8. THE BDEVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C FRIDAY, I^CH . 19A, ItM. : PERSONAl^ : Mrs. M. A. Bosweif was in Ashe ville this week >)^iting friends.. X Mr. J. E. Ockerman, principal of Rosman High School, was in town last Saturday. X Miss E. H. Waller is making an extended visit te^^fij^ends at Dunedin, Florida. X The next meeting of the Mathata- sian Club will be held March 25 at 3:30 o'clock. X Mrs. T. y. Williams of Knoxville, Tenn., is ' iiing her sister, Mrs. A. H. Plummer. X Chns. B. Denver has been*spending Eivera! (lays in Asheville this week attending Federal Court. X our city reporter, just give him the ing, general dejectedness and unhap- facts and he will write it up for you. I piness—all are positive signs that Aboye all get your neighbors to sub scribe for the Brevard News; the more subscriptions the bigger and better the paper. Remember that this is your county J^er. It repre sents Transylvdnyf County to the outside world. Kck it up with your paid-up subscnption, your ,news itams and your good words. When mama’s got a baby, and sis- ^ ter’s got the “flues” Just send the word to Norwood, to Norwood of the News. MORE ENTHUSIASM FOR E GARDENER IN BUNCOMBE CO. Asheville March 15.—With a large attendance of democrats from every section, all enthusiastic and deeply interested and determined to win the IMrs. W. W. Zachary and small j Buncombe County “Gardner for daughter, Levilah May, are visiting | Governor” club was organized in in Greenville, S. C. I Asheville Saturday. The club starts off with 1667 members and the lead- Mr. F. D. part of the interest of’ ing at noon' lement spent the first; ^ay that many moro will be ?ek in Charlotte in the roHod. le Auditorium, return-1 Addresses were delivered by lead- ^odnesday. -X Born to Mr. and^rs. T. B. Sum- mey Jr., on Sumlay morning, March 14, a fine \oY. Mother and child are both domg well and “Dick” is happy. Brevard has a beautiful drive all r'lon.j: Main St. by the Franklin Hotel ; nu aln-.ost to Mr. J. S. Siivv''r.=:tecn’s !;ouc. but it kick^^ one -which / v.’ould add to i^ch to the comfort hot suii'-riyr days, and that is pha»ie. Gc'nVcmen of the Town Coun cil, now is the time to plant shade trcis. A word to the wise is suffi cient. X ing men, and they were imMU mous in their conviction that Lieutenant Governor O. Max Gardner was the man to be nominated for Govorav^r and were equally unanimous that his nomination was certain. Steps were taken to make a throujah and persis tant canvass in Gar.lcner’s behalf. A campai.*rn committee, was compos ed. of prominent and influential citi zens v.as chosen to take charge of the W'ork. the n^ombc rs of the “Gard- the body is not receiving its proper nourishment thru the blood. Pepto-Mangan helps restore vigor ous health, because it contains the very elements so much needed by the blood to enable it to perform its functions and supply the body with nourishment, energy, and strength. For your convenience, Pepto-Man- gan is prepared in tablet as well as liquid form. Both possess exactly the same medicinal value. There is but one genuine Pepto- Mangan and that is “Gude’s”. If the name “Gude’s” is not on the pack- ZS2 it is not Pepto-Mangan.—adv. r.e Jt ss I'iokc'i.simer, the Drug^rist, has irtst;;I]c(l new Puffer-Lippincott count\ Seal !a Fountain at his Tvlai!'. St. sloiv*. Tho new fountain i.; ('■ ■ .v'CVi fc».*t lou^", oC v.’hiLC Ital- iari ;■ ' I'.nk KiyB^^viile marble with nKi.vL'::-',)h^ted jfrimmin.u's and a back i’rc.v.'. : or ;^ui#3‘^any anil plate glass m-rr.ir.'. TiM fixture combines the P’( sMiliar.N* and un-to-date fca- tur -.i ant! complies in every respect \vi h ,i:(,verr.inent sanitary re.gula- tioii;^ Mr. Pickelsimer expects to ;o >’.!s])ense the ‘Mope ei'.eiis but not inebriates” in a few' days. X r'c; J th..n !.000 farmers were ac- coi;'v.C'. i with loaiis from the 1\- :<l\ i'arni Loaii Board's funds dx'.v'r "': 11:. t.ionth of January. Their .'.to borrov.if.;>:s wero above O'jS’.OGO. These loans v/ere for lonu' ; 'i’io.'.s aijd at interest rates nrach !r:IoV tXose ehanxcHl by pri- \a ;* lj;u:ei\./ I^Iany thousands of r>. na\l been dircctiy beneflt- i 1 by thir- federal loan plan since >1. ii'.ee'.'tion, and thousands more 1-, V(' rei;-)-.I an indirect advanta.i>;c il'r,. in interest rates hi'our'.rl aboa!, by this governmental ar-.*ncv. The (iemocrats did it. - for ('.overnor” clui) are men from c vi^y walk of life. Leadin,;.^ financiers a.ttorueys, p/hys.t :ans. other profes sional men, business men and work ers of every craft :r.’e enthusiastic for Gardner in Asheville and Bur.- ine Club elected t'u' followin.u: of ficers: Pre^^i<k‘nl. Hon. J. S. Adams, S^.-retary, i:. X. W:-:-ht. C’.unpaign ('cmniiticc: K. (i. Bernnrd. Cha’rman V . 3k'!e-.’e, J. \V. Hayiios, H. L. Nettles, Grov'_i' Roberson. J. R. Oates (Jallatin Rob.rt.^. Julius C. :\Iartin, r r. F.ckl'. -lohn H. ('athey. Sid J. Joyce, r. !’■. \Viliiams, Judge H. T>. Stevens, vVall'-r Tomes Wray, E. C. (h'eene. W. 11. Wyatt, J. P.. Stradley, which F.uciaur. Herbert E. Williams. K(i ohiclistor-;, and Dr. Marion Eu(k.;cr. Adv. I 1 • 9 *.<s.o.r.C3 Aid Society »in® Of Oak C.rcve Church ’-viil have the r.rst cf a series of Sales AT—— :d Pharmacy Saturday, the 20th At 2 O’clock, p. m. The Funds to be Used for the ?-ax- osc cf Euvinri an Or^an FOR OAK GROV: CHURCH -X- The Brevar.l Hardware Company h;;ve dispiayed in their store one of the best exhibitions of all varieties of farm and .crarden seeds ever PlPTQ-filAKGAS aJ m iAl RED BLOOD broiV'i’.t to Drevard. They are from th-> V. ell-knov,-’.! firm of seed .erov.'ors, W. Al-ee Burpee and Co.., of Phila-1 delnhi:). This fijni carries a complete Helps Restore Thin, Run-Down Men Iii:c of fertr^iz^s and farm and gar- Anfl Women to Vigorous, Full- de- Irnplem(^jp, and tools, rakes, Biccded Health. hoes, trowelsw.nd weeders; in fact ev3rythin.- you need for a success-| Recommended by Physicians ful crop except the land, the sun- shine, the shovrers and the strong arm, the stiff back and the ready Sold in Liquid or Tablet Form—The i Name “Gudo’s” the Guide to the Genuine. will that goes behind them. This firm has moved their office to jg ^ true saying that your health the back of the store so as to give | jg only as good as your blood. Good room for the display of their exten sive line of farm and garden imple ments and machinery. X Wo want to make this paper a real help to every homel in Transylvania and to your frienda who live else where. We V^notldo this without your help; writeSfirlphone an3rthing of interest to Mr.^E. H. Norwood, rich blood manifests itself in a healthy, natural complexion; clear keen eyes; tireless energy and en thusiasm; and an abundant supply of reserve strength. And just as positively does poor, thin blood directly influence the en tire system. Pale, sallow coj^plex- ions; dull eyes; a listless step; lan guidness; tiredness; worn-out feel- AUDITORIUM Satur., March 20 ‘‘Tiie Eye Of Bod” A five part drama together with Ruth Roland in the first episode of The Adventyres Of Ruth This serial promises to be one of the best ever run in Brevard. II im——«g* Matinee 2:30 Admission 15c Children 10c Have You a Home? you do not have a Home, ;cme and let iss seM you one. [iome, come yoi; do own a 1 I •fTiR> rn cT F" ana have iss it. Two cf the most sensible that you can do: secure a and protect it. things home GALLOWAY (Si> MINNIS Real Estate and Si\s7:ranc8 Agents VafcaMe Real Estate and Stock of CLoth- ingp Shoes, Hats and Gents Fc=rnish- ings Goods lABCH 29. at 12 f We will offer for sale at public auction to the high- est'biddcr^in front of the Court House at Brevard, N. C., on Monday, March 29, 1920, at 12 o’clock no«n, liie foiiowin" valuable Real Estate: Two-story frame buildirg next to the Aethelwold liotel, now occupied by the Weilt Clothing Store, and lot 30x73. One-half undivided interest in the new two-story brick store and office building: occupied by the Weilt Dry Goods Store, and lot 38x73. One-third undivided interest in the J. P. Aiken lot, west of the above brick building with an alley be- tw’een, 27 1-2x132. A going business, consisting of $22,000 ^ock of Men’s Clothing, Shoes, Hats, and Gent’s Furnishings, and store and office fixtures. Terms on Rea! Estate—One-Third Cash, balance in 6, 12, 18, and 24 months, evidenced by notes bearing 6 per cent interest from date, secured by deed in Trust. Terms on Stock of Merche. idise—Cash (part cash and balance in short time on rbsolute security and if arrangements are made before 3ale.) Subject to confirmation of the Court. WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST CO. Executor of Estate of Wm. P. Weilt ASHEVILLE, N. C. oun CLIENTELE GROWS Not Upon Promises But Upon Performance WE ARE PIONEERS IN DRY CLEANING and DYEING IN BUSINESS Since 1835 PROMPT DELIVERIES The Teasdale ohio SEND OOODS BY PARCEL POST FROM MECHANICAL STANDPOINT HAS NO EQUAL IN PRICE BEGINNING with the substantial construction of the frame work of the cabinet of the best five-ply ma hogany veneer obtainable, through its many different operations of rubbing and polishing to give it its beau tiful, velvety, soft finish, the Westrola cabinet reflects the grace of its beautiful lines. Its graduated tone arm; the all wood, modeled, amplifying chamber creates that wonderful “Natural- Tone” in which the “human thrill” is so apparent that you believe the artist in the flesh is actually there. And the throbbing heart—the life of the instru ment—the large powerful, double spring, fibre inlaid, noisless motor—as solid and substantial and as smooth running as human hands can make it—reflects the service you can expect from your Westrola. 1 . i* iJ Free Demon stration ‘Pie.ys any Record You Say in a 'Natural-Toned’ V/ay’ 11 yin Mil 11 -iflf MLb ' i I. Mai AJL BR m' 00. '^ARD, N. C. Phone 85 NOW IS THE TIME TO UY CARS The Mcii’ch winds will -con cry u'."» the mud ancl it v/il! be a ploaGuro to drive a car ihat i-nn’ccs liltie or no over the; good ra^.dc. MOTOR CAR STANDARDS ARE IN THE HANDS OF THE CCNSUMEnS It is wilhir>. the power of the rriotorins public to make auto- mobiSes measure up to their vsquirenjents, says White & Wood ward, of Rosrnan, N. C., local deaiorrs in Chevrolet passenger cars. The SUCCC3S of , an automobile depends on the degrae to which it gives purchasers what they want and need, therefore try a Chevrolet. In buying a car see that you get all that your money calls for. if you are not a judge of mcchanical construction find out from ov/ners what service their cars afford. The testimony of noi one, but many owners is necessary to establish a reliable reputalion. The rei>utation and resources of the manufacturer are 2fui«^cs io the quality of the car. Service and economy are the chief points to be considsred. Of what use are all the comforts and cor.veniences of equipment if Ine car itself doesn’t stand up? What enjoyment is there in them if the car itself is a continuous extravasjance? Complete satisfaction can only be experienced with a car that not only includes every essential of modern equipment b'^t which affords dependable and inc'irensive performance. These are the standars by which a car should be judc^ed. Purchasers can secure cars i:hat measure up to them if they in sist upon it. Satisfy yourscif 'that the car you decide upon is fully equip* ped at the start. But above all, make sure that the motor and otiier vital parts of its construction are such as to insure ^ou dcpcndaUe, economical and lasting service in return ^for your invcstmdnt. By doing this you will advance the standards of the industry and benefit the motoring public as a whole. A. M. WHITE U. G. WOODWARD Wiiite Woodward “The Chevrolet' Rosnuoi, N. C. NOTICE I will offer for sale at public auc tion, on Saturday, April 3rd, 1920, beginning at 10:00 o’clock a. m., all the personal property belonging to the estate of C. L. Osborne, deceas ed. Said personal property consist ing of all farming 'utensils, stock, corn, cattle, hogs, tools, Ford car, gas engine, mill, corn crusher, and all other personal or interest in per sonal property belonging to the es tate of the said C. L. Osborne. All purchases amounting to'* $20 and under must be paid in cash» and all purchases amounting to over $20 must be in cash or with approved security for time not exceeding 12 months from date of sale. This property is all in good con dition. Everybody is invited to come to the sale which will be held on the premises of the said C, L. Osborne. . This March 6, 1920. C. K. OSBORNE, Adm’r.

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