Wf' '"'""X"'' ■* -Vv .i-. .lAgUA^Y «Mt THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD. N. fiRteVARD NhWS Aam« chaneetl trom I Tflvan Vuller Newu.'Jantiary 1.1917. ~ M L. SHIPMAN7Editor C. B. OSBORNE, Managing Editor and PubKsher C. H. LOOP Advertising Solicitor ’ HabUslK-dfVory Thursday . Kntered at l.ostjilico at Krcvu'.u. N.C...IS martf 1 6X) SSCBIPTION ? lllCil: Oneyuar _ - - - *1.00 Bix uioxitlis - , - - - .75 Ti.'ji laonth--^ - - - * -ijO Tw > njath.s - - .36 Pf. .7>lt:> ly cheok. tn \ ov money order. Cai "t thai'.s. "I > I I on ■ v; me P') i i.-i l>ii 1 >!'•> I ' I ’ ,.r. ■ i> 1 tiie’'. i. 1 ^ ■ '• ■ t ' I ‘ or * i.- '- 'if oo’-,t luM w.i'-.i S:i!j.;( I ililioii'S nut iM'tVi i.Po 'l .1! <•; t\ pira i , i>i tiiiio paid U'r v i. ' ' • >. quest. K FRIDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1920 THE PRESIDENT WILL QUIT Prcsiuont Wilson will not /.cansl for no encourajxor.iont comes from the White i^ouse to t’u* many sU;*5;estions that he should airain lead the hosts of Democraoy to victory. On ta? con trary, intimate fri.r;i’i.=! and admirers of Mr. Wils^on incline to ihe opinion that he would positively refuse to l)er;nit the use of his name in con nection with t);e pre.sidential nomina tion thit: year. A .urateful peopl3 should neither a.-k nor expect Wood row Wilson to longer cary the v.eiji’n- ly responsibiliiie.< of the American }’overnnu ''.l. The sacrifices he has al ready made are .ureater than any one n;an ."houlil he a-'lceil to continue. A rc: :'m! perio({ has b. on well earned ai'.d 1'..' ^houhi bo pcn.iitted to s;)end the rcivaiiider of ins earthly piigrim- '. ;iai)le ir.aa to succeed him, i. • th' (ieniucvaiic standard bearer in ti'.' a] .n-fachinu' contosl. Many of the par;y :.ader.> adhcrj to the opinion tl’.at a !);an thoroughly imbued with t;K WiSun spirit and iiiea of public KtTvit; . ould be named as the presi- flcntinl ■•antlidate. The Wilson activ- iiies hiivf wj'outzht jiowerfully in the t’.;a>,tnu'iit of noLHi'.d reforms in na- tio’ial ;;nairs and the averaji'e man never had a better friend. It is not surpr.'L'Uiii’, ther^lore, that th(,' party liejias sei’ved so weil should consider Advisability of endorsinjr his re- aliin.c to Icadtrshi]) a man .esident could follow con- yay dinner in Wash- K will probably result of country-wide si'X- len in the party have participate in the jthe talk fest. A sim- ars ago brou^’ht prominence as e. His unique on that occa- ort cin influence W’all Street was ehind it all was has not yet been een the guiding in- I'aence jn Ifftivities of this good man thru a world-crisis which put civiliza tion to the severest test it has exper ienced since the victory over death, lull and the grave was won by the 1 jwly Nazarene more than nineteen ? undreds years ago. There can be no cuplication of Woodrow Wilson by either party in the United States this y^ar, but the democracy may seize tfie opportunity for service to itsslf .^.iid the country by calling to leader ship a man in thorough accord with t'le principles and policies of that r.reat leader who brough it safely tnru the wilderness in 1912. Of the prominent den:ocrats men tioned for the presidency this year Tien, Wm. G. McAdoo, rornisr secre tary of the treasury, is probably the stronger. Other names discussed in this connection are those of Atty. General Palmer, of Pennsylvania, Senator Underwood of Alabama, Governor Cox and Senator Pomerene, of Ohio, Senator Owen, of Oklahoma, Secretary of War, Newton D. Baker, Senator Chamberlain of Oregon, Speaker Champ Clark, of Missouri, and Secretary of Navy Daniels. How ever Mr. Daniels puts himself out of lise running by a public declaration to the effect that wiUt under no consideration allow his name to go on the presidential primary ballot of any stiate. Recent discussions in this con nection include also, the name of the Hon. Wm. J. Bryan who, more than any other man, is responsible for the nomination of Woodrow Wilson at Baltimore in 1912. This is a rather formidable array of possibilities. May :he best and strongest man win President Wm. M. Wood, of Amer ican Woolen Company, is accredited svith the statement that the high cost jf clothing is due to the refusal of ieople to wear coarse cloths, and to 'hortage of 200,000,000 pound^ in he world’s supply of wools. There s reason in the suggestion and an ef- iort ought to be made to induce the fashionably inclined to call a halt to his form of extravagance. Former Secertary McAdoo classes “half-soled breeches” as badges of honor. So long as the people submit to the de mand for high prices of any commo dity they need not expect a reduction in the cost of living. Director Cholmeley Jones, of the Treasury Department, announces that on December 24th, there w'ere mailed from the Bureau of Dar Risk Insur- I ance 1,065 checks for compensation aggregating $71)9,580.61. This sum rcprc'sci'.ts adjustnients in keeping v. Ith retroactive fcaturs s of the new law for the benefit of 'rmer service hicn disabled a resul c injuries in currcd while on duty ii .-tive service (iuring the recent grea war. This bureau has also issued : -iphlets con- tainin'i: the provisions the recent ( enactment increasing ■ compensa- i tion of disabled servic'. -len and en- k’.rging the classes of :>c-neficiaries. O’l the whole, Un^le . :im has done m'ghty well in cari ^or his oldiers, ’ o’.h at homo and ci.^road. The cas- ■jiiiues to r»cceniber 29th, according to ■inuoi-.;ic?i'.ieni cf the War Dept., '.^uraberetl 21)3, 045. ‘‘(lone, but not foruotton.” WiiicnTn unable to a divine 1 withheld. Only two new industrial disputes of consequence the last week in De cember, e;,i;ht tlie week before and seven the Vvcck previous to that. Dur ing h’.'^t Vvcek three disputes v.’ere ad justed by the Federal Department of Labor whiih, hov. ever, admits the ])en(iing of twenty-one strikes and seventy-one other controversies be fore Jiecertary Wilson for adjust- !.:cr.t L:;bor clisputes are apparently less rreuuent and a get-together spirit is more manifest since the beginning of the new year. Both employer and en:pIojee must be willing to “give and talie” if they expect to dw'ell together in harmon^\ There is two-sides to pretty nearly every qu(|rion which i rises between capital and labor and each of these classes should try to be reasonable. And, an undertaker was one of the wood alcohol gang that was arrested Jever? Sail over. Some sealed them w'ith a kiss and some with Red Cross stickers. Hens demanding more feed; farm ers demanding higher prices—give us one pound of liver please. Young Ted says, “I am ashamed of the present administration.” Well, whst the is he going to do about it? Wood alcohol is taking up where Influenza left off last winter. If it isn’t one epidemic, it’s another. They do say most every Transyl vania boy will join the pig clubs this year. Most any girl can qualify for the calf club. They do say that tobacco is a lub ricant for the mind. And they might add, a varnish for the sidewalk. Owing to the high cost of news print paper we are not writing many New Year resolutions. We know people who give ten mil lion car loads of free advice every year and not one smile or a hand shake. WORK DOES NOT BOTHER HIM NOW , — ■— ■' ■ ■ Oklahoma Man Suffered Five Years Is Relieved By Taking Tanlac. “I am certainly glad to recommend Tanlac, after the wonderful way it helped both my wife and myself,” said J. N. Fightmaster, of the Fight- master Baking Co., who lives at 915 North Dewey street, Oklahoma City, Okla. “For five years or more,”’ he con tinued, “my stomach had been out of order and I couldn’t eat anything without suffering from idigestion. I would bloat up with sour gas and would get so nervous and upset that I couldn’t attend to my business prop erly. My sleep was broken and I felt tired and worn out most all the time. I just managed to keep going, but felt my condition was getting more serious every day. “I noticed an improvement soon af ter I started taking Tanlac, my appe- Ute picked up, gas stopped forming and my food now agrees w^ith me per fectly. My nerves are stronger, I sleep like a log and am able to look after my work now without any trouble. My wife had been in a weak and rundown condition for some time but Tania chas helped her fine and we are both simply delighted with the way Tanlac has benefited us.” Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere.—adv. You can buy Jelico coal for $8.50 per ton—at Hendersonville. NOT THE ONLY 0 There Are Other Brevard People Similarly Situated Can there be any stronger proof offered than the evidence of Brevard residents? After you have read the following quietly answer the question. H. G. Rogers, brakeman, Railroad Street., Brevard, says: “Some years ago I had a bad speli with my kidneys. My back ached good deal and it seem ed to take the ambition out of me. When I bent over I could hardly straighten. I think being on my feet so much and the jarring of the train is what brough this trouble on. Dizzy spells would come over me and black specks appeared before ray eyes. My head ached a good deal, too. I was lame mornings and my kidneys did- not act as they should. Hearing of Doan’s Kidney Pills, I got a supply and soon I felt like myself again.” 60c at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. CALL FOR COUNTY REPUBLICAN CONVENTION ; A convention of the Republicans of Transylvania County is hereby called for February 5th, 1920 at 1 o’clock P. M. at the Court House in Brevard. Said convention is for the purpose of electing delegates to the State and Congressional conventions, the latter to be held in Asheville, N. C. Febru ary 7th, 1920 at 10 o’clock A., M. The various Tow'nship and Precinct committees are hereby requested to call a convention of the Republicans of their various sections, giving at least ten days notice, and elect dele gates to the County convention. This the 3rl< It 4: ^ VHC Ot..'tJiS/ iJ V.- r, ) ™ Wii Lu J ^ I T'or th=, r.‘r: :n of fi;:':-rin:rr tTic ''i.;!:’"' '•'-■c; s;)ec.'i;iT m .'•l .K’tnr.s talio \lu* lifo out nn III' j: ••••?. 1 t a Y-.-.-.-'.y; .-H .-uii a o.niury, J “TIiroi!f:h the advice of ii laily fr; I tricJ ST:;LLA VITAK, and I am to Ikt for I am a wdi , wf)iii.!ii. I k tlirt-e l)0t;li'3. 1 witli moij;My periods, bac-kadic, no apjicii;:', j al'.viiys tii i'tl, iliil not Rlc>(p soutiil. I c :;n. ' s:if. !y n‘C'Oninu :;il sti;lla VITA!; to ' w<)’:iaa wlio Ims illnoss pccul!:;r to t'i(? fttiulL' sc'.\.”—jI."3, 1‘auliiic Faust, ArL. m STELLA VITAE is sold at your orvx siorv; on this distinct a-vrcc- m'^nt that if the very first bultJo j not help you, yov.r nicney will , be refunded. Wliy net try it? THACHER MEDICINE CO. ChattauooEra, 7ean., IT. S. A. For Sale by Macfie-Broodxe Drug Co. Brevard, N. C. Philip’s Bakerf WHY BUY BREAD OUT OF TOWN WHEN YOU CAN GET MORE BREAD AND BETTE^ BREAD FOR THE SAME MONEY AT YOUR HOME BAKERY? Pliilip’sBaltsiif / Your INCoi SN€-^PEli f A CUT THAT OUT AND PUT IT\0H OUR, BANK YOU MAY BE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE AL- WAYS KICKING THEMSELVES FQR THEIR EXTRAVA GANCE, YET, NEVER WILLING TO BEGIN ECONOMIZING TODAY. TODAY IS THE TIME TO QUIT WASTING AND BEGIN TO BANK THAT LOOSE MONEY. SOME DAY IT WILL BE A LARGE SUM AND COME IN HANDY. START A BANK ACCOUNT TODAY. PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK YOU WILL RECEIVE 4 PER CENT INTEREST. BREVARD BAN KING COMPANY T There are four big reasons why the portable Florence Oil Heater is just the heater you need this winter to make corners comfortabie- " ' 1. The Florence gives generous heat. 2. Scientific construction makes the Florence stronge and sturdy. 3. It is the most beautiful heater ever made. / 4. It is the most economical, as it gives maximum heat frofn every firoj> of oil. I The Florence Oil Heater is odorless, smokeless, and safe, if the fe^^^ijmple di~ rections which accompany eac^eater are followed- Gasoline Lanterns Are the most convenient and economical Lanterns yo4i can buy. Try one. Brevard Hardware Co. HARRY P. CLARKE, Manager There Is more Catarrh fn this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years it was sup posed to be incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influenced by constitutional con ditions and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine. manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio,- is a constitutional remedy, is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars re ward is offered for any case that Hall’s* Catarrh Medicine falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY A CO./Toledo. Oldo. Sold by Druggists, 75c. B^'s Family Pills foe constipatioii. TlCE All persons will take notice, that a petition will be filed with the board of County Commissioners of Transyl vania County at the regular meeting HI February, for a change of the Township lines between Brevard and. Boyd Townships, so ac$ to place that ; part of Boyd Township that Ii« south i of the French Broad River in the I Township of Brevard. This the 2nd. day of Jan. 1920. B. W. Everett et. al., Petitionen. 4t