t(>f ■ ■..■?.'S^: • t .- 1# \ aitcf f)T0 Ttav^iingPiiMc ;—■=. tr^. r *.I Li. 1 • r - '- .1. .^ .. • . ., Bad di^ vm» m buaineas visitor to AshtrlOji Friday. llias Dmisy BnrlingsAie leaves for East Flat B^k soon. Mrs. CSias. B. Deaver will iSe the leader oh Citiaenship. Leo L. Kllelson of Rqf|man spent last week end in Asheville. Mr. Will Gash and Miss Mariraret returned tb New York on Wednesday. ^rs. G. C. Kilpatrick was a Bre- vi(^ visitor ^ Asheville Wednesday. Mrs. B. P. Kilpatrick and Maude Kilpatrick spent Wednesday in Ashe ville. C. R. Sharp of Greenvilte, S. C., spent the week end with his family at Selica. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sheldon of Ros- man spent, several days in Asheville last week. The Mathatasian Club will meet with.Mrs. J. R. Boone on Thursday at 3:00 o'clock. Miss Helen Townsend has returned to her home jn Brevard after several days visit here. Mrs. Robert Whitmire of Green ville. S. C., is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Glenn. C. B. GLAZENER’S BIG SALE IS STILL GOING ON. WATCH FOR LARGE ADD NEXT WEEK. Dr. Hunt has moved for the winter into his first cottage on the lawn, the same as last winter.* Mrs. C. E. Ellenburg of Liberty, S. C., has accepted the Principalship of the Seliea School Mr, and Mrs*»Branch Tinsley and sons Joe and Van, spent the week end in Hendei^sonville. % Miss Grace Piercy of Day Book, N. C., has returned to Brevard after an absence of six months. Oyster supptfr at Penrose School House, Saturday, November 20, 1920 at 8 P. M., for benefit of church. Miss Annie Gash left on Wednes day ff*r Asheville to attend the an nual national meeting ^of the U. D. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Coleman of Pis- ga1i Forest, N. C.-, have left for Doll ing Park, Florida, where they will spend the winter. Miss Nathalie Dolter^ left last Thursday for a few months stay in Charlotte after spending the summer at her home in Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Colburn left Friday for Dowling Park, Fla., where they will spend the winter with their daughter, Mrs. F. M. Frost. Miss Vassey, the trained nurse, who has been a guest for sometime at the Bryant left on last Thursday for her home in Spartanbujrg, S. C. Mrs. Wm. Henry Parker and d^ugh ter, who have spent the summer in Brevard at their new cottage. Oak I^odge, left last week for Charleston. S. C. ’ Miss Piercy has the sympathy of her many Iriends because of the re cent death of her sister, Mrs. Char les Parnell and her little nephew Charles J. Parnell, Jr. Mrs. Perry Moore has sold her farm in Littleriver to Smith, Osborne and Howell of Haywood County. They expect to move in at once and turn the farm into a Stock Farm. Misses itfargaret and Annie Gash and Mr. Will Gash motored thru from New York last week to attend the golden anniversary of their parents which took place on Monday. Chas. B. Deaver, attorney, has re turned to Asheville after having spent ’ast week there attending Federal Court. Mr. Deaver was called back on Monday to defend other clients this week. The supper given election night by St. Philips Guild was quite a suc cess. The Guild gave Mrs. Doyle and Mrs. Deaver, a vote of thanks for their splendid work in getting up the supper and decorating buildings. Rev. John R. Hay left on Monday for Morristown, Tenn., where he will his brother, Pev. S. H. Hay. The. both go to Middlesbo/ro, Ky., as delegates to the Appalachian Syjiod which medts there this week. Mt. Ralph Osborne spent the week end v/ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Osborne, returning to Mars Hill College, Monday, where he is a stud ent. Ralph is making good in his studies and is one of Mars Hill *Tar* foot ball players. jy i'['wfey -J) ; / James condSt.» FierceBattle with Grim Specto'e Brought ( ' ■! V. A AT SEV“ we:. LOCAL DRUG STORES BUY BIG QUANTITIES OF WONDERFOJU' REMEDYv Large Purcha^j** of The Reece mvla R # 11 Are Made to Meet the Big Demaiid for 0reat Toaic and' Body - Buildor. ' The S. lA. MacFie Drug Company, „ , together with all the other leading stomach, liver and kidney troubles. - pharmacies of this city and section. After months of heatt - breaking have purchased larg^ quantities of - [ T1 to V. Reese and a iii3f ;zge of Hope to Mil lions of Sufferers endeavor to discover -a remedy for —' - FOUR HE .. 3 i- cd : Y POUNDS MORE THAN AT FIFTY | failures and with his condition grow of 426 NtnUi , Ohio, an. «ni9)loy^ of ih^ ^n{f her case, Mrs. Blair ^They are exeell^t drugs. But~ unless jttst the nght dnea^ are used in just the right combination and qiiantites. the best results cannot be obti|ined. It took years of effort and study with Dr; Reese's own life at ^ake to perfect The Reese Formula R - 11. it ^nds*today in a class by itself." lii'ere 'are thousands today who have suffered for years and who ncm owe their health to this wonderful remedy. Get a bottle today and be convin ced of ite merits. If there is any special information you desire concerning your own case write the Medical Adviser, Medical Department, The Reese Foraula Com- 'pany, Huntington, *W. Va. UNION LABOR LEADER SAYS NONE COULD BE DISAPPOINTED IN R-11 Secretary of Central Laor Union De clares He was Benefit!^ More by The Reese Formula R - 11 Than by All Other Medicines and Says " Sufferers Need Never Experiment When This " Wonderful Remedy Can Be Had.^ Sufferers -of stomach, liver and kid ney trouble “will never have to ex periment if The Reese Formula R-11 can be procured/' says W. F. Dod son, corresponding and recording secretary of the Lynchburg Cdntral Labor Union. * Mr. Dodson says: “No one caA be disappoiiy;ed in this wonderful renvedy. which I am ab solutely sure I am right in recommend ing to anyone and everyone.’’ This labor leader continues: “I had stomach and liver troubles for a number of yeara and took many kinds of remedies, which, it seemed, did me very little, if any good. I ■had no appetite, and nothing that I ate seemed to agree with me. I jHist about decided to let the medi-« cines go and tough it‘ out when I saw an advertisement of The Reese For mula R-11. -I gave this very little notice, however, as I had tried so many remedies that had only disap pointed ine. One day/ while I was talking with Mr. R. M. McGhee, who works in the shops with me, I asked him how he felt, for I knew he had been sick with a very serious stomach trouble. He told me he was a great delil better; that he was ^^king a medicine that did him more good th^w anything he had ever taken. This remedy, he said^ was The Reese For mula R-11, which he bought at the Union Crafts Cooperative Store. Knowing Mr. McGhee to be a conser vative man and on the streng^th of his recommendation. I decided to get a bottle of R - 11, which I did that even ing. I can state positively and truth fully that I received more real benefit from this remedy in one week than I ever got from all medicines I had tried. My appetite improved, in digestion disappeared, and I felt bet- tei* generally than I had in months. I am very thankful I found out about this splendid remedy for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, and ieel that no one wiU,have to experiment any more if The Reese Formula R - II can be procured. I would qual ify this only to^^ay that I think any one that has.had these t^’onbles for any length of time shbuld take two or three bottles of R^- 11 and I feel sure they will not be disappointed.” . Anyone Fuffering from the after effects of “Flue” and pnemonia, indi gestion, nervousness, sleeplesness, lumbago, backache,- female weakness, urinary, bladder, stomach, cliver and kidney troubles, will do well to get a bottle of this wonderful. remedy today, or write the Medical Adviser, Medical Department, The Reese For mula Company, Huntington, W. Va-, for advice concen^g your own par ticular ease. W. P. Whitmire of Hendersonville was in town this week. Dr. Hobbs of Philadelphia, Pa., is visiting Dr. Thos. J. Summey. Henry King of Hendersonville was in town this week. Thomas Tea^e of Georgetown, S. C., is visiting hiS"'family on Depot St. Edwin Ross of Selica was in town Tuesday. River, 39; Rosman 101 1523. Ralph R. Fisher: ' Boyd, 154; Brevard, 435; Cedar Mt., Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Southern of j 63^ C^heysjCreek, 13^; Dunns Rock, Cherryfield were in town Tuesday. THE OFFICIAL COUNTY BALLOT | 3; Catheys Creek, 128; Dunns Rock, — 174; East Fork, 83; Eastatoe, 72; FOR. REPRESENTATIVE: ' Gloucester, 25; Hogback, 1«1; Little Eugene Allison- | River, 37; Rosman, 103; total, 1,565 Boyd 85- Brevard 754- Cedar Mt i ^LYS MERRELL: f Catheys Creek 1^6; Brevard, 4^6; Cedar Mt., 74- East Foi 81- Ea^^^^^ ' Catheys Creek, 128; Dunns Rock, Gloucester 91-Hogb^^^ 9; Eastatoe, 180; Gloucester, .1, nogD^ck, l/4 Little , gl3; Hogack, 134; Little River, 159; Rosman. 77; total, 1,658. SALT Merrell’s majority is 93. Roland Whitmire of Asheville was in town Tuesday. Mrs.‘J. S. Silversteen spent Wed nesday in Asheville. W. E. Breese is in Asheville on professional business. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Teague of Ashe ville spent Sunday in Brevard. FOR COMMISSIONERS: 113; East Fork, 9; Eastatoe, 183; ' c. K. Osborne: Gloucester, 215; Hagback, 139; Little Boyd, 86; Brevard, 776; Cedar Mt„ River. 157; Rosman, 75; total of 1673 Fisher’s majority is 150. Gloucester, 26; Hogback, 181; Lit River, 39; Rosman, 104 f total, 1,5 3; Catheys Creek, 120; Dunns Rock, 74; East Fork, 83; l^statoe, 76; Little 568. C. F. Woodfin Boyd, 88; Brevard, 765; Cedar Mt., 3; Catheys Creek, 119; Dunns Rock, 74; East Fork, 93; Eastatoe, 76; Gloucester, 25; Hogback, 176; Little Mrs. C. M. Doyle spent, some time at Tryon last week returning to her home in Br^ard on Sunday. Rev. J. C. Seagle and family are stopping Vith Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Ward for the winter. Mrs. Lang, who has been a quest of Mrs. E. H.. Nomood for some weeks, returned to her home in St. Peters burg, Flh., on Saturday. W. P. Whitmire and Henry M. King of Hendersonville spent Tuesday in Brevard. Mrs. W. K. Osborne returned on' Monday from a visit to relatives in Gaffney and Spartanburg, S. C. Mrs. W. W. Crousehom and small daughter of Pisgah Forest, spent Tuesday in Asheville. ^ ' Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Shipman spent the week end with friends in Ashe ville. Mrs. Ida Bryant and daughter of Sylva, spient the week end with the C. B. GLAZENER’S BIG SALE ' Misses Shipman at their home here. Mrs. C. B. Osborne and children left on Tuesday for Greenville where they will mal^ their future home. Mr. and Mrs. T S Teague left on Thui^ay for Georgetown, S C., where they will spend the winter. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS: E. H. Duckworth: Boyd, 88; Brevard, 782; Cedar Mt., 3; Catheys Creek, 126: Dunns Rock, 74; East Fork, 83; Eiastatoe, 74; ^-loucestr. 21; Hogback, 157; Little | River, 39; Rosman, 100; total of 1,547 v ^ ’ n’ C. B. GLAZENER’S BIG SALE , Roland Owen: | ^ n ^ itr* Boyd, 157; Brevard. 418: Cedar Mt., I 63; Catheys Creek, 128; bunns Rock, | ?4.^East fS 8^ 7^- 113; East Fork, 9; Eastatoe, 177; ! i Gloucester, 216; Hogback, 156; Little ! SJ®*® |q . 5 ! River, 156; Rosman. 75; toal of ' 1668. Owen’s mapority is 121. IS STILL GOING ON. WATCH FOR LARGE ADD NEXT WEEK. There is not a product upon the face of thi earth jthat,is so valuable to the human family as salt. It is noted for its preserving qualities. * As a seasoning, properly used, it adds, to the flavor of most all things that we eat. It is the cheapest cammodity known to the human family when we considcfr its value. Fresh meats are preserved by it and made palatable for a long season. If salt has lost its savor, we are told, it is good for nothing but to be cast out and trod den under foot of man, even then it makes an excellent walk - way. Salt is obtained from the earth or by evaporation of sea wateri We often read orthe briny deep sea, but just where it gets tiie salt we are not able to tell. NOTICE OF LAND SALE UNDER EXECUTION. Town of Brevard, N. C. vs. P. S.'King, et al By virtue of an execution directed the marshall of Town of Brevard, by the Secretary of the Board of Al dermen of the Town of Brevard, N. C., the undersigned Marshall of the Town of Brevard, N. C., will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House Door in the Town' of Brevard, N. C., on Monday, Dec. 6th, 1920, at 12 o’clock, M., all the fol lowing described lots of land, situ ated in the Town of Brevard, N. C,, on Main Street and North Caldwell Street and Depot Sti:eet, bounded as follows: FIRST LOT: Begrinning on a stake on north margin of Main Street, 41- 1-4 feet from margin of North Alley, While salt contains excellent pre- and runs with north margin of Main Street, N. 64 degrees W. 41 1-4 feet to a stake; then K. 26^egrees E. 132 FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR T. B. Reid: Boyd, 86; Brevard, 770; Cedar Mt., 3; Cathey’s Creek. 126; Dunns Rock. R. N. Hawkins: ' I Boyd. 155; Brevard, 418; Cedar Mt., I 63; Catheys Creek, 130l; Dunns Rock, j 113; East Fork, Eastatoe, 175; 1 Gloucester, 213; Hogback, 131; Little ! River, 158; Rosman, 74; total, 1,639. J Hiawkins mapority is 55. 74; East Fork, 83; Eastatoe, 78; ; L. R. Scruggs: Gloucester, 27; Hogb^ick, 178; Little River, 38; Rosman, 105; total 1,568. Dellie Grimshaw: Boyd. 156; Brevard. 431; Cedar Mt., 63; Catheys Creek. l28: Dunns Rock, 113; East Fork. 9; "Eastatoe, 174; Gloucester, 210; Hogback. 132; Little River, 157; Rosman. 74: to+al j Boyd' 154;:^revard, 422; Cedar Mt., 1 IZyf ^ A 19 a y* a T> . _ 1_ Boyd, 154; Brevard, 438; Cedar Mt., 63; Catheys Creek, 136; Dunns Rtfck, 113; East Fork, 9; Eastatoe, 175; Gloucester, 209; Hogack, 123; l^ittle River, 156; Rosmany^75; total, 1,651 Scrugg's majority is 67. J. Coleman 01ven: 1 fZA IS STILL GOING ON. WATCH FOR LARGE ADD NEXT WEEK. Mrs. J. M. Allison, Mrs. T. H. Shipman and Mrs D G Ward were a- mong the Brevard"piople in Asheville We^esday. Miss Annie Jean Gash retu^ed last week from an extended visit to New York. Her. brother, Mr. Wm. Gash, who accompanied her home, re turned to New York on Tuesday. Rev. J, R. Hay and Mr. A. B Riley of the Presbyterian Church are attend ing the meeting of the Synod of A^ palachia at Middlesboro; Ky., this week. Mrs. J. W. Smith, Mrs. O. T, Crary and Miss Annie Jean Giwh as dele- Wm. Gash, of New York* City, i? visiting his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Gash at Davidson River. / Miss Mabel and Nellie Miller spent several days in Asheville last week with their uncle, T. E. Davis. T. W. Whitmire of .^heville was an AsheviUe visitor to Brevard this week. Rev. H. L. Powell and family left on Saturday for their new home .near gates from the local chapter, are at- AsheviUe. Mr. and Mrs. Powell ' tending the general convention of made muiy friends ia Brevard dnr« the U. D. C. being .held in Ai^eville iing -the past* y«^ who reglret very this uMl to see. leave. 1647. Grimshaw’s majority is 79. FOR CORONER: W. E. LYDAY: Boyd, 88; Bi'evard, 777; Cedar Mt., 3; Catheys Creek. 124; Dunns Rock, 74; East Fork, 83; Eastatoe, 78; Gloucester. 25; Hogback, 178; Little River, 53; Rosman, 102; total 1,585; E. L. English: Boyd. 152; Brevard, 424: Cedar Mt., 63; Catheys Creek. 132; Dunns Rock,. 113; East.Fork, 9; .Eastatoe, 173; Gloucester, 213; Hogback, 132; Little River, 142; Rosman. 74; total 1,627. English's majority is 42. FORSHERIF: . . E. J. Whitmire; Boyd, 84; Brevard, 753; Cedar Mt., 3;.Catheys Creek, 126;, Dunns Rock, 74;^astFesk, 83; Eastatoe, 64; Gloijcester, 25; Hogback, 182; Little River,. 41; Rosman^ 72; total, l,50t; W. E. Shipman: Boyd, 157; Brevard, 441; Cedar Mt., 63; Catheys Creek. 1^6; Dunna Rorck, 113; East Fork. ^9; Eastatoe, 190; Gloucester, 212; Hogback, 132; Little River, 162; Rosman. 104; total, 1,699 Shipman's majority is , 192. FOR COUNTY TREASURER: Z. W. Nichols: Boyd, 88; Brevard, 771; Cedar Mfe, 63 ; Catheys Creek, 127; Dunns Rock, 113; East Fork. 9; Eastatoe, 174; Gloucester, 210; Hogback, 130;iLittle Riv^, 154; Rosman, 70; total, 1,626. Owen’s majority is 42. . MRS. T. H. HAMPTON CAST FIRST VOTE. Mrs. T. H. Hampton informed the News that we \^ere mistakei^ in re gard to the first female vote cast in Brevard. The News is pleased to make~the correction and glad to piiblish that Mrs. Hampton cast the first vote hi Brevard. ^ serving qualities it also contains, the elements of destruction. If placed lavishly £*round the roots of a tree it is sure - death to the tree. If you wish to. get rid of a running vine, or any other form of vegetable pests about, your premises just apply salt freely and you Will "succeed, but re member that nothing else will grow where salt is thus used for a season or two. / To gargle the throat with a strong solution of salt water is an excellent f.-emedy for sote throat. To bathe the feet in strong and warm saltwater gives then) a toughness that is very gratifying and soothing to those af flicted with tender feet. There are many things eatible and drinkable that with the application / .J feet to stake; then S. degrees E. 41 1-4 feet to a stake; then S. 26 de grees Wvl32 feet to beginning. Be ing the lot on which the King store building is located. Amount charg ed against the above lot $d8.00‘ and interest; SECOND LOT: Ljring on sde of Nor^h Caldwell Street, anVNorth sde of Probarte avenue: Beginnin? at the intersection of eat inarfirin of North Caldwell Street wit;i ‘North margin of Probart Aveni»v\ and nms with noijth marjin of Probart t;ven- ue, N. 64 d'j^rees W. .’0 ft-ef ?rtic* or less to Uie 7ownsend I:ne; -hea with same N. 26 d^?r.;es K, j'iS fctt to a stake; then S. 64 degrees E. 42*ft. a stake on of salt would render them unpalatable*! more dr less to a stake No man would want salt in his coffee, ! ^est. Margin of North Caldwell and ordin^ly Mono wants salt with I ^ ^ appl^ or*t>eaches, yet it is a very . V 1 , 7^ . necessary household article. pn^of same, 200 feet to t^ begm- IV^ost eveiything we have to do with ,ning. This being the lot on which is impregnated with salt to some de- ^e P. S. Kng residence is locate. aganst this lot' SAPPHIRE NEWS: The amount charged is 1300.00. THi^J'' LOT: L.ving r:> utst side of Nori.7 *>'*lw«*;l *’,r !i t 'tnd on soutl side of Depot Street: Beginning a stake at the . intersection of South margin of Depot street'with West» margin of North Caldwell Street, and runs with South margin of Ifepot Street^’ 128 feet to a stake at the Townfend comer; ^ then with tiie Townsend Une. S. 26 degrees West 230 feet to a sUke, comer of the sa- cond lot above described; tlmi wtth line of same, S. $4 degrees E. 42 feet Miss Cora Miller and ^r. Chriss Firmer were married l^turday even ing’ rom ttf Mr, and Mra. B. W. Teag> ue a daughter. < Mr. Louey MRler made'a business trip to our city Thursday. Sttireral families havec left^lus.ci^ to spend the winter in FloMda. Those who have eone are, the Refds, No%: ^ns and Owens. A live mercfiaM adveitiaes^ don’t IHS t eor^. \ gree, though sometimes in so small quantities that a special analysis would» be necessary ^ to de tect it. We have stilt in bur selves- And many of us need much more than wfi have. We have heard of people beiitg too fresh. That simply means rihat they are not possessed of the •good common sense it is their pri-» j vilege to Jiave. They are fresh be- ' cause thev do not care to be other wise, “Have Salt in yourselves*'. The salt of Shuman kindness is not ,'at all expiensive and it preserves from selfishness and adds to the com fort arid welfare of our fellow crea- more or len'tift a stake on WesI turres. ^ gin of North CalilNrell Street; 4na&. Salt , water is more%bouyant tiian with.'aaiBb N. 40 dMrrees 219 lipet fresh water. It is much easier to to begihnxag. The amount «iiar> swim in briny water than in fritoh ged agaii^ this lot. is $300.00. water. It looks as if fish caught in { Sale made^to satKs^ sndd;exejrati ing any product. Salt wates^ .wiR. * ‘ ' not 4iaeft6h thirst. AH ships cainryi a sapidy bf Dresh water with themt; when i«. ;^^ge a^rosa. ^ ocean. Ofi(^ the iiMiFPly runs odt and \jthe^ (crew and i^ssengers alnvitdt IF BEft sugsc^iri^JiiM for fibriiding water. ’ - i \ ? r; ^