FRIDAY. MAY 90, 191t THE BREVARD NEWS» BREVARD, N. C. m m m mmm HARVEST TIME WILL SOON BE HERE. ARE THE FARMERS PREPARED FOR THE OCCASION? IF NOT, BETTER BEGIN TO MAKE PREPARATIONS, SO THAT WHEN THE TIME ARRIVES YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO STOP WORK AND SEND TO TOWN FOR SUPPLIES. WE HAVE LOOKED AHEAD AND HAVE LAID IN A LARGE SUPPLY OF EVERYTHING FOR HARVEST TIME. BETTER GET YOUR BINDERS TWINE NOW, WHILE WE HAVE PLENTY OF IT, AND BE SURE YOU GET ENOUGH FOR YOUR NEEDS. IF YOU NEED GRAIN CRADLES, WE HAVE THEM: ALSO MOW- ING MACHINES, MOWING BLARES ETC. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS. GIVE US A CALL j Farmers Supply Company, brevard,n.c. : J. M. ALLISON, Manager IMW) OrroRTUMTY OFFER ED RETURNDSOLDItS Editor Brevard News: Will you kindly publish the at tacked letter which was received from Dr. L. B. McBrayer, Chief of Bureau of the N. C. Sanatorium for the Treatement of Tuberculosis—for the benefit of soldier boys in Tran sylvania, who may need to take ad vantage of this most generous offer. Yours truly, R. H. ZACHARY, act ing for the Red Cross. My dear Sir: We desire to call your attention to the wonderful opportunities offer ed you by your Government. 1. Uncle Sam was needing men by the millions when he said that you were sick with tuberculosis—may be not very sick so far as you could tell, but Uncle Sam said you were too sick to join his armies. 2. Ne'eding men as he did and hav ing tuberculosis experts of the United States at his command, and using them, it is not likely that ne made any mistakes about it. 3. Now he offers to give you treat •ment of the best kind, pay all the bills and in addition pay you thirty dollars a month while you are taking the treatment. 4. Not only that, but while you are taking treatment he furnishes you a teacher, who in addition to teaching you things that will be most helpful to you in mechalTics, agricul ture, handiwork or in books, makes a study of your attainments and we funiish him a statement of your phy sical condition, then taking? all this with your past experience in every activity, he plans such future educa tion as will be most suitable for you and arranges for you to ;;ct it. Mr. Hyde is doing this work in The Noi’th Carolina Sanatorium and a most splendid work it is. 5. You can’t get any of this edu cation except in the sanatorium until the doctors assure the Government that you are physically v;ell enough to take it without detriment to your self, but the Government is willing and anxious to give you the treat ment that will make you physically fit 6. And then the Government will send you to a college of medicine, law and literary college, mechanical or agricultural college or high school or wherever you can go and benefit most, considering you past advanta ges, your desires for the future and your physical condition. They will pay all your tuition and pay you sixty-five dollars per month, which is intended to cover your board and clothe*. . 7. At the North Carolina Sana torium, Sanatorium, N. C., they are catting all red tape of their own and the Government’s and admitting you promply on receipt of a statement from you that you desire to accept their advantages and that you will observe the rules of the Sanatorium and the school to which you are sent. And at the Sanotorium they make ap plication for you for your War Risk Insurance, your bonus or anything ‘ you are,entitled to from tiw Government. 8. Who ever heard of so many ad- vantagres offered to any one?. All you have to do is to accept it. 9. If you are interested, write us or consult the chairman or executive secretary of the nearest Home S,er- vice Section of the American Red Cross. 10. The above applies to white soldiers only. We are endeavoring to make the same arrangements for the colored soldiers and will be glad to render any assistance possible until such arrangements are made. Very sincerely yours, L. B. McBrayer, Chief of Bureau. CITY BOARD MET MONDAY AFTERNOON The Board of Aldermen convened Monday afternoon in the city hall. The time of the meeting was taken up with a discussion of the public service franchise question which was opened at the last session of the city council. AT THE METHODIST CHURCH A visiting pastor will fill the pul pit at the Methodist church while the pastor is absent at Waynesville, where he goes to preach the commencement sermon Sunday, before the graduat ing class of the Waynesville 'High Schools. Master Edwin Perkins left Thurs day morning for a visit to Mrs. I. R. Greig of Summerville, S. C. CHEESE CUP ON DISPLAY The handsome cup won by the Penrose Co-operative Cheese Factory at the State Live Stock Show held in Charlotte last fall for the best cheese in the State, is now on display at the T. M. Mitchell Grocery Store with some Penrose cheese. The cup was given by Morris & Co. of Chicago. The factory is proving a big asset to the Penrose and Little River com munities by furnishing a cash market for milk and eggs. The farmers re alize that good live stock pays on the farm and are going to prepare to have more and better live stock by build ing silo's and seeding their lands in grass. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM MONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina—Transylvania Coun* ty—In the Superior Court—^Juiy Term, 1919. ' Fannie S. Cary and husband, Louis H. Cary and E. E. Stone vs. C. B. Stone, T. C. Stone, C. R. Stone, R. G. Stone, Floride S. Miller and husband W. N. Miller, J. B. Floride L. Stone, Martha Stone, J. B. G. Stone, Jr., Eliza W.. Stone, Theo dore C. Stone, Thomas W. Miller, F. Lydia Miller, E. S. Miller, May Mil ler, W. N. Miller, Jr., Agnes T. Stone, Florida L. Ston^ Martha Stone, J. B. Stone, Jr., F. Cary Stone, T. Croft Stone, E. E. Stone, Elizabeth Stone, Rally Stone, Francis Cary and Mary E. Cary. The defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Transylvania County to iset up and establish two lost deeds from Floride L. Stone, de ceased, to the plaintiffs; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said County, to be held on the Sixth Monday before the First Monday in September, 1919, it being the 21st day of July, 1919, at the Court House of said County, in Brevard, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said coni- plaint. This the 15th day of May, 1919. N. A. MILLER, 4t-rlg Clerk Superior Court. Hulls Gr •v'/ y / i///;///! You need Red Devil Lye for So*|> Makinc Softeninc Water Kitchen Sanitation Waahiac Clotkea Claaninc Iron Ware Serubbins aad Granita Ware Ocatreyins FIjr Ena Order Red Devil Lye from jour store«keeper today* Devil Lye re moves the outer skin or hulls from com quick ly and easily, leaving the com pure and free. Saves you time and trouble. T« usa this wonderful lye for making delicious Lye Hominy*— Dissolve 2 tablespoons Red Devil Lym in 6 quarts of soft water or 5 of bara water. When almost boiling. add_ 2 quarts of shelled field com, and stir with larse spoon or ladle till hulls slip- Thee pour off lye water, refill kettle with fresh water and boil again. Continue stinri^ and changing water until water renuim perfectly clear, then boil six hours. To remove the hulls quickly, put the com in a chum, the dasher of which work* up and down. (If you like, add 2 pounds of fresh pork during the last two bouts of cooking. Red Devil Lye makes easy work of removing the skins of peaches, sweet Mt<^toes, etc. Write us tor Free booklet. Scores of home uses for Red Devil Lye. Get the genuine Red Devil Lye and follow directions on the can. Writ* us at one* /or our Frtm Booktmt Wm. Schield Mfg. Co., St.Lotus,Mo. Grafonola and Columbia Secords Feel Welcome in Oiir Store Stop in some day and let us show you i Columbia Grafonola. You will be allowed to plajr as'many records of your own selection as you wish, on different Columbia Grafonola models. You may feel free to ask as many questions about phonographs as you wish—the more you ask the better we will like it. You are to the judge and the jury. We will be glad to send a Columbia Grafbncla to your home on trial. Compare the Colum' Ia Grafonola with any maclunc in the world. In direct comparison it always appears at its best. A Columlw Gnfimola may be bought on convenient terms. BAKER’S ART GALLERY Hendersonville, N. C. A Modem Drug Store At Your Door Mail your Orders to us—Par cel Postpaid on all orders amount ing to 50 cents or more. Everything in Drugs. Morgan’s Drug Store Rosman, N. C. IF YOU USE A Weeder AND A Disc Cultivator YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO DO ANY HOEING AT ALL We have just two Cultivators and two Weeders left. Buy now and pay in the fall. You need the tools. You will save the cost of the tools this year. We have just two light Steel Skein Co lumbus Wagons left. Better get one now. There are two Sterling Wagons under the shed. Do you want a wagon cheap? Have you seen the new Chase City Buggy on the platform? It is a beauty. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER " MA©-H-INES ' Deering Mower Assefo /V THOROUGHLY dependable mower is a big asset at ha^ng'time. A good mower should be able to cut grass in any condition satisfactorily, and in this respect the Deering Nev Ideal is a- pronounced leader. The flexible movement ot the bar which permits close catting over rough ground, the one-piec( ^^n frame with all holes drUled ia one operation to secure perfect \ jBent of parts, the covered gears and the special <;[uality steel roller bearings, etc. Still another pomt—the ledger {.J&te on the Deering mower extends the full length of the cutting surface of the guard, giving the advantage of a complete shear cut, whether the knife section is old or new. This does away with all clogging of the grass between the knife s^tioa and aie rear end of the ledger plate. Drop in and see us and we will show you the mower in detaiL BREVARD HARDWARE CO. DON’T ORDER C DOYLE