■""■ '■■^' ^ _ -T- /■-,;v i, ■. - A THE BREVARD NEWS, BRE VARD, N. Cu FRIDAY April I9> J;t|0 carried ont nicely an^hope to have *^-S\ I 4 SWAT THE FLY Now is the time to begin to wage war against the fly—^NOW—^before he has a chance to breed. *Keep him out of the house. Come in and see our line of Screen Doors and Win dows. We have them in all standard sizes. And if your doors and windows are odd sizes, we can supply you with Screen Wire in rolls from which they can be made any size you want. Our prices are right. And you will want to fasten up your chickens and other domestic animals for the summer. We have Fenc- ing Wire for all purposes. It will pi^y you to see us. SEE US FOR ALL KINDS OF GARDEN AND FARM TOOLS. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL SUP PLY OF CARPENTERS’ TOOLS. For Plumbing and Plumbing Supplies our prices can’t be beat: ^ i inch galvanized pipe, 8c per foot I inch galvanized pipe, 10c per foot 1 inch galvanized pipe, 14c per foot li inch galvanized pipe, 19c per foot 1^ inch galvanized pipe, 22^ per foot / 2 inch galvanized pipe, 30c per foot W. L BISHOP & COMPANY PLUMBING and PLUMBING SUPPLIES J Providence permitdng. Rev. T. C. Holtsclaw will preach at East Fork Baptist church next Sunday, April 13 at 11:00 o’clock A. M. MrSvA. A. Clusell is still suffering with rheumatism. Elmer Gillespie and Cleo Cassell were in Brevard Saturday. Miss Irene Gillespie of Rosman vis ited relatives and friends here Satur day evening and Sunday. Miss Minnie Gillespie entertained quite a number of her friends with singing at her home Saturday night after which delicious cake was served. Everyone returned to their homes with pleasant memories of the even ing. Miss Mayo Batson and Lambert Bagwell of Carson’s Creek called at the home'of J. A. Gillespie Sunday afternoon. , Mrs. J. A. Gillespie, accompanied by her son, Elmer, are visiting the former’s daughter, Mrs. Otis Whita ker of Canton, N. C. J. H. Summey is very much indis posed at this writing. CBERRYFIELD NEWS Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Israel spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Leon Huffard in the East Fork section. Lee Johnson and Freeman Hayes were in town Friday. W. E. Hall of Brevard was in this section Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Cantrell have returned to their home near Calvert after spending a few days with rela tives in South Carolina. ' Mrs. Carl Moore spent Saturday night with Mrs. Ellen Galloway at Rosman. John Mason of Brsvard visited his daughter, Leecie Galloway, at Rosman Saturday and Sunday. Gaston Whitmire and W. M. Reid made a business trip to Rosman last Saturday. The Junior Order held a fine meet ing at Rosman and the meeting was a good meeting in Brevard on July tile 4th and 5th. The weather is nice today. .BLUEJ. Victoiy 66 Ym Suc€«s« TheWondecM Record of Dr. Thacher’s liver and Blood Syrup. Those medicines which live for even a quarter of a ceatuxy aie exceptional, and continuous use for over two*thirds of a century is indisputable evidence of wonderful merit. Br. Thacher’s Liver and Blood Byrup came into existence in 18S2, and from £hat time to the present it has grown in the confidence and estimatiaa of its yearly increasing number of users. kThiough an these years it has steadily grown in popular favor. Its wonderful building up power is shown in the experience of Mis. C. £. Chadwick, Beale. Ala. **I< was all run downinh^th,**shes8ys. **Weighed only 104| pounds and getting worse every day. I began the use of Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup and today, I am thankful to sav, 1 utn f^rfect health and weigh io5 pounds attribute my good hc£dth to thb use of that most wonderful medicine. 1 firmly believe there are numerous suf fering people that-could be sound and well by the use of Dr. Thacher's Ldvei and Blood Syrup.** IfyouneedatoniCiorB blood puri fier; if :rour liver is out <»r order, youi stoma tion All dealers in medicuMS sell i1 and will recommend it. For Sale Hy Macfie-Brodie Co., Brevard, N. C. $|dO Reward, The readers of this paper vOI ka pleased to learn tkat there la at 'iMak oae dreaded disease that science feaa been able to cuvs la all Its stasw that Is catarrh. Catarrh belna gnatlr influenced by constitutional condltioaa requires constitutional treatment Hall'a Catarrh Medicine is taken Internally anA acts thru the Blood on the Mucous 8ar> faces of the Systeia thereby destroyiac the foundation of the disease, stvlna patient strarigfh'1»y bulidina up’the oob> stitution and assistins nature In dolnc its worlc. The proprietors have so mock faith in the curative, power of HalTa Catarrh Medicine that they olfto On* Hundred Dollars for any case that It to cure. Send for list of tesUnKMdate. Address F. J. CHENET * CO.,. TOMO. OUO. Sold kgr all Dnis^ats. 11c. a. TO KEEP WELL " A TeatpoaBfal of PERUNA Thrae-ljBet a Day I Has Never Been Down Sick Since Taldng PERUNA Read this letter from Mr. Robt. Minnick. Grass Range, Montana. "In 1900 I was out in Kansas nuuilBK a tiireataiBK caal*e and the threshinK crew had'to sleep out of doors. One of the crew bronaiit a Perau AlauiMe to the engine one day and I was feeling very ill from sleeptaa oat. I deddea to srivo PernMi a trial and sent for a bottle of Pe- runa and a box of Peruna Tab lets, which straightened me out in a hurry. *T have sever Ifeca dowa alclc since that time. I do not take any other medlelaes except Pe- ■runa. 1 always keep it on hand. If I get my feet wet, get a cold, feel chilly, or a little bad, I «l- wnyw Pervaa. People should nt>t w;ilt until they are down sic.': and then take it. but should keen it on hand like I do and v.hcii they feel bad, they umv it." Recommended for Catarrhal inflammation of every description. Drug Patronize Our Advertisers They are all boosters arvd deserve your business. OUR SALE IS NOW IN FULL BLAST Easter will soon be here, do your shopping at Patterson’s, the best store in Western Carolina The style, price and quality of the merchandise is right. You can buy better goods for less money at Patterson’s than you pay for cheap merchandise elsewhere. EASTER MILLINERY Unconunonly attractive and un usually dififerent are the models we are showing. $1.50 to $15.00 EASTER APPAREL A veritable Exposition of Fash ions, not only entirely new, but re freshingly different and without any freakishness. Capes, Dolmans, Silk Frocks, Suits, Coats, Dresses, Separate Skirts. Every garment clearly portrays a model of refined elegance. The touch of individuality in these gar ments bears a charm and grace that meets with most universal acclaim. Make your Easter selections early. EASTER CAPES AND DOLMANS Individualized types, emphasizing the most distinctive features of fash ion. This statement significantly characterizes the assortments as- seih^led with skill and care. H^e is a veriety of mode that is best in the new fashions, modified and tempered by the dictates of good taste. P^ces ranige from— $10.00 to $55.00 FOR MEN Faultless Gowns and pajamas for Men—Silk and Muslin. Prices from—$1.25 to $7.00 EASTER DRESS ACCESSORIES Evers^hing to enhance the beauty of the Easter Outfit is here in rich and bountiful assortment. Gloves, Hosiery, Neckwear, Rib bon and Flower BoutoBnieres, Silk Hand Bags, Handkerchiefs, Perfum ery, Jewelry, Footwear, Beads, Veil* ing. Etc., Etc. MEN’S AND BOYS' CLOTHING which we have selected for the Easter trade are very attractive. Boys’ Suits from—$2.98 to $18.00 Young Men's and Men’s Suits from —$10.00 to $55.00. Easter Bloases, Silk and Georgette A collection of Women’s and Misses New and Pretty Blouses, well worth the attention of all interested in some thing totally different from the or dinary. $1.95 to $12.80 EASTER APPAREL FOR GIRLS There is marked interest in Pat- treson’s Store in the new fabrics and the favored colors in the Season's New Attire for the Juniors. Prices range from—49c ta $22.50 1 Silk Camisoles 05c. Loagerie Skirts Waist Yard-wide Black TaffI $1.25 yard. Oalj of to eostooMr. Lifkt Percales to easterner. D. K. Percales yard. and Best in, Honderson County mm Tbe MUdred and PbUUpwe Silk and Mnsiia oaderwaar iw ladies; are BOW OB display at very law piiees. Men’s, Ladiee* and CUMmm*» White Sbees, Pamps aad Oxfbrdsb for Eas ter, are s*iag at low prnas. Bleecbiag 12 l-2c yacdL We bave tbeasaads »f otber spWieK, caase aad sea AiaR. , 1 -7 -‘i -^v. 'iJl! ft,,;-.-'- .wr-., ' i;