Brewrd New VOL. XXIV BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, MARCH Zlat, 1919. NUMBER 12 PROF. T. C. HEN DERSON WRTTES Editor Brevard News: The “State of Roberson” is still surviving, having successfully with stood an effort made in the Legisla ture to divide her up into three coun ties. The people who contended for a division claim that small counties are more progressive than large ones, as examples the splendid and l^l^essive little counties of Hoke andiScotland. Those who favored di vision, however, failed to convii\ce the legislative committee on counties, cities and towns, of the justice of their contentions. The ministers of Lumberton have taken a decided stand against unrigh teous displays and immoral shows which encroach upon the morals of the town. The town officers and many of the citizens are cooperating with the minister in an effort to sup press the evil. A fine example which other towns would do well to follow. Sworn in on Sunday, paid in full on Monday, time up on Tuesday, and then had to “git”; the unique record of J. J. Britt—a new Solomon Grundy piece. Twenty-one thousand dollars salary and expenses received for a term in Congress served by another man seems to be “some pull.” Robeson County believes in paying for service rendered, and in letting its servants know exactly what they are receiving for their work. The Gener al Assembly passed a bill fixing salar ies for county officers as follows: Sal ary of the jailor, $100 a month; an nual salaries, clerk of superior court, and register of deeds, and for the stationery of the office of the audi tor. We greatly enjoy the letters from the boys “over there,” in which they tell of their successes, their trials, their difficulties, thoir varied exper iences; and we shall be glad to see the day when all these noble sons of America shall be once more with loved onces at home. In the Robe- WELL KNOWN OnZENDEAD M. J. Glazner a well know’n farm er and merchant of Rosman died at his home last Saturday morning and was buried in the Greenwood Ceme- tary near Calvert on Tuesday. The services were conducted by Rev. C. M. Carpenter of Lester, N. C. a former pastor of the deceased. Mr. Glazener had been failing health for some time and his death was not unexpected. He was 71 years of age. Besides his wife, who was before her marriage. Miss Jane Whitmire of Jocasse, S. C. ,he is survived by ten children. He w’as the father of G. M. Glazner of Hen dersonville, formerly one of the lead ing merchants of Brevard. TELEPHONE SYSTEM A few weeks ago George Watson came to tov;n and said he meant to give the people oi Brevard satisfac tory telephone service in a very short time. Nobody paid any particular attention to what he said. Good tele phone service in BrevarJ was classed among the desirable impossibilities. Mr. Watson has been at work and his work is be?:inins’ to show. In ad dition to installing a new iiwitchboard he has overhauled the lines all over the county. This week he commenced the work of placing lighting protec tors throughout the system. Every feature .of the service is being rapidly improved and the telephone can now used any hour of the twenty-four. Watson states that he wishes lotal telephone subcribers to know that the former method of cutting out telephones has now been done away with and he also requests that all phones out of order be reported to him immediately as he is giving his prompt personal attention to the mat ter of keeping them in first-class condition. “In case of fire,” says Mr. Watson, telepLone operators have sonian recently was a letter from a j been instructed to answer calls made French woman to the parents of j. and by the chief of the fire depart- Robeson soldier who is a guest in her I and his assistants before all home. Among other things in the I others.” letter she said, “In the little village | Twenty new subcribers have been where we live are 1000 American I added to the list during the past two soldiers, all very fine. These bnive ' months and a number of new phones will probably be put in within the next few weeks. THEUWAS TO MAD DOGS CLEAN UP DAYS MARCH 28.29 SHALL WE WELCOME THE BOYS HOME? HELP * MAKE A BEAUTIFUL TOWN ♦ * . PREVENT SICKNESS * * AND FIRES * BY CLEANING UP YOUR HEALTH COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER SAYS CLEANLINESS PREVENTS THE SPREAD OF DISEASE. boys so far from home are v/ell re ceived . on account of their having saved France.” The fact that we have so many i “very fine” young men in France, vvlio through their letters, are presenting to us vivid war pictures, makes our hearts more tender, more reverenr.. if possible, to our oldest soldiers, the (Revisal of North Carolina Sec 3305) veterans of the 60’s. These tire they If the owner of any dog shall know who answered our country’s call even or have good reason to believe that as their sons and grandsons have an- his dog, or any dog belonging to any swered today. How irw they are person under his control, has been now! How short the time we shall bitten by a mad dog, and shall neg- h»ve them with us! Let us cherish. ^ lect or refuse immediately to kill the and give them deserve <l honor, j same, he shall forfeit and pay the faoff as they pass! ! sum of fifty dollars to him who will Am glad to note that Transylvania ^ sue therefor; and the offender shall county is assured a home demoi'.sti a- j be liable to pay all damages which tor. The real meaning in the state-1 may be sustained by any one, in his ment that “food will win the war” is ^ property or person, by the bite of any that the final test is an en'luran';e ^ such dog, and shall be guilty of a test, and no one can deny th.‘ i.if't t misdemeanor, and fined not more that the endurance test rests mainly j than fift> dollars or imprisoned not with the women in the homes. Hus- thirty days, bands and children really have but little to do in determining our fo I saving. It is the woman in the home on whom the real test is places'; i-; e times today, three tines ton n three times every day. W ill w hold out until it is all over "o\^r” I bclicvo :r;othci’r, w.vcr, nrd sweethearts of the boys in khaki, and all other true American women, will answer with the unfiinchJpg French woman, the tireless Englasli woman Now that spring is here again I would join in with Mr. Young, the State Fire Commissioner, who advises a general clean up of houses and premises, so that danger of fire shall be reduced to a 'minimum. I, in ac cord with him on that point, would remind you that in the house'And on the outside if not clean danger of disease may lurk. It is in dark, damp places that the seeds of maladies find lodgement to propagate and devlope waiting as it were for victims. Old tomato cans and other recepetacles for stagnant water are ideal harbors and breeding places for mosquitoes who become carriers for whatever poisons they come in contact with and not for mosquitoes only, but for flies who come in the same baneful list of undesirebles. So far as I have up to this time been able to be in formed, the area of the activities of either pest has not been fully deter mined, but we do know from the in vestigations of a devoted corps of men whose minds have been, and are devoted to the welfare of the human race that insects arr dissiminators of many ills, as for instance the louse in trench and typhus fevers and it was throucTh the bedbug in pellagra there is no doubt the last named could assist in spreading typhoid and kin dred fevers. There is nothmg that can surpass clean air and sunlight in abundance as promoters of health and comfort. Health is the goal to which we should all aspire for v.’ithout it we cannot enjoy anything. In viev/ of the re cent prevalence of influenza which has so far baffled the best men in the health service as to its control I would suggest first thorought clean ing of every residence then disinfec tion of the rooms as worthy to be considered. This done, clean up the surrounding premises and see to it that no receptacles for stagnant wat er be allowed on or near your dwel ling. There is a feature of the clean up admonition that I have not touch ed, namely the appearance of the town and our homes which, if clean, make a good impression on passers by. I would mention also the con dition behind the business houses and around the jail. They are by no means commendable. Very sincerely, W. J. WALLIS, County Health Officer. and the longsuffering Belgian woman: “We will not weary, we w^ll hold on until the boys come home.” The one person who can best aid the w’O- men in every country to “hold on” is an efficient, energetic, sympathetic home demonstrator, and it is gratify- in:^ to knO vV that we have a board o^ cor.imicGior.erT wbp believ’e in “lend ing a helping hand” to the women and girls in the homes. Best wishes to the News and all Transylvanians. T. c. hend::?.son. Pembroke, N. C. INTERESTING MEETING When the first group of Transyl vania boys who responded to the Se lective Draft call were ready to leave Brevard, a farewell mass meeting was held to hearten them, and they appre ciated it. Most of the other groups vrho left later were accompanied to the train by a procession, and pre sented with Comfort Bags, etc. “This we ought to have done, but the other we ought not to leave undone”. When the boys who volunteered without waiting to be drafted went away to become a part of the now famous 30th or other divisions little interest was shown in their departure, because at that stage of the War our county had not caught the spirit of those volunteers. The 30th division is now on its way home. Is it not time that we began to plan to give those boys a royal wel come back to Brevard and Transyl vania county? Those who are al ready here can be included in this first special Reception, and later a general Home-coming welcome can be given when the last of our boys come back. In both of these Programs of Wel come the Woman’s League should have a part, for they were the first to begin ministering to the boys; The Red Cross should have a part, for it ministered to bodily welfare and com fort of the boys in khaki; the Church should have a part, for it ministered to the spiritual welfare, strengthened the morale of the fighting men while it kept the home-fires burning; and the County itself should have a part in it because it gave of its sturdy sons to turn the tide backward, break the Hindenburg line and with it the spirit of of the Hun. Let there be no delay in beginning preparation for welcoming our heroes home. . W. E. POOVEY. SPEAKS HIGEY OF. MR.SILVERSTEEN Editor Brevard News: In last week’s issue of the News appeared Mr. Galloway’s article knock ing the Tannery and Mr. Silverstein. I cannot see how anyone could have the cheek to write such an article against Mr. Silverstein. It is true that it did take some of the skilled labor out of the kitchens and from the wash tubs for a short while, but they received three times as much for their services there as they did while cooking and washing, and I think there is about as much honor in tanning as in washing. Of course I guess it went pretty hard with some to have to pay Mr. Brom- field for their washing instead of get ting some colored woman to do it for about nothing. I have in the past worked for Mr. Silverstein about eight years and I never worked for as good a man in many ways. I never knew him to mis represent anything, and when he promises anything you surely will get it. I understand that the work of re building has begun, so hurrah for Mr. Silverstein and the Tannery. So Mr. Galloway lets you and I go and get a job at the Tannery and all be good fellows together, and perhaps Mr. Sil verstein will put up a grindstone and you may have an axe to grind some day and a double bitted one too. Best wishes to Mr. Silverstein, the Tannery and the News. C. P. HOGSED BETTERMENT ASSN HOLDS MEEHNG The Betterment held its postponed meeting Wednesday afternoon March 12th. After the annual election of officers the following business was transacted: A committee consisting of Mrs Len English and Mrs. O. L. Erwin vras appointed to arrange for “Clean-up Week.” Prizes were voted to be awarded for the best declamation and recita tion at the Public School Commence ment in June. All members preseni signed a peti tion to our Senator asking him to give his support to bring about a League of Nations. The petition was then sent to Macfie Brodie Drug Store in care of Mrs. Macfie. It is hoped that all members who have not signed will call there and affix their names. The following are the officers for the year. President, Mrs. D. G. Ward; Vice President, Mrs H. N. Carrier; Trea surer, Mrs S. M. Macfie and Secre tary Mrs. Len English. PENROSE CHEESE FACTORY TO HANDLE EGGS LETTER FROMFRANCE AFETniON TRANSYLVANIA TANNERY We, the wood and bark men and the employees at and in said plant, and the business men of Brevard, sadly deplore the great loss to the Laborers, on account employment, for depression in business generally, and for the financial loss to the company. Do not only extend our sympathy, but promise our co-operation both by good will and encouragement for the rebuilding of said plant and hope the same will be in active operation at the earliest date possible. Signed by over 250 Citizens. An interesting meeting of the Woman’s Auxiliary of Brevard Bap tist Church was held on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. W. H. Duckworth. Eighteen members were present. The quarterly collection for Foreign Missit>ns was taken which amounted to $50.00. After which delightful refreshments were served and a social hour was enjoyed. RED CROSS DRIVE The Transylvania Chapter of the Red Cross will next week call on the people of this County for a contri bution of clothing to be sent to Bel gian and French Refug’pes. Gar ments of every kind made of strong and durable material for all ages and both sexes are urgently needed. Mrs. Z. W. Nichols is chairman of the* committee to look after this work in this county. She states that the campaign will be limited to ono week and requests the people v.ho wish to Jjelp to be ready for members o» the committee next week. i Dear Sir: i Just to show you how much I ap preciate the NEWS in France I will write you a few lines to publish while we are marking time waiting on a boat and an order to take us home. The weather is very cold here now, snow fell about two weeks ago and about every other day a new two in ches falls on what is already here, and the ground has been white since, for therefore is getting to be a real snow by now. Hope you good people of old Transylvania are having better weath er than we are. I was very glad to have my old friend, Guy M. Allison of the Boil- ston section stop and stay over night with me. We sat up and talked of the good times we had back home waiting for us, both were very home sick and ready to come home at a minute’s warning, so we call oursel ves the “Minute men of the A. E. F.” After meeting some of the boys from home that were over here only a few weeks before me I know that The directors of the Penrose cheese factory held a meeting at the factory, Saturday evening, March 15th, and decided to begin operations for the summer on Tuesday, April 1st. The factory has recently been incorpora ted and has proved a success. It is furnishing to the farmers of the Pen rose and Little River section of the county with a handy cash market for their farm products. The directors decided to handle eggs thru the fac tory this summer. The eggs will be taken up every day with the milk, and by hauling them in this manner the factory will be able to guarantee fresh eggs. NOTICE LYCEUM Mrs. Josephine Chilton, reader, ap peared here Friday evening under the auspices of the Brevard Better ment Lyceum Course. She gave a reading of “Polly of the Circus.” Mrs Chilton presented her own ar rangement of the play to her Brevard audience and charmed her hearers with her clear enunciation and skill ful interpretation. what they did sell, while other organ- either gave away things or sold them at a little more than they would cost at home, and with all the money they are getting donated it is a plain pro blem, for the men in the A. E. F. to study over and TRY to solve, for the Company that I am with made ; when they all get back, there should the best time of any in getting from the states to the Great Front, for one month from the date v/e left the camp at Woodbridge, Va. we had two m.en killed in action and twelve wounded, so that they went to the hospital and some went to the U. S. A. and some get back with the organization, and I think that was the best time made by any Co. or Regt. that left the Camp in the states. It has been a great msytcry to the boys, over here, why that the Y. M. C. A. is getting so much more of the money that is being given, in the states, than the Salvation Army or the K. of C. for they are the two organi- be a real investigation by proper au- thorites to determine what all and how it was spent, and from all the talk I have heard in this area; there will be a real report of it or the Y. M. C. A. is dead forever in the hearts of the American people. Not that I favor one organization any more than another, do I write this, only I think it is proper for the people to know about these things, and as for taking my word you can easily get hundreds of men, in fact all the largest per cent of men that have served in the Advance Zone. Just v/rite any of them that have seen real active serveice and see if their zations that helped the boys that won ! opinion and mine are not just the the war, for they were always there same. The next Betterment meeting will ; be held on ^riday, March 28th at I 3:30 P. M. This change from the I usual date will please be noted by ^ all members. A large attendence is desired. at the front with Hot Chocolate and cigarettes and candy, Icr the boys, of course the Y. M. C. A. may have been doing good work back in the S. O. S., but the boys who came over here to win the war never got any benefits of a^3^hing back there, for they charged, enormous prices for Hoping to see the people of my native .and real scon, and that «his reaches all in good health, and that the people may prosper in all their undertakings, have good health in all ways. I am as ever, ' GEORGE P. WOODPIN I

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