FRIDAY, JULY 4tli, 1919 THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD. N. C. WATCH HIM GROW Here is a “baby” who will give you no trouble—one who eats extraordinary 'Yood. Take habits of Thrift and Savings. Put in Thrift Stamps and Feed •'ftegularly. Then just watch W. S. S. grow. You’ll find him a wonderful jcy. SAVINGS MADE SAFE FOR SMALL INVESTOR LEARNING TO MAKE * MONEY ONLY HALF Uncle Sam Provides Protection for i Wise Spending is Also Essential Thrifty Citizen Wh-o Wishes to Lay Aside Part of Earnings. This is the day of the s'liall inves tor. Tlie war owened the eyes of some 50.(>c0,')()0 Americans to the borselits of iLVr'siins in sovernnieiU sec-iirities; it inir).;!;iiz;v.l to the sxme extent the uieuaoe of iiv.uuulent i>roau)tions in wiii'-li ni.iny lif e's savings huve been Bunlt. War Savings SL’.mpa are mak- in:: investiniT s.iiV for the sinall saver. Kvery investor should realize 4lia': a dollar saved while money ;s the cheapest commodity offered will pun-iiase twico as much of almost any oUi certainly are worth sav ing. Amounts that seem insignificant soon pile up into figures that are im pressive. A sreat French v::'f orce asked the secret of Frenr'i ihvirt. an>. ]he replied, ‘Compound interest.” Just as constant waste, even in little things, may change one’s life from success to failure, so the steady sav ing of money will eventually bring 'ndepcndence, if not actual wealth. There are very few persona who cannot, without inconvenience, lay ^jside 10 cents a df>y. Within ten yehrs one's daily savings of this in- .iiigniflcant sum will amount to $365, 1-1 addition to |8ft.36 compound in terest. making a total of $445.36. By .saving 15 cents a day for ten .'f(’ar.s, with Interest conipuunded rt 4 per cent, on^r will have the lonifort- «Me sum of SGoS.lS; 20 cents a day n(‘t Save 50 cent.^ a dav Tor ten years and there is 52.227.75. A dollar a day will make a total of ,455.74 for the ten-year period. All these figures are based on the savings being put ont at 4 per cent x-ompound inte4'est. War Sir;nic:3 Stamps yield more than 4 per cent. According to War Savings Organization. CHAPLIANWRrrESOF MONROE WnSON USSONS mi mcB TBRin IN »»LS Learning how to make money is only half. It is learning how to spend w'isely and save judiciously that caunts. Even saving does not necessarily mean wise spendlni;, since the pres ent day offers so many equivalents fc* our money. It is oniy by making a j careful, systematic stady of the house- i held i'dniinistratioii that a proper bal- I ance may be found between the dif ferent icems in.the average budget of the home. There are items in every household on which too much money is spent. The fact must be r’aced that if too much is spent on clothing, for in stance, less must be spent for other nec?ssities of life. Si-viug, hovrever, is the item that should be emphasized. Poor- houses ar^ full of yeopl3 who did not have a sMvings il«^m on thoir budgets. I ■■ v:aployr';‘ nt, .--it';:jess. old aga and y.v.iny o*hrr ‘I-,*!'; ■ ;d.-! nscesr.i'ate a call on the r:’.o. : ve i’jntl, the lack of which will re.sult In st;frer:ng and wrint. Every going enterprise is conducted on sy.stem. If the home is to be a suc cessful institution it must also com ply with this wise rule of economics. Systematic household accounting will make a home more cheerful and pros perous. Household accounting alone, however, W’ill never return its full ben efit until it is backed by an intelligent family budget. One must consider the problem of whether it is wiser to pay rent or to l.niiUl a home. In n large measure this depends on local conditions as well aa the size of the income. Amusement and recreation are es sential in family life. The child ami the adult should have an allowance for this, though tSlo total be very small, averaging from 4 to 5 per cent of the income of the family. The wise spender plans the needs of the family so that the amount spent in the “miscellaneous” items will be as small as possible. This item should not be a “catch all” Ih home records. Pamphlets Giving Outline Course May Be Hsd by Writing War Loan Organization. The War Lean OrganiKation of the Fifth Federal Reserve District at Rich mond, Va., has just issued an outline of a cour.s9 of thrift for elementary schools. It is designed ecpecially to mp(*t the needs of teachers, hef^inning with chapters for the smallest young- ster~ and continuiifi: to those for pu pils up to the eijrhth grads. “Thrift in the Sch«>ols” 'contains fascinating suggestions for the teach ing of thrift to the little ones at the "Mother Gocse” age. Then for the ■older children there are many other ways at bringing the lesson home. Ceography. hygiene. English reading, budget making and problem# in arith metic adapt themsalves to the teach ing of thrift. Besides tTiese items the pamphlet contains supcgcsticns for momin.? talks for all grades; tentative read ing lists, with the names ’of the pub lishers of books included; and, in each chapter, a paragr?.ph on the practice of thrift. The si:mmary of the aihis of the leaflet will probably gife the best idea of the outline 1. To give the child a broad under- itanding of th? f-jcts and ttndertying principles cf thrift. 2. To train the child in the of consen/ation and the wise use of •all his resources. 3. To crep.te through the schools a public sertiir.ent in favor of thrift and ecanomy, and through this public sen- titnent, to cultivate the national Sxabit of ♦^hnft. The Wf'.r Loan Organization in Richmcr.d, Avill furnish these leaflets In any qinntity. froe of charge. FMH JIM FOUND BY VIRGINIA COMMUNTTY Thrift and Junk business are bocm- ing at EJmporia, Va. “It keeps me busy running to the post office to get Thrift Stamps to jMiy for all thi sal vage that i.i coming in now,” said the proprietor of one of the junk shops. "Where all tSe junk comes from is a constant wander. No one would have believed that so much stuff could have been hidden away in a town of this size.” Under the voluntary organisation c< Mrs. W. B. Goodwyn, of Emporia, all the housewives cf the town have been conducting an organized salvage caimpaign, in accordance with the plane outlined by the War Loan Or ganization of the Fifth Federal Re serve District. Salvage so c