■' '’A-' ^ ■ '< ■■'-'I,-1'■ ' THE BREVARD NEW8» U N. C. iSmAT/ ■P“» ■ nh. n liot Mbln Washday Easier IB Because waslnxng is a neces sity ts no reason for maKing hard worK of tt It*3 a simple matter to lighten the labor — to cut out the drudgery — to maKe washday no more to be dreaded than any other day. Save your energy, your strength, your vitality, your nerves. We can supply all Kinds of washing machines—easy run ning hand power washers or the Kind driven by electricity or water motor—that wash one lot of clothes while you rinse or prepare another. Then, too, we have wringers, boilers, tubs, washboards, clothes lines and other wash day necessities of best quality. HARDWARE THAT STANDS HARD WEAR AT PRICES THAT STAND COMPARISON B^VARD HARDWARE CO. HARRY P. CLARKE SHALL TRANSYLVANIA AD. VANCE OR RETIRE? I EreaMast Fci^ig m and Cereals m Little bodies must have the best of nourishment to make them strongandlxealthy —to build them up to robust manhood and womanhood. And grown folks need it to sustain their vitality and energy. The popular breakfast foods and cereals meet the needs of both young and old We have them in all their tasty goodness—the wheat foods, corn, oats, rice, barley etc. Include one or more packajjes in your next Older. fum papier. The whole world was diependant on the fanner. The hi^ cost of living called for the greatest amount of production fro mthe least amount of ground. He thbroQs^y endorsed the work of Mr. Lawrence and Miss Cassidey. Chairman Zachary said he would like to make a few remarks o nthe subject before the house before in troducing Mr. Mast who would speak in a general way on the advantage of Farm and Home Demonstration work to the county, state and nation. R. H. Zachary said in the past that he was afraid the farmers on the other side of this question were those of the know-it-all and you-can't-teach me-anything-about-farming kind. Thescmen don’t go to demonstrations and don’t need advise on farm topics. They say it is a big expense to the county for nothing. The actual cost said Mr. Zachary, is buttwenty-six and a quarter cents on the thousand dollar valuation. Two and a quarter cents on the hundred. Is it worth it? I have personally been benefitted suf ficiently by these demonstrations to pay my taxes for the next hundred years. The trouble is that when there is anything to learn from a meeting of this kind you will find two hundred men on the streets and a mere dozen at the meeting. In 1913 farming the old way I raised 20 bushels of corn per acre. By following the knowledge gained from the farm demonstrator my farm yielded 66 bushels in 1918. Now look at the number and quali ty of the ho?;s exhibited at the Coun ty Fair. The first year there were two reg'istered ho{2:s, two sows and lit ters and a few rejxistered shoats. This year there over 1,000 re.i?istered ho,u:s w'orth over $11,000.00 to the County. Mr. 0. W. Clayton lost 13 out of 13 ho'Ts by cholera. Mr. Law- Telepiione Orders Given Proiiipi Attention R. P. KILPATRICK, Brevard Have You a Home? If you do not have a Home, ;ome and let us sell you one. If you do own a Home, come and have[us INSURE it. Two of the most sensible things that you can do: secure a home and protect it. GALLOWAY MINNIS Real Estate andllASurwce Ascents (CoBtiaued from Page 1.) J. B. Neal said he had been in con stant touch with these agents since their first arrival in the County. They have been a wonderful help on the farm, among the stock, in the orchard and with the chickens. He couldn’t begin to put a cash value on their work to him and his family. Many of the improvements were in the na ture of foundation laying which would develope into a grand tructure of benefit along all lines in the years to come. O. L. Erwin, who is both merchant and farmer said that these agents of the county were, both energetic and capable. It was a good thing for Transylvania to have them. They were always ready to talk farm and home matters and their advice was valuable to the farmer and housewife. Tom McCall spoke of the cannery at Quebec which Miss Cassidey or ganized and developed. They had no funds to start with but Miss Cassidey raised $140.00 by a big supper, put in a stock company and established a cannery. Now they had hundreds of dollars worth of canned goods in store for the winter. C. C. Young said he wasn’t blind, but thought that even a blind man could see the improvement among the crops and stock of the county farmer. He was heartily in favor of letting the good work go on. Mr. Blythe said most people knew him as a druggist and wouldn’t sup pose that he was a farmer. He also sjiid the trouble with the average one horse farmer w'as that they knew too much; that was why they staid one horse farmers. You can’t teach a man who knows it all. In times gone by farmers thou.2:ht little of the chem istry of the soil, that it was a v.aste j rencc >iot the vaccine and saved every of time to lime their land, thouuh it j one of mine from contamination and no better than so p.uich sand. But j saved the county from a cholera row farmers arc waknis;- up to the fact { scourage. thr.t lime is a valuable ln;j:redicut to j Zachary then showed the pro- have in the .^oil and operate.^ to make fit he ha;! made irom pasturing his j other fertiliziuiur elements available, hoijcs on clover instead of the old way j Mr. Blythe also spoke of the benefit ' of slops and corn. Where do you of the Annual Fairs to the County, of farmer.s .s^et your money back? By the advantages of vacc ine for ihe , educatin.u you in better farnung ! various diseases oi ho.iis au;1 cattle, methods, makiUii' thL'ni more conte’it- the knowiedj^e of which preventativcs ' ed to stay on the farm, keepini: them was broutrht to the farmers by Mr. i from sin and vice. Why one crime * I Lawrence. The s]);-ii:.er mentionCvl ! racently cost the county over three a]; o the cheere factor.es at Penro.sc? | thousand dollar.-'. By ail means Icl a.:d Slica and of th izrand work all ! tlie uood work uo on and not only I over the ('cui.t ,• v, hicu is bc!)K; dov*e i-’-al! v.e ;-ee the re.-”Its in our (h\y, biu h'y will beneik our our children’s cliildren. I'.Ir. .Mast, the jrehcral farm ae:ent theJi took the floor, introduced by Mr. Zachary. He ?aid a few months ago a party went to Lurope; on their re turn a member was asked: “Did you .^.ee the Dardanelles?” “Yes” he re ;iijed, “I called on them but they w'ere out.’’ (Laughter) See the point. Ig- nnrnnco, pure isinorance. The w’ork of Farm and Home Demonstration is quite old in our country and goes back to the “Land Grant College.” This school distributed bulletins and forms but didn’t get results. Then we had Farmers’ Institutes, The Smith-Lever Act and the Agriculture Extension Bill; ali aiming at bring the colleges to the farmer. Look at your County Ajyents and ! you will see all the force of the Col- , Ten thousand peopie are w'orking to } give you farmers the best that ripe experience has produced in the way of better farmin'^, better housing, bet ter stock, fruit and poultry, more comfortable homes, less work and more comfort on the farm. Catawba County now makes 500,- 000 pounds of cheese where it made one five years ago. He told of a man who wanted a machine harnessed on his mountain stream to run a saw and a grist mill. The machine he got w^ould cut wood but would not grind corn. The county agent showed him where he could get a machine that would do both, run the churn, pump the water and furnish electric^ light; all from the ame stream. He knew of a boy who had a registered cow which gave five times as much milk as his fathers five scrub cows which at five times the feed. We must har ness thees streams; all the streams of production on the farm. The results (Continued on Page 8.) rm-. THE VEST POCKET KODAK Literally small enough to go into the vest pocket (or a lady’s handbag), big enough to bring home all outdoors—^a minature in •size, but lacking nothing in Kodak efficiency or simplicity. Has Kodak ball bearing shutter with iris diaphram stops, meniscus achromatic lens. Autotine scale and briliant reversable finder. Loads in daylight with Kodak film cartridges for 8 ex posures. A fixed focus makes it always ready for quick work* Lustrous black metal finish. Pictures l%x2% inches. Price $9.49, $10.58 &nd $16.58. COME IN AND LET US SHOW THEM TO YOU. Developing and printing at reasonable prices. FRANK D. CLEMENT, The Jeweler ■M Happy New Year! TO YOU, AND MAY YOU BE BLES SED WITH ALL GOOD THINGS THIS YEAR. YOU WILL BE BLESSED WITH GOOD MEATS, VEGETABLES, ETC., IF YOU BUY HERE. THE CITY MARKET W. H. DUCKWORTH S. F. ALLISON Phone 47 RAW FURS WANTED We want your raw furs. Send us by next niail—or better still, bring us all the muskrat, possum^ sku:^k, cocn or niiak furs you may have. V/e are the on!Iy exclusive dealers in Brevard thcrercre your lot be it lar.^e or srrirJ! always receives prcnrspt attention. MITCHELL, BRADLEY & COMPAN\ BREVARD, N. C., Box 45. Office: T. M. Mitchell’s Grocerv Store It cyt* to farm” :- i;oKe of the actual cost ’;y both DenK)nstrati)r:'. U * would give tlie o('unty a bl-.ijl rifl of them. "Back to th is the slotran now. R. W . Gash :-:,;ok to the tax payer. The county pays only 30 per ceiit of th^ a.ux'iit’s sal aries. The actu:\l co>:l to th^> farmer is about twelve cints on the hundrovl uollars valuation. It v»as so distribu ted that the little farmer got more benefit at least cost than the bitv man. Miss Annie Cash spoke of i>:oin,u- to college and payin,i>: a thousand dollar? t olearn to cook and all the girls of the county are gettinii: the same in struction at very little expense. If the men won’t let the women vote they might at least let them keep their Home Denonstrator. said the U. D. C. with sixty members heartily endorsing both agents. W. E. Breese said that it would be a great mistake t odiscontinue the work of Mr. Lawrence and Miss Cas sidey. He knew of the good work done in this and other counties. Some farmers have the idea that these agents have only book learning, but they are waking up to the fact that they know the practical side also. He said he personally objected to, canned goods in any form; but must say that the absolute cleanliness and appetiz ing quality of the various articles put up by the canneries he visited, was fast dispelling his prejudice against the canned good put up in Transyl vania. The demonstrators, said Mr. Breese, are worth many times what they cost the County. It would be a backward step if the commissioners discontinued their services. Rev. Seagle said he wasn’t farming at the present time but in the past had done so and was much helped by the pointers in farming given by the “Country Gentlement,” a well known -.vfa, >1/ v'- IM: ill} Mil'll^ ' vNv - - . \ ^ ^1! O 1919 A. B, S.. Inc. V' Throw ha«JJe In tksA pile- they're ail going to“SHUBER'^” The HIgtiest Pi’Ices Ever Known Thai’s You'll Get «SEUBERT” WE WANT KC5W—AND WILL PAY TrlS PRICS TO GIST 'EB« N?!t)(MI.ARGc N91L/VRGE N?lKcO!UM SMALL 149 2 '0 ^V^''.yze I EXTPA to avCRAGS |£XT«?a TO Av£RiAGc EXTRA TO AVERACE: Ia? TO SUr SCUALirt'l Ri^CCOON Black Heavy Furred Ordinary' 18.00 to 14.G0 12.00 to 10.00 9.00 to 8.GS 12.09 tD 10.00 9.00 to 8.C-3 7.G8I9 6.00 9.00 lo 8.00 j 7.58 to 5.501 4.00 7.00to ml 5.00to 4.50j 5.00to m 5.00 tD 4.501 4.00 to 3.5C1 4.90 to 3^10 Fine, Dark Usual Color Pale 22.00 to 18.00 16.09 to 13.00 15.00 to 12.00 11.00!') 9.C0 11.00 to 9.001 8.C0to 7.00 11.00 to 9.00 8.00 to 6.50 6.G0tc 5.00 8.00 to 6iG| 8,00 to 4.00 6.00 to 5.00 j 6.00 to 3.00 4.50 to 4.00' •i -Oto 256 MUSKRAT Winter 6.09 to 5.00 4.75 to 3.75 3iOto 2.75 2.50 to 1.75 2i9t0 liOf Fall 4.59 to 3.75 3i0tO 2.75 2i0to 2.C0 1.75 to 1.50 1.75 ti) 1.2S| These extremely high prices for North Carolina Furs arc based on the y/ell-known “SHUEERT** liberal grading and are quoted for im mediate shipment. No. 3, No. 4 and otherwise inferior skitis at high« est market value. Ship your Furs now—^when we want ’em. You’ll get “more nioncy” and get it “quicker” too. “SHUBEIiT” RETURNS WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY SHIP TODAY-AND KEEP ’EM COMING FAST SHIP All YOUR PURS DIRECT ID A.B. SHUBBRT«>«^ THELARGESTHOUSEINTHEWlWcmiHG £XClUSMOr/Jif AMERICAN RAW F 2$-27 W.Austin Ave. DeptZTTTCliicaqo. L