$Utt: A Own«r \V m^ BAND, PUblishW'Undriiiinaging Editor » ■ . I-' W. M. PERKINS, Reporter. iiddresa all communications to The Brevard ^News ■ ■ * 7 Published every Thursday and entered at postoffice at Bre- ymxd, N. C. as second class matter. t SUBSCRIPTION PRICE; One year ............ Six Months Three months 50 Two Months -• • • • *25 Cards ,of thanks, resolutions and memorials published Qnly at half conimercial rate, cost- inc l^c per inch or one half cent per word. aifitioQ. W« jO# _ 7o«. W«*^re tryiaff iimtiaylvanla Covn;^ and ^ ip.eveW TO .HW old .Transylvania a better place . a^ttve in. We condhimn ixiiien it U iiDsoliitely neceisuy^ concur nflien we can, condole always .and cofidon^ 4i possible. * ' ' We want at least five ^ ^ousand Transylvanians to read our paper and we want 2,50o names on our mailing (ast. Wfi want to get them Witldn Uie next siar m^^ut are gotog gu^antee to giye you« goodiclean, ^ - to - date newsy, boosting weekly same as^ you are now receiviiii^ We cannot do more and we simidy nsk aft citizens of this County to W Inroad and fair minded and to sulU' scribe now. CO - OPERATE, ISN’T THIS TRUEt L Foreigni THE AMERICAN ASSOCJATI^ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1920. A CHRISTMAS MAGNIFIED 52 TIMES BY YOUR HOME PAPER Surely the^world is growing more sensible about Christmas giving. Shell boxes and plush albums are growing scarce l^ecause givers are growing wiseV. It is a'wise giving only that pleases permanently. You cannot do a better thing for anyone, any where, at Christmas than to make a present of a year’s subscription to ubMshed und*»r h^s own sig nature. th# fact that the Repuh1ic*»n THE FOURTH RED CROSS ROLL CALL TO START T OVEMBER 11th, 192C. Why should everybody in Transyl vania County join the Red Cross. First, for what it did last winter when the epidemic of influenza struck this County — nearly a thousand (l^uarts of soup were sent out from the Red Cross soup kitchen besides other foyod and medicine. Then, too, nurses as idr a^ possible were sent to needy cases. ' The second reason for joining the Red Cross is: , ' The Southern Division of the Red Cross offers to pay five hundred dol lars towards the salary of a commun ity trained nurse for the County. Such a nurse would have been at work i^ the County if qualified, suitable one could have been found. Search has been made and is being made now for just the right person. The third reason is*: With a big membership, the treasury of the Red Cross will be replenished so that im- tho, opinion that th« or-lv paper in th2 Countv ought to be ’ion-"^artisan her^ns^ it is written Transyl- rfountv is ahouf Hivided »n Qolit'cs, but united for the develop mr-'f of our County. However we DO expect that both, will annreciate o”r nosition and it is to be regretted that ore - half fke rftir.ens of the great*»st. Conntv in Noi^h Carolina have so little ikith in onlv paper liiat-th^v do not i»ub- and canrot see thftir way c^ear o mend one littTe a^'d fiftv ents a y^ar for th*‘ir Home Booster, e.* ol, coarse, hav^ hun«*'»*eds of on O’-r n»^lin«r Hat who [imhH'spns. there are many inndred«( who Ho »'ot «nbfc^be is not hee#*'»i!)R tho “Vew!»^ is mUr. hut beea.we they have Mi tlM Huts vmrs ATI ae<^ount miitaHii f ttHudes of thfe N*»wa 'lie rfo not that W«eVHr 9idi at»d every TransyiWatlwi I ' another epidemic. There are other reasons, but surely these are enough to open un the nurse strings of the good people of Transylvania. * p«rfv b»»d b«d the cl^arpst and be«1»rncdiate ^an be given in case of rvil from the Brevard News during the recent campaign in Transylvania, th'*- they ha'^ ever be'^ore known. Mr. A. F. Rnmpton, Ralph R. Fish- J. W. Smifh and o^hei*prom’r«‘nt ]^<^iJ)ublicans all have the same o^*in- jon and are urgincr all Transvlvanians f?^ibscribe to this Home Paner. ‘ We are runninff* the New*? as “In- der>endent” through PHncipal f»»»d not p- r g^od business nolicv. We are A MESSAGE TO OUR FRONT ■ PAGE FRIENDS:' fillip ftnol;^ fat loeai >enottMi Jbad ^ui^h nbten^ Unothc, or 'siarrounding codj^iinitie^ .notker ter /Editorial matteiMV an >1^ers general matter. ' ^ >indiieja^ now that we all eon; . 0 oiiilK it, we agree that We 4<>n rant eVei^hing on the front pagj After all. • > FLOWERY beds OF EA^E The li^e of the Editor4s a life oi nixture, and he must be well bal- i.n<;ed it he does not now and thei *et^ off the ^ck. A missprint or t light oversight often gets him intc rouble. His trials are not confined excl&si alyvto his paper. - The machiner: ometimes almost leads him astra> . 'Vhen he is most interested in hi: vork and in a happy mood the elec- power is suddenly cut off by ai ccident at the power house whicl •endets him helpless. The powe: louse has its troubles as well as th' printing office. The ^entaK power without thf electric power gives confusion anc renders the editor anxious. The. paper ^^ust come out on time, or there will be kicking by a host ol '.ubscribers and advertisers. Onr ndustry depends upon another for ts success or failure. Some of the fnost important advertisers or patrons to show their power by holding '"hwr copy until the last minute and quite often make the pap^ late with out realizing that the printing office must work until late at night while ^aid patron is peacefully sleeping. Things mutable cannot always be in readiness for work. A band may be broken or a cog wheel disabled and then the machinery stops for repairs. Such is the case oftep when we least expect it. ' 4 At a very busy time recently when all was working smoothly, the stove suddenly choked with soot and with all efforts to make it swallow the en cumbrance it was no go. The work in the office had to stop until a re medy was applied to stop the smoke. The soot would not yield to any per suasion. The pipe had to be taker down then and now, regardless of eager subscribers. The editor, with out^ saying a word, we v/pn’t pretend to say what he thought, tackled the job and soon all was in apple pie order, and the usual routing of work went on. We know of no work in--life in which all goes on smoothly, and we know of none so rugged as tihe path the editor trods. Editors do-niot,-gen erally, live to a great _age, partly, per haps, on account of the sedentary life he lives, but largely on account of the vexations he is compelled to encoun ter, The printer’s devil often causes his hair to dishevel. A lot of worth less pie often brings to his heart a deep sigh. These things will Purely transpire, and usually raise the edi tor’s ire. When Spring poetry comes along his columns to throng, he is put to his end’s wits, to know how to get them to quit. To refuse to pub lish these gems of thoueht, enrage? the writer for naught. The pains he has taken to unravel the beauties of Nature, should not be set aside be cause of nomenature. ' Let us come down to common sen se, which can be done with little ex pense, and show to the world at large that a small man has this paper in charge. His mental calibre is very alert, and with lassies he has long ^nce ceased to flirt. The grave realities of life are now^ shared bv his wife, two girls and one fine smal^ boy adds greatly to his earthly joys. W. T. Bosse NOTICE TO BIDDERS: Please take notice that thirty days after date the County Board of Edu cation will let a contract for the con struction of a two - room school house according to the plans knd spec ■fications which are on file in the of fice of the County Superintendent of Public Instruction, Said house is to be constructed for the Island Ford School in Dunns Rock Township, Dis trict No. 2. Please prepare your bids according to aforesaid plans and specifications which may be had by calling upon the County Superinten dent of Public Instruction. Your bids should be on file not latel* thnn Monday, December 6th, next. The County Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Very truly yours, A. F. MITCHELL, County Supt. Public . Ins. NO NAME SIGNED: This is a little message to the friend who asked us tb “please put this on the front page.” Sometimes this friend is a man, sometimes a woman, and even the young people are getting the habit. It‘s always a good indication when such arequest is made. It.means that the writer is interested in his or her sub.'ect. It shows appreciation of position in a newspaper and 1^ modest desire to accept the best. Sometimes, however, It might be added, the choice is unwise. There are news features which are expected on the front page a^d there are oth ers, particularly in the Advertiser, that £>Te not'/expected on that page, but have their own position^ on other pages. Some of tllCse friends who make these requests are some |f our town’s very good housekeepen. They woald “have a fit* if some one left the diih^ nan in the living room. They w6i>ld have another if they did not find the dishpan in the kitchen. Where it be longs. The JJews received another card from Candler, N, jC., on November 8th, asking us to change the address of some subscriber. There was no signature and we of course, do not know whether the sub scriber was getting his cS* her paper in Brevard or elsewhere. Please Sjgn your name and address you wiSh your paper changed tide/8ee C. It. le has ^ ntachiite. 6vl waitt a :<^ellyf fMT We^ Retd, Lola Townnfonsse, aild \fay Wilbanlu were in this section Sunday. ' Cleve Nicholson motored to Toxa- -vay Saturday. Mr. Carl Breedlove ^f this section, vent to N bartrow owners. “PUS^TY”. Salient Hai^ 'to Get. Nfwpon News, Va.—William J. Bet ry. representative of the Seaman ' union here, declare* that It has l>e come an almost inipossible task t' secure a crew for foreign shlpa, whil he li waible to accommodate thos' who wi«h to Map on American yeu If Yba ’ ■r.— i / • •? AUDITORIUM SATURDAY* NOV. 13 Geraldine Farrar —in-— Maria Rosa. Pearl MHiite - in - The Black Secrat TUESDAY, NOV. 16 Bessie Barriscale —IN— The Rose of the Rancho Daivid Belasools colorful tale of ^he colorful West — a story of the days when men paid with their ,lives for a strip of land and when women were won in the flash of an'eye. Jaunita Hansen - in - The Lost City. THURSDAY, NOV. 16 Wallace Reid —IN— Less Then Kin A.Iso a Paramount - Sennett comedy A Bedroom Blunder • Matinee, 3:30 Niffht, 7:30 Admission 10 and 15c Diversilieil Ads FOR SALE — Horse Bridle and sad dle, Excellent saddle and good color 3 t, R. R. F. See News Office WANTED — Two boarders. Two ladies. Two gentlemen or a married couple. Close in convenient for teachers or clerks. Board and lodgj^ very reasonable anply to Miss Daisy Norton, Brevard, N, C, 2 t, pd. FOR SALE—Large bundles of old newepapers for 10 cents eaoh at the News Office. wab. PATENTS Obtained. Send model or sketch and we will promptly send you a report. Our nevr book on Patents ^ill be sent tq you on request. D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYERS 305 Seventh Sheet, Washington, D. C. Over 31 Years* Experience. d SOME SMOOTH STRANGER WITIf A PRETTY TALK ABOUT GETTING RICH QUICK, GOT HIS MONEY IN A “WILD CAT” SCHEME ^ WHEN IT BLEW UP HE WORRIED AROUND AND THE BOSS HAD TO LET HIM GO. . ^lE HAD LOST THE “PEP” THAT HE USED TO HAVE. \ NOW LOOK AT HIM. IF HE HAD PUi;^OME MONEY IN THE BANK EACH PAY DAY AND LEFT IT THERE, HE WOULD HAVE A BANK ACCOUNT — AND A JOB. PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK.- TBBSm BREVARD PANY H CO < H < X H CO H It. i GIFTS THAT LA£V The Hallmark Idea V By tradin|r at the Hallmark. Store you save a substantial part of your money. But even more than this you get Jewelry of the finest quality, backed by the guarantee of 800 leading Amelrican jewelers — with a combined purchasing powe(r of over $50,000,00. This enormous purchasing power enables them to take the output of entire factories. ' It benefits you directly in that it brings down the cost of all mer. ch&nclising purchased in Hallmark Stores — Silverware, Jewelry, Watches, Precious Stones, Novelties, etc. This Co-ope:rative plan applies to the entire Hallmark Line — a plan that means a saving to you — savings that place px^hibited luxuries within your reach. We want you to get acqus^nted with Hallmark Idea — to know that all Hallmark stores* are striving to give their customers re liable, courteous service along with Hallmar'k Values. •*1 H CA H X ► H r > w -i FRANK D. CLEMENT, The Hallmark Jeweler. GIFTS THAT LAST 6«Mfi How Your DO YOUR EYES ACHE, BURN OR STING? DO THE LETTERS BLURR WHEN READING? DO YOU SUFFER FROM HEADACHE? PROPERLY FITTED GLASSES WILL GIVE YOU RELIEF. SAVE your EYES-CONSULT: Dr. S. ROBINSON ASHEVILLE’S WELL - KNOWN EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. At Davis-Walker Drug Co. ■ BREVARD, N. C. . ' WEDMESDAr, WVEMBEK 17th (One Day Only) Not: — When You Visit Asheville, Lo^dc For The Sign. 78 Patton Aveiuie Below Tlie Poitdffice "\ ■V