THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, MARCH 14th, 191». didates. No opposition developed to ^ his bill and it went right through without a hitch. Mr. Jackson depart ed on Saturday when the sixty-day limit expired and left Senator Cloud to “hold the bag.” Before leaving he recommended S. H. Huggins for appointment as the republican mem ber of the county board of education, ^his displaces Chairman Claude Sales lan whom no better man for the ^ace can be found anywhere. But “local self-government” has to be regarded during these days of “Lib erality and Brotherdly Love” within one and one half miles of the | When the armistice went into ef- front line trenches, we operated this feet we wer6 stationed 16 kilometers hospital for 27 days and cared for about one thousand patients, we were aided by the 321 Ambluance Co. of Greensboro, N. C. There are only five Transylvanians in this Company and they have all rendred good service to the cause. from Verdun, and our Infantry was driving towards Metz. They had gain ed five and one half kilometers on the Germans in two days. We are now stationed in Mussy Sur Seine, and all have very good billets, and are getting plenty to eat MOIRE NEWS FROM FRANCE The Brevard News. Brevard, N. C. Gentlemen:— ' Please allow me a small space in your good paper for a few words about the Transylvania boys’ service in th« 32nd Field Hospital, 81st Div- isio|djA better known as the Wildcat Division. We have been in France since Aug. 23rd and have been in most every thing known in this country from a regular barn to a mansion, but the greater part of our time we have % been' in barns, well a person can’t tell when he is in a barn for the dewelling house and barns are both one house, we have ridden in second and third class coaches, but most of the time the A. E. F. boys have rid den in little boxcars, with forty men to the car. These boxcars have dimensions of about twenty feet in length and six feet in width. In all our riding we have covered the greater part of France and have seen many sights that were new to us. When our Division first went into action, the 324 Field Hospital opened a hospital for the sick and wounded Two of the boys, Leonard B. Heath, wear. and Rickmond P. Aiken are cooks, | Wishing the News the very best of and they are two of the best cooks in success the Wildcat Division for whenever Yours truly LAUDER B. LYDAY. Field Hospital, 306 Sanitary meal time comes there is always something good to eat and it is with | 324 care, whenever they have to cook the, Train, A. P. O. 791. A. E. F. famous, “Corn Willy” it is camoflag- ed so you won’t recognize the taste of the Corn Willy. This company is known to have the best prepard mess in the 306 Sanitary Train. Capt. A. Virgil Lyday was the only nom-com that wasn’t at work in the YOUR HEALTH To the Citizens of Transylvania County; As stated in a poster sent out by Hospital; so he would have to attend ^ the Board of Health on Thursday, to all the outside work, which con- j the 6th of March a rabid dog came by sisted mostly of getting wood. He j North Brevard and was fortunately would take his squau of men and sro 1 killed near Brevard on that day. The over to the much shelled road for dog bit a son of Mr. C. M. Siniard, wood, but he was very fortunate in getting off the road before the Germans began sending shells to greet any one that happened to be on the road. J. L. Ferry was one of the best ward men we had, for he never got excited, and would always take the time to do his work right. He work ed with pneumonia patients altogeth er. Well, I, the writer of this, am the only one left to mention, and to de scribe my work is more than I can do, but I was in charge of the Re ceiving Ward, and had three men to help me, so as I had eight months also some dogs and some hogs. • Since the poster was sent out a second son of Mr. Siniard has gone for treatment to the Pasteur Institute at Raleigh for in knocking the dog off his little brother it is feared some saliva from the dog came in contact with his hand on which there were some scratches. While thanks to the labors of that distinguished French scientist, Louis Pasteur, we have now a preventative treatment for hydrophobia, and thanks to the care of persons in au thority in our State we have at Ral eigh an institution for the treatment of persons infected with that disease. It is proper that every means in our experience in this work while at I power be taken to avoid such infcc- Cam» Jackson, I would tell the other tion. This can, I trust, be secured I • boys how to do it, and I would help j by muzzling or confining all the dogs the Surgeon dress wounds. One of : in our county and in the State for a the worst wounds I helped dress was period of thirty days or longer. When a German soldier’s who had both eyes we consider the distress of person shot out, and several wounds in the arms and legs. so infected and their familier., iv the expense involved in such treat ment it appears very reasonable to ask all persons owning dogs in Tran sylvania county to muzzle or confine them as long as is necessary to con trol the disease. The dogs known to have been bitten have been killed. Of course we do not know how many have been bitten in the route taken by this dog, nor indeed how mar persons. We do know however, that the dog in question was suffering with hydrophobia as his head was sent to Raleigh for examination. Mr. Siniard informed me that he found fifty persons from different parts of the State at the Institute for treatment, sixteen or seventeen from Buncombe and Henderson coun ties. Remember, that if infected there is but one thing to do. Go to the Pasteur Institute for treatment at once. When the disease develops no treatment is of any avail. I am quite certain that the citizens of our county appreciating the gravity of the situation will do all in their pow er to prevent the spread of this dread ful malady and will co-operate with the Board of Health to control it. Very sincerely, W. J. WALLIS, County Health Officer. THE HOME PORTRAITURE—THE KODAK WAY Pictures taken in the home atmosphere and home surroundings have a quality and charm of their own. The Kodak enables you to take just such pictures of your family and friends, indoors or out. Kidaks and Kodak Supplies of all kinds—^the Kodak name is a guarantee of quality—^that’s why we sell the genuine Eastman goods. Buy in Brevard FRANK D. CLEMENT The Jeweler HELP APPRECIATED I hereby express my sincere ap preciation and thanks for help given me during the Brevard News Con test. MRS. ED. MACKEY. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollar? Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Medicine. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty- five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine acts thru the ^ood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi son from the Blood and healing the dis eased portions. After you have taken Hall’s Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great improvement in your general health. Start taking Hall’s Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. • F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, OhlO, V Sold by all Druggists. 76c. Seed Corn Wood’s White and Yellow Dent Seed Corns are all nubbed selected stock of high germi nation. For the past flve years our liellwood stain of Boone County has won first prize at the Virginia State Fair for best ten cars of white corn. Wood's Virginia Ensilage Corn is ono of the best and large.««t-yielding varieties for the silo. WOOD’S SEEDS For Farm and Garden are of high-grade quality—tested for both purity atid gerrrination. Write for OataloR’ and “Wood’s Crop Special,” givinjj prices of Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Grass and Clover Seed-Garden Seeds. T. W. Wood & Sons I* SEEBSME Xr, UlcluuoBd, . VlTffinia. ASTHMA AND CATARRH Try Before You Pay SENPTNE, the great discovery for ASTHMA, HAY FEVER. BRONCHITIS and CATARRH, hn.s producod wonderful results with thousands of the most stubborn cases. If you have experimented with other treatments and have failed do not be discouraged, but try at f our expense this truly meritorious 1 remedy. Send right now for a free trial before you forget it. Address WOODWORTH COaiPANY, Wilton, Conn. REMOVAL SALE at PLUMMER & TRANTHAM'S CoiiMtilt Martli I5H| ani Mill! Uil Anil 1st DID YOU EVER MOVE? IF YOU HAVE YOU KNOW JUST WHAT A JOB IT IS. We DON’T WANT TO MOVE ANY MORE MERCHANDISE THAN WE CAN HELP. IT IS EASIER TO MOVE CASH THAN GOODS. WE EXPECT TO BE IN OUR NEW STORE EARLY IN APRIL. SO IN ORDER TO MOVE OUT OUR STOCK, WE ARE GOING TO OFFER SUCH IN- DUCEMENTS AS WILL TURN IT INTO CASH. WE WANT YOU TO READ CAREFULLY THE LIST OF BARGAINS OFFERED BELOW, AND REMEMBER ALSO THAT EVERYTHING IN THE STORE IS REDUCED IN THIS SALE. 50c grade best Oil Cloth, Re moval Sale Price 35c yd 1^ lot White Enamel ware, worth 75c, Removal Sale Price 39c Children’s $1.25 Ready Made Gingham Dresses, Removal Sale Price 98c Best Quality 35c Dress Ging hams, good patterns, fast col ors, Removal Sale Price 25c_ Men’s $1.25 Work Shirts, Removal Sale Price 69c Meiv’s, $2.50 Khaki Pants Ptenofoval Sale Price $1.89 MexI’L ^.00 Overalls, Re- niov^l%ale Price $2.19 Men’s $1.25 Hats, Removal Sale Price 98c Children’s 35c Hose, Remov al Sale Price 22c Men’s $1.50 Dress Shirts, Removal Sale Price $1.19 Ladies’ $1.50 Voile Waists, Removal Sale Price 98c Men’s $1.00 Dress Shirts, Removal Sale Price 79c Good yard-wide unbleached Sheeting worth 25c per yard. Removal Sale Price 14c Men’s $2.75 Brogan Shoes, Removal Sale Price $2.19 United Percales, worth 25c per yard. Removal Sale Price 15c Mens 20c Hose, Removal Sale Price 13c Men’s 35c Suspenders, Re moval Sale Price 15c Men’s 15c % Hose, Removal Sale Price 9c / Best Grade Outing Flannel, worth 35c per yard. Removal Sale Price 25c Ladies* 20c Hose, black and white. Removal Sale Price 9c Ladies’ and Children’s $1.50 Middy Blouses, Removal Sale Price 98c Ladies* 15c Gauze Vests, Removal Sale Price lie One lot Ribbons, worth from 15c to 25c per yard, Removal Sale Price lOc Embroidery Insertions worth up to lOc per yard. Removal Sale Price Ic yd New Spring Voiles, .36 and 40 inches wide, worth 50c per yard, Removal Sale Price 25c yd SHOES ! During the Removal Sals we are going to give ten per cent reduction on all Shoes. This includes all the new Spring Ox fords and Pumps that have just arrived. MEN’S AND BOYS’ CLOTHING During the Removal Sale we will give 20 per cent reduction on all Men’s and Boys* Cloth ing. PLUMMER & TRANTHAM, Brevard, N. C.

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