IF Mvomatr or hm^- SYLVAMIA couimr. VOLUME XXV BK£VAIU>. N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE 11, IStO. HOW WE TAMED THE LELE. BASHI. CBj S. P.^Vcrncr—^Copyrifht p*nd- iag. All,rights rescnredl.) THE AEtHELWOLO HOTEL TO CHANGE MANAGEMENT The Aethelwold Hotel of Brevard will undgr^ a change of management on the 10th of June. The new mati- There is only one think in Africa a^ment will thorou^ly renovate the that can make a noise like that. The entire premises, repainting exterior artillery proceeded from the throats as well as interior. G. W. Taft will I «f a herd of elephants, and Bena have direct char^^ of the house. Mr. Luidi lay exactly in their path. Then . Taft comes from Asheville where in sentry had not tatried on hearing; recent years he was connected with tiMH sound* ttt all tlia men were j th^ tianitren IUmI Battary Park Hotel bmy piling btpsh on the 2roB, and ; that place. Mrs. Taft and two extending them in a continuous line ■ children will foe with the husband and across the neck of land on which the father at the hoteL The Aethelwold station was Jocajfed. Elephants do j “ now making preparation for the not like fire. The knowledge of this ' American Legion Banquet to heaven /act faved me from being killed by j Friday evenmj at 8 o’clock P. M, them on another occasion. The herd^ * Th* Aethelwold will make special ^ose roaring waked up the came, | endeavor to entertain summer tour- was one of the many whose habit it take care of automobile was to come down t® ihe ifiver for parties from Asheville and elsewhere a morning drink from their sleeping j as well as oflFering the best to com- grounds in the dense forest behind j mercial men. us. A* t had shot an elephant in j Dance* will be given from time to this locality about eight years before, time in the large dance hall on the I was familiar with their habits there, j second floor of the hotel. The re- The fact that the station had been so tiring manager, C. C. Hodges, Supt. long abandoned, had made it some-1 Transylvania Division of the South- thing of a play ground for the big ern Railway finds that he is cumber- l^easts. somely taxed with the care of the There was a tax of a hundred dol- hotel as well as the railway. Mr. and lars on elephant shooting this time Mrs. Hodges will remain at the hotel, and I had not taken out a license ; ; chiefly in ordor to be consistent, since I had been active in promoting J"*® ’ '"‘o . the international movement lor the = protection of elephants, and for puti"®^ fone stond.ng on the ting an end to the indiscriminate Pomt above the beach a good THE BREVARD CLUB HAS KlNpLY O^ERJ^ THE LOAN OF ITS ROOlMS FOR AN QPEN MEETING Of ALL MEMBERS OF THE CLUB, ALL PRI^ESSIONAL BUS- INESI^ ^EN :OF TRANSYLVANIA FOR THE PURPOSE OF ORGANIZmC A TRANSYLVANIA BOARD OF TRADE. WE URGE EVERY COUNTY AND TOWN OFFICIAL AND EVERY BUSINESS MAN OF THIS COUNTY TO COME WilH US ON MOMDAT, JRINC 14^ 1S20 AT 8:00 P. M. TRANSYLVANIA IS TOUR COUNTY AND IT CAN BE JUST WHAT YO UMAKE IT. BE THERE. • m STATE ROAD CONVERrrKm At . ASHEVnXB—JUNE"^ I^IS FROUR OUR RALEIGH CORRE- , SPONDENT Ralegh, June 7, 1920.—Returns from Saturday's, primary election up m to noon today showed nominations of the following aspiranta for posi tion on the State Democratic ticket: i Brevard News. I#reeeived some of LETTER FROM BOY IN GERMANY Polch, Germany, May 3. Editor Brevard News: Just a few words from an old North Carolina boy if you think they are worth printing in the good old Lieutenant-Governor, W. B. Poop.er« of New Hanover; State Treasurer, B. R. Lacy, of Wake; Commissioner «f Agriculture, W. A. Graham, of Lin coln; Commissioner of Labor and Printing, M. L. Shipman, of Hender son; Insurance Commissioner, S. W. your papers this morning—^the first ones 1 have seen since I left Ameri ca last September, and I sure was glad to see the old paper. It made^ me think of being balk in “Ths Land of t*3. Sky.” Ifjjfave been with the Army of Oc- Wade, of Carteret. Baxte^ Durham, | cupation noci' for six months here in of Raleigh, is leading for Auditor. It ■ Germany and I like it fine, tho give v;ill probably require, a sec*nd pri- i me the good old U. S. A. before any xnary to determine the nominees for! other coantry in the world. I saw tbis office and Supreme Cosrt Jus- a notic3 in ei’.c of your papers about tice. Judge Hoke appears to be men enlisting in the army and I think nominated, but no one seems to have that is the best thing a young man a majority of the votes cast can do. I know that it has done me >ntest for A .Wc^wr vaiiAncy* | a great deal of good and I wouldn't cdi^Plnly >be a out of it for any thing as it is primary ^o determine the nomine^ij^Bths b^t I have ever be^i in. for Governor, neither of the threel as-* Well I guess that is about all, so pirants having received a majority of j ? close with best wishes to the th.3 votes cast in the first one. 0e-iNews and good old North Carolina, turns from the sixty-six counties give Respectfully, Pf. JOHN T. CLARKE. A. 5’. in Germany. P. S,—I don’t suppose you will slaughter which was threatening "P ^ Itheir extermination. : ‘ Wembo was wild with excitement, ''' egging me to let him use the rifle disgusted, all excepj^v^ the enemy, bu^I remain firm. I pretty heaviy armed, having y about a dozen gifns of one kind or, * The rising'otiI, streaidlfig another, so I let the boys discharge Lulua-Sankuru watershed, threw its their artillery into the air with a beams against the western bank of view to diverting the course* of the the Kasai where the river makes its elephants, whose crashing thru the great bend from the south toward jungle could now be plainly heard, the west, bringing into strong relief The elephant is the most intelligent every feature of the landscape, where of all beasts, and when he has once the big trees with their wall of H- learned the meaning of fii’e-arms, he anas, clamberers and all sorts of usually steers clear of them. One vines lined the slope above the water, reason why the Baschilele country Suddenly a commotion shook that was so well stock with elephants was floral wall, the tops of tall trees because the Baschilele had no guns, swayed and danced in the sunlight as i following and Morrison i ... i-v-tiFation altho he The Baschoko, to the south of them if stirred by a small cyclone. The j ^ i benaficiarv of a were fairly well equippgd with old underbrush rattled and creaked, one | attracting the greater portion of it, j „oo'dlv sum of ironev spcrt in Mich- fashioned flint-lock muskets, which could hear fallen logs and brush especially the labor vote, which large f“ V,Hfomi-»'a number of tfcey had^quired in the days of the cracking and breaking, and then an- ,y Montgomery man in, ^he Senator is i- charge slave-trade between the Kasai and other roar smote the mornmg air, primary. Morrison head-' e b n t . St. Paul Qe Loanda, when a musket and one vast black form after another , jg authority for the state- usually >oight a slave. On the west hurtled from the green darkness in- | of the Baschilele, the Belgians and to the yellow flood, pausing not a t Congressman, has alre^y tendered the Portugese had been doing a good moment in making the plunge and s„pp„rt i„ the pending contest situatioi the Californian has deal of shootmg on the Kwango and * [ * and much significance is attached to antagonist that the long" white tusks] --t be reckoned vith at each turn 0. Max Gardner. 33, 688; Cameron! Morrison 30, 925 and Robert N. Page ^1, 290. This eliminates Mr. Page and leaves, the field to Messrs Q^d- jtTiink this is worth printing but it ner and Morrison, with little differ- ^^ill help to fill the v/aste basket. ence in the number of votes betweeiji j them. Both will, of course appeal | Senator Hiram Johr^son has profit- KAiGSS' rm$ nmm ffUMBat Wk No problem confrontW ture of from a million to two mil lion dollars for maintenance; it will mean the building up of a state de partment of such great strength and efficiency as has not yet been attempt ed in the State for the solution of any other one problem. By enabling our people to visit among ejfth other, es tablish trade relations with each other, from one town to another, from one county to another, from one sec tion of the State to another, it will cement us as a State, will help us to overcome some of our provincialism and conservatism, some of our petty sectional jealousies and rivalries; and will enable us to develop a great State, with greater solidarity of pur pose and spirit. The results of this achievement | a letter from Miss Cassi^, thank- are almost beyond the scope of one’s ; ing the club for their co-operation imagination. The saving of our in- to her in the many caFas from the MATHATASiAlf CLUB CjiOMii SUraESSFIA. YEAlRf The last aieetin^ of the^ Sian Club for the year vma Ui vi& Urs. Trowbridge, last vedL being a btuineas meeting all rriwriti of officers were given ako n«fw ficen dected for the coming jftct which begins in October. Mrs. Chaa. B. Deaver, presid«rt ti th# #>lnh 4mv» « yjjpwi#' ^ the dab work dnriag tlie jpew also other officers made intfuritinj fe> ports. Mrs. Seagle, sedvtary, an nounced, after a dose exaaixiMitioii of secretary’s book, Mn. Jmlia Tr««r- bridge and Mrs. Chas. B. DeaTcr luul attended every meeting: of chib since organization except one, this being an excellent record the club praised these ladies for their attendance and work. Mrs. E. H. Norwood made an exact report of funds spent during year also funds left in Treasury being ^14.21 to begin work with next year. The election of a new member gave the cliib the full membership. A vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Deaver and other retiring officers for their efficient work this year. Mrs. Deaver responded to this by saying, “The loyal support of mem bers to her in the wor^ was very much appreciated and had made the work very pleasant* and counting up on their continued support to the next president, also thanking the splendid substitutes who so faithful ly labored with the club this year.” ■» vestment in automobiles and trucks economy in the use of gasoline, tires, T^epair bills, clothes, nerves and every thing else the autdihobilist takes with hiiTi and which are frayed and damaged by the bumps and dustf tfto increase in property values, in ulatjon, in better and more extetislve farming, better rural schools, bet ter everything—^ail will be as noth ing compared witl^^e vast^fiee of spirit which comes -abo ' surrendering of individual selfishness thru the development of the spirit of co-operation and public interest in cidentally developed in the achieve- mer.t of such a_ great public enter prise. Up to the present time, such a spirit has thrived in North Carolina only in certain communities. It is the belief of those who have striven long and earnestly for our State’s county this year. The ciub has given splendid contributions /this year to the “SaJJie South Qot^'n Loan Fund” also other numfi^us calls to the Federation of Clubs.. Each member was asked to give her book this year tc? the U. D. C. Library. After this el^^on of officers was taken up. Of- as follows were elected: ident Mrs. J. C. Seagle Mrs. R. H. Zachary 'ecfetary . .Mrs. W*W. Zachary- Corresponding Sec. Mrs. C. B. Deaver Treasurer Mrs. E. H. Norwood „ - - I . , openly claiming seventy-five per ward. The K»sai flows north from i There is no other ^ sighx in all the Page support in the re- Bena Luidi, and there was a good ! world where the majesty of the brute deal of shooting by the government.! creation so exemplifies itself as in officials and licensed traders along i such a view of a big herd of the the river which tended to restrict the earth’s mighest land mammal. There movement of the elephants from go ing northward. To the east lay the is an involuntary contraction at the heari in the bravest. The brutes are Bakuba country, who population had j so vast, their tonnage so imposing very few guns, so that there was a | and yet their motions so quick, free considerable movement of the ele- i and elastic, as to convey the impres- phants betv/een the Baschilele coun try and the Bakuba country, and Bena Luidi lay in the tract of this movement. There might have been many more of them killed in that locality when they came to cross Lap- sley Pool, but for the fact that the missionaries and the traders of the Kasai Company were there to report any illegal shooting; and it must al sion that the mighty force before you is also highly mobile and inten sely potential. This last fact is pre- eminantly true of the elephant. He is not clumsy. In action in the jungle he is both very quick and curiously graceful. He will pluck a palm nut with the epd of his snout as easily as a monkey can, and he will feel the edge of the morass with his ways be understood that the number mighty toes as gingerly as a ballet cent fight and this feeling appears general in Raleigh today. Senator Lee S. Overman swept the State over A. L. Brooks and will suc- cecd himself in the United States Sfcnate. ^ Raleigh, June 7, 1920.—The Dem ocratic voters of the State having regist^ed their choice of candidates for the fall, election in the primary on Saturday all eyes are now turned to Chicago where the National Re publican conventien will name a can didate for President and Vice-Fresi- dent this week, j^he National Re publican Committed has been in ses sion there almost a week passing on the claims of delegates seeking ad- of his own fight in Chicago and the Old Guard appears to be wondering what to do with him. With a formi- ^ dable foUowing and a keen insight advancement that the successful car rying thru of this developmental pro gram will have results far beyond the material gains, great as they be un doubtedly be. of tho way. His friend, Mayor Thompson of Chicago, staged a very great demonstration for the Senator on his arrival in the “Windy City”, but it produced nothing like the ef fect of the Roosevelt parade in 1912. The three leading candidates in the Chicago convention are Wood, John son and Lowden but neither of them is a safe bet on the eve of the bat tle to be waged for leadership of their party in the approaching con test. Senator Harding, of Ohio; Governor Sproul of Pensylvania, and Justice Chas. E. Hughes of New York are expected to cut some figure in the proceedings. It is pointed out that Mr. Hughes made a remarkably fine run four years ago and that he has not done a .single thing to BREVARD CLUB MEETING THE FOURTH ANNUAL COUNTY FAIR The question of Fair or no Fair is with us. The tim.e is not far distant when the Transylvania County Fair will be ready to stage a display of her v/onderful achievenaents durmg the past year. Where, when and The Brevard Club met in its apart ments Tuesday evening and . enjoyed a general discussion of county inter est topics and later an elaborate and tasteful arrangement of refreshments were served. This meeting was large attended and it was learned that the advertising of the town and county boarding houses, renting compart ments, etc. had provoked quite a shower of inquires from southern sec tions. All these inquires have been carefully answered and things in gen eral are better than ever before. The Brevard Club offered to give free of charge the use of their rooms to the body of men desiring to organize a Board of Trade, for the purpose of organizing. The project of a Tran sylvania County Fair was strongly mission to the convention as duly j hurt himself since that time. Harding steeds ! accredited representatives from their has been an active candidate for of elephants killed by natives v/hen | dancer. Only the s\^ftest ^ _ ,,.... >7 adequately armed is enormously in can outrun him, and none can out- j respective states and districts. Negro excess of those killed by the relative- j last him. He can swim completely delegations from the south have bpcn ly few white men in the country. f?ubmer^d except for the top of his I a bone of contention m the hearing iriiTilr nnH t.n this fact if? due much of and the “Lily Whites are given to The whole Congo region did not contain more than one white man to every two hundred square miles, and there were still regions as large as South Car9lina with not a white man in them. Those elephants knew what shoot ing meant by their contact with the making for the mouth of the lUenye trunk and to this fact is due much of his surviving the infamous drives against him inspired by the rich booty of his tusks. There were more than a. hundred in that herd. They swam straight across the southern end of the pool, Bachoko on the south, and by an oc casional affair along the river with passing steamers, so that when our rent the air that morning, there River, whose valley penetrated into the heart of the Bakuba country. The men burst into ejaculaitons of isdmir- ation and of keen disappointment. I momentary pause in the on-1 explained to them exactly why I was t up the wooded slope, and; shooting elenhants I .wanted an answering roar came back, j them preserved. There was probably led with the shrill scream of j sixty thousand dollars worth .of^ory e, which is the other note the t crossing that river. Just as what uses when angry. Then the v/e thought was the last) elephant | emor Lowc^n stand convicted of was heard slanting oi to the|pi«»ged into river the soun^l | having spent $500,000 in organisa- st, showing that the elephants fire-arms was heard in the direction, tion work and the purch^e of 4ele- * ‘ from which they had come. To me | gates in Missouri. Governor Lowden it sounded like a shot gun and a rifle, | has gained a fiew delegates in the rifle but I was not certain. Per-j gattlemfent of contests before the haps the elephants ahd been followed national committee, but has been by the Bachoko. The shrill scream * bard hit 1^ the disfiosures of the ‘Lily understand that their colorcd “breth ren” must hereafter be recognized in all republican conventions in which they may seek admission. Vie;wing the situation from the Washington end of the line there is reason^^ in the suggestion that both General Wood and Governor Lowden have lost heavily by the recent dis closures of pre-conv^tion expendi tures. ' The congressional inyentiga- tion has connected General Wood’s candidacy with Wall Street and other special interests that have keen tap ped to the extent of more then a mil lion dollars, while managers for Gov- how are the countr^r people te be ^ received? Are they expected to an- endorsed and R. H. Zachary, presi nually coup their chickens on the thoroughfares, or strev/ their pro duce on Court House benches, and lead their blooded animals in greasy, dangerous garages? This was the grateful reception afforded the farm ing element when la#t they came this way, can v/c continue to tax the farm, er for all our conveniences of life months and Sproul recently shied his j and give him shabbiness in exchange? hat into the ring, with seventy-five 1 The time to do anytliing for them is votes from Pensylvania as a starter. | this summer. The proposal laid down It is anybody’s fiiht in Chicago | in an open letter to the Brsvard News this week. At this writing no bet j from James K. Mills is a bona fide on any particular man as a winner j proposition. It comes from a farmer. to make a detour, and pro- cross the river at its jnuc- Lulua above us. I want them do it.' One of the sting !and awe-inspiring is tha^ of a big herd rging^thru the jfingle ^to a river. The prom- • ■' , 'f of maddenpd pain wWch followed the shooting proclaimed that it was not without effect. • congressibnal committee investigating, the use of money in primaries and state and district conventi<^s. would be safe. The republicans are at sea. The Wood forces are com plaining of steam-rolling tactics on the part of the national committee and Lowden disclaims “ownership’* of the two Missouri delegates who ad mitted having received $2,500 each from' file Governor's manager. It is a fight to the finish and there will be many scars to heal when it is all over, all of which has inaterially en hanced democratic prospects for an other viqtory in, November. The Democrats will non^inate Mc- Adoo and Cox at San Francisco four weeks hence and then the fight' will be on in earnest. BALL—CROOK On May 26 i^at the home of the groom’s father Mr. Carl Crook and Miss Ball were ^inited in the bonds of Holy Matrimony. The Rev. J. C. Beagle offidated.i^ - and is throwing down the gauntlett’ by that honest, industrious element to the boosters of the county. Are the boosters going to accept the gage of battle and unite with them in this farming display? It seems that the idea would be to purchase addi- ditional lots from R. L. Gash near the High Schol grounds and extend the ball ground to a larger field. This would cost som&thing like $1,000 and would give ample grounds for child’s play during school session# and to' ofter grounds for base ball games to the home- boys as well as camp boys J*nd will make an ideal place for sheds io protect the Transylvania Cov-nty Fair, in general. Other counties in North Carolina with half thfe wealth that Transylvan ia County has, «e rapidly constructs ing; these conveniences—^why can we not do so? . With the hum of indus trial machine^"; wif^h laroad expanses of fertile smiling lands; with the fln- dent of the Fair Association was ad vised to draft from the Brevard Club body any members he desired to aid in the general Fair arrangements. MODERN WOODMEN PRESENT A THRREE REEL PICTURE On lastf Wedtiesday jniglit there was an interesting picture show at the auditorium. War on Tuberculosis, The Value of Life, both rendering an absorbing object lesson in co-opera tion and personal service -which was all facts and not fiction. This picture was put on under the auspices of the Modern Woodmen and of course intended for an advertisement, but despite this fact it opened the eyes of many to their duty of home pro tection by insurance v/hether it be Modem Woodmen or other insurance. est tourist resort th^is found in the. world, where scener^^ varies, and where air and water are perfumed • \i-ith the nectar of thje gods, soch . small price for a Fa|r- GtiTttnd Jran- not be called too cumbersome a htar- den. The 'callers sent” but to the most remote corxier of this gentle ^ounty' pleading eloquently, in a voic^ that is . steady with earnestness to unite hi a harmonious b^tit ^e aii^ntion^that. this plaa/must not ^ail-^lir fapncrs need iC—^they .jmust h&^e, a decent ^ place to camp thriii tte ssmainQ when ecHinty prod^w&f ^ tsith.ns. ' 1