iMy.- :jamibii>*k ^«> ef Counteifeitsl .-JB^Fwrn ’ < !IUci^ Powito, *^yer Tablets of Aspirin.*^ i(^ick Relief—^with Safety! For Headache Neuralgia Eftrache Toothache 'Achy Gums, Lumbago Rheumatism Colds Grippe Influenzal Colds Neuritis Lsrnie Back'. Joint-Pains Pain! Pain! ‘ Adults—^Take one or two tablets anytime, with water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals. Since fba original introduction of **Bayer Tablets of Aspirin:” millions vpon imiona of tliesa genuine tab- lota hftw been prescribed by physi- ^darna and,iaken by tbe people eadi ^ear, viUi. perfect saieiy. *Bayer Cross” ^genuine !Ikblet& Bujovltr “Bay«r” podnge^ Aspirin is trade mark of Bayer Manufac ture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid Ask for and Insist Upon TaUets of Ayirin.** American Owned, Entirely. so cent package—I^argei* sizea alaoi Philip’s Balierif [ j s !? ■? I WHY BUY BREAD OUT OF TOWN WHEN YOU CAN GET | MORE BREAD AND BETTER | BREAD FOR THE ’ SAME ^ MONEY AT YOUR HOME ^ BAKERY? I ? -I 1 Pliilip’$Bal(eiif| SA1£0F K. fc V FDR TAXES EVER SALIVATED BY CALOMEL? HORIBLE! C&lomel Is Quicksilver and Acts Like Dynamite on Your Liver. 1 will,«ffinr f^r sai* m tit* |»w 4i- at ^«rt H*«a» dfoor tm iIm town ef Brevard, N. C., at 12 o*cloek Boea, ea tlia first Maaiay ia Maj, ,b«iaff th* 8th 4ay of May, 1919, all the followiac daacribad laads on wUch taxM ara due (|a. Galloway, W. F. 1 acre Gillespie heirs 50 acres Galloway, G. C. Miss 58 acres Galloway, M. M. 133% acres Glazener, Geo. heirs 200 acres Jones, J. C., Mrs. 102 acres McCall, Mrs. Roxie 5 acres. McCall, Roxie G. 128 acres McCall, James M. 107 acres.. McCall, Wilkie 25 acres ... McCall, Van 99 acres .. ^. McCall, Hannon 60 acres... McCall, W. M. 195 acres .... McCall, H. W. 25 acres McCall, R. S. 130 acres . Owen, J. W. 25 acres ...... Owen, Clarrisa J. 374 acres. Owen, A. H. 63 acres Owen, 9ohn W. 70 acres... Owen, D. C. 83 acres Owen, John H. 100 acres.. Parker, H. S. 87 acres Sitton & Gillspie 50 acres.. Bell, James 36 acres Luther Kilpatrick 66 acres.. Brevard—Colored Anthony, Henry 1 lot ■ 6.20 Anderson', B. A. estate 1 lot 6.25 Bailey, Arthur 1 lot 4.21 Benjamin, W. B. 1 lot 6.72 Gash, Harriett 1 lot 8.13 Gash, Ossie 1 % acres ...... 4.62 Hemphill, Charlie, 2 acres... 3.39 Jackson, Bill 1 lot 12.06 Kemp, Pink 1 % acres ...... 4.36 Lynch, Alf 1 acre 1.74 McFalls, John 1% acres .... 6.96 Morgan, R. A. 2 Mi acres .... 5.24 Morgan, John 2 acres 7.06 Smith, Dock 6 acres 2.12 Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel is. It’s mercur)^ quicksilver. Calomel is dangerous. It crashes into sour tile like dynamite, cramping and sicken ing you. Calomel attacks the bones and dieald never be put into your system. When you feel bil'ous, sluggish, consti pated, and all knocked out and believe jea need a dose of dangerous calomel just lemember that your druggist sells for a few cents a large bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone, which is entirely vegetable and fleasant to take and is a perfect scbsti- tete iot calomel. It is guaranteed to ' ibvt roar liver without stirring you up inside, and can not salivate. Don’t take calomel! It makes you sick Ike next day; it loses you a day's work. ' Bodson’s Liver Tone straightens you i%ht up and you feel great. Give it to the children because it is perfectly hann- ess and doesn’t gripe.—Advertisement. Let Us Print Imr Sale BUls Bo]r<^ Township Bradley, Mrs. P. L. 83 acres 58.48 Blythe, C. E. V* acre 1.3 Beck, A. J. 62 acres 3.95 Cureton, J. A. &. P F. 103 a. 22.82 Gash, G. A. 462 acres 21.67 Hamilton, Elijah ^ acre ... 1.3 Justus, Floy, Miss acre .. 4.79 Justus, Flave, Miss % acre 8.26 Ledbetter, E. E. 118 acres.. 28.47 McKey, Will 4 acres .26* Scruggs, Miss Sarah 200 acres 8.68 Toms, Bf. C. 50 acres 3.52 Boyd—^Colored Bostick, Jones 9 acres 9.85 Hunt, Harriet 2 acres .87 Walker, Harrison 1 acre .... 2.87 Hemphill, C. W. 8 acres .... 3.52 Orr, M. Jones 2 acres ...... 2.55 Smith, Charley B. 1% acres.. 6.44 Smith, S^rs. Pink 12 acres ... 3.03 Hutchinson, Geo. 1 acre .... 1.33 Smith, Carolin 2 acres 1.33 Gash, James 1 acre ...... 1.77 Cathey Creek Township Collins, S. P. 183 acres .«.. t^isher, W. C. heirs 2 lots.. Galloway T. P., Sr. 130 aores Moore G. fi. estate 182 acres Powell, John 25 acres ..... Whitaker, T. M. 6. acres.... Williams, J. M. 1 lot ...... ^ 90.08 22.16 19.89 15.07 1.92 13.52 21.19 Duaas. Eeck Tewaskip Batson, H.^ J. heirs 90 acres Hogback Township Aikn, W. M. ^eirs 125 acres Allen, H. J. 1 lot Allison, Hoochison 1 lot .... Applegate, C. J. 1 lot Criston, C. E. 1 lot Collins, Geo. W. 1 lot Fisher, W. A. 50 acres ... Fisher, J. C. 50 acres Fisher, G. W. \42 acres ... Fisher, John heirs 950 acres Frazier L. H. 11 acres Galloway, G. C. 140 acres.. Galloway, Mrs. J. P. 30 acres Griger, L. H. 1 lot Gresham, C. 400 acres Hinkle, J. H. 50 acres Inman, F. M., Mrs. 3% acres Jacobs, R( A. 5 acres Johns, W. O. 1 lot Kitchen, Walter 3 lots Kitchen, Stanley 3 lots Wright, W. B. 2% acres... Lionheart, 1 lot Marsh, K. and (*. 27 acres .. Miller, T. A. 27 acres McCall, W. G. 51 acres ... McCord, Mary F. 1 lot McGarland mineral interests McKenney N. A. 9 acres ... Nunnally, Mrs. Cain 3% acrs Osteen, Luke 140 acres ... Owen, S. C. heirs 100 acres Owen, J. R. 25 acres Parks, Geo. W. 1 lot ...... Redric, Geo. 1 lot Robinson, E. E., Dr. 1 lot.. Schroder, Cart 1 lot Smith, T. Van 38 acres Strickleather, J. G. 200 acres Siler, Thad 21 acres Thomas Geo. W. 1 lot Waldrop, MrsL N. A. 118 acres Wedric, W. C. 1 lot Carolina Lum. Co. 7107 acres 2.18 -8.82 8.00 8.00 4.86 .84 1.82 5.41 3.52 2.65 2.61 1.20 2.20 6.21 1.18 1.82 8.52 18.84 1.82 37.00 1.92 2.88 7.67 16.94 3.51 15.77 1.92 31.88 10.45 17.40 2.64 19.67 17.52 5.34 8.62 3.81 2.61 4.18 5’.91 1.57 1.58 7.85 3.02 4.72 2.36 10.88 22.44 7.06 14.28 8.09 19,79 9.96 13:77 12.56 23.60 4.97 11.39 12.21 6.70 16.10 3.13 4.10 2.94 4.07 1.12 1.12 1.10 1.12 1.12 4.07 4.07 11.50 55.80 2.37 4.33 1.15 1.22 231.33 13.65 78.85 10.58 1.12 3.31 3.31 22.27 1.12 6.72 2.02 7.10 1.12 6.23 5.83 83.75 4.66 4.49 3.73 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 8.81 12.12 9.95 7.21 8.08 1U2 572.01 Litile River Township Anders, J. L., 6 acres $ 2.19 Blythe, C. E., R. M. and D. S. Pace, 86 acres . 11.38 Ball, Rachell, Mrs., 40 acres 46:34 Capers, John G., 3 acres.... 14.52 Elkins, S. C., 3 acres .... 2.50 H^, J. P., Mrs.' 137 acres'.. 13.37 Hamilton, F. C; 66 acres... 8.31[ Justus, Julian 72 acres 12.44 Jones; J. F. 8 H acres .68 Jones, John, 8 acres .68 King, Francis M.-411 acres.. 17.52 Lauton, J. H. 38 acres ' 1.82 Marcum, J. H., Mrs. 8% acres .67 McCall, W. H. 6 acres 6.64 Ruif, Emilin 40 acres 3.52 Summey, Pink 43 acres .... 6.33 Sentell W. H. 28% acres... 8.35 Slomi, Earl 100 acres 5.00 Trescott, W. A. 43 acres .... 2.65 Wynum, J. F., Dr. 10% acres 14.0C ^illdns, J. S., Dr. 10 acres.. lEI MDE i WT Group Saving Hai Pnmd Highly Profitable to Thom- andf of EmployMi of jtendly Xiuuigod QoiiceixkS. V Every business Is either thrifty or unthrUty. "If thrift governs, then there win be accurate knowledge of costs, sound finance, far4eeing policy, the best use of labor and materials, with intelligent creation of a money surplus to meet emergencies. If un thrifty, tlie concent ia bound for bankruptcy, w^h will arrive sooner or later. Thrift goes far beyond the execu tive office, and so dpes lack of it A thriftily managed business will iiave steady, sldlifui employees, working in pleasant surroundings, with every ad vantage in the way o>f equipment, and every advantage in earning power. The unthrifty Vusiness is too familiar. It attracts chiefly .the driftiirood am Greatest Marne, In Goodijf -Lan.iti SP£A/?Af/ur GVM. . WRIGLEV’S JUICY FRUIT CHEWINGGUM DOJ^EMINT Sealed TIfiht KeptRitfbt Flavor Lasts Clean Up Paint Up We have put on our New Sprins^ Dress— Rapidly increasing our stock, and are bet ter able than ever before to supply your wants. See —if it is not iii stock it will come on next train. Morgan’s Drug Store Rosman, N. C. TINSLEH MARKET Has What You Want in FRESH MEATS and CURED MEATS FISH and OYSTERS ( Vegetables^ Chickens^ Eggs and Produce The Ve^y Best in These Lines and ’ Sells for Less All the Time Pronq;>t Delivery A Message in wiH reach over 1 st^ 6n ^ bc^ nc^ inereaae ■h, V? tM Phone 27 •v-r NEWS” Are you If so, why ugh ad- Osbome*,