3 THE BDEVARD NEWS. BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, MARCH ItllN • IMHu — ,1 ' .■■ Wit^T Mr. Fanner DO YOU REALIZE THAT CORN PLANT- ING TIME WILL SOON BE HERE, THAT IT IS HIGH TIME YOU WERE GETTING YOUR LAND TURNED AND IN FIX FOR THE OCCA SION? ' WE ARE IN POSITION TO HELP YOU OUT WITH ALL YOUR FARM TROUBLES. WE CARRY THE FAMOUS WM. J. OLIVER ALL STEEL TURNING PLOWS, BOTH IN ONE AND TWO-HORSE. WE ALSO HAVE THE GARDEN PLOW THAT YOU HAVE BEEN FIGURING ON GETTING. V/E HAVE PLOW POINTS AND ALL KINDS OF FARMING AND GARDEN TOOLS—HOES, SHOVELS, SPADING FORKS, PITCH FORKS, WEEDERS, ETC. WE WILL HAVE A LARGE SHIPMENT OF CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS THIS WEEK— AND REMEMBER, OUR PRICES ARE LESS. R*t. C. E. PUETTE PRESENTED WITH HANDSOME WATCH On Sunday morning at the Bap tist Church Bey. C. E. Puette was made the recipient of a handsome watch presented to him by his friends and well-wishers of the Bap tist congregation. We don't know Brother Puette, just what this present means; wheth er it is that you are preaching too long sermons and your people want to call “time” on you in a gentle way; or whether they want to see their pastor pull out a handsome watch when ha comes to vi^t them; or whether wien invitedy4fo partake of the savorjif roast cluflcen he gets there “on time” ayr doesn’t keep the cook in aiste^^nd the good lady of the housi ifoping that dinner won’t be “sf^lt” and the children all sniffing the savory odor and hop ing that the preacher will hurry up. Any and all of these reasons may have had weight in prompting this generous gtft- And then it is al ways nice *o have something on which one can raise a little money in case of necessity. But the News hopes and trusts that this last may never happen. Lassen’s Perfection THE QUALITY FLOUR You can’t find a better Flour on the market than LASSEN’S PERFECTION. Come in and get a sack. We are sure you will like it. For the best Fresh and Cured Meats^ Butter* Fruits and Country Produce -CALL- THE CITY MARKET Phone 47 S. F. ALLISON If it’s Groceries, Mitchell has it. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM MONS BY PUBLICATION. f ^ trmrri~?fa ■•ffn J I North Carolina, Transylvania Coun- 1 ty—In the Superior Court. I iila M. Saltz vs. i Robt. M. Saltz. j The defendant above named will ! take notice that an action entitled as I above has bet*n commenced in the , 3u};cricr Court of Transylvania, N. (’., for the purpose of obtaining for the piaintiff an absolute divorce from the (!ck:i