KEEP IN TOUCH with other communities by reading the NEWS. rd. Your Advertisement in the News will be read by over 5,000 people VOLUME XXV BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1920. NUMBER 9. EMERGENCY HOS PITAL IS NEEDED NEW INDUSTRY FORROSMAN Mr. Claude H. Parks of Spruce Pine, formerly a resident of Pisgah RED SOLDIERS lA LE1TEER FROM AS CmZENSI CAMP LEE, VA. All of our doctors and Red Cross nurses are now beins: worked to the limit. One doctor alone has one hundred and fifty cases of flu and altogether there are about four hun dred cases in this vicinity. The need of a cottaKe hospital is much felt at this time. Take one | is lookini;: over this section with a case in particular: A family of 12 ! view to establishing a plant for get are livinK in two small roopv^ : tinj" out material for the manufac- every flight.” the father and several chiMi\>n ere ! ture of French briar pipes. This down with the flu. The hous^e is so I material in its native form is known constructed that ventilation cannot to the mountaineers as laurel; but be Riven v.'ithout causing’ a draft on j when scientifically treated it is sent the patients. Here is wiicrv a bos- j to New York, turned, bored and pol- pital would afford assistaiu-e. The ished and you may then buy it at NOTICE TO AU COUNTY TEACHERS REVAIIIATION AH LOWERS TAXES You will please take notice that! Every one who studies the Reval- all county teachers’ meetings are uation Act should at the outset give called off until Saturday, March 20, the act credit for a saving of forty- 1920 due to the fact that so many per cent. In the years of 1919 It is said that there were no better Editor Brevard News, soldiers than the Indians in the Brevard, N. C. j Forest and em'ployed as a Reserva-i American Expeditionary Forces. Dear Sir:- tion Ranper, is a suest of Rev. J, C. i According to Major Thomas Refley | As we are still at Camp Lee, Va., Seagle at the Norwood House. He j of the 165 Infantry, “they were ex- and having some of the best of contagious diseases are now very | and ]‘J20 every proijerty owner pays is accomnanied by Mrs. Parks and pert in rife fighting, game, strong, weather, and everything, it makes us prevalent in practically every town-' fr;rtv-f;v-i per cent less taxes than he their little son, lienrv. Mr. Parks | brave, resolute; they were superior feel like writing to the people at ship of the country. I regret very v.oul.i have paid if the General As- in scouting and patrol work; they large of our home county. much indeed that it is impossible for . sembly of 1919 had not touched the were unexcelled in every phase of Camp Lee is naturally on the us to have any county-v/ide-meetings subject of valuation, every flght.” With such a record boom. Everybody is working, get- j ooner than the afon said date, as we ' Under the old law there was a re- to speak for them, no vvontler a pro- ting ready for the big Vocational have so many important things to assessment every four years, and if posal to organize “One or More” School that is to open here in the get before our teaching force. ; General Assembly of 1919 had divisions of Indians, commended by near future, whicii will bring the Any and all teachers v.ho have pre- jone nothing with respect to valua- General Pershing and othv.r high strength of the camp up to about pared to take the county examination reassessment would have officers, has b('cn brought to the at- 30,000 men, while at the present prepared by the <^ounty Board of 7th made in 1919 and the taxes for tertion of Congress. there is only about 2,000 troops grade Examiners w'ill please send to any first class cigar store as genuine French Briar. In fact for the smok- French Briar and it takes an expert GEORGE E. WILLIAMS DEAD (From Easley Progress). sick ones could be removed from those who are well, the house cleaned up and the rest of the family pre vented from taking the disease*. Why not we get together and < ith- | to tell the difference er rent or build a menio’ial hospital Parks can make the right to Miss Daisy Nicho;soi) li e faithful of a business deal his factory nurse who lost .'ler l.’fo n niivsing located at Rosman with of- the s’ck? I believe the home of headquarters at Brevard Sadie North couid be either ri-i'ted -^yhere he wMll make his home. Thus or boutrht for this ar!<] new industries are de- Sadie installed as resid-'nt nurse. ' yr, loping in our section and Brevard I would suggest that liu' I II. on in the forward march. Galloway r.ppoini a comnrttee to j solicit subseri])tions for this purpose, ' correspond with Mi 's Xorlh, who is ' now in Floriiia and tlr.s buildir.g bo ; rentevl rieht av.:iy. E. H. N. | j All fla.dey was saddened Tuesday lllii f iiii I Williiiiiif. Mr. contractcii flu about ten days ago an.l develop- I’ravcr lakes on a nc^v interest if ^d pneumonia Friday which proved it is realized as Jesur, teaching daily ^^e be^t med-cal at- in the soul. Each days prayer is the tention that could be given to him. raiding ancvr of the standard of Di- , He was 33 years of age and v.os a vine Holiness in the life. In prayer nian of sterlin'-T (.nu’i:cler. For a we entiT afresh into the understand ing of the Will of God. We lift up our hearts to Him. He reveals to us somewhat of the Divine purpose. We look at things with something of the Divine vision. We see things more as they are in the sphere of Picked Indians would undoubtly here, there being oniy the G2nd and me at once the names and addresses make excellent material 1919 and 1920 would have been paid - on this reassessment. This law has :-rial for our 43rd regiment of infantry, and the of the respective applicants. I hope force for twenty years and ers’ purpose it is just as good as standing army, but in justice to them Q- M. C. Detachment, the Utilities that there may be a large class in the I ( verv four year there has been a and their race, they and the bulk and the Med. Department at the county who are able or will be able ^ substantial increase in values. The of their people should be made camp Hospital, of which Sgt. Geo. to pass aforesaid examination on the ^ average increase has been 26 1-2 per citizens under the flag they are to F. Woodfin is a member, and the Mo- date of May 22, 1920. Details for There is not a man in the serve. tor Transport Corps, of which priv- conducting and taking th^' examina- outside of an institution for in- Tardy justice in this ’particular ate Robert Merrill is a member, t'on will be given out ju?t as soon as | feebleminded w'ho does not at last seems to be at hand. The During the last week Woodfin was v.e have a list of prospective grad-' j^nov/ that the actual increase in Carter bill, which passed the House appointed Sgt. iMajor of the Camp uates. j iiroperty values during the last four of Representatives recently confers Hospital and the next day was out With every success to you and all ! y^ars has been greater than in any citizenship as a right on all Indians v.ith the hospital baseball team and the school forces of th? county, I am,; four-year per'od since the reassess- born in the United States. After V. ! the misfortune of sustaining a nu:nber of years he wa, e\pres? n,-"''nt in Easlev. later Jtcfoptir.g a j’osilion as assistant cashier of the Easley Bank, which position ho hrhl at the time of his de:’.th. By his clieerful and happy disposition he riends witn all wiicni he this ineasure becomes a law there rrr.ctured leg and is now confined to will still be left Indians who must be his room. protected as wards of the Nation, Recruiting is on the boom also, but it is purposo'l to rc'liu'o :-tcadily ;M:Viiy cx-.crvice men are re-enlist- even the number of these by train- ing, for they have been discharged ing an<l education. Y.'ith the bulk p!id tried civil life again with the of the Indian citizens and twenty- u. I., .'rrine: tiicm in the faoe, liv(* thous:ind or more young red men tiicrefore lind that th .'ir little nermanently in the army, the de- ';:U).00 per n^.onth, with all board, sccndanis of the ancient aboriginal dothes, r.iedical an('. denUii attention race of this continent will be, as it long has been desireii that they . ’lould be, Americans in a double rcense. In this conne.'tion also, ’paid for is r.-ltt'r t'.'.an a job at even :i!r)0.00 pr-r ’..'.onlh, for they can’t 't board for than $r)O.GO and then by 1h" lime they ':uy i;hea' in- clothes, pay for their launrlry an<l have a mild attack of the fi-’ or some terestin:;' to note, thal v.e have dur ing jdl the years 'oeen ini<'nformed other disease, and ];ay o\:v $ 10.00 or in one particular about the Indian s.'O.CO for a flocior bi'l. aTi'l ther I ment law ha™ been on the books. No n^ortrl mar will deny that if the old clion. i ’v: -1 allowed to stand with- j eiV, the eoof an i or the cross- i ine; of a t. the values in 1919 would [ j V.a\'r''e'n iivrr.'a -ed as much as they On Tuesdciy, i\Iar( h 2nd County j I'our-year per'od. Just ' o’" ■ I -: per ccnt and say that v;;'n s would have increas- ’'/ours very truly, A. F. ('ounty Supt. of Pul'^ r PRUNING DEMONSTRATION ■ot;. A.<:--,nt Lawrence vil! r"iv;' a dcn'on- .-M-alion of ino'UM ;-! nv ihods of fiuit tre:‘ a’ld ;:rape pruning at the F:'.:m v.i Pel:c:’. Wednesday, ^liirch 3ril Mr. T. J. ■’ 5-cIioo!ey from the S.:.te Horticul-^ rl ' ural DepartennL. Raleigh, will as-, di:p> ■. is! T'lr. La\.renee in a pruning ilcm- noi p-. oi'i; liTiion at th; f-trm of .’'•'r. C. C. ; a;: ■ Yoi'.,e:ue at North lirevard. per ccnt. Then in 1919, the i v o vners vrould have paid 25 1, or^ ta:i-S on the same Ly thar they paid in 1918. Un- e I’cvaluaiion Act they did a cent more. A similar r.n would have been paid in but under my recommendation race. We havi* beea. Lol i thait thi' ':0 hat time from work, \ve!l, tin- race is .cvadually (iying out and have periodically inourneil the passing of ihe noor Indian. Latest statistics arniv is tli • best anyv/ay one ,eets at I true real it V. We see things in their came in conta st. Ke was a ccnsis- true proportion; we see people in tent and active member of the Bap-, , hove that this is not the ca^'e. The their trur va.iue as God loves and fist clr.irch here and took an active | 'i^ r ilie expei'.s can. h'^urr it, there values them, not as our own self-in- interest in affairs for the botcermcnt I .-ire more India.ns in America today Wh'‘r. *he old re: uhir bciran terest, and our own restricted ex- of the community. pcrieiu".‘ v>'ould su.egest. We see the beautiful incrcv of God. afresh each j than there were when Columbus dis- to come I'.ack to itself they quickly (’■ - all Y. >1. C. .A. and other wc’fart' org‘i7M/ations from all the ; r;v.',’ camps and posts, but now On Thursday Ih- plaee selected for’^o the Ger...ral Assembly this 25 per ‘ho pruning dcmonsiration is the W. c^nt increase in 1920 will be reduc- o TO ■”> per ccnt, this for the public hook:. This makes a net saving to prop‘'rty owners in 1920 of 20 per c' iil. and. this added to the 25 per c' t ^aved in 1919 makes a total : vi’. ‘ to the property owners on ac count of the Re\^aluat:on Act of 45 ner cent. He was ont.- of Easley’s most . the continent. This com- thinus mcv'.' along iust as smooth as i}I. Henry orchard near Dunns Rock. Friday th^ W. Vv. Kay and Bill Owens farms, near Lake Toxaway sciiooi house will be operated on. Tlio Bo;.-s’ aiia '’s’ Ciabs will attend. On Tues(’ay. iMarch 9th there will be a nrunina’ demonstration at iMr. day in p’\;y.r; an;i so Jesus teaches nrominent and successful voung bus-i l>l^'te:y disproxes the ta^'oix tnat th' ever an ! the solaicrr have iust as ' ^'hapman’s at Old Toxavray. luess men '•ed nnui cannot star.d civilization. ; o-ood, if not better times than they i <ii.l «hi!c such orsanizatlons wore | VERNON GALLAMORE MARRIED The increased tax rates in the’ > jar 1919 are due to tv/o things: 1. The public school term was by PROMOTED TO SECOND CLASS SEAMAN in existence. nev\’ Vocational Trainin; i a pi'acticary unanimous vote of the Mrs. W. K. Osborne has received pconle of North Carolina in creased us to be thankful. We see our sins, , , , * u i He is survived bv his wife, who an:l J-. a taa.cPes Us to be iiumble, . r 1 . ' vas Miss Leota Aiken, of Greenville, and g!\es us the confidence of His, . "'hom he married about two and one protection. Thus praver is Jesus; teaching ciaily in the soul which He ' has mad. His own by a new act of ’^'Other, Mrs. Eliza Aiken of Easley I recently enlisted in the navy at h,,^etic, spelling, and in fact ev- Charlotte, N. C„ to Miss Maude ^ the school term means 50 per cent consecration. Prayer enlarges, de- ““^^ sisters, Mis. V. E. Latheni, i Asiieville navy rccruiting station | p^y^i, velops and ])reserves the dedication , Easley and Mrs. B. M. Henry of been promoted from apprcnti - , Brevard, and one brother. Will Wil- , , of the soul. School will tcach all branches of ‘^^'''P’^-'^^ement of the marria.ire of fi-oni four to six months. Of course Charles R. Townsend of Brevard,: g^udy, such a.s different languages, ^'ernon B. Gallamoie ;,o per cent increase in the length of _ . I _ J? /'■’ 1., ... -^1 ^ i. . "\T 4-.-V .1 J.. riA thac is taught in high school -'-.len of Ilicl'Cry, which occurrfd i,,orc money and no fair-minded man e and in addition to that, will teach last Wednesday evening at the Pre.s-' ^an complain on account of his taxes. LET US PRAY We come to Th(*e, our Father, that Brevard, and one brother, Will Wil- i i i . Ivtprian Ho ;i)'tal I seaman to seaman second class and ^orticultur, a.uTiculture, mmina:, sur- o.vterian iio. p.uu. 1*_ i’m* A M L) ^ ^ I ^ ^ r\ I I ^ ^ • liams of the Cross Roads section. I . i.4. u i tt « q oUn i • i • ^ +v,o+ ' Mr. Galianiore, a Transylvanian I IS now attached to tne U. b. fe. Ukia-i voying, and in fact everything that , Funeral services were held Wed-;iioma, The Oklahoma is a super | 0,5^ m^Mition. There will be only birth, is with the Coy lurniture Co. of Charlotte and iNIiss Allen a .err.duate nurse at the Presbyterian crv. VV.. V, , - ^ ^ I ^ . we may more deeply enter into Thy i neday afternoon at 2:b0 o clock from readnaught attached to the Atlantic ; ^y. o such schools, one at Camp Fun- joy. Thou turncsi darkness into ' the- residence, conducted by Rev. J. ^nd is now making a cruise in ! ston and the other here. The one day, and mourTnr.- into praise. Thou P. Patton assisted by Rev. D. W. West Indian water to give the crew .,t Funston is for all soldiers w.:st of art our Fortress in temptation, our Hiott. The body was laid to rest of ship an opportunity of seeing i].,, Mississippi river and the one Shield in remorse, our Covert in ca- j with INIasonic honors in West \ iew many interesting oid ports of j-Kire is for all east of the IMississippi lamity, our Star of Hope in every , Cemetery. these islands. The ship is due in every enlisted man of the United sorrow. When a small boy Mr. Williams Colon, the eastern port of the Pana-1 states army that elects to take a O Lord, we would know Thy Transylvania County and Canal within a few days and course in this school is eligible, no peace, deep, abiddng, inexaustable. Williams, who was a Miss Aiken while there every man in the crew; -,v.attar how high he has been in ^ When we seek Thy peace our weari- ^ native of this County. , given an opportunity of in- | school before, or even if he has nev- ; ! specting this great work of engin- ^losp'tal at Hi ness is gone, the sense of our imper fection ceases to discourage us, and our tired souls forget their pain. W’^hen strengthened by Thy goodness we return to the task of life. Send us forth as servants of Jesus Christ in the sevice and redemption of the world. Send us to the hearts without love, to men and women burdened with heavy cares, to the miserable, the sad, the broken hearted, send us to the children whose heritage has been a curse, to the poor who doubt Thy Providence, to the sick who crave for healing, and cannot find it, to the fallen for whom no man cares. 1 Ilf voted for it himself. i 2. The General Assembly of ( 1919 increased the salaries of teach- j ers in public schools 50 per cent- This was done because the General Assembly reached the conclusion that re-nlar army, just apply to any re-' it "'as not only unwise, but positively cruiting otlicer and ask for a special indecent to starve the young women assignment to Camp Lee, Va., and we ; of the State who were devoting their will assure you a hearty v.elcome lives to teach our children. Before and that you will be satisfied for the this increase the average teacher in army today is not like the mob of the public schools got $45 a month 1917-18-19, but now everything is ‘ for teaching four months, her year’s different-even the slum. I "ork netting her $1S0. Under the er been to school a day, there will May we be ministers of Thy mer- earing. The fleet is due back in | ^ class for everyone. They will j Washington’s birthday ' Constitution the term w^as lengthen- cy, messengers of Thy helpful pity Nev^ York about May 1st, 1920 and | their clothes., boaril and every to all who need Thee, By our sym- all men will be given a furlough to pathy, our prayers, our kindness, our visit their home f.’ift3, m.ay we make a way for the inflow of Thy love into the needy j and lovelecs lives, and so may we i have that love v.’hich alone is the fulfilling of Thy Law. j PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Brevard Church There will be both church and Hasten the time when all men Sunday school at the usual hour next shall love Thee and one another in Sunday, the 29th at 10 and 11a. m. Thee, when all the barriers that di- | Davidson River Church vide us shall be broken down; and ! There will be no services at all every heart shall be filled with joy, ^ until the influenza situation shows and every tongue with melody. These j decided improvement at Pisgah gracious gifts we ask in Jesus name. Forest. Amen. C. D. C. | JOHN R. HAY, Pastor. thing paid for and will be their $30.00 per month anyway. So where else is it that a man can get a good education, and be paid i and we are at liberty to go whore we ed to six months and the Legislature please, Merrill has come over from | increased her salary to $G7.50, which the M. T. C. and is staying with I makes her earnings for the year W'oodfin for the day, so about all we | $405, an increase of more than 100 can do is to WTite letters and talk,' Per cent. If a man is opposed to at the rate of $30.00 per month in | ^ „,agazines and such as that, | this increased tax to give to the chil- ' but it is hoped that at an early date dren a longer school term and pay we will be able to go out and enjoy the teachers wages that will keep the nice weather that we are having, tbem off the outside pauper list, let Wishing the News and all its read- him come out boldly and say so ers a prosperous year, w’e beg to remain, Respectfully, ROBT. E. MERRILL. GEO. F. WOODFIN. addition? Camp Lee is an ideal place location for an army camp, be ing ten minutes ride from Peters burg, Va., and one hours ride from Richmond, Va., and not over two hours from Norfolk and Newport News, Va., has excellent car service and excellent train service, so any young man that wants to better him self by three years training in the Please do not charge up these in creases to the Revaluation Act which, as heretofore stated, reduced the taxes paid in 1919 and 1920 45 per cent.

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