OL. XXIV BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1919.. NUMBER 7. i;pNT[ST TO CLOSE SATURDAY, FEB. 15, PROMPTLY 6:30 P. M. REGULAR SCHEDULE OF i ^^ VOTES HAS BE^N CHANG- ' proing to spend tomorrow. You very well know that the average American must have his muck stirred at#tiracs aiul now that the contsst is ED TO READ: 6 months. .$ .75. .8,000 votes 1 year 1.50.16,CC0^ votes cnterinj? the c’osein?: hours, the stir- 2 years • • • 3.00.40,000 votes | rinjr will be?:in with mighty furor. Pay no attention to rumors but put fourth Contestants IV^ay Cast for Pub lication 125,000 Votes Ahead of the Leader Feb. 7. THE JUDCF.S The followinjr named jjentlemer. will act as judtros, tabulate and count the votes at the close of the contest at G:oO P. M.; Saturday Febuary 15. Cps Paxton, Chairman. J. Mac Allison, Dr. J. Y. McKinney. your best efforts during? the remaininjr hours of the contest. The following schedule of votes vrill be issued on paid in advance subscriptions to candi dates workinjr in this campaij^n. 3 .$ .7.1. . 8.000 votes 1 vcar.... 1.50..16,000 votes years. . . o.OO. .49,000 votes Brevard Miss Marie Kilpatrick 584,500 The- contest closes tomorrow, Sat.! Tlildred Bryant. .586,500 Febuary 15. promply at 0:30 P. ^C^Vren . . .552,000 At that hour the doors of the contest , Reba Ash u'orth office v. ill be closed and the ballot box ! will be in the hands of the judges and no one will permitted to cast any | more votes Kxccpt, in the event any ;0,500 Loo'.a Saltz Ed ruacizey SPm TRANSIVAMA HAVE DEDIOSTRATOR Never in our history has so much attention ‘ been paid to health as at present. The War Department de mands healthy employees. The State organizes a board of health, and the county follows suit. More time is given in the schools to the teaching of hygiene, so that our little citizens may grov/ into healthy manhood and womanhood. This is because people have come to see that the healthy person, in most cases, is the person who will malce good. A farmer does not want to * THE STORY OF A MERCHANT ♦ ♦ PRINCE * • ♦ ^ There was an old geezer and he * had a lot of sense; * He started up a business on a * dollar-eighty cents. * The dollar for stock and the * eighty for an ad * Brought him three lovely dollars * in a day, by dad; * Well, he boufjht more goods and * a little more space * And he played that system with a smile on his face. * The customers (locked to his two- * by-four EDUCATOR WRITES * j It was with regret that I noted in * : the News that the County Board of * 1 Health had turned down our earnest, * I faithful and efficient County Health * I Officer, Br, Hunt. Yet it is gratifying * j to note that Dr. Wallis purposes to ^ j build up the excellent foundation that 1 has been so effici?ntlv laid by his pre- ¥ j * ^ ^ j dcce;^'?or. It is to b3 hopod that he I will have the hearty cooperation of OVER THERE all the people of the county in his wellbeing. Our legislature is working earnest- hire a hand who cannot put in a hard ; * And soon he had to hustle for a out-of-town contestants v no secures a sul't ription after the- mails have de- parle i, and that t'nesc cnntestanls call ■the jui'y phono an<! notify ihom not later tlian (5:80 n. m. that tiiey have in their no^^se^sion and will r^end th: ni in by tlio next mail. Contest ants who are at the oince before closc ! in ': tln'.e wi'l be allowed to deposit their reserve votes u:itil all ave taken cj'.re o'*. 'Tal:o snro that you have not lost your reserve ballots; malft' doubly ^'ure that they are in the ballot box by or before GioOp. m.; tomorrow. If you h:ive friends tiiat are holil- ing subcriptions for you, get in touch with t'ii-'rii at once and v.'arn them thai they must be given without further delay if they realy v.ant you to have them. Don’t b’ame any one but your self if you are not the winner of the first mize or, in the winning class. There have been no favorites in the . .609,500 . .600,500 I D. . .120,00C . .4S5,000 i;i(: i-'.'ciay ?.Irs. ,!usie TUoeier . Mr.-. I alio:. Crh-.p 145,100 rn-. J. r. Wi’:e 2-11,500 Bs.I'iam Grove ::. :ii;ey . . .218,500 To”r.v/'.y, R. F. D. V:.:ice Galloway 180,000 5oHc?. day’s work when it is needed. Ncith- * er does a housewife employ a sickly woman to do house work, if a strong one is to be had. And the same rule I * applies to business and professional; * folk. One can not be one hundred, i * or even ninety or eighty per cent ef ficient if he is fifty per cent ailing. If fifty persons of average good sense were asked what was the very foundation of good health, probably the v/hole fifty would reply, “proper nourishment.” I That bcinc,' the case, is it not ! L'.trange how many of us eat improper | j food-- icod that is badly cooked and ' that (tcc3 not nourish us? Read the i*e])ort from any school v/hcre tho ch’i(’r;>!i avc; plvc.i a th.oroii'';h phys ical c:;an'ii;:at:or.; it is ama:'.;n;v >o',v niiiny are found io be unt’.or-nourish- eii. That i;ar:; of the worl I’s v.crl: that i'i known ’’irrlv C' “Wc"'-'n’s ' J’.ova ^ViIso^ . . 535,500 | ork,” is not easy. Much of it is Namur Aliss Sr.c Tloatli 85,000 ^Irs. Will 235,500 | <ii?bes, Rosman Aida Vrhite . . . .508,500 PisFC-h Fcrest ?.iiss IMaxiiie Recce ... 528,000 i^'cd Harris 185,000 Mrs. Vr. R. IVarrren . .358,500 rL:;]ly hard manual labor. Even the making of biscuits, the washing of and dusting ihe furniture mean a tiresome sameness, an I a:i everlasting keep-at-it-nc?*;, that are oi'ten more v. : aring than much harder work out doors might bp. In the past, v.omen> who had no servants have done this work—drud- .■U’cry as much of it is—with such pa- ticnce as they could, because they ; work ea regular store Upon the square where the peo ple pass. He gobbled up a corner that was all plate glass. He fixed up the windows with the best that he had And told them all about it in a half-page ad. He soon had ’em coming, and he never, never quit. And ks wouldn’t cut down on his ads one bit. Well, he’s things humming in the town ever since And everybody calls him the Merchant Prince. Some say it’s luck, but that’s all bunk— Why he was doing business when thf! times were punk. People have to purchase and the geezer v/as wise— For !:s knev.' the way to get ’em was to advertise. —Exchange. Eonnetable, France, Jan. 11, 1919. Editor Brevard News. I am by no means a \ writer, but a few words might be of interest to the people back home, even if I do make mistakes. Durin.T my time of nearly six months over here, I have experienced lots of things I never did before. Some of v.’hich arc to be well remembered. But I have had more plesure, and fewer efforts in behalf of thoir phvsicial!, , , • ^ , han'ships than niany of the boys. I sailed from New York on the Eng lish ship, Khyber, carrying a little ! ever two thousand men. There were fourteen ships in the convoy when we started, but for some reason one turn ed back thr, sccond day out. On the thirteen that continued the trip, there- w'ere over tv/eny six thousand yank>. and about five hundred Red Cros-; ladies. All reached this side safely, except one'man, we all had to west our life preservers all the time, in case of danger by meeting with the enemy, but they^ were not needed. The ninth day, a covey of submarines j were located ahead of us by another i shin, an-i reporte l back, but this or.]y \ caured us to ;':o a little distance out I of our v.’ay. The next day we were I joined by a number of submarin.’ ■ chasers, that guarded us into Liver pool. We got a hearty v.'elcome vhlle we v.cre in England, but on\v got to spend rays there. I got to see some of tho councry while we v.er;* crossing it, whil somethin'’' like Franco, is very different to the S'a: -'.. ,j\t South Hampton, we took a bo?.t across the channel, to Le Haure of the State in' matters pertaining to I 4c j prohibition, education, improved high- 4c I ways, ctc. If all the bills udiich arc * i being introduced should become sta- * I tute laws, it w’ould seem that there * I would be no use in the Legislature meeting again for about ten years. The constitution having been amend- * ] ed by an almost unanimous vote of * I the people of the State so as to re- * I quire a six months school term for m I every child in every district in the * ; State, it is “up to” the legi'^lature * ' to give us machirory to ma’:; effec tual this consLitutiop.r’i lav;. It would be a fine thing if, in arranging the “machinery” provision should be ma<]e to furnish the poor children with books at the expense of the State. The Post Oince department of the United States seems to be ir, a hr'althy condition, as evidenced by I\Ir I’urle'^- ?cn’s rc]:ort, v.'hich shov/s a sur'olu=: of nineteen million doiiars for last ' cr.r and over twelve millions for the rrcceeding yeai*. From this report, The many friends of P.lanton Mitchcl! will be ;vk'..’ to ];nov/ that h? is rapidly recovcrir.g fvoni the painful if jury to his eye t-u.^lained recent I;, while piavin;.’; shinnv. Piirose , ticnce as they could, because they ' work easier, and hov/ to do it better ailace Rlistin. .418,000 l thought that to do tedious work from ; Of course we v^ant her., Vv'e v/ant Blaniyre ! seven to fourteen hours a day was | our children to have sound minds in race, and who ever the luclvy ones jricklesimer 305,500 may be at the closeing hour, will have | Etov/ah R F D won honestlv and deserves a lot of | credit. | This has been a long and hard race; | many have dropped by the way side; others have not done their best, and j the ones who have had the courage to | stick to the end and have come out j victorious surely deserve praise from , all. C. E. Merrill . . .195,500 woman’s lot in life, and there was no | sound bodies, and v.c must learn the way out of it. "^Ve have dons our ' best ways to insure this. We v*’ant I work faithfully, but we nov/ begin j our homes as pleasant and comfort- to see that v.’e have not always done { able as we can possibly make them. jatJS it intelligently. Everywhere, women are learning easier and better ways in the kitchen. They are learning that children who eat poorly cooked food, and live in dirty ill-kept houses An interesting meeting was held j jijfely to grov/ into iiuny grown- in the court house Feb. 3rd and at- ; ups. They are realizing as never be- Contest enter in all the affairs of tended by thirty farmers and breed- | that a poorly fed, sluggish body life. The man who starts with noth ing, and worked his way through the obstacles, natural and artificial to com petency, finds himself in a contest at every turn of the road. Measuring one’s power with that wants to make the lives of her work ing, women easier, and the health of her citizens better. For these rea- §rs of registered hogs. The purpose j jrenerally means a sluggish mind, and of this meeting was to organize a | slovenly habits of body make swine breeders’ association in the i gio^gnly habits of mind, county to dispose of the registered ^ our state is one pigs in the county this spring. j those that have come to see that J. E. Morris, state swine specialist of others brings out the best things | from Raleigh, was present and dis- in one. Many never knew their pow-1 cussed the feed and pastures and care { state as the work of the man on ers until thej^r'ieet others in the af- ■ of hogs. Mr. Moses stressed especial- | farm. Our state wants her wo- fairs of life,^Bil are made to measure j ly the permanent pasture of grass, j benefit of modern their capacitl!^with that of other in- i He recommended red clover, rape and j^g^g improved methods. She dividuals who set their minds on at-1 soy beans for temporary pastures, taining a certain goal. j ^ temporary organization . was In this little friendly struggle ' formed with R. H. Zachary as presi- '^any have had the chance to match dent ^nd R. E. Lawrence as secretary i ^j^g gtate is trying to place in their capacity with that of others; to ^antl treasurer to draft by-laws to be ! gg^j^ county a trained woman whose te^ the real depths of their friend- submitted to the next meeting qf tae jjg spent in teaching the slJ^ of others. In their efforts they association, when a perm-nent or- are finding what they can do under | ganizatior will be made, pressure and have learned their ea-' It was the purpose of the associa- pacity as they could not in any other tion to hohi a sale of registered pigs field of effort therefore, the ones who the first part of May in Brevard, liave participated in the contest, Kave ! - received a good, and beneficial train-1 DEATH OF AN INFANT ing course; a training course in which i CJcneva, youngest daughter of Mr. strength and stic!:toit3vness are ^pd Mr?. James Jones, died Feb 6th. tested. 1 (jeneva was born May 13th, 1917. THE MUCKRAKING BEGINS. | Interment was in Glazener’s grave- Don’t be too credulous about what, yard. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are re- il would seem ar'- if the “zone system”, | France. There is where I heard my (I'Scrimiaating against sc^'ond f^l^^ss j He came ou‘, .hi? .er, r,ii,e:hc bo t y-ntnsed W’>-h. j th-'ro, but the* lhat hjstem Vvas abolished in 1863 only damage done, was to the civi- b> 1 res.uent Lincom. It ’.s now op- tovv'n, a little way from carap., }.o.-ed b> Presuient v\ iison aiid most j four different places in Oi-her i,rue Americans. It seems, also, j prance, during the time I was in train that we might be given our tv\0 cent | before going to visit the Hun. ?Jost of the time being in small towns postage rate. Bolshevism seems to be a disease where there were onlv a few soldiers and we must learn the best ways of making them so. We want more time for rest and for reading and to visit our friends, so we must learn to do our Vvork in less time. What woman is there Vv’ho does not want these i things? The state is anxious for us to have a home demonstrator and will pay half of her salary and even provide her a car, so she can come right to your very doors, hov/ever far you may live in the country. The County Board of Education will provide one fourth which is far worse than the “Flu” in When our battalion w'ent to the front, that it is destroying, not only the lives it was to join the Second Army Corps of thousands of people, but is also | directing the twenty seventh aiid weakening judgement, dethroning rea | thirtieth divisions, that were working son, annihilating goverment and play-1 with the English. At that time they ing the devil in genera?. We notice i had just crossed the Hindcnburg line, in some of the dailies a statement! At Bellecourt, about five miles back you will hear regarding how many , covering from the influenza, votes this contestant has or how muc^ The sympathy of the coi nraunity money this one; that one and tht goes out to them in their trying hours. the work of the woman in the home is quite as important to the welfare of ^ salary. Our County Commis sioners want to see Transylvania wo men have as good advantage as can be had in any county in the state At the same time, the Commissioners feel that they must consider the wish es of the people, and they do not feel justified in appropriating the remain ing fourth of the salary required unless they are assured that the Home Demonstrator is really desired by the women of the county. If the women from all parts of the county, through their Clubs, Better ment Associations, through the teach ers in their district schools, or even through p</rsonxii letters will let our County Commissioners know that they earnestly v.'ant a Home Demcn- strat6r, we are assured of having one. Speak out women! Let’s take a step forward and have some of our drudgery a few steps behind. M. C. J. Written by request. women and girls the best ways and the labor-saving ways of doing the work of the home. This especially includes the work done by w’omen who live on farms. Women of Transylvania, would you like to have such a woman in our county? A woman who will come to your schools and teach your girls to be good cooks and housekeepers— thus lifting some of the load from mother’s over-burdened shoulders. A woman who will come right to your ovm neighborhood and show you and your neighbors how to make your that a new paper entitled “The Devil” has made its appearance in Fetrograd. It is being published by the Sovietes for the sole purpose of attacking churches and religion in general. Ar ticles in the first issue, it is said an nounce a plan to close fifty churches in Petrograd, impose a special tax on church goers, and forbid religious teachings in schools. It seems to be a fact that hell breaks loose every- of where w^e were stationed is where they lost so heavily, by the Germans being in an underground tunnel and coming out behind them. They had only been there a few days Avhen they were relieved and sent back for a rest, while they were mak- ing their way past us, even they had seen some of as harding fighting as was done, they didn’t look like they were going to a picnic at this time where Bolshevism is in evidence, and | They were making their way along it is no wonder “The Devil” has ap peared in Petrograd. Lots and lots of people work for the devil while pretending to be on the other side; but the Bolshevists brazenly take their stand by the side of the devil and work opnly for his satanic maj esty. It is a cause for much .latitude to note with what speed and enthusiasm the states of the American Union have ratified the eighteenth amend ment to our Federal Constitution. This swift and deccisive action against the manufacture and sale of steadily in a continous rain fall. Out of the excitement of shell fire, and nothing to keep one’s face from show ing the tired wornout feeling, from the long hike with a pack, after being in the trenches. Sometimes it was almost impossible to have meals justs at the desired time, in a case like that. I was never any closer the front lines, than Corps Headquarters, and ^’hile our officers were doing every thing possible to avoid this, we were not suprised if we had a breadless meal. But we can all feel proud now that the war is over, and hope that no intoxicating liquors is an evidence of, one ever have to face another one th accuracy of the statement of Rev. j like it. George R. Stuart that ‘our present j Thanking you for the pleasure I Christian civilization is too good for have gotten out of your paper, that the abominable, rotten demoralizing has been sent to ma regularly, and saloon to live in much longer. As for allowing me space for this letter. sure as God lives and society moves, this traffic has got to die, because it is out of harmony with the age in i which we live. j T. C. HENDERSON CLYDE CASE Rev. W. H. Davis has returned te his home at Pisgah Forest from a visit to Spartanburg, S. C.^

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