EXPONENT SYLVANIA mm VOLUME XXVll HUGH R. WALKEAfiT IN THE FUTUEE YARD Prominent Druggist Paper U A H In an interview witih ative of the Brevard N Walker, manager of ttl Davis - Walker Drug waxed enthusiastic 0V of Brevard and Transyhrl Among other things, lieves it is only necess vania County to complel hard surfaced roads thrl County in order to ! other tourist resort tot ed out that ten years at our neighboring towns, larger than Brevard, butl are on the main line of I or have connections st their counties, they hav larger population and grow. Mr. Walker si fairly well known that till of Brevard had the largfl in 1920 of any in the his County and the Davis- Corapany, especially, net their business. Hugh belil slogan of "Something Ne Sun" and because the fol sylvania have uever beei supplied, at home, in Tn nity 'Kelts, and Abdoi ers, etc., he has put in When asked if he belil ti?ing, Mr. Walker whil his swivel chair and smile and very serious clamed that of all the in the State, he considc old home paper the re er" and that he did. just to support the would if for no otn because he really fc ceived great benefit advertising in the C said that in his opir who is so narrow ml really try to supponj did not have a biV a small sized pea. THRIFT WEEK TO JANUARl In order to insure operation here betwe C. A. and the Treasi in the observance of week. January 17 ttii 23 the Government Sa ization of this district i wth MISS WILLIE YOl secretary of the Y. W. South Atlantic Field, hs festive program to MIS JAMES OF BREVARI outlinging a method bj believed that Thrift weel both entertaining and Miss James who is chi finance committee of A. at the local college, sent a tentative outline! by Miss Mary G. Shot of the Educational Dh Government Savings of this district. These outlines empha of thrift in terms of til clothes, work and mom gest a number of intei it is said, by which Nl week at Brevard Colleg not only more attractil ing benefit to the B. I and to the student boj Such items as budjj home economics, systl wise spending and such as government sat standard securities, Another feature of said, is a method of deas now being wori District Savings Orgs Coy every college in oe kept informed of done by the other ii CARD OF THJ I wish to extend my to my many friends ness shown me, and who so willingly assl the illness and death I May God bless eacj one. Aiex. urogaTj The T. D. L. Clas Baptist Church met Hampton Tuesday, Clarence for Petersbi