FRIDAY, MARCH Itlk. 1920. mE BREVARD NEWS. BREVARD, N. C. • — ■ ft. Get Ready to Plant Com COME IN AND LET US SELL YOU AN OLIVER CHILLED OR SYRACUSE TURNING PLOW. WE ALSO* CARRY ALL REPAIR PARTS FOR THE ABOVE MENTIONED PLOWS. LET US FIT YOU UP WITH A COLES CORN PLANT ER, DRAG HARROW, OR ANY TOOL NEEDED ON THE FARM. NISSEN WAGONS—WE HAVE A CAR LOAD OF STANDARD GAU6e NISSEN WAGONS. SEE US FOR ALL KINDS OF HARNESS—BUGGY, WAG ON AND PLOW HARNESS. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. t j. M. tLUSM, Mr. Farmers Supply Company WEIUIIO, K. 0. jUJ] Goini to Build ; No matter what you intend to j build—whether it's a house, bam or i merely a shelf in the pantry — you have to have tools. And the better , the tools, the better the job. Poor tools are expensive at any price. ‘ They last only a short time and never do first-class worK. To be s\ire of get- ting tools worth buy ing, get them from U3 euid you will be proud of your purchase. In addition to the tools, you most liKely will need other things in the hardware line. We Kave locRs, doorKnobs, hinges, bracKets, nails and everything you will want HARDWARE THAT STANDS HARD WEAR ’ AT PRICES THAT STAND COMPARISON i « BREVARD HARDWARE CO. HARRY P. CLARKE BREVARD TEA ROOM . Open Every Day Sandwiches Hot Coffee T ea Chocolate ISon't Pick Out a Printer Blindfolded Printing Safegsisrds Your Money Protect your cash not only with bolts and bars and banks but witli businesslike printed forms and records for every transaction you undertake. We can show you a paper— Paper—that betrays erasure and prevents fraudulent al« teration of your checks, notes, drafts and receipts. For letterheads and general printed forms we use and recommend a standard paper that we know will give yoa satisfaction. ^ Get the One Who Can ^Help You Sell Your Good^ have the ability to help y^u sell your goods and we can do this at a reasonable cost to you. . Economy and stand- ardization are the watchwords here. We use Hammermill Bond, the standard, economi cal, business paper and we turn out a grade of ^ printing that brings re sults for our customers. LET US SHOW YOU BREVARD PRINTERY Wm. a. band. Manager (PaA£Lc^xiaA (Priniin^ /SAcvaAd, 71. C. MILLIONS IN U. S. OWN RAILROADS Wage Earners Directly and In directly Affected by RoaJs’ Solvency. DIVISION OF SECURITIES. Mutual Savings Banks Owned Entire ly by Depositors Hold Largo ^ . Amount of Railway . . Bonds. Report of the Condition of BREVARD BANKING CO. At Brevard, N. C„ at the close of Business, Feb. 28, 1920. Recources Loans and discounts . . $582,397.36 Overdrafts 440.12 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds 88,700.00 All other stocks, 1»onds and mortgages 2,400.00 Furniture and Fixtures .. 1.00 Cash in Bank and due from bnks and bnkrs. 67,375.64 Checks for Clearing.. . 4,647.36 Millions of thrifty Americans who have Isiid aside soiufthing for a “rainy day” are directly or indirectly owners of railroad securitii’s. This owniMsliip represents not only inilividual invest- nu?nt In the niilrouds, but holdings of railroad securities by life insurance companies, savings banks, tire and ma rine insurance companies, benevolent associations, educational institutiou.s, trust companies and State and Nation al banks. A large part of the assets of these institutions depend on the sol vency of the railroads. The ownership of railroad securities among tliese people is divi0,000,000 of railway securities. Savings banks, with 10,000,000 depositors, own .S847,000,0(K>. Fire and marine insurjiiice com- p:ini('s, casualty aiul surety com panies own a total of .S(>40,000,000. l’('nevolent associations, col leges, schools, charitable institu- tion.s. etc., own ?‘]r»0,000,0<)0. Trust companies. State iind Na tional banks own $sr»r>.0(M>,000. According to statistics conijiiled for the Association of Life Insurance Pres idents ill 101S, 27.r»r» per cent eople of the United Stat<-s every wage earner who iniis money into the savings bank has a di rect iiitei-est in the soundness of rail road investment on account of the large part olf the savings of and Women wage earners secured by the railroad bonds which are bought by the savitigs banks. A great man.v of these institutions are mutual savings banks which have no capital slock, pay no dividends, earn no i)rofits for stockholders, and their entire propert.v belongs to the de positors. Every dollar that the bank earns beyond the actual cost of doing business also belongs to them. The report of the United States Comptroller of the Currettcy for lOlS shows tliHt 025 of these savings hanks operated on the mutual plan had at the end of 3918 total deposlt.s of .?4,422,- 090,393.15 credited lo 9.011,404 d(‘pos- itors, an average deposit of $490.72. These figures covered mutual savings banks in 18 states of the Union. The Conjptroller's report gives the amount of railroad bonds held by mu tual savings banks in the six New Eng land states—Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, ^lassachusetts. Rhode Island and Conne<‘ticut-as $406,272,160. The report of the State Superintendent of Banks of New York shows that the railroad bonds held by the mutual sav ings banks at the end of 1918 in New York amounted to $301,711,334. Total $745,961.48 Liabilities Capital stock paid in .. .$100,000.00 Surplus fund 15,000.00 Jndivided profits less cur rent ex. and taxes pd. 7,198.52 Notes and bills rediscntd 17,650.00 Dividens unpaid 20.00 Bills payable 25,000.00 Certificates of deposit rep. money borrowed 50.000.00 Deposits subject to check 359,624.65 Time certificates of dep. 169,395.92 Cashier’s cks outstanding 1,765.98 Certified checks 306.41 i Total 745,961.48 I State of North Carolina—County of I Transylvania. I. I, Thos. H. Shipman, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowled.j?e and belief. THOS. H. GHIPM.iN, Cai hier. Correct —Attest: I C. C. YONGUE, I W. S. ASHWORTH, I R. W. EVERETT. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 12th day of March, 1920. 1 N. A. MILLER, C. S. C. NOT THE ONLY ONE THE CANDIDATES OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG LADIES All announcements under this heading are $5.00 e^h, and will be published in every issue until the primary election. The friends of Cos Paxton wish to announce him as a candidate for re- election to the office of Sheritf of Transylvania County, subject to the rules of the democratic primary. I hereby announce myself a candi date for sheriff of Transylvania Co. Subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primary. E. J. WHITMIRE. —X— I hereby announcement myself a candidate for the oince of Register of Deeds for Transylvania County subject to the rules of the democra tic primary. EUGENE H. DUCKWORTH. The Patton Memorial Hospital Training School for nurses offers a three years course of training: to young ladies desirious of taking up this work. For further information apply to Miss E. Camp, R. N., SofiC., Hendersonville, N. C. Mar.. 12,-3tc There Are Other Brevard People Similarly Situated. Can there be any stronger proof of fered that the evidence of Brevard residents? After you have read the following quietly answer the ques- tion$ H. G. Rogers, brakeman. Railroad J St., Brevard says: “Some years ago I had a bad spell with my kidneys. My back ached a good deal and it seemed to take the ambition out of me. W”hen I bent over I could hardly straighten. I think being on my feet : so much and the jarring of the train ; is what brought this trouble on. Diz zy spells would come over me and black specks appear before my eyes. . My head ached a good deal, too. I i was lame mornings and my kidneys didn’t act as they should. Hearing of Doan’s Kidney Pills^ I got a supply and soon I felt like myself again.” 60c at all dealers. Foster-Milburn ! Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. \ WHY BUY BREAD OUT OF TOWN WHEN YOU CAN GET MORE BREAD AND BETTER BREAD FOR THE SAME MONEY AT YOUR HOME BAKERY? I Urge Adequate Rates. I In a resolution adopted by the Asso ciation of Life Insurance Presidents I the heads of the country’s large insur- , ance companies express their attitude I toward the railroad situation as fol- I lows: I “Rehabilitation of the %,iii;'oads and j establishment by law of rates adequate to provide for the present and future hflemands of our growing commerce ami to stabilize tiJt* credit and securities of I the roads.” Catarrh Cannot Be Cured Wltli LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you must take an internal remedy. Hall’s Catarrh Medi cine IS taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. HalVs Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years. It is com posed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blc^ purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medi cine is what produces such wonderful results In catarrlial conditions Send for vestimorials. free. F J CHENEY * CO.. Props., Toledo, O. All Dnieglsts, 7Sr. Hall’s Family Fills for constipation. l^ist Your QRCHAI^D, TIMBER and GRASS LANDS FOR SALE with Brown Realty Co. “The Farm and Home Agency” 321 Kaywood Bldg. Asbeviile, N. C.. You name the price, we find the buyer .Write for blanks on Khich io give description Philip’s Bakery He * * ♦ 4: ^ « TICE! On or about March 1st, we wiil install our new Iceless Sea! Type Sanitary Soda Fountain with mod ern conveniences to serve the public. Diversified Ads TOWN LOTS,—Farms and timber lands for sale. Frank Jenkins, Brevard. N. C. tfe. BOARDERS WANTED—Motmtain View Inn, Lake Toxaway. Now open for transit and tourist board ers. Mrs. Mary J. Burgess. 1-30-tfc FOR SALE—At Sacrifice, one new two-horse wagon, set of harness, one team of splendid farm horses. Reaon for sale, I have a truck. Terms: half cash, balance in six months on bankable notes. Sec or write W. N. McCall, Etowafj, R-1. 3-19-3tp. FOR SALE—Good used gasolene tank outfits and new Wayne Hon est Measure pumps and tanks for all oils. Write Box 449, Asheville^ C. E. R. Suthuland 3-5-5tp FOR SALE—1 angorra billie, 3 nan nies and 1 kid. Several younff Tamworth Duroc sows. C. F. Baldwin, Blantyre, N. C. WANTED—A second-hand uprigihfc piano. Must be in good condition. Apply at News Office. FOR SALE—Prize Winner, Singrle Comb Rhode Island Red Eggs, $2 per setting of 15, postage prepaid- Utility matings from Pen no. "1 ' $1.25 for 15 eggs. J. B. Neal, Lake Toxaway,N. C. Mar. 12-2tc. FOR SALE—One 1300 lb horse for heavy hauling and logging, $150- J. B. Neal, Lake Toxaway. 3-12-2*;- FOR SALE—A few registered Hamp shire pigs 12 weeks old at $15.0i^ each. J. B. Neal, Lake Toxaway, N. C. 3-12-2tc. WANTEP—EGGS, BUTTER AND CHICKENS. Will pay cash for butter, eggs and chickens. Aethcl- wold Hotel, Brevard, N. C, 3-12 tfe Brevard Pharmacy * Reliable Druggists » J. B. Pickelsimer, Ph.G Prop. * * Phone No. One Brevard, N. C. * * Let Us Fill Your Prescriptions. * * « DUNN’S ROCK LODGE NO. 207 A.F.&A. M. NOTICE OF LAND SALE BY COMMISSIONER By virtue of the power and au thority conferred upon me as com- mis-sioner appointed by the Court ai a special proceeding pending in Suparior Court of Transylvar\ia county, N. C., entitled: “W. S. Mc Lean, Adm’r of James H. McLean, deceased, vs. Lucy McLean et al, heirs at law,” I wiil sell to the higij- est bidder, on the terms hereinafter stated, at the Court House Door i« the town of Brevard, N. C., on Mon day, April 5th, 1920, at 12 o'clock M., all the following described tract of land, situate in Glouce.ster town ship, Transylvania county, N. C., on the waters of Diamond Creek, ad joining lands of G. H. Moore heii-s and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a forked spanish oak, a corner of the .original State grant, \ on a knob west of the James Smith j house, and runs N. 10 deg. E.. 40 I poes to a stake in the road bteween ; James Smith house and Wash An des house; then up the ridge N. 15 deg. E. 50 poles to a spanish oak in the line of the original survey; then with same, N. 47 deg. W. 60 poles ta a stoke and chetnut oak at said cor ner; then S. 45 deg. W. 72 poles to a chestnut, crossing a branch; then S. 36 deg. E. 24 poles to a maple; then S. 55 deg. E. 28 poles to the beginning, containing 30 acres more or less. Terms of sale are: One half of purchase price bid paid on day of sale, balance represented^ by note drawing six per cent interest, due on (5>r "iiefore Jan. Ist,^ 1921, purch ase to have option of paying all casb on day of sale. This March 3rd, 19-20. WELCH GALLOWAY, Commissioner. To the Unbeliever—^Watch the in coming trains on Saturday after noons and see for youMelf whether ad/vertisins paVt «r not.