Breva rd 1e VOL. XXIV BREVARD> N. C. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1919. NUMBER m CONVICTED OF MURDER OF WISDOM PAHERSON SHERMAN, ROBERT AND LEONARD OW- EN CONVICTED—QUARREL OVER A HOG STARTED TROUBLE — ROBERT ^WEN GETS TWENTY YEARS, OTHER ~TWO FIFTEEN—BESSIE OWEN FOUND NOT GUILTY. THE NATION WIDE CAMPAIGN THE TASK BEFORE US BIG COAL STRIKE COMES TO AN END The coal miners’ strike is ended. The United Mine Workers of Amer- The I ica in session at Indianapolis, Ind., Wednesday night to accept APPEAL FOR THE DEMONSTRATORS Editor Brevard News: I have heard with surprise and re- What is the task before us? The | ica in session at Indianapolis, Ind., gret that a petition is being circula- survey shows today the need of over j voted Wednesday night to accept ted to do away with the Farm and 1,500 men and women for service. President Wilson’s proposal for im- Home Demonstration Vv'ork in our It shows the need of buildings, hospi- j mediate return to work pending final county. Living in a villiage as I do, tals, schools, new churches, automo- settlement of their wage controver- j I have not had the good fortune to biles, all of which will cost over sixty sy with operators by a commission to i have seen at first hand much of Miss millions of dollars, and then we look ■ be appointed by him. Cassidey’s work. I have, however, back on the record of the Church for This action ends a tie-up of the heard from others of the good results the past fev/ years and we find that coal industry of more than five weeks she is giving about six cents a week ' duration and one which was more per communicant to the cause of the far reaching in its effects than any Followinjr a trial that lasted seven of Sylva, W. E. Breese and Coleman ! mission of the Church. What has other in the history of the country. been the reason, friends, for this feel- ; —■■■ ■■ ■ ing we laymen have towardr, the , AN AGGRIVATING SITUATION Church? I think Bishop Anderson ! expressed it about as well as anyone One of the most aggrivating prob- or eight days, and one that consumed (lalloway of Brevard. Solicitor J. E. most of tho time of the two weeks assisted by Felix Alley , ^ • /- i- oi- of Wavnesville and D. L. English and fall torni of Superior ( ourt, Shi rinan Owon and his two sons, Robert and I.. C. Hamlin of Brevard. both direct and indirect, from her classes in canning, cooking, and in other branches of woman’s work. Everyone spoke in high praise of the woman’s exhibits at our last County fair. No dcubt much of this creditable work, was due to those in TRANSYLVANU OF FERS DWUCEHENrS The evidence showed that the kill- Leonard Owen, were found guilty of | taken place at the Daimond i try as written by a boy in the Sunday immediate remedy, is the poor elec- murder in the second deirree for the school house, about six miles above j school: “A vestry is a body of men | trie current that is being offered to the girl’s and women’s clubs in the when he gave the definition of a ves- lems for which there seems to be no ■ Home Demonstration Department. We should remember that this work fatal shootine last August of Wisdom Rosnian. Patterson had taken up a Patterson. The jury which was em- ; hog belonging to the Owen family, panelled from special venires of 250 j and advertised that he would sell the men and part of the retrular pannel of 24 men, rt'ached its verdiet in about two and one-half hours after Solicitor J. Shipman closed the ar- jruments. The men were sentenced by Judui- J. L. \Vel)l>, the next morn ing after the verdict was rendered. Robert Owen was sentenced to twen ty years in the state prison, and Sher man and Leonard Owen each were sentenced to fifteen year?. The Verdict was jriven following one of the most bitterly contested trials ever heki in Transylvania Coun ty- It was learned that the jury took :<even ballots. On th^. first ballot five jurymen held out for first de;.;ree murder an<l favori'il clc'cfrocution for the thi'e^. defendants. When Judu-e We^b received tin- M-r lict he intimat ed that the prisoners had gotten off with very li”ht sentences, considering the cold-hlooded plot by which Pat terson was murdered. W. D. Patton was forc!v,an of the jury. Both iht- defendants and the state were n i)re.'ented by ahli- and compe tent iawyirs. Th defendants having for thoir attorneys M.-. Walter Moore animal to pay for damage the hog had done on his premises. The sale who meet once a month to decide how' to soend the money that the women raise.” How can the Church expect the the industrial plants of Brevard. The News offce, as well as a number of goes on in a sort of arithmetical pro gression. One girl who learns eco nomical and sanitary ways of mana- other plants, depends upon and trys, i ping her home may pass this practical to use the current for operatng its j knowledge on among a number of her the laymen to be interested when they ' machinery, but here of late current I neighbors, as well as in her own fam- took jdace at the school house. Sher-1 serve on the vestry meeting perhaps for both power and eluminating pur- j ily. Thus one cannot begin to esti- man Owen and his two sons and Das- | once a month “to spend the money poses has been absolutely worthless mate the value to the county of a sie Owen were present. The hog was | the women raise?” Is it any wonder during the day time. We can accom- year’s work among our girls by its att:!ciied to a rop(< held by Patterson’s that the men of our Church have not plish nothinc in this office for want sen-in-law. The trouble started when been as deeply interested in the of current, and iust at this time the Sherman asked Patterson: “Whose , Church of God as in their busines? rush season of the year, with all hoiT have you got thar?” At this j Thev have sat from iNIonflay until printinj? ofIlc(*s, our current is not jioinl Passie Ow’en cut the rope lib-1 Suntlay looking out through a pair j suflicient to hc*at tnc> melting pot on erating the hog. Patterson then siezed j of onera glasses and at the other end the linotype machine, or strong the rope, whereupon the shooting ^ they see on the field of vission grat r lartcd. Robert Owon fired the first j thinjrs ^oinji’ on in the world of trade, shot, striking Patterson under the in the world of. finance* #n politics, left shoulder. As he fell Robert fired ■ in all of which they are interested, I ;i,-:a!i!. this time into Patterson’s and then on Sunday that same opera clu st. Mi-anwhile, Sherman hati pro- irlass is turned round the other wav cui'L 1 a uun and he and Leonard o;)cn(wj tire on the prostrate body. T!k> shooting took place in fro:it of a crov.d that had gathered for the sale. Tile jail was guarded night and day during the trial. The trial attracted large crowds from everv corner oi tlie county and an aL'uregate total of a thousand or fifteen hundred people were in at- and they tret the big end up to their eyes, and down below them see a lit+^le problem of the Church, not of tlio Church as a Vvliole. but of their enough to null the machinery neces sary to set out the paper. Something in the way of an early improvement should be made by the light and power plant and relieve the aggr i vat i nu’ s itual ion. STRIKING SCENERY FOR BIG STORY IN “THE MIRACLE MAN’ tc’idance during the trial. The court breaming in terms of world trade all room was crow'ded during the entire ' the week.” own little parish or mission, may be the problem of w'hether they shall j From the sordid slums of New buy a red or a blue carpet. It is a ' ^ ork’s Cldnatown to the grandeur of fascinating and thrilling adventure high mountains and the majesty of to sit in their pew' on Sun lay or on ‘ the ocean that is tne range of tiie some w’eek-day after thinking and setting in “The Miracle Man, a big new Paramouat-Artcraft picture, which is coming to the Sapphire Thea- trial. PASSfflG OF MR. HOWARD COOK Howard Cook^. died at his home < n Broad street Friday niuht at 8:00 i'. ^1. following a linuerin^' illness. T le <lecease;i moved from Ohio to Rosm:ni some twelve or lifteeti months a^i'o and conducted larue luir.iier and miii- injr interests in that s-■•tion. Mr. ( (i: '« *.as made his home in Rrevard i! . Ii]r- tlij. four or fi^t.’ months ancT ha 1 u're;\t!y endeared himself to all with whoi;: h<‘ came in contact. He is surviw’d l,y his wife and one so^\. I'u: _*ral ■ptvice.'. r.e;. (•(■:, iucted hy Rev. r./r^,uett, iiit; ni rnt was at Mount Mariah ('oivieterv. SMALL POX NEAR DAVIDSON RIVER Mr. John Lyday, whose home is in the li • Penrose section has recent ly If \ ■ ! ped a light case of smidl pox. It IS !: ufiht that owing to the un- u^, i! V, rm weather of the* year and, that va ' prt ; 'u II s.-iou’d be taken and nc on- x; ise themselves unnecessarily. LEWIS B. FRANKLIN, Director Every-Member Canvass Nation-Wide Campaign. DEATH OF MRS. J. A. BRYSON tre Saturday Doc. 13. The same ex pansiveness of vision is reflected in the absorbing story, written by Frank L. Packard, later dramatized by G. ]\L Cohan, and produced with striking success on Broadway. The central figure is a Vv’hite-haired patriarch, who lives in the hills near the sea and who has reputed power to apparent results at the end of year. As a citizen, interested in the pro gress of the county, I hope to see both the Farm and the Home Demon stration work contmued but as a mother, who sees daily, the vital need Cl the child for a well ordered home, my kneenest interest is in the work for the home. Now why should anyone wish to take the work from us? Certainly it is not because we cannot afford it. I am informed by one who has figured it out, t”at a tax payer must pay on $4000.00 before his contribution to the combined work of the Farm and the Home Demonstrators amounts to $1.00. Surely no one will be impov erished at that rate! Or, do they think our women and girls are not worth the small sum per tax payer? I trust the County Commissioners will not take away from us the only agency in the county, which is intend ed solely to help us Increase our ef ficiency in our homes, and so enable us to raise the standard of homes in Transylvania. MARY C. JENKINS. Messrs. T. D. Hunter, J. A. Todcf, and C. F. Todd, of Simpsonville, Si C, were in Brevard last week and inves tigating farms in and around Cherry- field v/ith a view of purchasing arr? establishing a stock farm. The New» understands that these gentlemtfc* were much interested and plea&vf? v/ith a number of farms which they? inspected. Mr. Hunter, who has a summer- home near Brevard, realized s-smt* time ago the natural advantages this section for a stock farm and ha?' since had his brother in laws, tfir* Messrs. Todds to become interests? also. No place in the mountains will of-- fer any better lands for the raisinfi: ot” stock than Transylvania County. Wi- have the best mountain lands foe- grazing; We have the equal of anv" bottom and uplands for producitig; arr abundance of what little winter fee<;' is needed, we have short winterK* we have as fine a all-the-year clitu.atc'^ as can be found, in fact, we havr> everything to attract and nothing* t'.!> ,'letract the stock raising or the getrer- al farmer and \vq hope to see a naiii- ber of stock farmrs established i'l the county, in the near future. DEATH OF REV. W. H. DAVIS Mrs. J. A. Bryson died at her home in Hendersonville last Tuesday after a lingering illness. Owing to the absence of Chief of heal the sick and crippled. Tom Burke Mr. Lyday’s famiy have a been Police J. A. Bryson, w’ho has been at and his band in their haunt in the : d, the disease will not likely bedside of his wife, only meager New York underw'orld read of his n epidemic, howevt- all duo ' "^ws of the death could be obtained On Saturday morning, Dec. 6th, rf- ' ter a lin.uerlnsr illness of sev^iruv ! months Rev. Y\\ H. Davis of Pisjrjt;: i Forest quietly passed away. AI£ bi^^ I children had been summoned h’.’irr* • ; and were present when the end caxrie. He is survived by his w’ife, Mrs. lie F. Davis, his son Alston of ! more, IMd., his daughters, Misses Mat - tie of P(. ace Institute at Raleigh aric- ]\Iary McPhail who teaches at Pisgai • P'orest, ?.Irs. T. E. Patcon of Piagtfr P'orcst, and his step-daughter, . Earl Malden of Greenville, S. C. Hi^-; brother, ]\Ir. Orrin Davis of Salisbaj-t- , was present also. j Funeral services were held at 3:3v-v o’clock Sunday afternoon at Davidsoi’- , River church where he had so labored as pastor and where he wa’>' greatly beloved. The church way- packed w'ith scarcely standing ro<itt? in the aisles left with his maxii* friends and admirers. The casket was banked with choice flowers aiuf beautiful designs. Funeral semce.*^ were conducted jointly by Rev> J- K. : Hay, pastor of the church. Rev. t?. P, A chance to bring a real blessing Smith, D. D., of Asheville and to some deserving children in our own "W. g. Hutchison of jMills River. Thf I i miracles and conceive the idea of cap- . beautiful countv; and to make them A WORTHY CAUSE WOiVIAN’S CLUB ORGANIZED THE BREVARD-ROSMAN- SENECA RAILROAD Who will build it! Ans. One of the following: The Southern, The S. A. L. The C. of Ga. A northern company. Edito:- I’revard Nev/s: 1 lease publish the organization of a Wo 'witn’s Club Meeting at the Wuo('mon Hall, Rosman, N. C.', Dec. 3rd. ! v Miss Lula M. Cassidy, Coun ty Demonstration Agent. Th'_‘ fol lowing of?icers were elected and mem bership enrolled; Mrs. J. E. Ockc r.nan, president, Mrs. A. O, Kitchen, vice-president, Mrs. Jordan W'hitmiro, secretary and treasurer. Miss Mr.ggie Owenby, Miss Willie Thomas, Miss Alberta Perkins, Mrs. L. E. Pov.ell, Mrs. T. D. Bartle- ERROR CORRECTED A company formerl by the peoyde. sph, Mrs. A. M. Y/hite, Mrs. W. E. We have the men, the brains and th ■ Flr’jman and Mrs. Frank Garren. money. W. Hi CLASS MEETING All Avero very much interested and •:re locking forward to the next mvet- ing when we v/ill decide on the par ticular work to be followej, and are also very much encouraged by having The T. E. L. class of P>revard I^tp- Miss Cassidy with us in the moeting.s tist church will meet with Mrs./ Gus on account of her wide experier ce. Garren Tuesday, December the/l6th' Yours truly, ' at 3:00 P. M, , MRS. E. 0. SHIPMAN. italizing them for their own gain. So j a mighty force for the welfare of the they go to the town where the old communities where they live. Come man lives and frame up a miracle for one, come all to the U. D. C. Building Owing to a transposition of figures him. To their surprise they discover Thursday evening and let us reason in the Brevard Banking Company’s that he really possesses the healing tov;ether; and then launch iome form statement appearing on the last page powers accredited to him. of associated charities that will com- of the News last week, an error v.’as Gradually under the beneficent in- mend itself to all the hu:nane people ;vaue in amount of “Deposits sub- fluence of their new environment of our county who are able and who ject to checks”. This item reads, there is worked a transformation in would like to do something where they $345,038.08. It should have read the hearts of the crooks that make can see the results of their contribu- $43"), 038.08. I Rose, the gangster’s beautiful decoy, tions. Two hundred dollars is badly Amount of “undivided profits less the charming girl she is at heart, that needed by the County Welfare Of- current expenses and taxes” paid evolves a farm hand out of a dope ficer to make it possible for children reads, $10,000.00. it should read fiend, and finally, brings out the bet- in a dozen families to be equipt for I $3,779.88. ter nature of even the hardened, so- school. The writer knows personally R. W. Everett’s, name should also phisticated Tom Burke himself. In of cases where the Welfare Officer has be eliminated as an attesor, as he was the hands of such capable artists as taken his own money to help needy absent and did not attest the state- Thomas Meighan, Elinor Fair, Joseph children. This is too big a burden for ment. j J. Dowding, Betty Compson, and one man and we citizens ought gladly The statement in correct form ap- others of similar merit, this pow’erful to come and assist him. He can use pears in another column of the News story becomes a vital, living thing second-hand clothes. People of Bre- this week. | and one of the greatest dramatic vard: Look thru your ward-robes and ! spectacles the screen has yet revealed, fix up a bundle of any kind of wear- TEA ROOM OPENS { ; ing apparel for the County Welfare CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT | Officer w'ho will endeavor to distri- ^— I bute it where it will be appreciated. A Christmas entertainment will be Leave the packages or package at the in the building next to the postoffice ' given at the Penrose High School Brevard Drug Store, Dr. Pickelsimer Mrs. C. M. Cooke and Mrs. M. P. Brodie, haVe opened up a tea room vvhere dainty and tempting dishes will building on Friday evening, Dec. 19th Prop, be served. This is quit^ a boon to | at 7:30. An enjoyable evening is as- j ill a lonk felt want.' sured. The public is cordially invited. 'Brevard and will fill J. C. S., Chairman, Co. Welfare Board. body was laid to rest in the Davidsor- River Cemetery, a spot scared to hia. because there he had laid away fc- his ministry so many of his friecadi> and loved ones of long ago. j The active pall-bearers were all of ficers of Davidson River Church, oii. were several of the honorary pidl- I ; bearers. I Active: H. H. Patton, J. A. Miller.. I Vr. H. Deaver, R. L. Ga.'h, J. S. l\T. ~ ton, and Fred Harris. Honary: T. T_ ' Patton, J. L. Bell, T. S. Boswell, T, S. I Wood, W. E. Deaver, C. C. Patton^ C. I\L Siniard, J. G. Boswell and E. Bbylhe. Mr. Davis was one of the oldestu? best known citizens of Transylvc. iis County. When a young man he intimately identified with all the f-fe ‘of the country while serving as p tor of Davidson River church ancf I founder of Brevard Presbyter:an. I Church. He was called to ot!:;*r churches and left the county, but was called back to Davidson River in. years. He served as pastor the seccnid time until the summer of 1915 wlve-tt he retired on account of advanci::: years. Transyl^apta is rich in to him for the best years of his Kfe of service.

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