fiia^ IT ■« »• ’iii C ■) J' ' . S5,»- r, . - V '\. m ® As Edison’s Electric L%ht Outshines The Candle, So Edison’s AMBEROLA Phono^aph Outsings “Talki Jig Machines” complete list of ildison’s Inventions, that'have helped mani ind to live better and to bettefr enjoy living, reads like the Arabian Nights. Isn’t it easy to understand why the inventor of the phonograph can produce the world’s greatest phonograph i;«/Me,the Amberola? ■Isn’t it difficult to understand why anybody ever buys a talking machine, when they can own EPISON’S iJeW DI/IMOND AMBEROLA t n The World’s Createst Phonograph Value Are you familiar ^yith the shrillness and metallic sound of “talking machines'" and ordinary phonographs? Then come to our store and listen to the pure, musical tone of the Amberola! The^»differ ence is startling. Do you know the cost and bother of constantly chang ing* phonograph nee^es? Let us show you the permanent Diamond Point Reproducer of the Amberola that does away with needles! Have you seen how easily “talking machinerecords crack and break? Amberol Records can be accidently dropped without damage— they are practically unbreak able and everlasting! Would you like to own an Ambcrc!a, but feel you can-, not afFv^xd one? Let us prove to you that Edison’s wish' to bring music into every home makes it possible for you to possess an Amber ola almost on your own terms! Come in and talk it over with us. If you cannot come soon, write us—^today. s. M. MACFIE DRUG STORE ' ^ THE REXALL STORE Phone 5 ‘ Brevard, N. C. V (Uk Frtoi Lwt W«^) *^tn)bo. Thy I commit my spirit;* Pb. 31:5. *'Thew words pre often ^ote<L as w«re lor the hour of deith. y are fit words for any dying;' saint, and our Saviour uses them as His last words *on the cross. ^ Bjat here ^e. comnfittal is for life with its experiences. The words-imply com plete surrender. Committ yourself, body, soul and spirit, for time and for eternity, into the Hands *oi !Jesus Christ”. ■ *■ This committing of onesplf means the committing also of our affairs into the Hands of Christ. “Some people trust Christ as their Savour, but do not commit to Him the interests of their every day life. Yet life is commonly full of exper iences which no human wisdom can make clear. We cannot choose bur own ways. We cannot tell what will be the effect on ourselves one year, ten years, thirty years hence, of a certain decision or choice which we make to day. The only,safe thing to do is to put all this into the Hands of One who is wiser than we are’'. “A pastor was sitting .at a little child’s bedside with the anxious par ents. It seemed jfhat the child could not live. They were about to pray, and the pastor said to the parents; “What shall we ask God to do for your child?” He had been speaking of God’s love and wisdom, telling them that their Heavenly Father makes no mistakes, thrit whatever He does will be ri«?ht; that He knows what is best for the child and for them ^o when he said, “What shall 'we ask God to do?”- there was silence for a Tnoment; then the father answered with Jsobs. “We dare not choose-leave it to Him”. He could not have said a wiser, safer thing. No human par- e»it can tell what is best f^^r his child, whether to stay in this world and meet the battles, temntatdons, dangers, trials or to be lifted over into the heavenly life where there shall be no trial,#no temptation no perils. It would be wise, if we would trust God in the same way. with all our qflfiS’rs never asking too earnestly, too importunately, certainly never irsubmissively, but leavinc to God what He knows to be best.” .A PRAYER: Our Saviour, into Thy loving Hands we commit ourselves, body, soul and spirit, for time and for eternity, all wt are. all we have, and all we do. Into Thy Hands we commit our loved ones and oijr friends, knowing, that Thou wilt do for them more than we can ask or think. We cannot choose our own way. or theirs. We cannot tell what the ef fect on our lives, ye^irs hence, of the decision or choice which we make to day. Aye, we know rol- what a dav may bring forth. But Thou knowest. Thv love and Wisdom mSke no mis takes. Whatever Thou doest v/ill be right, for Thou knowest what is best for our des'r ones and for us. ' Why should we doubt or fear? Thy Hand will never cause Thv child ren. a needless tear, and whether our lives be pleasing or painful, dark or bright, all will be weir with us and them. So we commit our all to Thy care and keeping, to do as best may seem to Thee, for Thy pierced Hands, are now our gujfrd and guide, and we can trust and be at rest knowing that all is well to day and forever.” “Amen” • C. D. C. -Wr* COMTMdTOH: . 'FACTSi - Gti** /FwMltjr Fiv* iili» • Kmw Maa fi Taniac* NOTICE OF SMMONS Statfe of North Carolina, ' County of Transylvania. In the Superior Court. Nettie Lyday Hancock, Plaintiff vs. ' ' Reece R. Hancock, Defendant^ The defendant above named will fake notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Transylvania Coun ty to Obtain an absolute divorce by said plaintiff from said defendant; , said defendant will further take lotice that he is required to api>ear \t the term of the Superior Court of id county to be held in the court -Jiouse in Brevard on the 29th day of iNoveml^r, A. D. 1920, and answer I demur to the complaint of this [said plaintiff will a^ply to the court for relief demanded in the com- N. A. MILLER, C. S.C. Salph Fither. Att^. for Plamtiff. 4t*10*8—10-29. ■ ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE: Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Pink Lyday, deceas- | ed, late of Transylvania County, N. I C., this is to notify all persons hav-’ ing claims against the estate of said | deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at the office of Ralph R. Fisher, attorney at law, in Brevard, on or before the;, 21st, day of Oct.' 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 21st day of October, 1920 Ralph R. Fisherj Attorney. • Juda Lyday, Admrx. of the estate of Pink Lyday, deceased. A live mcfdiant adveitit« don*t bd ft coriMe. Catarrh Caonot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is . a local disease, greatly In fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure It you must take an internal remedy. Hall’s Catarrh Medi cine Is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the systfiin. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians In this country for years. It Is com posed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best bloqd purifiers.' The perfect combination of ingredients in Hall'a Cataryh Medi cine is what produces such wonderAiI results ifi catarrhal conditions Send for testimonials, free. *’•■*4; CHENEY ft CO.. Props.. Toledo, O. All Druggists. 75c. BaU*s Family Pills for eonstlpatioii* NOTICE Positiv««ly no hunting; of any kind allowed on our farms. Signed. V. C. Moore, J. A. Forsythe, J. H. Tinsley; . -'i ' K O. .Shipman, F, p. Hunter. IT COSTS TOO MUCH TO BE SICK Keep Your Blood in Good Condition and You Throw Off Disease. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR HEALTH: No Need to Take Chances With It. Pepto - Mangan Makes Rich, Red Blood. When you first feel tired, all-gone feeling and look pale, your blood is losing in quality. Weak, impover ished blood has no power to fight dis ease. It takes red blood to keep you well. If ydu keep your blood in good condition it will fight off disease. You will not be such an easy prey to long and expensive sicknesses. With thin blood you take chances every day. There’s no need doing that. You can take Pepto - Mangan and build up rich, red blood. With red blood you are able to win in the fight a- gainst prevailing diseases. Try Pepto - Mangan. It comes in tab let or liquid form. Take either kind The tablet has the same medicinal value as the liquid. But be sure you get the genuine Pepto - Mangan. Ask for “Gude’s ” and be sure that the name. “Gude’s Pepto - Mangan”, is on the package. Adv. DIPHTHERIA TiEING CONQUER ED: In the October issue of the ^tate Board of Health's bulletin a success ful warfare against diphtheria is in dicated in a line of statistics begin ning with 1915. Then there were 525 deaths in esteh 100.000 popula tion. In 1916 the number was 418, in 1917 it was 308, 1918 the drop was to 252 and in 1919 to 242. A- vailable statistics for 1918, showihat there were 252 deaths in l,30d cas es and in 1919 there were 242 deaths in 3,519 cases, the fatality in the first being 18.47 and in the second 6.88. Thus there is a marked, a radical reduction in deaths. To anti toxin belong;^ the credit for this as sault on the citadels of disease. This antitoxin is furnished by the State Board of Health at 25e which is be low cost. Appropriations f|r6m the Legislature makes up the difference! The bulletin prints a letter from a woman who says her druggist chairg- ed her $12.00 for the antitoxin. The Board >does not rail at the druggist. It appeals to his moral sensibilities and asks him if he will cooperate in saving lives by selling this me'^icine at cost. ^ The family doctor can get the medicine, and he is asked' to do so as he should look after the finan cial intelrest of his patients as well ag the disease. When results are the same he should save lihem mon^y. “Tanlac has not only i^Bved me of mv five yaxa ot stomach troohle» but I have; gained twen -^e younds in weight besides/*’ said l^berfe Me Aloney, v/ell - ,known contractor, of 33 York Street, Halifax, N. S. “My stomach seemed to be lyiset all the time,” said Mr. McAloney, “and it would get as sour as vinegar. Nothipg tasted right or agreed with me ahd after forcing down a little «ome^ing at mealtime I would bloat up with gas so I would be miserable for hours. There would be sharp, cramping pains all through my sto mach and at times I could ^rdly get my breath. Many a night the gas bothered me so much that I walked home of siu^ Hi ncfS ^ iioiible. fHie «0iiftipal|Qnr $nd fagg^ out fjM^ atift. ^irttteIy*«one T up ,in th« dkornlngi ready for a. hearty breakfast and a good daya work. ^ I sii^v feel^ like a new man.' and r am glaid to let oth^ know what a fine m^dne xuilae is”., Tanlae is sold m Brevard Dy the Davis - Walker Drug Co., and*in D»? vidson River ^ J. j. Patton A Son» and in Lake T^xawa^ by C. R. Mc- Neely. . ■< . CANTREL — COLLINS: Mr. Lolyd Cantrell and Miss Olga Collins were i^ted in marriage at tUe brides parents at 2 the floor for weeks at a time and lost P. M., Sunday, November 7th, Rev. thirty pounds in weight. I was C. E. Puett. officiating. It was a habitually constipated and had a very beautiful wedding. Among thoke ^ P- Ui mornings l felt so tirea and no fl ^ i j account it was an effort to drag my- Petillo, .Arthuir, Dufne, Manola and self out of bed and I had suffered so Sydney Pitillo «f Fruitland, N. C., long without being able to get any and the Misses Case of East Flat better I had about reached the point Rock. N. C. Westingbouse Cozy Glow Stove Costs very little to operate. See me for all kinds of Westinghouse Electrical Supplies. L. C. LOFTIS Next to Post Oftice. Brevard, N. C. Watch the Label On Your Paper And if your time is about up fill in the blank below, accon panied by check or post office money order for renewal. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE One Year $1.50; Six^Months $1.G0; Three Months 50c; - Two Months 35c. “Brevard News,” Brevard, N. C.: Gentemen—Enclose find $1.50 in payment for subscription to “THE BREVARD NEWS.” Name R. F. D Date Town & State CLIP THIS AND MAIL IT TODAY. Prepare for Thanksgiving By Orderini^your Supplies From Tlie Town Market. We have just received a large shipment of DATES, SEEDED RAISINS, CURRENTS, MINCE MEAT, NUTS AND FRUIT, CRANBERRIES^ ETC. We Offer 3 lbs. Co€Fee of the Very Best Grade for $1. We have FISH and OYSTERS on FRIDAYS Frsh Vegetables On Hand Always. F. P. sli:dge. ■ I -’^1

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