P!>C« S. THE BDEVARD NEWS, BREVA RO^ N. C. FRIDAY, JANIIARY 23t4 ItM PERSONAL Caney Aiken is spending the week end in Asheville. Mrs. Joe Reece has been very ill: with j;rip, but is improving. Miss Mollie Neely is visiting rela tives in South Carolina. Every man must do his own grow-, ing, no matter hoW tall his grand father was. 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE COLDS kccdari Spn»dlNFUIENZ£ KILL THS COL& AT ONCE WITH HILL'S CASCASA This farm is located in the fer- I tile Connestee valley on Carson’s i , Creek with the Greenville road run- i : ninj? thru. 3 1-2 miles from Selica, Mi.ss Gertrude Allison is just re- 5 1-2 miles from Brevard. 8 room coverin.-T from a serious ca^e of grip, dwellinp:, 3 tenant houses. 80 acres in cultivation also good apple or chard. Plenty of land adjoining tt-r, Mrs. Fowler of Greonv.iic, S. C. be bought if desired. This faria consists of pood land and is nc'll worth the price asked. Cash or Toiii Prt'ley is visiting his daugh- QUININ Standard cold remedy for 2f> v;?r < —in tablet form—safe, r-.!r;, n.j opiates—brsnks up a coiA in 24 hours—relieves ;;rip in G clays. Money back it it fails. The gciiuintf bt>-c has- a Fed toi> with Mr. Hill’s pictuic. c's. ? <4 SettTmj David OiT Jr., is rapidly improv- iiiif after a serious case of pneu- JTionia. Terms. BREVARD LAND & IMPROVE MENT COMPANY. s. ]]. ^'niith, of Little River sec- .iK't with a very painful Cctobor whe n a sled of wrtuvr.ed I'lnninir him be- ■> k'jrs very CAFE. has bv'cn released from the 'Icir.ori;;! hospiial Of Hen- STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, :lk' :.n*! i^ li<;'U ' h ..My. I'auon BEST GRADE ROASTED COF FEE 35 CENTS PER POUND. ROSE l-9-2tc. now able to . MANAGEMENT. ETC.. required by the act of Con.^nc?s of u oumi vai crutches. Au;_i'uat 24, 1912 of the Brevard Nev.s weekly at Brevard, N. C. :\lr !1. 1'. I.a’ATence and Mr. Ker- for Ai;ril, 1919; lu-«- ill iKo interest of Carolina, County of ty. 1i>. iir la,'. "I'ransylvauiu. Ui parlnicjit of AjiTiculture Lefore me. a notary public, in and j and cou.ity aforesaid, | ovl l>ui intoresiiuu talks to ,| i v-i u ’ poi\sonally appeared C. B, Osborne, ^ of the r>revard Ili.uh School v.ho, having been duly sworn accord- ' ,• luw»'dcposcs and says that he' 'MKiV inornmg in the interest • j , , •» ,, IS mana,t^:er and pubhsner of the bre- 'i:!’f!('nt agricultural clubs. vard Neva'S; RL L. Shipman, Kaleigh, N. C., editor; that the owner is M. L. Albt'rta Perkins spent Sat- Shipman, Raleigh, N. C.; that the | mortagagee' holding 1 per cent or ^ in Asheville. more of total amount of mortiiges is > VV. P. Jones of Andrews, N. C. Iri ne McMmn has returned Signed by C. B. Osborne, Brevard, ; rvllle, S. C. where she has N. C. Swoin to and subscribed before me | itinir her aunt and uncle. Mr. -(h.is IGth day of Jan., 1920, W. E. Breese. Mv commission expires July 12, l‘J21. L. B. Houston of that city. ^1) . and Mrs. Fred Miller and Mrs. J. '.\. MilVIinn spent Tuesday in \ . lie. i'i i- nds of Miss Jessie King will bi : crested to know^ that she has a, . . ; led the position as private ■t t lary to Mr. W. J. Brown, Pres- iiii iit of the Bank of Florence. Since b Report of the Condition of BREVARD BANKING CO. At Brevard, N. C„ at the close of Bu.'iness, Dec. 1919. Rccources Loans and discounts... $557,788.88 | Ovc‘r;iraft4 2,902.87 | United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds 87,950.00 ii'.ir Brevard Miss King has h.'id All other stocks, bonds and mortgages 2,400.00 Furniture and Fixtures . . 1.00 Cash in Banlv and due from bnks and bnkrs. 75,338.69 i Cash held ovt*r 24 hrs 15,000.00 j Checks for Clearing . . . 5,420.13 the position as book-keeper and sicno^rapher for Nesmith-Powell ('o. one of the largest wholesale houses in Florence, Mr.'. B. R. Palmer, left for Ashe ville last Monday to take charge of a patient. Total $740,801.57 Liabilities Capit.i! stock paid in . . .$100,000.00 Surplus fund 15,000.00 Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Radford have Jndivided profits less cur- recentlv returned from Florida and , rent ex. and taxes pd. 5,485.94 , . _ ■ Noies and bills rediscntd 17,050.00 arc located in their home on Last gjjjy payable None Mair St. ! Certificates of deposit ! rep, money borrowed 50.000.00 Misses Nellie and Mable Miller subject to check 387.«14.00 Time certilicates of dep. 166,5o3.29 W'ere shopping in Asheville Jast Cashier’s cks outstanding 4,245.06 j Certified checks 253.28 ! T. C. Cox is visiting his daughter, i Diversified Ads TOWN LOTS,—Farms and timber lands for sale. Frank Jenkins, Brevard, N. C. tfc. FOR SALE—A fresh jersey cow. A good one. Apply T. H. Shipman. I WILL saw your wood at your home. I will crush your corn. Block wood $3.00 a load. Call by phone or mail a card. C. M. Siniard. Dec. 28 tfc FOR SALE—One Ford Touring Car also has runabout body. Mrs. C. M. Cooke. l-23-20-3tp. FOR SALE—ONE Fine milk cow and calf for sale or swap for beef cat tle. W. L. Aiken. 1-9—20-tfc. FOR SALE—Some Extra fine Du Rock pigs. T. JI, Shipman. FOR SALE—-Grade Hampshire Pigs from Reg. Hampshire boar and grade Du Rock and Berkshire sows, at $5.00 each. J. B. Neal, Lake Toxaway, N. C. l-lG-2tp 20 ’ FOR SALE—A few jrrade Hamp shire Shoats, 40 to 50 pounds, 3 to 4 months old, from the best guined sows, at $10.00 each. J. B. Neal, Lake Toxaway, N. C. 25w l-16-19-2tp FOR SALE—A few single comb Rhode Island Red cockerels, and pullets, prize winning strain, pure bred, pullets ready to lay, at $2.00 each. J. B. Neal, Lake Toxaway, N. C. 25w l-16-19-2tp FOR SALE—Four Registered Hamp shire pigs. Papers furnished in purchasers name, papers now cost $2.00 for each animal for non members of association, at $15.00 cach. J. B. Neal, Lake Toxaway, N. C. 28 w. l-lG-19-2tp FOR SALE—A bay mare. J. L. Bell 1-16-tfc. aVpVrVn'for'colds'''' “DEL MONTE” Asparagus Tips 3Se MITCHELL NOTICE—LAND SALE by Trustee. NORTH CAROLINA—TRANSYL- VAr^IA COUNTY. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed in trust exe cuted by W. H. Faulkner and wife. Flora Faulkner, to the undenigned Trustee to secure the payment of certain indebtness due as mentioned therin, and which deed in trust is dated April 1917 and registered in Book No. 9 at page 220 of Deed of Trusts records of Transylvania coun ty, N. C. And whereas said indebtness is past due and unpaid, and default has been made in the payments as pro vided in said deed in trust whereby the power of sale becomes operative and where the required notice has been given to the makers to pay said indebtness and the default not hav ing been made good, and the holder of the said indebtness having demand ed of the said trustee to advertise said lands and premises described in the said deed in trust. Now therefore, the said undersign ed trustee will sell to the highest bid der for cash at the court house door in the town of Brevard, N. C. on Monday, Feb. 2nd, 1920 at 12 o’clock r.I. all the following described lands and premisese situated in Brevard township. State and county aforesaid: Described as follows: On the road leading from the town of Brevard to the W illiams place and beginning on a stake in the margin of said road runs in a south-easterly direction 136 feet to a stake thence South 21 deg. west 100 feet to a stake corfier of lot no. 1 and 11; thence north 33 deer, west 178 ft. to a stake; thence north 48 de.g. East 97 ft. to the beginning, containing lots no. one and two of the division of Ladsonville as survey ed and plotted by A. L. Hardin sur veyor, and which survey is recorded in Book No. 33 at page deed re cords of Transylvania county. For a full and complete description of said lands reference is hereby made to the said Deed in Trust first above mentioned. Said sale is made to satisfy the in debtness above mentioned together with interest and expenses of sale. This Jan. 7th, 1920. CHAS. B. DEAVER, Trustee. 4tc. We have a Comple'e line o i Trtjsses, Maternity Belts and Abdominal Supplies Successors to DUCKWORTH DRUG CO. Main St. BREVARD, N. C. Phone 85 .<9k «!< vJ-'VS ^7 1 Calomel salivates! It’s mercury. Calomel acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver. When calomel comes into contact with sour bile it crashes into it, causing cramping and nausea.. Take “Dodson’s Liver Tone” Instead! If you feel bilious, headachy, con stipated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and get a bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone for a few cents, which is a harmless vegetable sub stitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn’t start your liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and without making you sick, you just 'go back and get your money. If you take calomel today you’ll be sick and nauseated tomorrow; be sides, it may salivate you, while if you take Dodson’s Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work or play. It is harmless, pleasant and safe to give to children; they like it. Total $746,801.-57 Mrs li P Hill I of North Carolina—County of I Transylvania. i\lr. .1. Chamberb, of Asheville, | Thos. H. Shipman, cashier of the was a Brevard visitor la|t week. above named bank, do solemnly swear Tbe many frienda of Mr. Sam Name “■Bayer” is on Genuin* Aspi^’in—say Bayer that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowled.ue and belief. LnuK'.ml will be glad to know he has rfcovcred from a spell of pneii- monia. Mr. and Mrs. T. H, Shipman, Mr. :'.nd Mrs. C. E Orr, Mrs. A. D. Per kins, Miss Irene Mc5linn and Ralph Duckworth spent Monday in Ashc- \ Ille. THOS. H. CHIPM.iN, Ca- hier. Correct —Attest: C. C. YONGUE, Wm. P. WEILT, W. S. ASHWORTH, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 17th day of Jan. 1920. WELCH GALLOWAY, Notary Publci. The faiSi Insist on 'P.aypr Tablets of Aspirin” in a “Bayer package,*’ containing proper direcrions for Cokis, Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Name “I3ayor*’ means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost tew cents. Aspirin is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetie- acidester of Salicylicacid. Paint half your house DEVOE; paint the other half whatever you like. If DEVOE doesn’t take fewer gallons and cost less money, we will make no charge for DEVOE. if DEVOE doesn’t wear a year or two years or three years longer-longer and better-we’ll give you enough to paint it again. BREVARD LUMBER CO. BREVARD, N. C. The ^u!a GUARANTEE: The paint in this package is full measure, and is composed of; 50% Pure White Lead. (Carbonate of Lead} SO/o Pure White Zinc, (0«»de of Zinc) the propcf anwunis of; Pure Linseed Oil, Pure Turpentine Dryer and nothing else. [F WANT to SELL your PROPERTY ? I We Specialize in Sub-Divisions and Sale of Farms, City Property and Summer Homes. If you Want to Sell your Faifm, List it with Us and BID IT GOOD BYE. Brevard Land and Improvement Company Pi(^elsimer Building BREVARD, N. C • Telephone No. 7