PAY POLL TAX BEFORE MAY 1st IF YOU WANT TO VOTE KEEP IN TOUCH with other communities by reading the NEWS. New Your Advertisement in the News will be read by over 5,000 people VOLUME XXV BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1920 NUMBER 11. PALMER BLOCKED No Civilian Service During tha War Had So Farroaciiing an Effect as That of Our Cus todian of Alien Property. BROKE INDUSTRIAL STRANGLE-HOLD Under Democratic Presidential Pri- mary Candidate’s Administration the Vast and Essential Commercial Operations of Gerir.any Were Taken Over and Profitably Conducted for the Benefit of This Couniry. Washhi^ton. — V»'iu‘n i!k* story «1‘ the (?vont 'v\'orl(l \V;;r is writ ten ono of its most intrri'slin;.' uiul thrillinc: i*li;'.]»tris will <US< !<'S(* the ef fort of (IiM'iunny 1o ai'Cdiui'lish tlu* ir.- (lustriul (•(iii'iuosi of the Uiiiit'd Statics. Kew persons, t'vt'ii iboso in tlie conmierci'.il iifi* of the nnlioJi, Irad more th;m a siniittcrinir of kiiow’i'flsre of the frieiit li-nirths to nvhi'*!i (lernuin !tii(] cr.intn’i had troiie to jxain a trade suiimaacy «'»vor t?iis coTuitry and nial:e Atnorica a co;;nnen :al sind industrial vassal of the I’ftth ■‘’‘land. It not ut'.ni Mitcln;; I'nh-.ior, now Atlorney (M'liorai of the I nited Stntes, hecaiiH' AK<mi ProiH'V’.v CtlS- fo<lian tliaf int' e\.<’‘nt :hmI I’-.mifiea- tioiis of (I'MMiKUiy’s a<tivi1i('s ii\ this dir<'cf!oii wa^i revi'aW'd. Noi o!^1y 'vas it lei'.iiu'd li'.at e"ntr«.iU-'! a’>- sol\i1»‘ly tli>' cl'.oinical :mi(1 dyo tn.'l;'. which are so closely allied as to <(>n- Ftitute practically oik' in<lustry, bar her tentacles wer(> foanfi in v.irt'h'ss. metiils, in siiriri<al and optical iiisfn:- ments. in lexiih's, in fuis. r'i;i,:_M!('r<»s and <*vc!i in liimlier :;nd ticiienii inanu- Tlie chenu«*al and dye industry Is , Ihe irey indnslry to scorcs (tf olhcr hi- dtjstrii's carricd on hy Ana'TM'aiiS, so absolnlely c'ssential are chemicals fiJid dyes to siicci-ssftd inamifacture in many lines. Its in.porujnce can only he fully apin*rci:itod hy those who are engajrcMl in the tra^^cs themselves, hut its elTect <‘Xtends down to the lium- blcst citizen. Alien Property Sold to Americans. . No civilian service dnrinjc the war liad a.s farreachinj: effect upon the life and well hein.!^ of the American public as that performed b.v Mr. Palmer as the custodian of alien i>roperty. Un der his adirnni.*?!ration the vast and essential industries which Gcnnany controlled in the United States were tnken over and operated during the war for the benefit of this country, and are now beinp sold—many of them have been sold already—to bona fide American citizoiis. In fact, under Mr. Pal mer's direction the entire (Jerman industrial ov^nnizaticsn in the T’nited States has heoii thoroughly American ized. When the oHlce of Alien Properly r?ust<>dian A\ as created under the '!'r;id- inp: with till' Kiiemy Act of (’c'!i:j:n‘ss it was Ihop.ulit that its duties wovdd be perftinciory and its accomplish ments of little consequeiice. So it mlpht have boon under the ad’Minis- trjition of :i man l«ss ind>ued with th.e fspirit of Americanism and detonniiu d to use it to the fullest advantajr*' of his fell ow cou!'.tryi<'cn. When tlio 'U-t. was passed Ihcrt' was little accurate or <letinit(> of the ext(-nt of Gerip.jin inv('siiiient.‘? in the United States. \Minc l!:(\v -were known to be larp.*, they w< r,‘ not pen- erall.v sr.s’t^'cted of boir!.cr oi'.lior jiov.'or- ful or v.nfriendiy to Anu‘rie:m ii ter- ests. Cons('<pit>utly the ori.iviual i i-'as- nre made the custodian a ni con servator, restricting his r nwi. rs of flis- posltion of enemy pr:'p"rly to cas >> where it was necessary i(» ui.vke sn’ics In order to prevent waste i.iid to pro tect lh(' property. If t’rs siltiatinn had r<4i.ained unchan.^d this cfin'itry would liave fo'iind itpe!!’ in llu> n!:oin- alous iMsiti'in of carefiiliy protorfpirr for the enemy the jM'-'at ii; U'Strial and conmierclal a-Tijy v.-lii;-!: (Jerniany had ]vhuitrd here v.Mlh li.Mstilc int* ;it. Mfire IhiUi that, v/e w-.i ’d li;.ve ’jeen j forced to account at ih',‘ <'h;I of the j war for ononnons p.VMf(;s iuad>> by > inr.tiy of tl;e;X‘ br.s;;ner-ses. itroli's r;;ie ; almi s-^ \.'}K-lly to li'.c ns . for wl'.'cli ;]'!t»ir owners r.rd, lh('ir own- ‘ er^;’ fri eiids v/ere re-pf'Viss)!... ! Pa! mcr Put Tcctii i:-* Lew. | F.ut ]\T;\ I’almer, i5 l;o ;'*;r on the ' Job, 1 lad tpeth put into lb<^ l.iw. [T.? ; Induced <''onv:vcss to nir.r-nd iIk* law | pivlnpr tlie Alien Property J the jreneral i)c.wrr o-.' sale*. 1o the ond ] that the German ;'■!:!] .‘ij-’vy c?-> ; Anjorican soil mi;:!it be ca.v.t'e.rer? and destroyed. Tlins, iitst(•;■(] (if Jx'com'ns -a mere conservator of ('uemy prepr^vty, lie made his of!U.v a jrrcat fiir’itins force in the war. Tie took ovef nud became the trust o<»Ie' r for move thjin So.OOO cijtates a,"rrvec:a+’o'r a foinbi:’ed rapltal of more tlian ^'^’ i”!)- der his direction the mor^t of this vast lUOFEjr.OR TROWBRIDGE RETURN ! FROM EXTEM3ED TRIP; Profcsi-or C. H. Trov. lu'idge retuvued ' home on .Monday Uitev having been a- , w’ay I'roin the luslitjiite for several 'week;; atiendinc couvention of the Sou- ' Mciitodist ('Inircli gathered in Ih;' inter ,;'t of its rentenary Cam- ; !)ai,;;i. Ur. Trovvbridge'.s itinery in cluded ivnoAville and St. ijouis, Jlrs. Trowbridge joined him; Chisago at wliieh city he left his litile daugh ter Kliuor; DuHugue and Iowa City, wheve he visiied his hrothei’s, one at cacli place. I'almyra, where ho \^as joined !iy his wife again at the home t)i' her j'.arenls and frciu there return- rd to P.revard. i\l:-. Trowbridge reports great in- tere; t and cnthusiasTU in the worlv. and all lir> could tell of his trip would ;ill a ’'(a)k. srDDi:x DEiMisii: of Howard REID. X The hand of death reached out willi sv.ilt and sudden purpose and in one .'•hort week from the time he was talker sick, Howard Reed, sou of W. T. Reed of Lake Toxavray, passed to his re- waid. Howard contracted pnemonia at the new camp they are building iit Fairllcld. near Lake Toxaway; he was highly thought of hy all wlio knew him. and his Iosk felt by a large circle of friends. MARNE MEMORIAL POSTER WHERE THE RED CliO^^S COMES i: Very few moiiihcrs o‘l the iocai Rod Cio. ;; crgani/:iaion. zvii;ch less outsid- I rs, have an adequate notion of the vork aci’omplished by the Transylva Mia Clirnter during the recent Hue epi demic. More than f.vo hundred' and lifiy patients; distributed in about sev- rn'y five hoie.e.s in various parts of the country w'cre daily visited and provide for by the IV !:et Committee of the Red Cress eompo^Gd of Rev. J. C. Soaglc, Rev. .1. R. Hay and Alisa Lula Cas.sidy. Six trained nurses and tw’enty tive pra- 'jlical nurses were employed and direc lod i;y tlie comn)ittee in the work oi caring fo;* the sufferers. An emer gency kitchen which was operated in the ?.Iesdames Cooke and Brodie's tea room, in respou'^'o to their generous of fer oi thi"' service, made and distribut ed more than foTir hundred quarts of soup, cousiard and jel-y, besides fruits, bread, crackers and other invalid diet. JUST as the school children of Franco gave for thoir country’s gift to the United States—the Statue of Liberty —so will American school children contribute “one cent and upward" for “America's Gift to France,” a niniu:- mcntal statue by Frederick ilac- Monnles, the noted American sculpf'>r. Mr. MacMonnios is contributing his services toward the nionunient whicli, It is estimated, will cost .$2r>0,000. The poster shown herewith, is l)y Al- l)ert Sterner, noted American portrait iwiinter. It typifies the tribute wliich this country will pay to the through the IMarne monument. The poster will be di.splayed in cities, towns, <ind villages, and wdll designate many of the places where contributions may he made during the week of March 22—a free-will offering, in which numbers of contributors, rather than size of contributions, v>ill be sought from school children and otliers. Contributions arc now being receiv ed at National Headquarters, ir>0 Nas sau Street, New York, by (’harles H. Sal)in, president of one of New York’s largest trust ctmipanies, who is treas urer of tl’o fund. The luemorial will be erected at I TRANSYLVANIA PREPARE FOR BIG OCCASION: X j The County Home Demonstration I Agent is making arrangements for a series of Ilo.’ue-maker's Institutes to be held in this county, May 11 - 19, the piiriiose of wdiirh ’S to exhildt ai’d demonstrate a’l of the lalo: t eoirvr;.' home conveniences witii lecLiives Ijv specialists from Raleigli and Washing ton along the principal lines of in terest featured in the institutes. Thei-e will he water and lig’.itlng sy stems on display with many clsctrical conveniences vrhich may be opertiied b'V the ligliting systems on display with many electrical conveniences v.iiicli ma.y be oper.-Jted by t’le lighting plant, as washing machine, ciiurn. iron, ^langle sweeper ai:d .sev/iuir machine motor. A farm engineer from the Dep’t of Agriculture \' iil be on hand to I assist any farmer v;ho may be interest- i ed in installing w'ater and lighing sy- ! stems?. His services in making the I plans for a plant may be had by ar rangement with the County Farm or Pretty New York School Girl Helps j Home demonstration agent. It is his Spread Appeal for Pennies for idea to look over the situation in each 1'^ “America's Gift to France." iSIeaux, on the Marne, and will rival in size and grandeur of design ♦lie Statue of Liboi'ty. HliY THE BREYAKl) NKWS IS ' PUNK: Wo do not consider it necessary to explain to the citizens of Transylvania why it was right near impossii)le to print any paper at all this week; buc for the benefit of tiiC; oiit of lo’.vn sal'- scribers (and there are hundreds of them), we must say that the t'revard Lifeiit and Power Company had an ciccidsnl during a severe electrical storm on last Thursday night. Tixe City of Brevard has been in total dorlvness ever since and according ti) case, and wherever practicable, employ ■ local water power. Several families in the County are already interested in I installing one or both systems, and are I waiting for these occasions to guide r«(>?.’RFSSIVf: !*K0^ them, in their plans. (;HA3J Sr{'{’!i'-SFrii. I in addition to the above work, these ; institutes contemplate demonstrations! T^art Sunday the I res- yteruiu Pro- j»| cookin.g and canning wiili steani J^re^•.•ive Program ^vcnt exceedingly gc^ure (The only safe method of cann- '.vell in the Bici’ai’sl ond l^avitlson Riv-| mci'.ts. f^' b *. iiO’!’.'! dress er I’rcsbytci'iap (’iKirches. The com- making devices, interior au'’ Sroro of denominations ''i'Vfi A'lOrney General Paimer in Avva'.ening Nation to Enoniy Peril Within. AIvlERlCANlSM GREAT ISSUE. God-Fearing Voters Covenant to Put at ihe Head of TFiis Government 3 Man of Proved Capacity and Firm* ness Wiio VVili Suppress the Preach, era ar.d Practicers of Discord and Violence. nriit^e of (;\riV;;:-scrs reported luiving (•(rirm:i;.icat'’(t v.iih all the members on (.heir iisis. The coag’-ega.tional manag c\' ver-orted the quotas for local exjion- ses. and for benevolences over suliscri- I'cd !^y safe margins. There are rome nio’.nb.c;s yet to be heard frnm; their ;--d;;-criplioi:s will sv/rll the total be- tjie latest reports will not have any | yjnd ?:’ark electricity until Saturday night. Th. news canot run the Li’ioL.vne .viih- out electricity to heat and melt the motal and run the Presses. Mr. Sterrett, ye old time printer, jumped in and iielued set, by liand several c ol umns for which v/e are vei-y grateful as ho has lots of gardening to do in spite of the rain. IMr. IL P. (,'lark brought up that wonderful new in vention called the "NEW WAY’’ gaso- la a-idHion to the liias pledged jbe two ( hur.actively en gaged in rai^in^' ti'iO’’.ey with v.'hieh to purchase ;; car lo)’ fhe ])astor's use. -X- A^^^AL {■(;".VKNTJC'N: The Annual Conveni ion o.' the Dis trict of Asheville couv<'u:.‘d .'u T. ini'.y decoratio!’, and cxhiiiils of h:jURe-bu ilding plans v.dtii specifications and es timates for the prospective home-build er. These plans are f irnislied free by the Division Rurol Fngiusering of the r. S. Dept, of Ar,Titi:lture. Tl’C clima.-; of each day's program will free tlie mcvior. at ni.ght for tlie benetit of those v,ho r.tie:id the after noon progra.n-: in tliiie to rdce’v^ a ticket. (b’y’;; n’ork Vv'iil 'noain at two o'c’ock and extend to bed-time with supper on the grov.nds. The places and datoj; o? these meet ings arc in another column. ST.'.Ti:.>ii:NT BY THE P^JWER COM- FAYY: Church. Asheville. Tuesd.a'- rioiiiing. line engine, and this will run tl.e news i Harold Vernor L'.n’edi)crg was ap- paper press. Mr. Nora Hollowell of j’pointed lay-delegate from St. 1'bilip‘s the Hendersonville Xev.’s, kindly con-1 Church, Brevard; !\Ie.a-:M;!e-i Wallis an The kitchen work was done by j c,ej;,ted to allow the manager of the: jlVard drU ;,ates to the W-'man's A.uxi’i' ^pirited ladies of Lrevara under of his Linotype for one i try v, ith Mcsdames .ierikius and ilor- snpervlsion of Mrs. G. C. Witmire, who; different v^'ays to make the News like the little brook: Power may come, and I’ower may go, but we go on forever. The gavcher entire time to this service lOr about two weeks. Quaniitits of clothing which v.-ere donaied or Dought were distributed by | Company. Telephone System the Relief Committee, and medicine-^ | aiscnsssed aiid cursed amounting to about one hundred dol-^ Yg,,.,, 7 la.i’s, sent otit. also. I leaiiiie thJit there will l)e all icinds The toal amounts paid out I'v tho' typographical errors in this issue gan a salternates. RliSOLT'THIiNS KF.SI*E(’T FK03I Z!<rN KArnsr ( cliaptor for relief work aggregated ;p6S3.67. Of this $522.80 was donated for this special purpose, by pulilic spir iled citizens of the commr.niiy. :>Iany CTiier bills were met by employers for their help -.vhich did iiot pass ihrotigh the treasurers ha^uls, although the v>-';rk was directed by the Relief Com mittee. It is an interesting fact that the ser vices of the chapter were not fonfir.e.l to this community, but wore extended fer a radioas of about ten miles in near iy every d'rr>ction f'’om Brevard. but we have neither the time nor help to UKike any corrections. BAi TfST ('m'Rf'Ii M:WS: Al'v^TICX HALE OF THE TIX^^LEV liorsE. One cf the prettiest btir.-^idoes in tiii '. seeiii :i was sold by auction to the hig best l.-:dder by Ia\.'ver E:igl:sh 0!i Sat- ;!vdii:. :.i'loinoo;i at " o’clock to M.'. Y.'. L. Cou;.li of '-ilov-'al'! for i'.ir. Cou'h's purchase inci.ulco a six-| vooiisr;! buugi^'O, ;rav;'.ge, L'arn, I'C'i! bou:o;; and i 2-3.arrts of land. Ti e' ]if-u.;-e was ago by ]•:. i ,-i- r;rof>''r\'’ i: .xrvr''':’!-'. wi:! be and *iie UiiiN ■] nwnir d;- signed ami built a year 1. :t. d if;; sit-.iated iuiabus : ini.ird's Farm. ::'.y been >') sure ei’nu.yi! . and 1- ' re!!!ai!i<]er of ft ■bl as p-.v ':tK e!’s are fe.vTid 1 T’ i'.ei' over io tl) ■ i-y. v-bt're »t wili >sM’on 1 Cengrc.-'S. K’.ier.ty inve^tn'irji'<s in Araeric^i n;- vider! thO! is(“ives into Iwo cbe -^cs. The first, private invoslmenis of in- dividurd (Je?-mans v,-ho wer-,' n1ti'acr< 1 l>y possi’.ibties of financial return, iir.d wdio T>ut tiieir monc-y ;!i a small ■way Into Indus: rial (?ntPTT!rI.'e.- ;i:>d real es tate*. T! •o second class w'ere Invoft* ments 'K'bich were made !),v ro:tihl?ieil lermaii capital having: close rtllilla- Rev. W. R. Brodshuw of ibc Fir; t Baptist Church, Hickory, X. C.. will preacli at tiie Brevard Baptist Cli.ircii Sunday, Tvlay 2nd, at 11 A. ?,1. and ^ P. M. l^ucl'o .Toe Duck'.vorth will be bapti-:- ed near Cathey’s Creek Church ad 2 P. '.'d., ida .• ;bad. T';ic:e Joe joined tlv Br:'vard t Ch irel' Sunday, .‘i.r’I l‘oih, at the age of a.boat ?2.' TIis liitie gra id-dauget.:r Willie ?day join ed a> t'.iC same lime. C. E. Cuet; wdll preach :;i rp’b.?vs Creek l>aplls: Church at It M., Sal- urdey. I\Ia:. ^^t. il-'m.em!'ers ;ue ’’e- Qnested to be p' O'Cat :o,‘ an i;; _"or- tanl business iiieeting. l: ; ^ b:) ;f d i;:at "Mr. Brodsltov;- can rt ■' P. M., S;tnday, May 2mi. ■: not ilio pas tor wd:I preach ar i'lat lioic. A spociai sorvlco for ’.'oman was he- \ at the Bai' ■ t Chvireii I:' nui'LV ii’-ld, April 25i’i. A ;-ev:naa v^-!.s i.v-'ch-'d by <he ]i:is;oi* on tlie jrrr'at v- oniCT: of the -’ilde The cn ’Vi b. took occasion at this tiPif? to exnress ap- p.vecia-- ;-n for the valnab!-^ servlecs re nder;':^ b.'.'^'th'v te lel'.er.-' el' tlie .gra,ded sciK. ( i d;iring thf' year Vr-sea-s Wlieroas Cod in his wise and sup- rcn:c i50\ver Iius see:i fit to call ii'oni on our midst o’tr beioved sister. i\Iiss Grace Gillespie. First: Bo i: re;dlved that we l)(nv in iiamlde submission to His vvill and. pra Cods richest blessings to rest upon the church and the family. Second: Thai a copy of these re- s,o;utio7is ]jC spread on the monutes of (lie church, a copy he sent to the Brevard News for publicaiion. and a copy to the bereaved famil.y. A. :.J. TAXTOX B. B. REE.'E E. ■). RAXDOLPH. x-^ IX'K inicani): I It is always intt resting to the aver age man to know something of the: The Xev.s requested a statement fron.i the Cascade PoAver Company and the following is submitted: Tl’.o r.lcctrical S4orn: last I'hursdsiy Ev<‘nii!>r hururd out all ilie C')’*ls in o;jr ^rcjicralor iit ihe Ksipi'^ pntgrc^s is bchia: made by the (’har- ?<d!c Ki(‘ciric;j! ( o., of ( har- N. C. Vi'c h<*];e to have light^^ bv Siihu'daj Even.'nJir. rASCAJJE FOVtEIl (0. «KEVAKI) I 5(^riT & I’OWFK < O AN0T1IEP (JOOn IPJAD: Work has started on the I^iuk Bed road by the IL A. WcBs Construction, Company. J. R. Hamlin is in cliargc ' of the construction at pre::c:it. This Road will conncct with tae old Van derbilt Road at the King h'toro in the Piii.k Bed Valley and will* .give a dir ect route byway of -Mt. Pisguh from Breva-d to Ash-avilie. On Fr^d ly, Ap; d at 5:C0 o'eiock, :diso t;;-are Ci:i:s; i' died. At the Teacherage in Erlanger, N. C. nistovv or the i>.K. V ho i. r.un-.i.ig (or! il'-O = « Er>=;-.sor oflice .r.,1 for ->vho.. i.= is ::«1 'o vo*e. 1 School for . un.c. o.. S,.u ... ... • , .1 . Pdi- Uiorning oi March .th, she atcenucd ta^ -t.i thi;'-in mind tlie acv.s biU* eat- * » _ , . Ici has been investigaling the record of i^^r. Eskel bimnit', who ha.:', boon e.n- ployed as Deputy Sherin for tlie b'-^st (v'o years. The sen of a i Uaner oi Transylvania Cour.iy, Mr. Simtns ;ins- v.'ored the call of his country and en- li^ited in the army lliat v.en;; io I'i’aiice iiis v.cir record shoAvs that he was in a dozen, importa’i; cngagoment;'. v/ith- o u a we ;r.d :;nd re'.ci" od iionor ibde charg'e ;it ilie conn-Insion of hostibties. Cine-" c.'^ming liome to n-s native Co'ivily inv.'jv liiis sliov.'U liUnself io be of ;he right stnil' and has over 100 stdis cliui'cb. as usual; and in the afLOimoon was a.naclvod v.ith a severe pleurisy; iind fd'.ortly a^'terwards developed pneu mon'a. which after a few weeks ])rov- ed fatal. She bore her sui-ering ci^eer- fiii;y. :‘.nd always gieeted her friends v.ith a smile as long as she knew them. !'.hc bad b.een nnconscions Tor throe weeks before her death. Her father c n.l and one .sister vrcre with her d-;ri:.g l<er last weeks hero. Cut everyili:r.g they, and a host ot friends corld do. eoiild not stop the hand of death, nnd on April Dth, she qiiloily fell iiiio: -Thai b.k’ssed sleep t’i:?.t w*ill not break V.e• e in'8sented by'dr. Klm'ppclberg ;c)! and several convictions to Ills creuit. A'of-srs Tyner, Jolr : -on andi Cir'ode i:i! ile has a p:ood education and is o! icin- tcker of the churcb.o '- love and er tee:!!. I i^crato liabits and shown iiimsc.f A>cil Fot te.^is, nOi. p*a\e.s. i*0i lo\es sv>v,et The ,\'0!ithern Bajn i t Convent ion wil dttcd for the Oilice to ‘A hich ho aspires. ,, meet in Washington. 1). C., IMay 12tli. j Transylvania voters v.hc have ex-j Thai perfect rest; that imows no pam, arc ^oliis ■'ram this assocea- pressed themscdves to the "Xews” ve-jXo throb, no thrill Oi. r.eart^ oi biain tion. It is hoped that Brother Elijah Allison will be able to go. He was one of the most interesting delegates to the lait. porter seem confident that Eck will go' That life sublime beyond all speech. “Over the Top” in the coining campaig as he did so bravely when in France. E. H. N. That only the pure through dying reach. Dovie Garreii. Wnshington.—The greatest indorse ment ever given to the outstanding Americanism of a living odicial in pub lic life is the forward movement repre sented by the powerful among more thaw a score of large church denoml* national organizations wduch has just been elYected in this country to combat the “Red menace.” Twenty five million persons, repre senting i! ';ro than 70 per cent of th» membership of all Protestant church organizations in the United States, are now I' luling their strength to the alli ance which wHI carry on to Its logical ooiicliifdon Jlit* v.’ork of Attorney Gen eral Mitchell Palmer in awakening the peop!“ of ibe iiarion to a realization of !h(*ir peril fre:n iiie enfiimy within and pro; ecting the government with a firm hr.i'-d from those v.ho sought to over throw it by force and violence. Americanism and Americanization f* fo be (lie watchword of the churchei^ and tiie Christian jicople of the coup- try, wdio have* caught the note from the revciile sounded by Mr. Palmer, #ill see to it that a man alive to the great question and of jjroved capacity to carry on tlie great work that' is being lanncl'.ed is put at the head of affairs of government in this country. To these nnllions of earnest people who see in Ihe sai'eiy of the country, home and fireside the overshadowing issue of the future, regardless of poli tics or politicians, there can be no step backward now that the forward move ment is on, and the who appeals to them most strongly as measuring up to the highest standard of American ism and dee<l.s are test-proof of his ld:-di purpose to bring his whole couniry to a realization of the loftiest ideals of citizenship will receive their undivided support in primary, election and in the administration of his high office. ‘ Before the great campaign of Ameri canism to be undertaken by the Protes tant clmrch organizjitions is well under way it would not be surprising to find the percentage in the alliance grow to a round 100 per cent, representing 100 per cent Aruericanlsm. The great hierarcliy of the Roman Catholic Clmrc]) in the United States is heart and soul with the movements for Americanization iind will lend Its full strength to the promotion through the far-reaching clinnnels of the church of the prea(‘iiing iiud teaching' of staunch Americanism to tb.e many; miUions of its congregutK>n within thtf Unltv.‘d States. ' A itastoral letter, th? first issued by' the heads of the Catholic Ciiurch in’ the United States in o.") years, has re cently gone to all its people, in which the fcdlowing paragraph is not the least in importatice of the declarations, of tlie letter: • “V,'i.;)f(.ver u'ay bo the In'e.’sirhd and' social reiK'dies wdiich will approve tliemselvcs to the American people, there is one thi?l. we feel confident, they will never adopt. That is the method of revolution. For it there is neither ju ^tliication nor excuse under our form of government. Through tlie ordina.ry and orderly proc(>ss('s of edu cation, organizati<m ar.<' ii'gisiation all social wrongs can be righted. While these processes at times ma.v seem dis tressingly slow, they wil! achieve more in the final resuU than vhdence or rev olution. The radicalism and worse than radicalism of the labor movement in some of the countries of Europe has no lesson for the W(U'k( rs of the Fnit- ed States except as an example of methods to be detested and avoided.” > Thus the churches and their people in tile United State's stand united in a dot(‘rmined movement to look to the future seciuity of the governn.ient of tlieir country and the peace and happi- nc -sg of its peo])!e. In tbiis, as in man^ similar movements which liave v.'*’itten history, it is more a, question o£ the man than tiie measure. , IMiss Lena r.Iay Mynatt, formerly of Bre%'r>.rd Institute, and rfecQiii,Iy in We avervllle College, has gone to Veta- iuiiia, California, on acoimt of her healh.

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