a-' 3L'“. V f-i. •liiliii ■sj;. ■ £ ^ : ’-V j| "I WMi^. WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE'TO THE OF TRANSVLViWt A ' that we are IN' THE FURNITURE BUSINESS. WE TRY TO KEEF^ AT AU. TIMES A GOOD UNE OF sfANPiUtb FURNITURE—snilNGS, MATTRE^ES, FLOOR COVERINGS, CHAIRS, ROClC. ERS, ETC. WE ALSO HANDLE ORGANS, TALK; ING MACHINES, SEWING MACHINES, ETC. WHEN YOU CANT FIND WHAt YOU WANT IN YOUR OWN TOWN, WE ‘ SHALL BE VERY GLAD TO HAVE lU CALL TO SEE US. WE PROMISE KIND TREATMENT AND THE BEST PRICES AND TERMS THAT CAN BE GIVEN ON FURNITURE AT THIS TIME. GIVE US A TRIAL. Hendersonville Furniture Co. “The Otd Reliable” ' Hendersonville, N. C. Spny Your Fndt with PYROX •n. u. •. »«r. orr. I^rfOK protects your ovehard asiinit the ravages of botb insects and fungus, and makes it possible for jroa tocroir aurketd)le fruit and lots of it. Him is nothing cnnplic:^ vboot its use; it is an b- acctldde and fan^dde combined, and when applied* t^d^ dries, fonmng a coating unaffected hf even the heaviest rains. iUk anjrofcbardlst what he thinks of ^rmz; ThmUmm thttcall and get a cop7 of our new and interesting booklet. We sell I^rrox becuise we know what it will do—aiqf qoaon^ you want, in small dru^s, k^or bands. * BREVARD HARDWARE CO. Brevard, N. C. ¥4VeI » litw Mcrroit , ■ r- (t The farmers ^ this part are rather behind with ^eir 'work account pf so mvdi ra|n.i the cold sni9 about l^^ster got the most of the p^ache% bnt net idL Mrs. Arrie Lyday has been on the sick .list for the past few ^^ys, but she is better now. J. W. Reeves from :the cotton mill at Pickens, C., was Hi visitor at.his *■ ■ mother’s here last week.. v ^ > W. A. Parker has moved from r_ , • • Laurel CrMk to the Crick Burgess place. He is peeling tan bark. . R. W. Sinith and wife Iwve beCta up from Salem, S. C.,'te W. H. Hii^ kle’s, Smith's father. Smith's litU« ^sister, Essie HinUe, went back home with them. V. _ ■ ' Walter, ^msay was a visitor at Bud Reid’s last Sunday and Monday. Claude Reid has moved from Tox- his wife diedfCimotherxzfiflffffivbgk away to his father’s, S. P. Reid. Since his wife died his mother is taking care of the two children.; Tan bark and crossties «eem to be the products of this part these days. Freeman Cash from Asheville was up to see his mother, Mrs. M. M. Gash and stayed four days last week. Little Pearl Kimsey has been on the Sick list. She is improvipg nicely. Joe Tigue and family have moved from here to Salem, S. C. to grow cotton this year, and some com and cane. Colman Lj^ay is living at the Tigue place this year. W. J. Owen^ passed through this burg last Sunday. Rev. Wade Nicholson preached at Travelers ^st Baptist church last Sunday at 3:00 o’clock. The Burnett 4e Verdeiy' Miffiag Co. have* iuit received a new motor which is tor be instiled at once. -^This will provide onough ](>dwer to run the mill at full capaci^ and enable them to double ^e preisent ou^ut by mak-» ing about twenty-five barrels ;of flour per day. The only flour , put on the market by this compipy is ground from No. 1 Red Winter Wlieat wlhch is purchas^ from the ^vemment by Burnette & Verdery ai||i is the best hard wheart to be procured. The 'flour Aground :brpm this w&at is guar anteed tp be ai>solutely first