r eva r d OL. XXIV BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1919 NUMBER 9 BOARD OF DffiECTORS IT. CO. MEET TODAY REMINISCENCES The members of the board of di rectors of the Transylvania Tanning Company will hold a meeting this afternoon for the purpose of making readjustments necessary after the fire •f last week which completely de- stroyed the main buihling of the local plant. At the time of the fire the building contained a full stock of hides ready for shipment. Jmost two hundred employees ^thrown out of work as a result of the fire and the matter of eliminat ing the possibility of any confusion arising from this condition was im mediately taken up and successfully It will be well remembered that in those days , we had no newspapers to read and very few books, and the peo ple in the main were naturally in clined to be superstitious, and nearly all the old men were hunters, and when together, they had to talk about The hunters would tell of their ad ventures and narrow escapes and the women would tell ghost stories, es pecially the darkey women, for they all had seen ghosts. The youngsters would collect in the kitchen to hear them and often I have been scared , until I Viras afraid to go from the kit- I chen to the house alone. I Near the top of the Rockey Hill managed by J. S. Silversteen, presi- j ^he north side of the road, there dent of the Transylvania Tanning Co. | "’as said to be Indian ^aves, and on It is understood that the directors the south, hard by, was Jim’s grave of the company will be able to an- hill. The^ darkeys and some white nounce their decision as to whether ^said this was an ideal location, or not the plant will be rebuilt at once ! Further down the hill, some pecul- at the close of the meeting this after- noises had been heard for years and were still being heard which were noon. “ The following members of the di rectorate are to be present at the meeting: Messrs. Brown, Murphy and Shell of Chicago, and Messrs. Ponder, Schain and Dworetzky of New York. The plant which was destroyed last Wednesday morning was said to be one of the most modernly equipped establishments of its kind in the south. During the war the entire output of the enterprise was turned over to the government. variously described. Sometimes a low moan like something in distress, at other times like the scream of a child and sometimes loud and keen after the order of the night havrk. I As to these noises, that is no joke. Nearly everybody in the county at sometime or other, day or night, had heard it. This scribe never heard it, but was always expecting to, but had maJe up his mind that when he did hear it, he would not be standing, I and when compelled to pass that way, he was ready to move at the slightest notice. When I was about seventeen, my father was havinp: all the big trees cut down near the road on Rockey Hill. There is no farm complete without Two large oaks stood r\^ar the road, a home orchard containing apple, when the axmen felled one of those peach, plum, and cherry trees and the yell was raised, “We’ve grape vines which has fruit ripeninu’ found the ‘hant.’ ” Two big limbs had all thru the season, and yet when \\c p;ro\vn cross each other. By the force visit the farn'.s over the county we wind, they had worn nearly in find only a few home orchards that j^oj-e noises after that, are well kept and properly sprayed , these day's the r.iountains and and i>runcd. In'.s county is especially unis v.ere alive with wiki animals and adapted to raisins ar.ples if the trees Roekey Hill seemed to be have proper care taken oi Lheni. i Ir.‘ erossln.a: place for wolves from the apples rai.sed in tins seciion arc much Creek mountains down to better flavored txian the northern ao- Loaf, and river swani^is. This PIART AN OSCHARl pies. Grapes are especially adapted to the mountain scctioii and rarely ever miss bcarin?; a .cood crop of fruit. If you haven't already a "ood home or chard, plan to set out a few trees and vines this sprin;j: during the month of March. is v.hcre the Uncle John accounts for ‘‘bo;ries” bein.o: seen on the Rockey Hill. Here pest boy }?ct scared. Duck met somcthii'.A' i'a the road there one ni.-rfnt, that didn't suit hir.i a little bit. One night Je';<tha Hamlin had something jump in the road right before him and seemed to bo going la order to promote the home or- j.-p going. chard the sate Horticulturist has got- ppom the best information that y:e l'_n out bulletins which are free for could gather, they v.ere both in a the asking, recommending the variet- hurry. ics .jcs- adapted for the home oichard. BUT, when those wild animals were Several nurherieo in the state hc.\e driven back into the moun- made special prices on trees ana \ ines Rockey Hill became civilized, for an acre orchard, provided it is kept properly pruned and sprayed, and only one is set out to the town ship. H. L. Hutt i;ssislant State Hortlcul- tur^\. will be in the county from the IjJf'o th3 13th of March to hold •PJn.oustrations in pruning and spray ing and setting out trees in different parts of the county. R. E. LAWRENCE COUNTY AGENT RELIEF IN THE NEAR EAST “The Food Administrator endorses and is giving every possible assist ance to the American Committee for Relief in the Near-East,” declared County Food Administrator, Thonas H. Shipman to a News reporter. Not only Mr. Hoover but President Wilson the Red Cross and all well informed American philanthropists are earnest ly concerned for the success of the campaign for $30,000,000 which is to be used for the relief and rehabilita tion of Armenia and Syria. “The work is to be carried on in much the same manner as the Belgian Relief has been conducted, and there is need for haste. Thousands of Arm enians, Syrians and Greeks in the territory alfected are facing actual starvation. Several hundred thou sands have starved. Amofig the mil lions of suffering are 400,000 orphans THE PRAYER CORNBt For a Just and True Democracy at Home. President Lincoln defined'Democ racy to be the “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” This is a sufficiently compact state ment of is as a political arrangement. Theodore Parker said that Demo cracy meant not “I’m as good as you arc, but you’re as good as I am.” And this is the ethical conception of it, necessary as a complement of the other. In this sense Christ was the first true Democrat that ever breath ed. As the old dramatist said: “He was the first true gentleman.” The characters may be easily doubled. f?o strong is the likeness between them. A beautiful and profound parable of the Persian poet Jellaladeen, tells us that “One knocked at the Beloved’s door, and a voice asked from within, “who is there?” and he answered. ‘ It is I.” Then the voice said. “This All European countries are facing j house will not hold me and thee,” and want themselves and it is Amenica’s the door was not opened. Then went opportunity and duty to step in and the lover into the desert, and fasted save these people from starvation and prayed in solitude and after a and help them to their feet again, j year he returned, and knosked again The relief fund is not only to buy at the door, and again the voice asked, food but to provide seeds also, so j “Who is there?” and he said, “It is that these people may at once become ! thyself,” and the door was opened self supporting. “After all it is but an accident that it is the people of Europe and Near- to him. But that is idealism, you say, and this is a practical Vvorld. Very true. East who are starving and crushed I believe the real will never find an and bleeding instead of our own peo-1 irremovable basis until it rests on pie. The people over there are of the the ideal. same race and blood as our people. In the face of the tragedy through Let us pray: That we may strive to know in which the v.’orld hass passed we Vvould practice, as well as in theory, the be inhuman indeed to be content v. ith r.ieaning of true democracy, our peace, plenty and prosperity and That to this end, we may ask our- look on whild thousands starve for selves, each one of us, what v/e really AT THE METHODIST CHURCH. Sunday School begins pror When we left that country in-1857, Rockey Kill Vv'as under the tongue of good report. The people in that clay and age were limited in education and general knowledge but tlrjy were honest, hon orable and conscientious. Their mot to was, “Do justly, love mercy, fear God.” While these principles were implanted in the hearts of the chil dren, those superstitions and ghost stories were also implanted in them. The result was a generation of cwo- ards. (I mean nig]»/ cowards.) I I'iiov.' this by expgfrience. It had one • « o 0^ect, 'fi kept young people at 'ii . ,e at night. in conclusion: Grown up in an what we could provide without sac rifice.” W. E. BISHOP AND CO. mean by “Christain Brotherhood?” Do those who serve us in any capac ity find us just, considerate, trust in spiring’?” Do we carry our religion into our dealinjis with them? I j Almighty God, the Father of our ‘“The people of this town and coun- Lord Jesus Christ, we commend to ty want another up-to-date hardv.are Thy continual care the fa:::ilies of the store and I’m going to do every thmg American })oople and the homes in in my power to give it to them,” said ^vhich they dv.elL Put far from them Vv. S Bishop to News representative v*e pray Thee, the desire of vain to-day While he was talking ivlr. jjlory, the pride of life, and evei’y root riishop was watclung the v.ork of a of bitterness. Endue them v.ith number of carpenters who were put- faith, temperance, patience and God- ti?;g the finishing touches to the ad- ]i„ess. Knit together in constant af- ditions which are now being made to fection those v.ho in holy v.'edlock the building occupied by the Bishop have been made one flesh, twine the Hard.v;are Co. | hearts of the fathers of the children, Mr. E’i:hop states that he will put in ' the hearts of the children to their a full line of hardware and paints, fathers, and so kindle charity among He also plans to carry a complete us all, that we may be evermore kind- stock of crockery wares and china. ]y affectionate with brotherly love. The number of years successful exper, go shall a true and just democracy ience which he has had in dealing with he established among us, based upon the people of this county will be of those principles of freedom, equality, value to his customers as well as to justice and humanity, for which his firm in the conduct of its enlarged American patriots sacrificed their enterprise. i lives and fortunes, and this we ask A large display advertisement of ' for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. PRESIDENT WILSON DEFIES THOSE WHO OPPOSE A LEA6DE OF NATIONS this firm will appear in the neys next week. Judge H. B. Carter, Division Col- C. D. C. k i'iiL 9:45 (The missionary offering a: io\/ni ed to $18.90 last Sunday) The pastor will preach at the morn- age without books or papers; almost ing hour on, “THE INN0VAT10| S without schools or churches; no means QV m'oI;ov.n'ne; the sermon of obtaining general information; the Lord’s Supper will be administer- knovd.ig only so n.udi of the world as we could see from the top of the The theme of the evening sermon is Cagle Mountain, did they make a “NEVER—THE—LESS”. success or a failure? Seems like I Preaching by the pastor at Oak heard that some of this generation Last Friday evening the Boy Scouts of Brevard entertained a number of lector, will be in Brevard from March ; their younc: lady friends at the home 6th to 10th to assist all persons who | of the scoutmaster, Rev. J. R. Hay. have to make out reports for Federal! They enjoyed a number of novel Income Tax. | games, such as “Blov/in;!,-,” Scouts' Judge Carter will be at the Bre-! Nose,” and a Candy Knocking, vard Banking Co. office,and will as- William Perkins won the prise at the sist interested parties in making out knocking, it was a box of Liggetts. He their tax feports. SPECIAL KTING The ir.a:ons vrill hold a c’^ecial meci presented it to his partner, Marjorie Cook; she au«tioned off and will give the money to buy a basket ball for the play. pToinui. Present in ad dition to the Rcr. ’t3, were Mrs. Fred r.r.r.r •. ' .’.^Torclcy and Misses ing Friday, the 28th for work in the^j^j;^.. Dor.;thy Silversteen, Mar- Grove, also, at 3:30 P. M. at sometime had broke into the Leg- third degree. jjorie ' coi;, 'vlaud Bryson, Edith islature, but I never heard what for. Hunt, 'Mildred. Trantham, Georgia Bur J. R. HAMLIN. Note—My next article will be on schools. rell, riary Blythe, Irene McMinn, Mil dred Bryant, Rowena Orr, and Louise Townsend. Mechanics Hall, Boston, Feb. 24.— The text of President Wilson’s ad dress here is as follows: Governor Coolidge, Mr. Mayor, Fellow Citizens: I wonder if you are half as glad to see me as I .am to see you. It warms my heart to see a great body of my fellow citizens again, because in some respects dur ing the recent months I have been very lonely indeed v/ithout your com radeship and counsel, and I tried at every step of the work v/hich fell to me to recall what I was sure would be your counsel with regard to the great matters which were under con sideration. I do not want you to think that I have not been appreciative of the ex traordinary reception which was giv en to me on the other side, in saying that it makes me very happy to get home again. I do not mean to say that I was not very deeply touched by the cries that came from the great crowds on the other side. But I want to say to you in all honesty that 1 felt them to be a call of greeting to you rather than to me. I did not feel that the greeting was personal. I had in my heart the over-crowning pride of being your representative and of receiving the plaudits of men everywhere who felt that your hearts beat with theirs in those ?Tre:it crowds. It was not a tone of mere greeting; it was not a tone *f mere generous v,clcome; it was the calling of comrade to comrade, T;he cries that come from men who say, “We have waited for thip. day wh?n the friends of liberty should come across the sea and shake Irinds with us, to see that a new world w?s con structed upon a new basis aad a founds tion of justice and right.” Inspired by Crowd’s Voices. I can’t tell you the inspiration that came from the sentiments that come out of those simp!« voices of the crowd. And the proudest thing I have to report to you is that this great conatry nf ours is trusted tnroughout the world. I hiivo not come to report the pro ceed In.^s or the results of the pro- ceodirir ' of the peace confi'rence; that would be prorn-iture. I can say that I have roce'vod very happy im- pres.sions from this conference ‘the iinpression tliat wh-lo there are n'.any differences of jud.'Tinent, while tl'ere are so:ui' divprjTonces of object, thero i3 noverthelf'i'.s a conmDn a;)ir’’r ind a common rral'zntion (.f tT'.e n'^ce^^^ity of seU-np: un new sti'.ndL.rds i<f ri”:ht in tl’.p world. Bccnuse the inr i v’ho r^rr* in con ference in Paris ronl'z? '•s kf'oniy as any Amo!-i;v‘;n c:’n ' rcalirio th;;t thry are not l!io n’.;i‘’^trrs of thf'ir pof'plo; that they are the servarts of the’" people. ;-nd th^t the spirit of their people has a\val:t'ntf^d to :i npvr par- poso ar;d a nev.- fiovcnpt’on f?f pov.'or io re:;!:5re that r>-'rpo'.e, and that no man dare go home from that coTifer.^nce and re'i'>rt aiiytainrc l''-s •> noliif^ thru v'as er’i''.ted of it. Why Corf?r>*ncc 3'~v.'!y.” The conference se'^ni"; to ynn to "o slowlv; from dav to d y in J’ar':^ i! seems to so clovry; Init I worider i? you rea1:::e the c;^r plrxiti” of liio task whi(di it has u-id. rtakrn. It seem.-- as if the :-.'‘ttl':‘rr.o:'.i'', of this war af fect, and affect directly, every great, and I sometim.es think every small, nation in the vrorld, and no ono d-^- c Is ion can prtidenl’y ho ^lad' whi-'h is not pvopr'rly I’n’ ed wiih the great I serier. of cl’ier dr>cis:pns which must rccoinpany it. And it must he reck oned ii' v.-i+h tho final result if tho real e.n lily and ch iracter of that re sult is to he properly judged. Y/hnt v.’e ai'e doing is to hear the v/liclo cane; licar it from the mouths of the men most interpreted; h^ar it from those who arp r.tnciaHy commis sioned to state it; hear the rival claims; ho"r the cl .i'.ns that affert new nationalities, t^i. t aiTect new areas of the world, that affect tew commercial and econom’c connections that have been e^^lahlished by the great ^’orld war thvourrh vrhich - we have gone. And I have been strucl-: by the ni'.deratene'v, of thoro who have represented national cLvIms. I can testify that I have nov/hero ,'een the j:;!c'.'.m of passion. I Iiave seen earncstresr;. I have seen t ars com^e to the eyes of men who rl?;aded f(^ down-trodden people whom they were privile?;3d to speak for; bi’t they were not the tear:; of they verc the tears cf ardent hope And I do/''.’t rey l.ovv' r:;v fiian can ?a;l to I'.'v.'' i'C'on pleas, subdued to the f: el’:v' that he was not there to a* eri an indi vidual judgment of his o\\m but to try to assist the cause of humanity. AS! Look to Amrrica. And !.i the midst of it all, ever:^ interest seeks out, first of all. when it readies Pariff, the repreoentatlves of the United States. Why? Because —and I think I am stating the most wonderful fact in history—because there is no nation in Europe that suspects the motiYes of the United States. Was there ever so wonderful a thing seen before? Was there ever so moving a thing? Was there ever any fact that so bound the nation that had won that esteem forever to deserve it? I would not have yo*i understand that the great men who represent the other nations there in conference are disesteemed by those who know them. Cuit the contrary. But you under^ stand that the nations of Europe have again and again clashed with one an other in competitive interest. It is impossible for men to forget those sharp issues that were dra .vn between them in times past. It is impossible for men to believe that all ambitions have all of a sudden b"en foregone. They remember territory that was coveted; rhev remember rights that it was attempted to extort; they re- member political ambitions which it v/as attempted to realize—and while they believe that men hrave come into a different temper, they canrfot for get these things, and so they do not resort to one another for a dispa» sionato view of the matters in con- i troversy. They resort to that nation ) which has won the enviable distinc tion of being regarded as the friend of mankind. Whenever it is desired to send a small force of soldiers to occuoy a piece of territory where it is thought nohcdy else will be welcome, they ! a -k for American soldiers. And ! v^’here other soldiers would be lockf’d ■ upon with suspicion, and nerhaps meet wtih resistance, the American soldier is welcomed with arc’?im. Many Grounds for Pride. I have had so m»ny irrounds for j pride on the other side of the water j that I am vpry thankful rhat they I are not grounds for perscnal pr'de I I’f* he the mo?t F.tuck-r.p man in the world. And it has "been an infinita pipa'=ure to mf> to see those gallant soldip~s of o'.Tr?!, of whom the con- { stitution of the United States made me thf' proud CGmmaiulor. You nay j he prond of the Tv’enty-<?'xth division, I i)ut T comm.anded the Twenty-sixth ! division, and see wliat they did I T-ndnr my direct'on. and everybody j rrnls'TS Ihc Amer'c'’n soldier v/ith the I fr;p!irn in praising he is sub- ^ trrcting from the credit of no one cfse. I havr> he'^n Foarchirg for the fun- dap’ental fact that conv'^'-'-nri i-Tnnne to boliove in U". Before this war Eu- rcno did net hplievr> in as she does I new. She did' net hr'iieve in us ! throughout the first throe years of ! the war. She re'^ms reallv to h:ive : holinvpd that we vrare ho’ding off he- j cause wp thojTr^.t v.’e co:ild nako mere i by stayina: out tl'.an by ?o;r.g in. And I a’l of a !-'uddan. in o 'rhort innnth;^. ith'^ whole verdict is r^v'vp'^d. The”e 1 can ho hut one crcnlanat^nn for it j Thpy '^aw V'hat v^e did—that wtihout i making ;> slncie claim \va put all “^ur men and all cur m ans r.1- thp dis* : on'al of ;’ic3c who were fighting for I Ihair hcmos. in thjo in.=?lance. but i for a cause, the caure of human ri^shts and justice, and that we went in, not to support their national c'aims;, but *o eiippert th.a gront cause v,-h!c!i th'-" in commor'. And vs’h.en the" sav*' that America net cn’y held ideals, but ?(t?d ideals, they warp .'','nvertad to A^’uerica and brr-.-^nip tirm partisans of those ideals. Fi'Tet Greek Schol.^rs. I met a group of scholars when I was in Pr.ris—some gentl^m-'n from one of tha Croe^c tiniverr.itin?^ vrho had come to see. and in whose prerence, or ratlier in the presence of those tradi tions cf learning. I felt very young ■‘r'lpf'd. * I told them that I had one o! the deli?rhf:'al ravenges that sometimes comes to a man. All my life I had h^ard men sneak with a sort of con- rte.'sconsion of ideal.s and of idealists, and particularly those separated, gD' cloistered hcrizons whom they- choose to term academic, who were in the habit of uttering ideals’ in the free atmosphere when they clash with no bod:/ in partci\ilar. And I said I have had this sweet revenge. Speaking with perfect frarkne~s, in the name of the people of the States, I have uttered ss the ohjrcts of thi<? r.rcr.t v/nr ide-als, and not;-'!ng hut ide.-:?3, and the war Tvren w 'r-' wifh ten?? muscle j and loTo^ed head until the/ came to vealiz? those things, feeling they were fighting for their lives and their countrj\ r.nd when these accents of what i^ v.'as all kbout reached thom from America they lifted their head^, ♦hey raised their eyes to helveii.

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