. BpJ VOL. XXIV IREVARD-SENNECA- DACMAM D BRE r"r;'": i H : .'most di- f 1 distance p field.-. : f i y a n ore : '. :io Nc r h j . the r :, rich ;p. I ' '..oUld be j ' j wojld ! j ! at Majl, ; l! !; he chair. ii ! Ii l re; II M ! J i i i t r f The outside world see's t ho impor- i tance of tin P.rovard-RosmamScnne-ca ' i Railroad, as well as. the people living' i ia the territory thru which, the pro- j posed line would run. The Atlanta Constitution is fully impressed with the value of this road to Atlanta an the Carolina mounatins. In i'.s issue! of thdSth, a complete map of the proposed road was printed .-'on.tr with a lontrthy article re;: dim follows : SHORT LINE PROPOSED BY BRE. VARD CITIZE NS Road Would Shorten Ds'-mce Be tween Atlanta and Irupnrtant Points "Citizens of I'rcvard. workin.tr for the const ru t road, which will rivo the rect connect ion with A which they say wii! !. between this, city and ib of cast Tenttcs-. h 1 osi "Ilesides s!i..rt( to Atlanta and fur:,:-;i'; commodious w.-.v rr i the sxutliern s ates x Carolina mountain s r'!.' will op.-n a new timber re popsihilitie.-. The read about forty n lies :or,;r taken over th;.' I Hue Kni-. Cap, the k.west point ia "Dr. C. V. Hurt is a.-tivel . ;nti estintr hi:t'.:H-lf in pro-fct!t:tr i! roa whtcli utidc r tin- pre-tit v: .-nir.v: conlrol of railror.ds will h-svi to i undertaker: by privat" caniti !. 1: believes howe"er. that ih.e ro ;d vi easily pay it:)erest on the cap ;al it vested in it, besides beintr of service not o::!y to the people .f tha vicinity but also to Atlanta Mid t ail thos(, who coniL- thru Atlanta to reach the Xerlh Carolina mountains." ARMY AND NAVY VICTORY BUTTONS The main navy recruitin.tr station at Raleitrh has received a supply of navy victory buttons to be issued to men who served in the navy on acthe duty anytime between Aprd 6, 1917 and November 11, 191S, and have since been discharged from the reg ular navy or the naval reserve force. Men on inactive duty will be supplied by the commandant of the naval dis trict in which the man resides. The procedure for obtaining a Vic tory button is to forward discharge certificate to main station at Kaltig-h for reTu:t:tr Mir-r . e.'--lor-t- mcnt to the effect that been issuei be returne.i tificate. L-iefeueci, inac , tu ted i nd a Victory bu ned f vith the discha I button ha.- button will rjrrs cer- WANTS FARMERS TO IAISE TOBACCO I want teVVtre the farr ers of our county to raise more toba co. Their is so much more money in it than any other crop we can raise. Brother farmer you cm find one acre of land on your farm that you can make rich and plant it in tobacco and it will brinjr you from $200 to $100 in cash. There is hundreds of acres in our county that will make tobacco and it is as easy made as corn and will bring you four times the money that corn will. I ask you to consider this and jrrow one acre. I will c-ladlv it is done. I have been raising tojbac- co for 40 years and I think this so? Krows it as good as any in the stat Let us all put one acre in and do ou best. I want to put four acres in t bacco next year. Your3 for a good crop, ' A. R. METCALF. i Kin fJk?K'JmS 6 V- tart as ; I ft .