KEEP IN TOUCH with other communities by reading the NEWS. Your Advertisement in the News will be read by over 5,000 people VOLUME XXV BREVARD. N. C. FRIDAY. MARCH 5, 1920. NUMBER !•« LOCAL RED CROSS HOLDS MEEI1NG At a called meeting of the Tran sylvania Chapter of the American Red Cross Sodety on Sunday at 3 P. M. some twenty of Brevard’g re presentative citizens including a num ber of ladies were present. Chair man J. S. Silversteen stated that the object of the meeting was to act PISGAH FOREST CmZENS GRATEFUL LETTER FROM JEW YORK The Annual Reunion and Confer- The people of Pisgah Forest are very grateful to Dr. J. M. Lynch of | ences of Teachers College the past Asheville for bringing his brother | week brought a large number of over last Sunday thru the cold to prominent educators. Many of them give them medical relief. Dr. Lynch ! were on their way to the meeting of with the assistance of four nurses the Department of Superintendence and with what help the doctors from of the N. E. A. in Cleveland Ohio, Brevard can give is handling the sit- These conferences are arranged to upon the proposition of the Atlanta ' uation admirably and it is hoped the help former students keep up to date Red Cross Society to furnish $500 ' influenza situation will soon be ui)- on educational progress and to se- toward the support of a county nurse to provide for present needs of suf- THRIFT WEEK TO BE OBSERVED Under the direction of Miss Hazel Albert, secretary to the superinten dent of Transylvania schools, about 50 programs have been sent to the local teachers for use in the obser vance of Thrift Week which closes March 6. These programs are to be used by the children, and contain, it is said, a number of inte*resting features. Different programs have been prepar ed for the primary, grammar and high school grades. They include re citations, songs, dialogues, little plays and selections for reading. They have proved unusually popular PRIZES FOR THRIFT IDEAS SEATS INSTALLED INfllGHSCHOW der control. I cure new inspiration and equipment. It seems that Pisgah Forest has Very many of the Departments had ferer from the influenza epidemic to been hit har(k*r than any other sec- products of their work on exhibition, arrange for a County hospital and ; tion of the county by this plague and The excellent addresses and discus- any other matters that might proper-1 it was necessary to sem! to Asheville sions were informing and inspiring, ly come before the meeting. j for assistance, owing to the fact that Some subjects received very animat- It was moved and carried that the 1 the doctors here were not able to ted discussion. Teachers’ pay and re-' school workers say, wherever they ed into two classes: Those in cities oflFer of the Atlanta Sociatey be ac- j take care of aJI tne caes there and presentation on board of education cepted and a committee consisting of i attend their other patients too. j were two such. Health and Nursing, Messrs. T. S. Shipman, W. E. Breese j The Red Cross at Brevard has Rural Education received much at- T. H. Galloway and H. W Powell,' made up funds and opened a soup tention. Investigators and experi- were appointed to solicit funds for room at Pisgah Forest for the | menters bring results of their work here and discuss them to provide standards to give out to the country. This is good opportunity to look For the best posters drawn by The auditorium of the newly coi®* school children emphasizing the pleted High School building has just idea the War Loan Association of been seated. This building is mod- this district will give cash prizes erniy equipped in every respect andi amounting to more than $100. The i spacious enough to accommodate the rules of the contest, which closes | children of the communit; March 31, have been sent to school j The princip^, Misspdra L. Tyner, teachers thruout the district with the j w'ith the other members of request that they be posted on bulle- the faculty, h^^f^^itably administer- tin boards and in other conspicuous ed the educational backing of the sta- % places. All pupils of all public and private schools in this district may enter the contest. Six prizes will be awarded in this state. All the schools will be divid- dent body. Miss Tyner is very able educationally, and bears her office with rare dignity, and with her asso ciates, equally as dignified, and with excellent ability, as well, the school wil continue successfully. Transylvania's share of the $1000 stricken families, necessary to support the community j ' nurse. Mr. J. S. Silversteen offered ARE to donate 40 per cent of the amount ^ - needed. Rev. J. C. Seaci'le reported to the meeting the con(iition of flu suffer er in Brevartl and vicinity. Miss An nie Joan Cash told of conditions at Pis.trah Forest. Of the noble work of Mrs. Ed Patton in furnishing soup for the sick. Of the ravages of the disease at Heddon's lumber camp where they were 27 out of '>1 sick and at Ashwortli’o camp wht rc one half of the men were sick. The un- work of Dr. En.crlish, Hunt. Ly- an tioned. i A motion was carried to appoint Mesdanies Witmcr, ('assitiey and War u to ortraiiizt' a soup kitchen at Pisuali Forest. Messrs Doyle and Shipman otfi-re.i to pay all the trans portation cliarge in connection with the Red ('ro.<s work durinj; this epi demic. This offer was accented with thanks. ' It was stated at the meeting that a doctor and two nurese were en ' route to Pissah Forest, being sent ^om the Asheville R;*d Cross Society to assist in caring for the sick in Transylvania. j ^'•li's.srs Seagle, Zachary, and Po- well were apr.oiuted to <j:o before j the County and solicit an appropria- '■ tion for the Mipport of a conimuni-1 ty nurse. Mayor Calloway was ap-, pointed to iay the matter before the | Tov.n Council. j Ralph H. Zachary spoke of the un- , tiring work of Rev. J. C. Seagle in j visiting and carrying supplies to the sick and moved that a car be placed i 1 at his diposal to assist him in this ' grand work which v;as taxing him to the limit of his endurance. The mo tion was carried. j Mr. W. E. Breese stated to the meeting that he had been appointed by the Armenian and Syrian Relief Headquarters to solicit subscriptions for these starving people and gave notice that he would conduct a drive for Transylvania’s quota of $600 in the near future. At the close of the meeting Messrs Silversteen, Breese and Zachary, ac companied by Miss Lula Cassidey, motored to Pisgah Forest to meet the doctor and nurses who were expect ed to arrive on the evening train and to look further into the situa tion. ^ The expected doctor turned out to be Dr. Lynch of Biltmore accom- 'panied by his brother. Dr, Boyce Lynch. After a consultation over the phone with Dr. E. S, English it n^as decided to leave to him to de cide the best pl^ce to locate Dr. Boyce Lynch and the nursese. Soup for the mountain camps will be prepared at Brevard on Monday have been used. During the week a record will be with a population of more than 8000 according to the 1910 cenus, will be kept of the number of Thrift and j known as Class A. Schools. The War Savings Stamps which the child- j other will be class B. schools. In ren buy. It has been suggested that | each class three prizes will be given the names of the children bo written I A'*" class two grand prizes for the Fifth j Him, The gates of prayer are THE PRAYER CORNER It is our comfort to know that God is never silent to those who love on the black-board and red stars ! Federal Reserve District will be TO BLAME "Mitor Frcard News: I see in your last is'sue a reminder {o .Merchants who do not advertise (h;it people go elsewhere to do a lot of lhe:r shoi>pin.c:. Possibly non-advertising is one ' partment. i\ason for peo])k* going away to trade, but there are other reasons, Tiu merchants of Brevard (some of them )not only do not advertise, but placed opposite the names of those ! over the edge in education to see ' who have just bought their first these being $10,00 each, what is coming. In the Dept, of Re-, Thrift Si amps: v.'hite stars whoa: li.^vious Education some of the ad- they have bought as many as five, | vanced material and methods in Sun and blue stars when uiey have day School were received and plans bought more than five. j for improvement on the uniform Then when the programs arc ren-1 and .ijraded lessons were recountcvl <iered it i:3 further susrgested, white, : and discussed. There is something rt d blue ribbons can be given to j better ahead in this and in every de- the vhildron, the same plan being! vantage of ii^esting in Thrift and In addition to the cash prizes the winners will receivc- personal letters of congratulation signed by the dir ector of the War Loan Oriranization iiV.C: the gove .'•or of Ihe t'ederal Re serve Bank of thir, district. All posters submitted must empha size the value of savin<r and the ad- day and Wallis was specially men- ^ seem to care a snap how they treat their customers; they are void of even courtesy or politeness. I wouhl like to trade at home if I could be accorded the treatment that I am entitled to and that I get else where and get satisfaction assured. A case in point—a lady bought of a “catalo'^ue house” several pair of shoos. One pair of w'hich did not seem to come up to what she thought they ought, so after a month’s wear she sent them back with a complaint and by return mail got a new pair even better in quality than the first claimed to be. I have known several instance where this has been done by “catalogue houses” and nearby towns also. A short time ago I bought a pair of shoes for an eight year old boy, and paid S5.00 for them because they were claimed to be good solid leather and insured lont; wear; in less than three weeks the shoe soles were v/orn out. Feeling that the^ must be inferior to what they should have been for the price paid and quality claimed I j took the shoes to the merchant and i made complaint. 1 must say that I : have never been treated with such I coldness, such indift'erence and im politeness; it amounted to wilful ' snubbcry, an insult to the intelli- ' .lienee of any lady, j The shoes in question had ■ followed as on the black-board. The emphasis in the near future Lvcry child v,ho has invested in a I will be on “creative teaching,” that Savinvs Stamp would receive a ribbon—red, white and which does more for the pupil than was dreamed of formerly. In Pres. Vincent’s address on llealih in Rural Communities much praise was given to North Carolina for her advance(i legislation and' wise provisions for her rural popu- ^ir. Welch Gallovvay arhninistrator lations. She is in the lead in this of the etate of late John W. McMinn and setting a noble example for her put up for sale by auct’on the tv/o sister states. Pres. Vincent pleads storied brick buildings in which the for the installment of the county or /jirmers Supply Co. are now doing community nurse and the communi- business under the eiTicient manage- War S avin.trs Stamps. The posters ; may be made in any manner desired. No co:-;testant may enter more than two posters. Anyone who desires copies of the printed rules can get i j tl'.'jm by writinc!: to the W’^ar Loan Or- SALE OF BUILDING OCCUPIED ganization at Richmond, Va. BY F.\R.MEHS SUPPLY CO. tri-color blue.. ty hopital as new imperative de- ment of ?*Ir. ?dac Allison. This bus- ■ mands. The health of the country . iness loc:ition is oft the best in it: lower in the city and the state town, be?ng^^><fntral in position and i should see to it that this is corrected on the suul!y side of Brovards fore-' bv such means. Transylvania Coun-1 most birtnness street. After exciting ty health officer would no doubt wel- ^ compeiition the offers narrov/ed i come such additional help to aid down to two or three determined his work. | bidders and the building was sold to The lament wa common that so Mr. Fred Shuford who bid it in for many teachers are leaving the pro-j his.cousin, *vlr. Sutton W’ilson for the fession and so few are preparing to sum of $10,105.00. take iheir places. The lack of ap- j predation and low' salaries w’ere the j most generally named cause. It was | s^id the patrons are v.dlling to tax | themselves to pay for their child- THREE IN FAMILY DIE OF FLU never shut. God is never indifferent, A PRAYER O Thou Gracious One, so occupy us with self forgetting service for Thee that no time or strength may remain for our besetting sins. Lay upon us the burdens of the weak.. The crosse.'; of other lives. Are any bic)'? Let us bring to them help and good cheer, and if it may be some gift of healing. Are there any naked and hungry? Let us clothe and fead them. Are there any sad and de pressed? Give to us the insight and the smypathy, in the presence of w hich the burdened heart will be eased and the darkened mind illu minated, Are there any remorseful and dispairing? Speak to them thrtt us as Thine organs and say, “I am Thy salvation”. Thus may the fires of a Christian charity burn with a steady flame v,dthin us, and thus may our souls be kept pure and fresh and strong. 0, true and hold light that lighten- ists ^very man, shine into these hearts of ours, that we may hold converse with the sinful, yet contract no stain, that we may share the pleasures and mingle in the noise tlu‘ aforesaid date also. A notice has 1 ^nd dust of life, yet keep our gar ble sent to one member of the school . ii^ents unspotted from the world. mm 10 lEACBERS i You, each and ali, are respective ly urged, requested and invited to , be p ’esent at our next teacher’s i meeting which is to be held in the Brevard High School buiding, Mar. 2Gth next. The opening session will | commence a.t ten o'clock. A meeting of all of the school i tru.'-'tecs of the county is called on trustees of every district in the coun ty. The trustee receiving the notice Forgive us that we have sinned •’ often against those around us, by is requested to present same to the ^o draw near to them, and to ren’s education as had been proven The Davidson River community has been saddened by several deaths due to the ravages of influenza.. their daughter all (M^d wnthin a few marked up” from $3.50 to $5.00 hours of each (pfCet. Mr. Allison on Friday. Mrs. Jennings on Saturday and Mrs. Allison on Sunday. Mr. Allison was an industrious farmer and highly respected by all 'v^o knew him, Mr. and Mrs. been''^”® *'*' | leave five children and Mrs. Jen i cation Association in an address here by result of the ballot where contests ■ were thus decided. If this dearth of j teachcrs continues the next genera-! tion w’ll certainly receive a very | limited education. Many teachers; arc holding to their work at a sacri fice, The sooner this evil is remed-. ied the less it will cost to correct it. | • some time ago estimated there were Now I am not complaining, except , ji.l i : 100,000 teachers needed to supply! to say that hereafter the “catalogue ; , i. : places where there are no teachers house” or the nearbv towns will get i , , , ^ i. ' and places where teachers not prop- my shoe trade until I am assured of, , , . , I erly prepared are m charge. There at least a creditable recognition and ' i nings one. APPOINTED FIELD EXAMINER Ralph R. Fisher has been appointed courtesy by our home dealers. M. E. H. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHE Unless providentially hindered, vve will have our regular Sunday School and Church services next Sunday. JOHN R. HAY. and sent out on the speeder from Pisg^ Forest and Miss Cassidey and her committee will get ready to open up a soup kitchen in Mr. Harry Pat ton’s flat over Brown-Patton’s Store. is a better day for the poorly paid j by the Treasurer Department as Field teacher. Colleges are increaing | Examiner for Jackson and Transylva- their endowments to meet this de-' nia counties. mand. Legislatures are providing j Discharged soldiers, marines, sail- larger appropriations. ors and nurses drawing any compensa- The contest over seating fine So- tion for disability, bonuses Liberty cialist members of the New York Bonds, clothing allowances, can get legislature may end this week. The committee of trial has had a turbu lent time. Much evidence w^ pre sented to show these men belong to a party oathbound to subvert our government. On the other side it is claimed free speech and representa-- tive government are at stake. Columbia University enrolled last blanks and advisement from him. year 25,000 students, the largest University in the world. Pres. But ler say in twenty years it may have 100,000. Teachers’ College has or dered a new library to cost $2,000,- 000. L. B. HAYNES. other members of his body. The meeting of the trustees and teachers will be a joint meeting. All the foregoing persons are ur- ,s?ed and invited to be present for a lively discussion of any and all school matters that may come up during the progress of the meeting. Mr. Victor J. Garvin of Flat Rock has promised to be present to ad dress us on the aforesaid date, and I r dncercly hops that you, each and ail of the foregoing will be present for his address, in my opinion Mr. Garvin has in store some good and intereting information for you all. Most cordially yours, A, F, MITHELL, Co. Supt. of Pub ic Instruction. understand them, by w'ant of pity for their trials and sorrows; by passing on our heedless way wdth no ear for the still sad voice of weary and laden souls. Henceforth let us arm ourselves with the mind that was in Christ, who came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give His life a ransom for many. Let the Glory TO His Cross be.the inspirations of all our thoughts and service, that suffering with Him hereafter. Hear and answ^er us, for His sake. Amen. C. D. C. PUBIiC NOTICE COMMUNITY NURSE The committee appointed by Tran- COUNTY COMMISSIONERS VOTE j Warning is hereby given that, in $300 TOWARDS SUPPORT OF A response to the wishes of many citi zens, the town council has pased a resolution that after the first day of April next the ordinance prohibit- sylvania Chapter of the American | ing the keeping of hogs within the Red Cross consisting of Messrs. Gal- j limits prescribed in the ordinances of lov/ay, Powell, Breese and Shipman the town shall be rigidly enforced, appeared before the County Com- As ample time is thus given for the misioners on Monday to ask for an disposal of any and all pigs or hogs appropriation from the County funds now being kept within the prohibit- for the support of a permanent com munity nurse for Transylvania Co. Their request was granted by a unan imous vote of the commissioners ed area, it is hoped that our citi zens will cheerfully comply with the law, so that any drastic action by the town autho^ties will be unnece»* and the sum of $300 appropriated | sary. for this good work. | T. H. GALLOWAY, Mayor.

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