FRIDAY, JANUARY 23r4, 1920 III II iPtii ■ II * THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C Paf* S earners of high wages to buy real estate and invest in established in dustries. Let those of us who are wage earners save and invest our surplus to establish our economic independence. N. C. POULTRY TO EXHIBIT AT MADISON GARDEN Members of the North Carolina Foultry Clubs will have an exhibit at the International Poultry Show to be held at Madison Square Gar den, New York City, Jan. 19 to 24. The exhibit will be m charge of Mr. A. G. Oliver, State Poultry Club Auont of the North Carolina Exten sion Service, and will be financed by tiic Department of Ay;i’iculturo. Mr. Oliver tLatos that no bird v.ill be exhibited except owned and raised by Bona-(idc' club in A spociul feature of this o\hibit; will be a ni'of So.iii: ' u'ol.’na Rhode Island Kv'iis solrci^'d from farm flocks of the chib nuMnbors. Thoso birt!s ;;re to be taken tl'iose V. im'ii;;,v tirizos at tiK' k-'ta’o aiu! local fairs, and, accor(!i:m- to Mr. Olivi-r, ti’.ey will reflect ‘.-ri'tUt op i.hc owiuMs, 1)10 Poultrv Club-, and il'e State. They will r.ot t r.iy ooni- IK'tt,* atrainsL liie bost biv’s in tliis 'V intry bu Iso a;,;ainst (Uiitc a luur.bor of V'irJs. A !^'i)U 1 ];: ■ in tile ' -n v>hore the v.'ill ’be (Hs]-layfd .a'lil e\t.'rv bt' iiiaiK’ to ir.a':'' ’ I" s. !U)i tlv w I ir.t, but to id the ^ \\^'i’! i xv'-at '.tl':),; ;s i oinp‘ ; i iiif i';. 'i''i!s (.''hibil at ti: ■ 1.: Voultry S;'o\v jiia^H-s Xortli v'art-iin:'. i!i i:.', rcrofioiit, boin^' the i';rst Sk te Ui !nai;o an exhibit of this kind ;uul v.ill thv' exhibitors and visitors aii 'dea of tiie woik bein.'^' U-'m IS! mh / i :n "-r i • t *''V £ % After the Chero"Cola bottle has been soaked, sterilized, scrubbed, rinsed and carefully inspected, an exact amount of Chero^Cola syrup is auto^ matically measured into each bottle. This insures its unfailing uniformity, accuracy and purity. Always the same—no guess 'work—no hand work here. That is why every bottle of Chero-Cola tastes like every other one. They are all alike. Still another reason for Chero*^^ola*s ever increasing popu* larity. mNEcSOrGOO'-n V >