EXPONENT OF TRAN- SYLVANIA COUNTY. TWELVE PAGEiS IN THIS ISSUE VOLUME XXV BREVARD» N. C. FRIDaV. JUNE 18, 1920. NUMBER 25 HOW WE TAMED THE BASCHl- LELE. (By S. P.. Verner—Copyright pend ing. All rights reserved.) .1 would not allow my men to go in the direction of the shooting, as they might be mistaken in the jungle for enemies by some other party. It was not until after I had made my break fast off cassava cakes, <eggs, and pa paya, that I missed Wembo when I wished to make preparations for a trip into the jungle. I sent Ota Ben ina to look for him, and the little "fel low came back with tho information that Wembo was in the bushes cutting up an elephant. At first I was v^ry angry. Wembo was my most tried and trusty henchman, who had stood by mo in so many ups and downs that this escapade was disheartening, as it might indicate that he was getting headstrong and out of control. But 1 decided not to go to the scene of th.o operation, as it would no do igr m.3 to become in the least involved in the matter. Soon, however, the triumphant huntsman turned up, carrying an old flint-lock musket and a broad grin. “What in thunder do you r>^ean by this business, Wembo?”, I asked. “You didn’t think I v.as going to let all those elephants get by, did you?”, r-epiied he. CO-OPERATIVE WOOL SALE A co-operative wool sale will be held in Asheville the Itist week in August by the North Carolina sheep breed.3rs and wool growers associa tion and anyone having wool for sale can market their woo! thru this sale. The wool will be graded by a regu lar cpmmercial wool grader according to quality and standard grades and sold to the nighest bidder, the right being reserv^gd by the seller to reject any and all bids for his wool if not satisfactory. There will be no selling commission charges except for freight and drayage charge. This plan of marketing wool is giv ing high satisfaction in other states and farmers are realizing a better pri'^a for their wool. Any one having wool to market and wish to market it thru this sale can get in touch with me. R. E. LAWRENCE, Co. Agent. TO ORGANIZE A BOARD OF TRADE LITTLE^IVER COMMUNITY FAIR / — . R. E. Lawr-ance and Miss Lulu M. Cassidy announce that on June 2, 1920 a community fair was organ ized at Little River School.. ! The meeting was well attended and ! groat interest was n-anifested. They j held their tir?t roni’iiunlty fair last I ■ year and it v;aK a success. This year everyone at Little River are ei\- “Now lok here, Wembo, you and 11 • .• - , . . . 1 tnui^'astic ana are working nard to are old friends, and I want you to understand how serious this thing in. j If Bula Matsadi (the Belgian govern ment) hears that I an^ shooting ele phants without porn-iis?ion”— “But iL was me, not you,” said j Wembo, “let me tell you all about j it. Wiieti y<ra caiVi<} back iron'. Mputu ’ this time, I and the rest of us all came to bo v.ith you, but none of niako this ihe .createst and best I community fair ever held in Tran- 1 sylvania. The Finance Coinmittee is I I already working io raise the sum of I for the expenses of the fair. i x\n ice cream supper iirdav -i-vening of v.as held on .lune 12, in have taken out books yet. We ar free black men just liko the Baschi- j t lele and the Eakuba. We ail have ! the right to shoot elephants with this sort of a gun—here his grin broad ened and bis ey«^s began to twinkle— and Bula Matsadi takes one tusk and i v.'!:Ich ;ibout 300 cit'zens attended. Tb.iH’e v/as ^T-l.OO raised in this way and another ice cream supper will be I h- nl ;;n early date. Tlie following oilic'ers were elected: i'rank Shuford-, Pres.; Miss Rena Mcrvell, Vivc'-Prcs.; R. N. Hawkins, Secret.'iry and Tr<.a?uror; Finance Cornn'.ittee: R. T'l. Havvkins, H. A. Beduingtield, Miss Jula Merrell; Hor ' At a meeting held on Monday, June 14, 1920, in the Brevard Club rooms for the purpose of discussing the proposed Board of Trade it was unanimously decided to determine ths approximate cost of such an organiza- - , „ , _ , . , . Glazener of Brevard was solemnized tion and th^ strength that can be ob- yesterday at noon at the First Bap- TRANSYLVANIAN WEDS IN RALEIGH The following from the last Sun day’s issue of the Raleigh News & Observer will be interesting to many readers of the Brevard News in this county: The wedding of Miss Margaret Strayhorn of this city to^Mr. J. A tained in the way of me,mbership and moral as well as financial support in Transylvania County. A petition will be drawn up and circulated among the citizens of Transylvania. County. It is proposed to take the whole Coun ty of Transylvania in. A committee was appointed composed of the fol lowing: Ralph Zachary, Thos. K. Shipman, W. H. Duckworth, W. M. Henry, C. H. Klueppelberg, T. H. ^allowayi The committe will report at a meeting to be held on June 28, at the Brevard Club Rooms. The Brevai*d Club for the past fivo years has taken the place of a Cham ber of Commerce, it has been instru mental in bringing manufacturing ind.ustries, such as the Transylvania Tanning Company, which pay 25 per tist Church. The marriage vows were spoken by Dr. T. W. O’Kelley, pastor of the church. The church was di0corated in palms. The wed ding music was played b yMrs. Wal ter Kruse. Before the ceremony Miss Margaret Highsmith of Durham sang “Because I love You Dear.” Misses Mozell Breeze and Margie Gattis of Durham, wearing dressies of rose or gandy with black tulle hats and car rying sv/eet peas, attended the bride as bridesmaids. Little Miss Virginia Blanchard, .wearing a dainty frock of white ruffled net, acted as ring bear er. She carried th<5 ring in a v/hite lily. Miss Susan Strayhorn, sister oi the Bride, v/as maid of honor, and w'ore a frock of French blue geor gette with a black tulle hat. The bride entered the church v/ith her father, Mr. J. C. Walk-sr, who gave her in marriage. She v,'ore a becom ing traveling suit of tan with hat tc match and carried a shower bouqet of Bride roses. Mr. A. E. Geasay -of Creednioor was best man. Th: ushers were M-pssrs. R. H. Meekin?. of Win ston-Salem and F. C. Henley of Guilr ford College. Tho groon:^j^'jn A'ers cent of our taxes; French Broad, Sap I Hi. G. Floyd of A''r-*f-'dnoo;' , . Tr rr, , . I homer Whitmire of Brevard, phire. Keystone and Transylvania | Mr. Glazener is the younger ?on of Camps. All the splendid advertising j|Mr. and Mr.s. E. C. G’az.onc-r ->\ho .hat Brevard has had during these | resides on a beautiful lurm overlook- past five or six years has been thru • the fa MORRISON LEADS FOR GOVER NOR Official Canvass Places Mecklenburg Man Ahead of The Cleveland‘Can didate. (Special to The Brevard News) Ealeigh, N. C., June 15, 1920. The official vote for the office of Gover nor, cast in the rec-ent democratic primary election, was canvassed by the State Board of Elections today. The result announced gives Gardner 48, 983; Morrison 49,070, a majority of 87 for Morrison. Coper wins for Lieutenant-Governor by a majority of 12,000. Canvass not complete for other State officers. t The Morrison supporters are elated over the nev/s that it will not be j their man who asks for a second pri-1 mary. Mr. .Gardner’s manager will t make formal request for another ‘‘turn at the bat,” in due course, it is understood. AMERICAN LEGION BANQUET The soldiers, sailors, and marines of this county met in the dining room of the; AetheKvold Hotel Fri day, June 11, at 8 o'clock P. M. and after a veil prepared feast the body of m«n or^Taniz*3d themselves into J. J. MINER t Monday last, June 14th, was the eightieth birthday of our fellow townsmen Mr. J. J. Miner and there are few livelier men of any age than he. and no more ardent followers of Isaac Walton. Mr. Miner is one of the last surviv ing “Printers” of the old school, he is one who can make his own inks and colors, who can not only set type but can also make up the forms and not only do all Uie mechanical work connected with the printing of a newspaper and running a job print ing shop, but he also has th^ ability to write clear, concise and strong ar ticles that command the attention of thinkers. As the former editor and owner of this paper, when it was known as the “Sylvan Valley News” Mr. Miner made a record that any one can be proud of and established himself among his fellow editors as a man of more than ordinary ability and as one with the courage of his convictions'. We feel that we but represent the feelings of the people of the County v/hen v/e wish him, oai his eightieth I birthday, that .fine old wish, “Many I I Happy Returns of the Day. Brother ' Miner.” . the Brevard Club. All communica-j the upper part of the county. He islL . i-.r,. tions or inquiries of any nature or j a young man of strong character and j en kind, whether for tourist, business i a high degree of inteliiirence. Is an enterprises, home seekers, stock raisers' or recreation societies have med French Eroad in th3 Pisgah Post, 88 of tho American A goodly niiniber of the vet- of the World War were present ENCCUnAGES CITIZENS TO JOIN THE BREVARD CLUB and the spirit shov/n by eyerv one ; Editor Brevard News: aiumnus of Mars Hill College and a | was marked by those that had ocea- j At an open meeting in the rooms veteran of the late Vvorld war—one | :;,icn to observe. In the election of ; of the Brevard Club • Mon been answered fully and satisfactor-nvor- j? ...i • x- i I . / ^ on rUnder= ■ onicers of th? organization the men ‘ injj- last I drew from the remarks l!y. Arrrnximatdy 3o letters are , On bein-; musterct! ou.. of tho j cho h-' r-1. answered every day at the present j service he returned to th j College of Agriculture and Engineer ' Fisher; Vice-Crf.nmtjsd^r, Lieut. ; jonie of our townsmem ‘ tiiat tho oy eios^'d bsi.ot, the foilov/ing ' .of some of those present that there State I ofr.cer.?. Commander, Private Ralph ; expression in the minds of A splendid talk was made at the | mo-, Raleigh, at which he expects to ; j^ngene Allison; Adjutant, Acting-' dub is maintained'principally meeting by Frank Jenkins in which | complete the course in agriculture. Serseant-major, Alex H. Kiser; Post | resort fox card playing and he'pointed ovt tlie advantages of har- ner-sing and developing our v.-onder- ful water powei'o and in Transylvania will not have to seek very far tc bring manufacturing in- il’icirTir?; her The brid K"ie is a teaeher in the Ra- as a playing and pool a matter of fact the Treasurer, Chief Petty Officer Louis | shooting, as Icij*. graded schols anci a yc-.ir.s ; , Left's; Kistoi-:;..!;, Cadet Franc C. j membeiiaip is made up of the best ch.o \iI woman of many charms and marked Kin'''; Scrgeant-at-arms, Bugler Carl business men and citizens of the town accomplishments. After touring Executive committee, Private ^ot all tlie business men and best Vi'ashinrrton Chaplam, I rivate John R. ^ citizens are memb*ars however, yet done it before. Sly rascal, Wembo. He was still' at his old tricks, and yet no Phila- Xickols Sentell, J. A. XcCrary; Live Stock Committee: Hamilton Ship man, Hr.l Hart, Herbert Heath; Farm ; Ha - Ilariiin; i!ustr;cs ncr-j. Mr. C. H. ivlueppci-^ other northern cities, Mv. and 'ire. pijhcr, Lieut. .4I!ison, Scr^eant-mE-’ thev sliould be, those who are mem ber,; r.,ontioned the fact that there Glazoner will tako «p their siii.ii iei I jor ICiscr. Chief Petty Officer Loftis bers very well remember how thru the efforts of the business committee of the Club membership the French ire hundreds of boys and girls grow residence at the home of tne .eroopi s t Private Frank Scruggs. we sell the other to tho traders. I’ve j Committee; Riley Merrell, "P "-ho must j father xviiere they expect to sj^nJ I ?rIajor Robison vras present and de- huvs some kind of physical or mental : the vacation period, labor in store for them if v/o would keep them at home and not have delphia lawver could have picked a; _ ^ , rr o tt i them iiove to foreign fields in order ^ * iCropi'; H. P. ^Nicnolson, T. C. Hamii- | ^ flaw in that lcn;al position. It v;as! I ton, true that I had not yet registered a ^ !oe Llerrell; Penrose School building will be the ! ^ * 1 to seek a living. It was also brought Cannmg: Mrs. A. | . . i 1 to the attention of tho meeting that { scene of an ics-cream and box- sup Beddin.gfield, Mrs. John Fis’^er, contract v/ilh any of them except Ota ;j. , r- -.xr , tco many of our able-bodied youiie; i per. Friday evening, June 25th, 1920. ! Mrs. Claua Shuford; fancy woric:| .r ^ ^ , Bcnga, and I couli not do this until i ^ , ,• i men are running ears and loafing in A jolly time is expected—evervbody 1 Lorene Merrell, ivliss jMcholson, Julia | • - I reached the government post at | I general for the good of the communi- invited. Beginning at 8 o’clock. 2t I Merrell; Cooking: Jvirs. rrank .Shu-1 Luebo. Of course it was my rifi*^ j ^ tbat had i^iilec- the elephant, but the fiint-lcck n-iusket was ail that any body eve‘‘‘ sa\v in connection with tne matter. I stopped into the room ad joining my bed room where I kept most of my things ?nd ther.' hung the rifle on its rack. I caught Ota Ben.ga furitvely watching me, and I thought I saw hov/ it had been managed. I discovered eventually that Vvembo and Eis'wife had gone together after the elephant, and that she had broup;ht the rine back and given it to Ota Benga v.?hilG I was watchirig the her(i in the rivsr. She had fired the musket at the same time that Wembo had fired the rifle. Wembo’s minute knov.’ledge ,of the ’ord, Mrs. R. M. Hawkins, Mrs. Carl Merrell. HAYDN’S ORATORIO, “The CREA TION” Next Sunday, June 20th, at 5:15 P. I'L in St. Phii'o’s Church there ty. Transylvania is certainly larger onou-h to support any organization I ]\t. A. Miller, Cierk Superior Court, that will upbuild our county, but two j (,as just received the checks for the such organizations are unnoecessary , veterans of the Civil War and their in the opinion of a go^d many of our fellow citizens. In order to do justice a Board of Trade must have certain social features to entertain - TT . > i o’ar visitors, to give the vounger gen- v/ill be given excerpts from Hayctn s , ’ . _ * , , “Creation”, one of the six great ora-1 oration recreat’.on amusement torics of the world. Mr. Seagle will i <;ive a brief description of a wonder- i There are appio.cimately sevonty- lul spectacular performance of “The ; members in good standing in the Creation” v,hich he once saw and ? Brevard Club and at least 50 per cent heard in New York. Mrs. Simons ' interested in tho social fea- will play the Introduction, “Haydn’s i of the club, but are interested “Eeprcscr.taticn of Chaos,” when ! livered a strong ruldress upon the j Eroad Boy’s Camp site was secured " I benefits of the Leg;on. ?>Iajor Robin- i and. delivered to Maj. Raines. Thfs ICE CREA.4 AND BOX SUPPER | post Commander of the Hor- ! same Club Committee, it will be re- jnctts Xest Post, a„ Charlotte, and is j called secyred and delivered to Tran- rv famil'.ar wiih the vsorkmgs ot svlvania Tanning Co. the site on the order. He aidcAl greatly in the v.hich the Tanning Co’, half million perfecting of the organization at plant is located, and,again it this place. From the body came a | that this same committee unanimous vote of thanks for him. j of Brevard . C^ab members secured The next meeting of the Post will ; and delivered to the management of I be in the rooms occupied by the Boy | Camp Tvansylvania the site on which Scouts. Invitation came to occupy i Pi-.o.i Miller and his associates are these rooms from Private John R. | just about comp'ieting their improve- Hay; This meeting will be two : nient for the first opening of this weeks from the Iasi meeting, at the Camp on the first of July. The Bre- Ashworth, W. S. Ashworth, Wm. A. same time in the evening. i yard Club is spending several hun- Band, W. E. Bishop, W. E. Breese, It is expccted that e”ei’y one en- I dred dollars right now in running !r. S. Eromfield, J. W. B'ui'iiett, H. N. titled to m.embership in this Post v.ill ! advertisements in some fifty or more Carrier, H P. Clark, F. D Clement, | be enrolled before th^ winter months. ! newspapers of the South telling of -Vern Clement, R R. Dcaver, W. M; ! No military liability it: incurred by i o^ir wonderfijl Country as a summer resort, of the nufnerods hotels and boarding houses open for accomoda- widows. Dinv.iddie, C. M. Boylc, J, W. Duck- 1 joining this order and scarcely any v.^orth, D. L. En.glish, 0. L, Erwin, I financial obligations are assumed. O L. Erv/in, Jr., R. W. Everett, R L. Gash, L. P. Hamlin, A. E Hampton,. A. N. Hinton, Fred Johnson, G. C. Kilpatrick, A. H. Kizer, C. H. Kluep- occasion. in the wonderful benefits derived the earth was without form and /"-o^‘^ building up our county | pglbei'g, G. E. Lathrop, R. E. Law- void.”Mr. Lathrop, lay-reader of St. j belong .lOr thau p^ipose onl y* I rcnce, L. C. Loftis, E. M. MacFie, J. ' ‘ A. Miller, T. M. Mitchell, R. S. Mor does it blackball any pro- ut v. ants ^very citi- elephant had been put to use on this i headings intro-' Brevard Club is not an exclusive He knev/ that a large herd | , . * , ' , ,,,, . , ! c^ub ror j ducing each number. Trie organi.;c; is usually led by a vigorous, mature] . ,i. j r*. 4-1 u i sressive citizen. ' 'regrets that after a thorough canvass gan, C E. Orr, Robt Orr, C. B. Os borne, Cos Paxton, J. B. Pickelsimer, The famous Talley case at Hender sonville has been settled. The youth, Connell Talley, v.as convicted by the jury on a charge of larceny and was sentenced to prison for a period of ten years by Judge B. F. Long, the past week at the Special Term called for the express purpose of trying being considerably in the rear to | “With Verdure Clad.” If any ; -jo*” the j President; Fred Shuford, J. S. Silver- this case in Henderson county. The round up any stragglers. It v/as the | ^ visitors is able and^ let' the other fellow, steen, B. J. Sitton, J. W.•Smith, B. W. I negro, James Thomas, held in jail on rear guard that Wembo had gone for. | advent | burden. The club is a! Tranth.am, C. H...Trowbridge, A. M. I charge of murder has not been tried. He had waited safely to one side of j v/cl-.-omed by the ' deserves | Verdcry, W. Walker, D. G. Ward,! Attorneys Me. D. Ray and Ralph R. the big herd as it plunged into the choir rehearsal at the I j ehas. White,^CT. C! Tongue, J. M. | Fisher, appearing for the n^ro, have Zachary, R. H. ^achary, W. H. Duck- apnlicd for a Writ of habeas corpus -bull, while the rear is covered by one j jg unable to find j interested in the dcvel- j h. Pickelsimer, H. A. . Plummer, of the oldest bulls also, the latter | .-oTjrano to slur the celebrated ^ of. the wonderful resources I Henry Ranson, Thos. H. Shipman, TALLEY CASE FINISHED river, hiding behind some boulders on the hill above tho v;ater. When the last elephant came down the slope he fell an easy mark. This incident bristled with possible trouble. Wem.bo’s position was tech nically corrsct, and neither he nor I could legally be held liable as long as (Continued on last page.) church, Friday at 7:30 P. M. The ; poverty, lack of interest and whole service of praise will last ex-1 ■ j[t is now in a flourishing condition actly one hour. ( and will be a wonderful unit to The D. B. B. D. Club will meet ■ Transylvania if the progressive men. I with Mrs. Spurge Hamlin, Tuesday,! county v/ill put their shoulder June 22. The Rev. Hamlin ‘will fa- to the wheel and back it up. We vor the Club v/ith some of his pleas- ^ list of the present members: ing reminiscences. ■ I J- Allison, S. P. Allison, Qlyde worth, Ralpll ©uckworth, Ralph Fish er, Fred "Ivilpatrick, E. H. Norwood, Harry Loftis. Non-resident membllbs: Lewis Carr, Wm. Fetzer, R. F. Glaz ener, George Hixson; H. P. Mason, H. D. McAllister; Hari^ Patton, T. E. Patton, Jr., K. S. Waitakcr and E. Allison. bef'Or^ 'Ei^ Honor James L. V/ebb. no*.7 ^Aiplding court ii*^ Buncombe Cojant;^. Mr. Fisher went to Asheville TViursd^y morning to secure the wit. '"(t is not known where Attorney Ereese \fill ask for an appeal to the Supreme Court in the matter of Tal ley or notrf ' tion of summer guests etc. and thru the efforts of the Brevard Club alone passenger service will, on the 20th, be doubled by the Southern Railway. —A good way to know what is going on in the Brevard Club is to become a member. To thos,e not members of the Bre vard Club, I will say 75 per cent of our meml>9rship will also join a Board of Trade or Chamber of Com merce organization if the citizenship who is not in the Club will join such nev/ organisation in such number as will make it possible to Aaintain su'ch new organization—Ithe^jWtiil cost of which will be around the neighborhood of one thou^nd dol lars. CLUB MEMBER. Attorn^ Welch Galloway made a trip to Emory and Henry College this week to deliver the toinmencemeiit address.

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