,, 'oy I v.as 78 years , the nations and for the future wel fare an.’l hanpiii.ess of mankind. Save ^ Th^e, fi'oni 'vi'on;:^ and false an'ibiiions, from d’scord and :i.~''e’'tion, from preju;Hce and pride and al! unv/crihy ain;', that, truidcd by Th;,' vi"^ ie;n, it i n^y lay tiie lcu?> da'-’m'i ir rie(iceon'necK an ! truth, o" a r;; h""Ous and ah‘'’:n::: peace, and r-'O nrenare the v/ay of the Lor^l, and ;nn\e r!'s ];alh slrai.chi;. \Ve ask ii, 'n tho name of the same. Thy Son, our Savionr, Jesus Christ. Amen. C, D. C. RED GROGS AUCTION SALE ^''-'-T.n on rny ncarc’y. com- • ’■ --’t vo' •, ■ I t"’.- ble v.'Ith tlonr. .'U'var, cori';::' .".’'d e,'.'.- : l ’ 'Tc'\ too man-,' to nv. -"tion— amcu.it;;v; to alon' iO.O''. I deliv- # ered. a short iv!e.'‘^a "e f'^e.n Co "s ctcr- n;)l trn+h. h'n! "rayrr:; a,:n'. ;ny vife ■n-’.'t I r'd’.irned onr mo-t sincere thaak to a.'.- ,':co',l fricds for their lovin,'!’ kindnc;-s to us. rd • rttlo chure’i at Kto,.a.h sent me ;"ood poun lin,-; a’-o. T'lrs. Trowbrid're. A rnmb:=r of members of the Bre- var I Wecines()av C!iib v,ere Kuoste '’''“'’‘5' “> F>-eseirted to the lejliela- months, one an;! 'V o vears h:;ve be en ' at thi=' mectinrr as vrell as several oth advanced materially. Not ih.e pr’ce of the paper but the value o'f the vote. Read the printed tabic belov. VOTE PUBLICATION. Contestants may cast for publica tion 125,000 votes ahead of the leader of todays score. Theis means that | if you are behind, that you can catch : up and cast 125,000 more. * PROMISES er vi.dtors. The next reirular meetin" will be ture and further meetin.cs of the committee will be held. Prior to its adjournment, the asso- My t'vin ’irc-iier, E. ii.'. All'son, and I wore bapti.?-jdi into the f::iIov>ship cf Little River chur-h v.hcn v.'c v/ere 11 years old. (icod luck to the Xows. E. ALLISOX. Biblical Record.er v.ill R2D GROGS WORK held with Mrs. F. P. Sledfre on Feb-1 ciation adopted a resolution instruct- ruary 13th at 3:C0 n. m. j i*^S the entire committee to go to i Raleigh and present to the represon- CARD OF THANKS The splendid spirit in which the women of the town and county have undertaken this allotment of 400 re latives of the twenty-two counties garments is throughly appre- . the plans and desires of the jjeople the work. The rcj^’istercd siicrihorn cow and calf given by R. W. Everett to the Transylvania Chcipler A. R. C., v/ere sold to the highe:.t bidder at twelve en ?*onda-''. ^ ?fa;.or Prcese acted as auctioneer and the animrdis were knockcd do^‘;a to Robt. Orr for t’ie sum cf $230.00. Tho money was turned over to the local Red Cross and v.ill be used to purchase materials fro.n which gar ments will be miide for the war suf ferers of France and Belgium. AT METHODIST CHURCH. have the Red Cross work room open We wish to extend our sincere ; as represented by 'the members of Arrangements have been made to thanks to our many friends for their the association. In addition the kindness shown us, and especially , board of commissioners of the coun- those who so willingly assisted us dur-1 ties represented were urged to send i completed. The fbllowing ladies Numbers of people have promised ing the illness and death of our dear j a representative of their county to j charge: Monday, Mrs. the contestants a subcription or a re- husband and father. May God bless : Raleigh at the expense of the county | Tuesday, Mrs. J. T. Bar- Sunday School will begin promply at 9:45 A. M. Bring a passenger for your Boat. The sermon subject for the eleven newal ofAfteir old subcription and these proiH^es were made in good faith thenefore, it would be well for the contestants to remind the people of all these promises NOW as it will soon be TOO LATE. each and every one. Mrs. A. Heath and children. CHANGE IN PRESBYTERIAN SERVICE Davvivon River and Brevard Pres- The following schedule ^ votes will be issued on Paid in •ivance subscriptions to candi-i j' Instead of dates working in this campaign. ^ 6 months. .$ .75. . 8,000 votes pj. VKnday as heretofore, beginning 1 year. . . . 1.50. .16,000 votes 1 Sunday. Feb. 9th, David- 2 years. . . 3.00. .40,000 votes jgQp_ River will have pr-jsaching service Brevard j ev^ry Sunday morning at eleven and Miss Marie Kilpatrick 484,500 |S^aday ool n ten o’clock. Bre- Miss Mildred Bryant. .484,500 , v’ard church il] - .vc jyi|j)»ttg;:8er- Miss Dovie Garren .. .436,000 | vice every Sunday af«fernoon at 3 Miss Fair Selson 125,000 | o’clock, with Sunday school at ten to urge the passage of the g;ood roads bill. Never has Asheville been host to a more serious and more determined body of men and for that matter there has never been a gathering of such marked harmony. Not a single note of discord. No differences of opinion. The one hundred and forty men stand pledged to the’utmost ef fort and they are working as a unit. daily from 3 to 5 p. m. until the job o’clock service is, “God’s Place in Man’s Plans.” This is a companion sermon to the one delivered on last Sunday morning, “Man’s Place in God’s Plans.” The evening theme is, “Three In One”, a side light on today’s Sun day School lesson. ADMITTED TO BAR Frof. A. F. Mitchell, our worthy and efficient Superintendent of Pub lic- Instruction, was admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court at Raleigh Miss Reba Ashworth. .480,500 as usual, ^hic arrangement will last I last week. Prof. Mitchell has not Mrs Leona Saltz . . .474,500 until June^ 1st, v hcn Brcva.rd v/i!l decided yet where he will open his Mrs. Ed Mackey 467,500 have morning service. offices. clay; Wednesday, Mrs. R. H. Zach ary; Thursday, Mrs. H. V. Smedberg; Friday, Mrs. J. W. Smith; Saturday, Mrs. H. L. Wilson. As the garments are to be shipped by Feb. 15, it is desired that they be delivered to the branches by the 12th if possible, for after that they must be collected, inspected, corrected, counted, re-counted, folded, tied, la beled, billed, packed and shipped, so let us finish the job as we have begun. A. J. G., D. W. W. CARD OF THANKS We wish to sincen% thank our friends and loved ones for their help and sympathy durin^r tiie death and sickness in our family. P. M. ORR and Family. GARDEN TIME We have just received from Con gressman Zeb Weaver a consignment of vegetable and flower seeds. Anyone interested in obtaining some of these seeds will please c^l at once at the supply is limited. MAPLE shade; TREES I have about 75 maple shade trees which I will be glad to giv’e free of charge to any who may wish them if they will call at the old Gillespie Cottage, Pisgah Forest. ..^ C. H. PARKS. , A Dear Editor: Nov/ that the clarion of peace has sounded not only in every home thru out France, but in every home let it be a mansion in the city, a bungalow in the valley, or a log cabin among the b’iis of the Allied participants, iiov/ that the war monster who for i'our Ica%’ years brutally enforced up on humanity his despicable crimes—• I’aat the lovcvs of civilization i chu ldcr to ir.entioa — crimes 'hat eve a. the inhabitaaiis of the Dark A/:cs refrained from committing has been vIi'-;;orIcusl^' cub'tueJ. Our be fiven to the Great ^'o.:.:V.a". Ifr v;:io never permits His to r;iTffcr acfc-a' v lien they are stru^^-gling for a just and right- 01; • caFO. Had it noc been that we were battlin<>- for Christianity as v/c'il as for civilization perhans the war iv-onster would have been .running r;.:;r;;a!',t in Allied territory today. ’>.:t before ent-iing Ih: gr^at coiifli^t 've V ere sure we v»'cre rip;ht and v/ent, iih: af! and ro as a result v.e a^^e re- ceiviii;; oar v.riun,;,)hant Time and history will bear me out in a.yiai.a’ liia!: no nation, no p^oplj wiii uouri;;h Ica;!: v.here ii. tii^rc :jes froai _;,aching3, the ;:rcat rriari- j pies which v.ere laid down for oar j ■;ar!anco at the begininc; r:cor;le I jb'story. Refer to pa.-^t recor.is and' j you v.'ill find that all nations wiiicii I have fallen wcre nat’ions '..iiicii ai;ol- 1 is’.ied the fundemental prirc:pii^s iv.oa I tioned above and replaced them v.iui or.cz not j,-co;;;T::;ing Chris iani^y and l-umanity a"j they siiouid. Let us not rer;;-et as lora': as the iansyai.ge of»thi.‘ L'on of r.Ian shall last to praise the One to v.hoiii pr-ii;c is cius for the or.rierfu! blessi]7e>- Vv'o have and v;ill ■■ eeive. Aiiii.' oui' joy, r.iicl while wc are slov.dy but surely throwInK from (;ur shcuijiers the burdens wrought by thii.- terrible v.ai", let that be our first and foremost thought. Since the strennous.hand of censor Eiiin has been lifted to a certain ex tent, and sircc wc have been permit ted to 'rive come of the details of our voya;;’c anti experiences, I presume the home people will be interested in haring of some of our actual hap pening “over here.” As this is nov.' Xev/ Y^ear’s Day, and we have the afternoon “oif” I shall spend my time in v.’riting and shall say in the begining that I wish for all the folks at home 365 perfec tly pleasant days. • To tell of all the things we have come in contact with would require too much space, tjierefore, I shall have to confine myself only to a few of the details of our trip. How v.ell v*e remember that mem- 'orablc day of August 8th lOlS^w^hen v.^c set sail for a foreign country not pleasure seeking as many had previ ous to the out break of the war nor were v*e permitted the comfort and luxuries of a first class passenger transport. But we left realizing that v/e were setting out upon a mission greater than that sought for by the pleasure Seekers during all the past year, we were sailing to^a far-away soil not to pay a debt to any particu lar country, but to take our place side by side our allied comrades who had so faithfully during the past four years given their very life blood to save not only their beloved homes from autocracy but the world. Ther- fore we were content even if our comfoft was not first class in every particular. We sailed on an English transport (Nester) accompanied by 14 other troop ships^ there guarded by a num ber of chasers and destroyers.^ Our voj^ge was ratiiter northwM!^ After (Continued on page t«ro)