Brew rd 4 OL. XXIV BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1919. NUMBER 10. RESOLUTION BY BREVARD CLUB The Following Resolution Was Passed at tbe Meeting of the BreTard Club . .Tuesday. The Brevard Club acting as it does, as a Board of Trade taking an active interest in all business enterprises intended for the upbuilding and gen eral welfare of the community, such HOME DEMONSTRA TOR ASSURED A forward step was taken by the County Commissioners Monday when they decided to co-operate with the County Board of Education; and the State in the employment of a home demonstrator in the County. The Home Demonstration Agent will do PROGRmVE MEIfl- ODS IN CHURCH Transylvania County is certainly fortunate in having among her bus iness and professional men believers in the use of the most progressive methods known to their work. One of our most ardent believers in pro gressive methods who is willing to BOOSTYOURTOWN work with the women and girls of tbe practice what he belives is Rev. J. R. County along similar lines as is being as i^roducing men, both local and | done by County Agent, R. E. Law- to locate and establish bus- rence among the men, boys and girls. ineslK3re for the development of our This jady will aid the girls and women natural resources, the employment of jn canning, cooking, sewing and in labor etc. and assuring such estab-, lishments the good will and hearty cooperation of this organization take this occasion for a largely attended meeting, by the membs^ of the club together with a number of business men of the town and county to ex press our deep feeling of regret for the occurrence of the disastrous fire of last week which consumed the main building and contents of the Transylvania Tanning Co. The loss amounted to many thou- neumerous ways in and around the | home. We welcome this ne«r worker in our midst. YOUR HEALTH Water is in common Avith air, jtbun- dant and a necessity for life, like air, ^ it can be pure and impure. It is cap able of dissolving substances that are beneficient and injurious, also of hold- j I 4c I * * ❖ On the map now put your town * So that it will gain renown. * Every advantage you must show * If you would have your town. * grow. ing many things in suspense. That sand dollars and seriously affects the ' man may possess health he needs wat- material interest of the town and I er for drinking and for keeping the surrounding country. | body clean. Care should be taken to The sincerest sympathy is hereby insure an ample supply from a source extended to the company for their ^ that is not polluted, and it would be great loss and the misfortune to all p;ood judgment to have a proper an- concerned is deeply deplored, and we alysis at least twice a year of the sup- earno&tly hope how soon the organi-* i ply, for each home—in location" zation may begin rebuilding and go (hvcllin£!,s and outbuildings—whether forward with the enterprise. j in town or country, the relation of all We also assure them of best wishes the buildings to the water supply is and hearty cooperation realizing as worthy of great care as it has been we do the great benifit the county frequently shown that drainage from has derived from this, and their kind-jclosets used by the inmates of the red enterprises in our county. j home as well as that from farm buiid- Moved that a copy of this resolu- ^ ings has been responsible for many tion be sent to Mr. J. S. Silversteen : cases of illness, some fatal. Even if Rev. John R. Hay Hay, who has produced remarkable results within the past few weeks with the development campaign which he has been conducting at the David son River Church. The activity of this church has increased tenfold within a month, as a result of the sys tematic information given to the peo ple by Mr. Hay through display ad vertising. If printer’s ink is valuable to the work of the church it certain ly must be absolutely necessary to commercial undertakings. Also bear this fact in mind: Encourage an inter-urban line Touching towns that are close by. Strangers will came here and buy. Serve home produce in each ho tel; The number of guests, then you’ll swell. On each table flowers place; Clean linen have for their base Tourists like a change of scene. To auto traveling they lean. You will find that good roads pay; They’ll bring trade in every way. Freely advertise your town Until it has gained renown; To it people then will flow; Then you can say, watch it grow. —Douglas Wier. METHODIST PASTORS TO GET SALARY RAISE SERIOUS ACCIDENT and his associates. TRANSYLVANIA INVENTION death does not result from illness it is far away the most costly exper- An almost fatal accident occurred near the Gloucester Lumber Com- pariys’ Camp last Friday morning ience the family can have, to say when Paul Brooks was caught beneath rothing of the suffering. It was not a falling tree. The victim suffered so long ago the custom to charge a a skull fracture and numerous other majority of human woes to the visi- serious injuries. Dr. English of Ros- I tation of a higher power. It may be man reached the scene of the acci- | than Holy Scripture on this point. Transylvania County has another ^ut we are endowed with qualities <!ent within a short time and immed- ! “He that gathered much had nothing ! ... 1 claim to fame, not only in North Car- of observation and of memory also, iately left with the injured man for over; he that gathereth little had no olina but in every place on the face Manv of us can remember for in- Asheville where he was taken to the lack.” THE PRAYER CORNER FOR INDUSTRIAL PEACE We hold fast the head; but all the members live and move, and now are knit together. The blood of man flows througli us; the brother is ours, and his discoveries and his thoughts and his vrorJs; are all native, and all are welcome now. Of the true Christ ian it can be said. “True and kind, and the ebb and flow Of all mans hearts go through him.’ Let Us Pray That we may all, rich and poor alike, see more clearly the duty and dignity of labor. Nothing can be more democratic of the earth. For a Transylvanian , stance when yellow fever was thought Mission Hospital. “Six days thou shall labor” thou has this week perfected an invention * of ^s something to be borne, to be Mr. Brooks had been in training and thy son and thy daughter, not which Vv’ill eliminate half the troubles fled from, until some one or some at Camp Sevier for several months ; only thy maidesrvant and thy man- of legislative bodies and the chief persons more observant than others and had received honorable discharge j servant.” cause of worry to a large proportion in some way found it on a species of from the army but a few weeks ago. of the population of the world and i mosquito. Now with the carrier out Latest advices from Asheville are especially Western North Carolina. A. H. King is the inventor and the machine is the Transylvania Road , Typhoid fever, caused by a special | Drag, simple in construction, easy to ] jjerm, is transmitted in many cases ; operate, and unfailingly efficient.. j ty the water supply, as in deed are : Mr. King has been trying out the ; ^ number of other human ills. When the results of its work feel sure that the good roads problem in this county is very near a solution. NO EXJENTION of TIME FOR INCOME TAX RETURNS Injbtnal Revenue Commissioner instructed Collector Watts thati|o ireneral extention of time be- yond^March 15 for filing income and excess profits returns by individuals, firm and corporations and the i>ay- ment of the first quarterly payment of the tax due on or before that l;>te will be granted. This is necessita'r<i by the condition of the Trea-'Ur. There are Treasury Certificates < f Ii. debtedness approximating $80( ,00(i. 00 maturing March 15th, and the first quarterly payment for income and ex cess profits taxes is needed to take up these certificates. Blanks will be sent out as soon a<5 the Revc:rc:2 Dill bccoincs law, and Deputy Collectors and other Revenue officers will go to every county to assist taxpayers with their returns. Notice of the times and places will be published in the papers. The school authorities of the coun try were urged to join in the Gover- ment Campaign to make Thirft a hap py national habit in a telegram sent by Secretary Glass of the Treasury Department to the National Educa tion Association in convention at Chi cago. Secretary Glass asked that the teaching of Thrift be made a part of the school Curriculum during 1919. The telegram follows: “To the members of the National Education Association assembled at Chicago I wish to extend the sincere appreciation of the Treasury Depart ment for the assistance rendered by the members of the teaching profes sion in the Liberty Loan and War Sav ing Campaigns during the past year. Besides being of immediate value in meeting the financial needs of the Gov pect that when stored in the soil it Neill, E. C., Bowen, J. P., McCall, A. this war, a happy solution to the vex- j these campai^^ns have been a v/ould act in this way. A large num- B., Bryson, J. M., Summey, J. W., ed relationships of capital and labor. Permanent \alue toJ;he councrj, in en ber of these things are not onjy not Patton, J. M., Ashworth, P. J., Mof- employers and employed, harmful, but beneficial as iron, sul- fitt, E. F., Garren, J.L., Merrell, J. B., 1 A PRAYER FOR INDUSTRIAL phur, lime, potash, and other prop- Clark, C. R., Hinkle, Perry, Gash, J. ■ PEACE of the way yellow fever, which has to the effect that hope is now enter- claimed its thousands, is contracted, taincd for his recovery. “If a man will not work, neither shall he eat.” “To learn and labor truly to get thine own living,” is the teaching of the church to every child. “There is a much higher thought, thy father worketh hither to, and I The list of jurors for the term of work.” He is indeed all life, all love; LIST OF JURORS new machine on some of the roads , i speak of pure water I mean water court beginning April 14 are as fol- pure life, working for love; an endless near town and those who have seen free from injurious matter, for when lows: we remember its great power to dis- ; solve many substances we would ex- : First Week Aiken, Charlie, Grogan, W. H., ! numberless act of Joyful giving.’ Let Us Pray That God will grant, it may through Nasheville, Tenn., March 1 Many Methodist ministers in every Southern and Western State who have been trying to exist, on infinitesimal incomes during the past years will have their salaries raised within the next few months. This very practical and definite step is to be taken by the Methodist Cspiscopal Church, South, following the financial drive of that denomination in April. The drive, which has.$35,000,000 as its goal, has been undertaken with a view to put ting the work of the church on a bus iness basis, the raising of the salaries of their underpaid pastors being con sidered one of the first matters of importance. There are 866 salaries now $400 or less which will be raised to $600; 588 salaries now $600 and $700 which will be raised to $1000 a year; 637 sal aries from $700 to $800 to be raised to $1000; and 180 salaries ranging from $800 to $900 which will also be raised to $1000. The supplementing of these salaries will require $2,850, 000 during the forthcoming five years and the success of the Centenary drive will make their increase immed iately possible. Practically every city and tow'n throughout the length and breadth of Southern Mehtodism will be affected it is declared at the headquarters of the denomination in Nashville, and every Methodist man and woman who pulls to on the Centenary drive will be helping to make possible better and happier living conditions for the underpaid pastors in their midst. EXPERIENCES OF A SOLDe IN FRANCE TO TEACH THRIFT coucaging habits of spending intelli gent saving and investment. These habits of saving and patriotism, en couraged and stimulated by the nec essities of the war, will have a great permanent value to the country if applied to its develoment in time of peace. The teachers of the country by their daily contact with the child ren who are to be its future citizens can do much to influence them in teaching good citizenship and thrift. It is therefore my earnest request that the school authorites throughout . J — »». v^., „. ij., tney, rememoermg x,nai, u:ie is iiiair ^ ^ i School in a two-days session Nicholson, W. H., Fisher, S. F. i_ i __ i 1 the country incorporate the teaching L., Tinsley, John C., Osteen, LaFay- O Lord, our Heavenly Father, whose I ette, Merrell, T. G., Fisher, Lee R., only son, Jesus Christ; toiled as a j Glazener, G. L., Williams, J. M., Max- crafts man upon the earth and bade j well, J. C., Cooke, Howard, Allen, T. us see the likeness of the Kingdom . L., Reid, E. D., Sherill, D. M., Justus, of heaven in the business and calling I G. M., Norton, F. G., Orr, Everett, of the merchant, and the Pioughman ; Galloway, Flem, Breedlove, J. A., Gil- and the House holder calling laborers j lespie, Ed, Chapman, L. R., Kilpat- into the vinyard; W'e beseech Thee to :— I rick, Luther, Hollingsworth, L. W., send the peaceable spirit of Thy grace ' hr^pi^li^school■tedchors of Tran- Kilpatrick, R. P., Patton, J. J., White, on all masters and workn'ion, may met in the Brevard B. B., Garren, A. C., Morris, W. L., they, remembering that One is their ^ I Master in heaven, so honor Thee erties too numerous to mention. Very sincerely, W. J. WALLIS, COUNTY TEACHERS MEET. Ifbginiiiug last Friday. The teachers devoted their atten- and one another in their sevral voca- Second Week. Glazener, E; C., Owen, Griffen, tions that due and rightful wages be tion both days to the study of the Collins, S. P., TVhitmire, Mark, Mull, paid, and willing service rendered, Rea ling Circle work outlined by the W. P., Orr, S. M., Graveley, W. C., with singleness and loving kindness G ; '« board of education. • McCall, S. E., Olney, W. H., Lamance, of heart; to the end that, in the order I ctu:':' v/as made of each C. H., Fisher, I. S., Allison, E. A., ing and handiwork of their craft may department of county school work Reece, W. C., Merrell, J. L., Nelson, be their prayer, and that in factory and the discussions were led by Miss O. W., Paxton, W. H., Jackson, F. V., , and mine and field, without bitterness T ! er of high school work. Miss Horn Lyday, W. H., Lyday, D. E., Hinkle, and strife, each may receive, accord- aday, primary work, and I'rof. Ben- W. H., Alexander, C. O., Allison,' L.! ing to his power, through Jesus Christ nett of elementary work. (H,. Mills, J. K., Orr, R. E. our Lord, Amen. ! of thrift in the school curriculum for 1919.’ AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES The regular service will be in the hands of the committees on the drive. There will be five five-minute talks by members of the congregations out lining the plan for the Drive and congregational canvass. Following is a letter to Dr. and Mrs. W.' M. Lyday from their son, Lieut. C. E. Lyday, who is with the “Wild Cat” Division, giving his ac tivities from the time he entered the training camp: August 7, 1918—Left Camp Mills at 10:00 a. m., the hottest day that New York has recorded, and marched to Garden City, L. I. with a pack on our backs, where we entrained for Long Island City. We then took a ferry to Bush Terminal docks, which is the largest docks we have in the U. S., which is 1512 feet long. Arrived there at 12:00 o’clock and were given crackers, cheese, doughnuts, and iced coffee by the Red Cross. We just lay- ed around ther6 until about 4:00 o’clock when we were loaded on a boat, which was an old time British freighter, now used for a transport named the Nestor. It took quite some time for us to get straightened out after we were on board but managed to get a pretty good sleep the first night. Aug. 8th, 1918.— Ship sailed at about 1:00 o'clock in a convoy of 15 ships, among which was the Em press of Russia with 500 Red Cross Nurses. There were flying machines, and three derigibles accompaning us for some distance out and just before leaving the harbor we saw the last American Girl in a row boat. It was rather late in the afternoon when we saw the good old Statue of Liberty. We had a very nice* time of it fot the first three days out but I v/as one of the luck ones, I w'asn’t sick, al though a great many of the officers and boys were sick. Owing to the rough sea all officers were in charge of the decks occupied by the enlisted men so to look after the sick ones. There was nothing seen by any of the officers or boys until the morning of the thirteenth when we sighted two very large icebergs of the coasts of Greenland. There were about 150 officers and 3000 soldiers aboard our ship and one night, owing to being all tired from not getting any sleep the firemen refused to work, of course the boys volunteered and a certain number were picked and they fired all the w^ay over. At one time we were about 65 miles behind the rest of the convoy, but that was before the soldiers start ed firing. One day was pretty foggy and the cruiser had to fire two shots to let us know in what direction they w ere. The next day a tanker directly in front of us fired one shot into the water which we never found out the meaning for. On the night of the sixteenth we sav/ a ship to the right of us and signaled it and they refused to return the signal and our topedo boat went to it and then returned the following morning; there was something else we never found out about. The night of the seventeenth our destroyer started on its way back to the good old U. S., and as she passed us she raised Old Glory and believe me there was some hollering. The next noon we were -met by 3 small torpedo boats to escort us into England. Then our torpedo boat left us and headed back to^U. S. and she raised her flag as she passed. We arrived in Liverpool, England at about ten o’clock the night of the nineteenth and stayed on the ship un til the following day and disembarked at ^out 10: 30 A. M. We then hiked through the streets of Livcrpcol, to the Union Station where we were met by a British band consisting of all small boys and they played the Stsgr Spangled Banner and quite a few oth* er very popular songs among the sol- (Continued on page eight.)

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