Brevard New: VOLUME XXV BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1920. NUMBER 6, MEMORIAl SERVICE AT BAPTIST CHURCH NO POUnCS IN THE PROPOSED RAEROAD PERSONAL PROPm TAXSEmEMM FDtEINTHE AVDrrORIUM Raleigh, Jan. 28—The tax commis- What could have been a disaster- sion has issued its second of the ous fire at the auditorium last Sat- THE PRAYER CORNERITHEROSHAN Sunday morning. February 1st, The movement for the new rail the Baptist Church held a memorial „ad i^ Krowing in momentum daily. sen'' in honor of their beloved and j There is no politics in the move- ^®^'®® statements about the per-‘ urday afternoon about 5:30 o'clock mos lijrhly esteemed member, C. L. ^ent for this road, therefore we are ' property and the listing of | was prevented by the presence of Osbrne. . I not takin" sides politically, but we ^ property under the revaluation ' mind and timely work of Verne' Ko nai! in the history of the whether we will or no taking!Clement, the moving picture opera *hur. i. or the memory of any has sides for or against this road, for or statement follows: SCHOOL NOTES ma-li o profound an impression on against progress. Ih^ : he touched than did Bro. Every tax payer in giving in his tor. Just about fifteen minutes before list of personal property, is required | the closing for the supper hour the Cu... His life was one great them”, those who line up and work subscribe to an oath, prescribed ' films in the machine caught on fire ^ lun ’ IS light shining constantly g^ow themselves revaluation act, which pro- at a time when the operator was oc- j thi a e >cars. Bedimmed by no gg progressive citizens, self sacrific affirmation that the tax payer | with his regular duties which me nor elipsed by any temp- citizens. For will they not sac- “converted any of his prop- e lived a great masterly over- ^ifice their time, energies, and purposes of evasion life and died triumphantly in This strikes at a practice that was known to exist, to some extent, and money? ! Yes, citizens who are self sacrific il members of the church citizens who work unselfishly for present tax laws do not V.. heir appreciation and em- the good of their county, citizens ; tolerate when it can be dis- strong point of Bro. ^re willing to risk a little time, O s character. Mr. Duckworth, ^.-ork and money for the chance of ^ ^^t'^tain formg of “conversion for A. known him since 1875— j^etting the new road, citizens who evasion” are made crim- the unie when Mr. Osborne’s member ^ork with faith, hope and determin- punishable, such as fictitious ship was transferred from Enon e::chau?;e for uon-taxahle but at this time he is recovering verv Baptist church to the Brevard Bap- ^^st of progressive men who built re-exchanged after tax listing tist ('hurch—spoke tenderly of this present road ' giving of fictitious notes to It is hoped that those who have not used as deduction from credits, subscribed for the surveying fund necessitated hig attention from the machine and upon discovery of the fire all was alarm and confusion. The heroic action of Verne Clem ent doubtless saved the lives of many children; he sacrificed himself for I them; had he not opened a door to save the children he would not have been burned. He was severely burn ed about the face, neck and arms. Ion”- and useful acquaintance. He said that Enon Church wrote that thoY were losing the best man in will do so at once, hand your sub- There are a number of other sub- their . lr.n-ch. He recalled one of the ^crip-aon to Mr. ThoE. H. Shipman, -erfuses equally as immoral and il- department is to be mo.'-l I cauf.ful and tender services vonr in rh-^ -ovt fn ^ Some of them are; . i r piace >our in tno i.cxt nst to 1 phmented for its r'rompt appea ev-r iu‘!.l in the Baptist church. Only irablished dving the naires of all ' money for deposit in bnnkr aboui two weeks ago, during the subscribed to this fund. Rooso mrcting Mr. Reese requested q H that \'.w ladie? bring n” the flowers they fouUl fn'd lo th- ■ hnrch the iext No on.' knew what he in- encici to do witli tnor.. The next t>^ the sermon Mr. TO PUBLIC day at the i; Reose reque sired to pin . or Sister wh help to thorn recrivcd moi else and if flowers he w in a wildnes; his groat lib standards of walked in tl cession, givi every obli^; the standarc fice, triving The influenza ig again in our ^ out of the state an(i sendin.e: notes i and mortgages outside of the state I over the period for tax listing. A resident of this state is just as liable under these circumstances as if the property had remainetl in the state, and is guilty of a most palpable • 1 e who de- one can tell at this time '^'va‘?ion. ny Bi’othei small or how great will be its of spiritual ■ ro. Osborne an any one enough }en covered le spoke of leaving the behind lie of the P”o- y. Meeting illy, he sot eh in sacri- Sonie people have been able to sat- i"fy their conscience by taking: cei'- tificates of dei-osit irom their favor- ii<‘ bank cndorsod “payable in U. S. tri'asury cor’;ilicatcs.” That was en- ot ccn bv ravages. it is our solemn duty to ourselves an'! nc:'.,h]'ors to be on guard, watch ful and prepared ior the worst. In the past I and others have }>:iven tu'ely ico clumsy to have proper instruction for the prevon- ^ four ])i‘r cent lax rate, tion of the spread of influenza. cannot be tolerated If all would follow the golden rule a t;u\ system th:u i;i\es cvery- in this matter they would reap a gol- 1^'ody a fair chance to be honest, den harvest of preserved health. Do The tax supervisor in each county Mr. Geo. Marshall sustained pain- j ful, though not serioug burns on the i hands when he rushed to the rescue of Verne. com- prompt appearance on the scene. Its successful efforts soon had the fire under controll, else the entire block might have been de stroyed. Prayer is an act. The act grows into a habit. The habit, full grown, becomes a life. And so prayer be comes a mental attitude. You think of everything that comes up, oppor tunity, difficulty, emergency, crisis, plannings—you instinctively come to think about each thing from the standpoint of the kneeling time. A PRAYER Our Heavenly Father, we cannot come into Thy Presence without bringing in our hearts the tears, the pain and the longing of our brothers and sisters. O God, our sympathy with them is But the broken reflection of Thine. Come Thou to the burdened, the wretched, the grief stricken, those who have been made sad by others and those wlio have brought sadness upon themselves. i\Iay they hear by faith the still voice of Thy sympa thy. May they feel tho beating of Thy great heart of compassion. May they take comfort in the assurance that Thou dost suffer in and with them, and yet abidest in everlasting blessedness. Hear our prayers in behalf of all those v/ho are strufj,' a^a'nst the ; power of evil. Hjivo pity on tho druni<ard. Restore to hVn the now- j er of sc^f-con^rol. Enable him to ! T^eproso::tative Weaver has secur- The Rosman Schools are well rep resented on the County Club Organ izations. The High School Students will give a Pie Social and program in the High School auditorium on Friday evening, Feb. 13. A small admission Fee will be charged and pies of standard quality will be on sale. The I)roceeds will apjdy on the School Improvement Fund. A general invi tation is extended. Freeman Hayes, who is a member of the First Year High School, made during the First Semester, a record of perfect attendance, he being neither absent or tardy and yet he resides several miles from the school building. A Washington Birthday Enter tainment will be given by the differ ent Departments of the school on Friday evening Feb. 27. The public is cordially invited to attend. An admission fee of 5 and 15 cents will be charged at the door to apply on the school improvement fund. WEAVER TO HAVE SURVEY MADE OF FRENCH BROAD A BANK AT everythin^’ possible to avoid taking the di?ca;-o. and if it is taken it is ip extraordinaiy power to re quire full disclosure as to ownership of v-.uil importance to avoid giving intanuible property—not only the C. ]>. D ::vcr s-nok'> eloquently of oJicrs. nower to summons for, and ex- Rosinan is awake to its best inter ests and is much to prosrressive- v-rss. The citi/er.s are pushing the T'.ew proposed bank interests and are | now on the home run. Th; effort to , i establish a new' bank at Rosman is niectin'iT with most encoura;::ing re sults in the stock subscriptions and i I in order to .e’iAx* as many people as I ])ossible a chance to take stock in j tho institution the organization has ; decided to hold the subscription list open until Feb. 15th. The plan of I payment of said stock subscription I obey the be]v:>sts of rer^on and con-1 science. Lay Thy upon the i victims o'" norvous tensior, of sleep-! lc:s nirrhtr, a'.:d fruitless davs. Give < ! them rest of soui, that the bodv too I i mav be at rest. ! i Reiic've those who are in pain, (•rant them iiatiencc and courage, i and let them not doubt Thy j.;’ood- j ness or love. Call th? sinnir;.; and, the sufferin;.;- unto fellov;sh'p with I Chri.^t, tr»;'t- they r-'.ay find in Him the j sccret of victory over the evil of the f w'or’d; that He may rise in their soul;'., a star burnine: bri-z-htly thru tlie long night i?ito Tliy perfect day. These blessings we bea‘ in His j name and for his sake. Amen. j C. D. C. ! PRINTERS ARE LOSING MOr^EY th;. simplif’itv of h!s life. He saw in rpi ‘-i;,!” i-n-iv hav'^ to be nut on amine under oath, any person whom i . ‘ ^ me uu uia.N ua\.. lu jiui, yjn ^ made verv easv in order to accom- the u i;’.-- ii.'iinn' quiet unpretentious ^as done in our former be has reason to believe has not ^ ^ ^ 4. • ah \Ncih I ^yho wish to meet their lie. and the formintr of crowds made a full disclosure, but in any ‘ mar :i force for .eood. Stran;:v ar.d i':!";.'loxica! il may s;.'em prevented. to.summon anci examine yet the ’. i • rit truth had been demon- .^|j keep the nnder oath any third party whom he strated. I'l t it is ro^^sible for a man healthful and normal niay have reason to believe has any so to live a-- to be a more^ powerful condition; have plenty of fresh air infornuition as to the affairs of the 1 potential influence than they who eat plenty of nourish- party under investi^ration. Tliis is , p^^pose is to push the new en- sp< :’l; th(' (iivine truth and stand con- ^ake laxatives when extraordinary power \vhich the su-' stantly in the lime Iprht. A life ^.oeded. Avoid driukini^ out of cups ! pervisors have been instructed to use ^ summer j .'ubscriptions by payments, namely; ! 10 •rti'Y cent of the stock will be due | I ]\Iarch 1st, 50 per cent to be paid , ! w hen ready to begin business and j I the balance in monthly installments. : I The purpose is to push the new' en- j I tcrprise to completion for business! J. E. 0. ! is more than a voice and a voice is j o-iasseg that have not been ster- j only with care and caution but never useless wi'hou. a life. Brother Dea- ^iijred or use paper cups when away ^ the less to use in any case where V(*r said it w*a?? a joy p,"rea"ter than fi*om home for drinking w^ater. I they nave siibstanLial reason to be any oiher in hi.-- life thi.t lie en.ioyed ’ Keep all members of the family at' licve that any tax payer has not the confidence of sucii a lyreat soul, home as much as possible and avoid i made a full and fair disclosure of Bro. Mcore real a part of the crowds.- ! his taxable property, covenant and orn; ha^!:<cd the fact Avoid, all building both public and | Th.- true value of taxible property that Brotli?r Osborne had kept the private that are not w^ell ventilated. , is being found. sani \ Brother Kin'.v, Simpson and t)q not send a child to any public j The ownership of intangible pi’op- Hender^ on spoke of their love for place if the child is aching, couuh- ^ erty must be disclosed. the deceased and gave instances of sneezing or feverish. Isolate! ' his helpfulness in a material and a ^11 suspected cases. This course j N. C. WINS spiritual way. 'might make the closing of public^ recent savings society con-J ty.e meeting last Friday. The service closed with a sermon places unnecessary. | ^est wage<l between North Carolina poy Sitton, President, by the pastor from a text found in j If it should become necessary to , South Carolina more than 1,-| Robert Kimsey, Vice-Pres. numbers 2:^:10, “Lei me die the close all public places, in the name : _ooo savings societies were organiz-| Wm. M. Perkins, Secretary, death of the righteous and let my of all that is reasonable and logical | ^he public schools of the two | Charles Moore, Treasurer, last end bg like his.'' As a man aid the purpose of closing and make j states, according to an announce- I lives so he shall die. Death can it effectual by avoiding crowds. A ^lent just made by the War Loan MOUNTAIN SHEEP FLOCKS change nothing. Eternity shall find crow'd on the corners or in the stores 1 Organization of the Fifth Federal ^ DECIMATED BY STRAY DOGS a man life leaves him. Ei'other, will spread the disease. j T?f'3grve District. North Carolina ■ Osborne died a triumphant death be-^ One by himself may not contract ^.gpgrted a total of 81G societies,' Reports reaching from Cherokee cause he lived a triumphant life, iniluenra bvit when two or three or 41 ^ were reported by South and other counties state that many HIGH SCHOOL LITERARY SO CIETY REORGANIZED The Boys’ Gladstone Literary So ciety of the Brevard High School was reorganized last Friday after noon, Jan. 30. Ihe members will meet every other Friday afternoon and render a prearranged program. The following ofi'icers v^ere elected Xcw York. Jan. 27—Lack of bus- j inc'?3 acumen cost printer.=i in sixty-. fivo cities a “lost profit” 01 $28,000- j 000 last year, arcording to result.: of business surveys cite ’ bcicro 600 employin'^ printers a": a “purvey mass meeLln.ii'’’ here last night. A survey of printing ind.ustry in New York city was started to;!:',;' to de-1 termine the number c." nlant^ and j employees cxpen(!iture", profits and j losses of trade for the iiast year. J. A. Borden, ;:::eneral secretary of the United Typothica, declared that altho no business ofTcr:’, .greater op portunities for money making, 73 ficr cent of th,’' printers i.; Ihe Uni ted States are *‘irr,. -p( nslble and have no credit." lie ad 'c-d, however that the industry hao va le substan tial progress in financial siabliity in recent years. provision in the house river and harbor bill for a survey of the French Broad river from Asheville to Brevard. This survey is to be made with a view to removing certain wing dams constructed in the seventies when it was thought j^racticable to make the river navigable to Brevard. These (-ams now interfere with the flow' of the river and affect the en tire country round about. Their re moval will help farming and sani tary conditions. These wing dams or dykes, were constructed by the government some years a^o for the purpose of making the stream navigable but, for some unknown reasons, no boats have ever plied the French Broad from the headv.^atcrs to Asheviile, and the dykes have always been a hindrance to and have been the means of darn ing the river and overflowing the rich fertile bottoms cv^ry time wo have a freshet and they ihould be re moved as early as pos; ible. When they are removed every property owner along the river should do w^hat he could to keep the river clear of all trash of every description from his premises. U. D. C. MEETING Just before he became unconscious he was heard to pray a most beautiful prayer, then clapping his hands together, his face lit up in in expressible joy he seemed to see be yond the veil into the city of God. He continued to the end his loyalty to the church, when too deaf to hear much of the sermon he continued to for the love he bore to the The February meeting of the Tran sylvania Chapter U. D. C. will be held the fourth Saturday, the 2Sth, instead of the first Saturday on which date the annual dues of $1>.00 must be paid. Mrs. W. W\ ZACHARY, Treas. Mrs. J. W. SMITH, Secretary. ■ more are gathered together there is , Carolina. Under the terms of the fine head of sheep are being killed danger. j contest North Carolina, having a by dogs in that section. Wm. Styles C. W. HUNT, M. D., Town Health Officer. larger population w^ag to organize 5 of the Suit section of Cherokee coun societies to South Carolina’s 3.. The ty reports five fine head of ewes i contest was thereiore won by the killed in one night by dogs and in the great cause that had enlisted the best Old North State by a margin of 131 Boiling Springs section another larni efforts of his life and because of his societies. Both states, however, did er lost seven head of dogs. Efforts desire that his example should last excellent work, says a statement is- will be made to get the county au- as long as life remained in him. C. E. PUETT, Pastor. sued by the district War Loan Or- thorities to enforce the recently en- ganization. acted dog law. CARD OF THANKS I w'ish to express my heartfelt thanks to the good people of this county for their many donations in preparing me to go to a hospital. Es/pecially do I want to thank Miss Lulu M. Cassidey and her club and their aid. VIRGIE WHITMIRE. TO POULTRY RAISZRS: Are your heng la’, ing? The nor- nit’l time fcr hens to lay is in the sprintr, and in orticr to get them to lay in tlie winter we have got to give them ideal condition and food. The first requisite is a warm house proper, food and fresh water supi : ed three times per day. r. sary to feed a mash wit: !'■ feed. A Rood mixture 01 "rai?: laying hens is an equal r-iin xi fc and oats. Feed each tw Ive liens pint of this mixture in ihc morni and the same in the eve ; g. A p’ood mash can be termilk, meat scraps an wheat shorts. A good a mash is at four o’clo ternoon. The mash ca 1 i-e fed as hot as on can bear th. hand to it:. A supply of oyster s-ielis oy some form of lime should be >laced where the chickens can get it at any time. R E. Lawrence, County Agent. . of bu - • uxed wi 1 :e to-fee I in the ai- The next sensation in Senatorial circles will- be a Republican “round robin” against the Lodge reserva tions. i

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