||||dates Saturday June 5th-But NOT FOR The Couiity BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, MAY 28th, 1920. EETING OF THE l.'AKE TOXA- V/AY COMMUNITY FAIR: At Ihn Lake T.cx:i\vay School house r^Ioiu’riy. May 24th, l‘.)20, a very r.iectino: was held for lUiipofe of elcctin.c: omcers for Toxa\vay Coni’nunity Fair. ’’ho folioY.ir.fi’ ccmr.iittce and of- rs were elected. inance Committee; Volney Owen, . Xcal, J. E. Price; Hoi’ticnlture: ). Owen, Perry Jlii’klc, Till SIc- Live;tcck rommitiee; Rciand , Oliver Thopias, Granville Fis- hco;^^rc Keid, Farm and Field (.Will Raines, E. .K. Kitchen, Reid; Fancy Work; Miss Nor- hapir.an, Miss Jennie Sue Nor- liss Lela Bi'coks; Home Econ- cs: Miss Lela Brooks. 'rs. Wade Garron, Mx’s. T. ■^enderson, Mrs. Lee Norton. Canned Goods; Miss Clara Owen, •s. J. B. Neal, Miss Annie Raines. The fair will be held in October d the Premium List will be prin- d immediately. ANNOUNCEMENT CHANGED UNION MEETING The Union Meeting will be at En- Church instead of Little River :t Sunday, May 30tK. ii all'! The foot that pattered in primeval slime gave me birth. Umhansred while the ages pass, I have endui’ed. Time has bui served, to increase my infinite variety. Earth-born and without a soul, yet 1 liavc lived. Fi’on'. the bea;inninsr i have been man’s enemy. A dust-eolored python am I, strechinjr my length across hills; awaiting my time to crush endeavor. ^ 1 have snared cai'avans that left bleachin^j: bones in land nov/ desert. ' Empires have fallen becau'^e of me. I have turned victories into routs; I have trapped mighty leaders and have crushed enemies. I am without faith; and those who trust me I deceive. Today I am fair to look upon; tomorrow a steaming bog. I add difficulty to distance. With isolation do i conspire to unjoint the endeavors of man. I tug at the wheels of the gristing cart, that bread may be otanizing and ethnologizing several months, but that | und the Ka.sai all the | Bakul:a offered me a j y v.^crth thrae hundred 'se g\!asse.=; on the spot, ] have an ivory traders’ j ad to pass up the trade. | lave bought the rifle for uvan of slaves, but King I ws. to say nothing of my j ents, forbade. [ had returned to Bona found in duo time that I killed the enchanted hip- ky shot behind the car, my ibo, remarked to me: ;noot any moj-c now, chief, j lilele must never see you me carry the rifle.” was one of the smartest I over I'new, and I turned over to him forthwith. lie tely circulate.-) the story that rna i cared to shoot only en- aninials. As he knew all game in that country, he on that proposition, I suspect that Wembo had business in that suggestion [ had told him that he wa? specimens of lubber plants and those i:dant;s grew where o-horned viper held sway in depths of the Kasai W^ilderness, g’ with such creatures as the black d, and the powerful man-like apes, besides the beasts already icned as prevalent in that re- Before beginning my botanical re- arches, 1 had to .give the old pre mises a thorough overhauling. They consisted of a large four roomed bungalow, with walls of wattle - and dear. I hamper those that would feed the race. I am an enemy of church and school, i mire the healer on his rounds and delay the coming that little ones may die. I am a disrupter of the homo. I spe^d i.he iii'st-borjf the cities when I am fair to see; andwtien woukl return ijf him with my forbidden depths. I minister to bitterness a? ^ a tax on all the world. There is none v.ho lives me triT)Ute. When ma nplowed with a crooked stick I w When the ancients covered mo with stones to other lands. I am the oldest line that lives coday. me cheap. I know' the jn'ice they pay who ccunt ir.c so. I am the unimproved highway. My name is MUD. WHO SHALL WE ELECT FOR OUR Tv EXT SHERIFF? Either on.e of a half do/ccn gooii average citizens would make a good avi^rage Sheriff. Either one