VOLUME XXV BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1920. NUMBER 5. PASSING OF C. L. OSeORMF SCARLETFEVER ORSCARiniNA The long and honorable life of Scarlet Fever or Scarlatina is an of Transylvania’s best known ! acute febrile infectious disease. The *®d most highly esteemed citizens, ■ definite characteristics of it is sore C. L. Osborne, ended last Monday. Hr. Osborne was 86 years of age throat, diffuse eruption the first day or two during fever. There is more ®n the day before his death and had ' scarlet fever in the fall of the year, been in good health upto four or five due in a measure, probably to the d«ys before his death, when he con- coming together of school children, tracted a severe cold which later de- ' Incubation Period. One to seven veloped into pneumonia. Mr. Osborne days. Namely, the period from ex- was married to Miss Mollie Killian posure to time of eruption. i about 60 years ago, to which union Scaret Fever runts the gamut, nine children were born. * Children from mid unrecognized cases to very survivnig are: Mrs. Josie Moller and severe cases. Some cases arc so C. K. Osborne, of Brevard. Mrs. F. mild that the chid is really not sick L. Owen, and Mr^ C. Z. Osborne, of r.nd probably has no rash and a very Umatilla, Fla. Mrs. P.. B. Lankford n;i!d sore throat. These are the of Spartanburg, Mrs. I. T. Newton,' cases that give doctors and quaran- of Whiteville, N. C. and Mrs.. T. C. ' tine officers much concern, because Henderson, of Quebec, N. C. , parents think thsir children are not Mr. Osborne had a long and sue- ' s'ck enough to be quarantined, and cessful career as a farmer and bus- often from the mild cases, severe iness man and is the last one of the cases come. Many cases of scarlet original Jerry Osborne, family. C. fever present no evidence except iti mild sore throat. CAUSE—A germ bacillus scarla tina. W. p. WEHT FOUND UNCONSaODS MASSMEEIING FEBRUARY 2ND. Mr. W. P. Weilt was taken very j A mass meeting has been called suddenly ill some time last Tuesday ^ by the farmers of Transylvania Co. night and was found Wednesday , at the Court House in Brevard Mon- morning in his room over “Weilt’s ! day, Feb. 2, at 1:00 p. m. for the Gents Store” in an unconscious con-! purpose of organizing a Farm Bu- dition, lying partly on his bed and floor. It is presumed that Mr. Weilt at some time during the night av/oke and found himself suffering and got up to light the lamp and afterwards rcau, for the benefit of our farmers I The purpose of this bureau will be { to promote agriculture and to em-'i ploy an experienced man in the cap- j adty of marketing agent. The duties ; became unconscious and could not of this agent will be to sell the truck get back in bed. Mr. Weilt is a very early riser and when he failed to come home at his usual time Wed nesday morning, Mrs. Weilt feit that there was something unusual the matter and came to look after him. She could get no response to her knocks and calls. It was then very early and as she had no key for the door she had to send for Alfred Hampton, the manager of the store, and upon Mr. Hampton’s arrival im mediately afterwards, who had a key to the front hail door leading up to Mr. Weilt’s room but no key for his room, it v/as necessary to burst MODE OF TRANSMISSION — the door open before they could L. Osborne, was born in Transyl vania county, North Carolina in 1834 and fou.cht with honor and dis tinction thru the Civil War being a first lieutenant. At the cio.^-e of this ^Ve know now that Ir.e virus of scar-1 reach him.. Dr. W. M. Lyday was war, he v.r.t; one of the five mem- let fever is found in the secretions | summoned at once and had him re- bers of wha. they called the ‘ Ivloss.” of the nose, throat and respiratory j moved to his residence on Oakland tract and entei's the body thru these ' Ave. The “M ess” v.'as org’anized at the close of the war by the folIo'>vinir gentlemen: W. K. Osborne, George Wilson, I'aac Lyday, \V. C. l^unter, channels and that desquamations has 1 Mr. Weilt has not been in his us- ncth'nT lo do with transmission. It: ual good health for some time but I is safe to release some children be- ! he was not thought to be in any im- I _ and C. L. Osborne. This organiza- fore desquamation takes place and j mediate serious condition as he had tion had one purpose only and that ; (iangerous to release others after de- been sleeping at the store as usual was that they should meet at the ' squamalion has completely taken | and did not deem it necessary to !wme of some of the members every i P-ace. The patient to be safely re-: have anyone htay with him. As we Christmas, as long as they lived and ' leased must not have any mucuous j go to press reports reach us that his have their “Mess” as well as, enjoy- * niembrane complication or other se-; condition is very much improved. It inp- a real talk feast. These occas- Quala. Any unhealed part of the is to be hoped that his entire recov- sions w'CYQ very much enjoyed by all hody, either cutaneous or mucuous . ery will be speedy, of the members so 'long as they lived. ' contain the virus of scarlet fe- j From his early youth, Mr. Osborne had been a member of the Baptist church. He had his membership transferred from Enon, in 1875 to ver. luILK BORN SCARLET FEVER! I Milk is often a vehicle of scarlet fe- • vcr infection. Families in which • THE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH This is a truthful account of how Brevard and to the church of his scarlct fever exists, should not han-, the U. S. Revenue Dept, got the idea choice. For many years he has been a member of the board of deacons and was one of the most faithful, and regular members at services. die milk. | that formulated thL* present order to irvOIUXITY—An attack of scar-' the Revenue force “to strow the let fever uj^ually protects individuals , whiskey cn the ground.” agalui:! other attacks. Children un- j Xn the primeval days of North Car- Mr. Osbcrjie inherited, from his der ten years of a.'^e are more sus- oli-a when the we: tern North Caro- Scotch ance.stry, groat tenacity of ceptible. Ninety per cent of fatal Hna Land & lir.proveirent Co. v;as purpose rii'.d hr.d never in his life cases occur in children under ten pov/er on the earth and whiskey at sacrifice-] principal to expediency, years. j TOcents a gallon was a greater pow- Right and ju^’tice have been his PROPH\ LAXIS Lecause VvC (.j*. guidinu' htar, and whilt' economical have no prccise knov.-iegde of its . The maji.nate omnipotent of that and appr'c ialive of the value of cause, prophylaxis must be in ex- j company issued a staggering order money , Vvjt no arnoun: of money cess of requirements. In other words to his factor that filled us all with could swerve him from duty. He v,e had better extend the quarantine ^ l.orrov, and made us sick at heart, was totally void of that policy by until we are s;ire, as it is humanely | E^ieh of us learned the order by which some persons smooth their possible to be, that our case is well ■ h«art which ran something life this, way arour.d difncultics. i before v%'o release from quarantine. | ‘-Jenks said to Jacobs, just you look The funeral services were held at The attending physician should have | around and all the whiskey you find the home last V7ednes:lay morning tlic last ‘‘say” in all cases. | pour it on the ground.” at 11 o’clock Mil v.-ere conducted; The t\vo great factors in proven-1 It was said in a v/hlsper. Subrosa by Revs. C. E. Puettc. an l J. C. Sea- tion is if-'olation and disinfection, that Add took it all home like the gle. Internnien+ was at t^ie old fam- The same precaution in nursing a j Revtnuc men of today. , ily burying near Calhoun, -f’- crops such as cabbage, potatoes, beans, tomatoes etc; on the best mar kets and for the best prices, for all the members of the bureau there fore it is very important for the farmers of each and every section | of Transylvania County to attend! this meeting next Monday. Mr. E. G. Moss, from the test farm at Oxford, will be present at this meeting, and will also, iooi; over the county to see if tobacco raising will t be profitable, and will also recco-1 mend just w’hat kind of tobacco would be the most profitable to raise. ' 'v7e will say that every farmer and j tr;:?k grov,*cr in the county should I b:* present at this meeting as, it is ', for Ilia ;-oecial benefit. What Life Means BREVARD PHONE CHAN^UWDS The Brevard Telephone Exchange and all its holdings was purchased by. W. S. Ashworth, and associates, last Monday. No particulars as to purchase price,, policy of the new owners or, who is to be local mana ger, has been given the News how ever, we feel sure that the new own ers will afford it’s patrons a service that will adequately take care of Brevard’s present and future growth. The service rendered the public heretofore by the operators in the exchange have been A-1 with a few remote exceptions. The main trou ble in the past as we understand it is the rundown condition of the property and it is to be hoped the new management will remedy this evil without delay even tho they will be compelled to operate the ex change at a money loss for a while as it will be a profitable investment for them in the -future. Here’s hop ing a successful future for the new owners, and we feel that gentlemen posessing the sterling business qual ities they do, that their success is as- ured. WHY? Life means far more than many of us ever dream of. It’s not mere-1 I ly naf^i^ing thru the v.cvld w'ith a fair | ;n( a&ure of comforts, with enough ^ bread for our hunger, with enough ! raiment to keej) u.^ warm. [ I Life means grov. l’i into the imago ' of Christ Himself; into thy strength i into the well rounded ciiaructcr, in- j to disciplined manhood ar.d woman-1 hood, into the blessed peace of God. i Cut the peace into which he guides | us is victory over all thj trials, a ' j quietness and confi Icncc v.’hich no | exterr.al circumstanccs can break. j A PRAYER ! I Living Father, we thank Thoe for j our lli'e with ils unspeakable privi lege and dread responsibility. Thou •last .uivcn it to us that thru it inny throb the nrlglity tide of Thy love, that in it may be revealed somo as pect of Thy Being and Beauty. Thou l:ast beset us behind and be fore. Thou makest us to sorrow for j our sins. Thou dost stir us up wdtli j a divine discontent and we forget i tho things that are behind and reach forth into those thing's that are be fore us. ' Yv'e rejoice that Thou hast set our life amid gracious opportunities, whereby Thou wouldst train us to! Some few weeks ago we published an article in these columns begging our citizens not to order merchan- di.se of any kind from out-of-tov.m merchants provided oui o-.vn mer chants could and would supply them with the same article or articles for the same price or, at a saving. We published this article in justice and for the benefit of both the merchants and purchasers however, it did not seem to have very much weight Vvith some of our citizens as, we are informed that bread is being order ed from Airheville. We are also in formed thai this bread which is or dered from Ashc\'Hie sells on the market here for per loaf v/hile the bread baked by the Philip’s Bake ry hero, (which is equally as good, ii not better, wei'ihs more) sells for 10c per loaf. Every one has a perfect right to buy whore they please but, if the above statements or facts, and we have no valid reason.'^ for doubting them, v/c v.ant to ask if this spirit and tactics are conducive to a town that is trying to thrive and grov/? j If, anyone be guilty, please answer thru these columns. MBOY SCOUT OF BREVARD The Boy Scouts have taken a de«> cided forward step recently. They have secured the old Red Cross room; as their headquarters and club-room^ Monday afternoon they were busy- oiling the floor, moving furniture^ and putting things in shape general*- ly. They plan to have a first-claar. club-room with reading matter^, games etc. The Scoutmaster will al ways be present when the room isi open; at present this will be only- Friday evenings from 7 to 10. The scouts need first-class reading: matter, checker boards, crokinole- boards, a desk, chairs etc. Contri butions will be gladly received by Rev. J. R. Hay, Scoutmaster; Mr.- J. A. Miller, Ass’t. Scoutmaster, or* any member of the Troop Committee> composed of Rev. J. C. Seagle, Rev... C. E. Puett and Rev. H. L. Powell., BAPTIST B. Y. P. U. On Monday night, Jan. 26th thc>> young people of the Brevard Bai>- tist church met to organize a B. Y* P. U. notwithstanding the srow, rairr. etc. a “lucky thirteen” gathered for the cause v. ith our able leaders, Miss- Croa L. Tyner and Miss Ethel John son. We are determined to make- this organization worthwhile and ac complishing and at the same time in teresting and amusing. There will be receptions given and there is also to be a contesting band of two or four side, one working against tiie other for more members etc. We w’ill meet weekly. Next Mon day night at 7:1-5 we hope to have- all tho young people of the church: present and begin work. The following officers were elect- ed: President: Miss Fair Snelson. Vice President: Mr. Foy Sitton. Sec. and Treas.: Miss Louise Town send. A GIFTED SOUTHERNER DEATH OF A LITTLE GIRL should be taken as in measles j All the elfect Remontes de le i truer vision and lar^'er understand- or diphteria. All discharges from! effet a la c^'-use of the United States j ing of Thee and of ourselves, nose and throat and mouth should I of. America came from south of the j We bless Thee for tho Church as W. IL Duckv.orth, C.. B. Deaver, be collected on material that can be j Dixie line and especially North Cai'-| the school of virtue and godly living; burned. All bed linens, etc. should ! olina and that staggering order w^as for the sacred Scriptures that bring the following life long friends act ing as t-tll bearers: John Mavv.-ell, J. K. Mills, W. M. Henry, and D. F. Moore. Owing to sickness in the imme diate family, tv.o of Mr. Osborne’s children, Mr. C. Z. Oshorne and Mrs. be disinfected and boiled. Be care- j echoed in Washington and spread ful to disinfect all dishes used by, even to the Yucon. the patient. The fo'iiov.dng is a list of the dis- Oh, years of the Revenue force. to us the story of Thy redeeming will for all the wise and saintly men and women of the pr.sc and the omcers of the W. J. Bryan prohibi-, present; for the godly fellowship of unable to attend the funeral. MEMORIAL SERVICE F. L. Owen, of Umatilla, Fla; were ! e^^ses reported to me during last'tion, have a care, a great care and | the prophets and the noble army of do not get hold of any of that wood ; martyrs; for the great cloud of wit- alcohol ran over with sugar and hot : nesses from whose faith and hope drops made by some of those shrin- ^ v;p would take courage in our strug- crs or shiners, or you will dance on • gles and trials. you coffin lid a high gingle gee with | V/e rejoice to believe that Thou o'h r citizc /'s of Transylvania to be I a bound to it like Wood’s Coll fac-■ are alv. ays overrulmg trouble and on the alert as to influenza as it is | tory full of yagoo’s yell, from tan- ! temptation and sm, and disappoint- Thcre wdll be a memorial service at the Baptist church next Sunday, Feb. 1st, in memory of the late C. L. Osborne. . CLASS MEETING The Wesley Class of the Methodist Sunday School will meet with Miss Rubenio and Mrs, J. S. Nicholson at the home of Mrs. Nicholson Tuesday Feb. 3 at 7 P. M. month: T',\o casc3 of smallpox, four cases of pmail o:: and ten cases of whoop ing coup.h. I would ask the physicians and all reported to haev appeared in a num- ; glefoot branch in happy hollow. j ment, and out of them are making ber of cities of the United States and in some sections of North Caro lina. Signed, W. J. WALLIS, Co. Quarantine Officer. Take this from me, as Mac says, | stepping stones to bring us nearer J carry in your left hip pocket a non- to Thee, combustible card to your undertak er, telling him not to embalm you. Forbid that we should kno^ Thy grace in vain. Rather may Thy The. D. B. B. D. will meet at the home of Mrs. M. M. King on Monday Felwuary 2, at 3:0.0 P. M. as that pyroligneious acid will pre- | goodness bind us anew to loyalty, serve you against heaven or hell or j and to faith, and constrain us to a any other seaport. Youts, A Sob Of Sorrow. life separate from evil, made conse crate to goodness, for Christ’s sake, Amen. C. D. C. On f’riday afterrioon, Jan. 23, at about. 2:30 o’clocl: tho Death 'Angel visited tha liorr.i- of IMr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Lee, of Lilve Toxav/ay and bore away tho spirit of their infant daughter, little Mary Amanda. The little one, in its innocence and purity lingered only five days to brighten and sweeten the lives of those about, but our kind Heavenly Father, who doeth all things well, knoweth best. The friends and relatives extend their deepest sympathy to the be reaved family. I never stand above a bier and see The seal of death set on some well ' loved face But I think. One more to welcome me When I shall cross the intervening space Between this land and that onjtJ over there; One more to makj the strange be yond seem fair. M. L. On page 49 of the February issue- of the “Red Book” magazine will be- found a story entitled “A Profession al Southerner” by J. F. NatteforcL. “Jack” Natteford as he was know'^: to his many friends, w'as for a tim^ a resident in our midst, having beet* Court reporter for one term of Courr and Public Stenographer v/ith desk- room in the office of Mr. R. L. Gasl. —leaving Brevard lor New York: where he has made good. “A Professional Southerner” is & well written little story, the first: from the pen of this young author^ and we understand that the publish ers of the “Red Book” have called upon him for some more stories t<» be published in the near future. ENTERTAINMENT AT LITTLE RIVER SCHOOL HOUSE On Friday night, Feb. 6, 1926^ there will be an entertainment at Little River school house consisting: of songs, recitations, declamations dills and plays. Music will be furnished by the Little River string band. Everybody is invited. OUR FIRST SNOW The very first snow of this win ter fell in Brevard last Sunday night between the hours of 11 P. M. and 5 A. M. Monday morning. Brevard certainly has been blessed with de lightful weather this fall and winter- No need to go to Florida. \We havi» had “The Land of Sunshine Flowers” here this winter.