he Aim U Frankn«ti| and Sincerity, EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY. VOLUME XXVI. BREVARD, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11th, 1921. Nc).S THIS, THAT AND THE OTHER (By Dr. C. W. Hunt) THE DEATH OF MRS. ELVIRA BISHOP Optimist: . “I did not gel my Bre-j — vard News today”. I The many friends of Mrs. Elvira Pessimist: “You did not miss much” Bishop will be r:rieved to learn of her Optimist: "Did you read the Bre- sad illness and death. On Friday, ANOTHER ERROR CORRECTED: NEWS FROM BAPTIST CHURCHES 4 • vard News”? January 14th, while getting- tip from Pessimist: “Yes, and it Aid not take the dinner table, Mrs. Bishop’s left long”. foot seemed to be paralized and she Optimist “Is there any thing new in was unable to move it; but fell upon the Brevard News”? ; the floor, breaking her thigh, before Pessimist: “No! Nothing as usual”. I anyone was able to reach her. She We have all heard the above state- just lacked one day living a week ments about the Brevard News now after the sad accident. One Jan. 20, and at all times. All papers are just at the close of day the death ang critized. All papers are open to visited th'j bedside of this good lady, improvement. The Brevard News is and called her home to rest; but she ■.10 exception, as far as its publisher was veady to go and wanted to go. and readers know. j At the time of her death, Mrs. Bish- Did you ever stop to think that in op was living with her son G. W. judging a news paper, or anything Bishop of Cedar Mt., N. G. She is ei t', we are ]>rone to look for parts the widow of W. P. Bishop, who died 1o criticize and ignore those parts four years ago next June, and was a desowiiig of praise? sister of J. S. Heath, who died about If the i^ubseribers could realize the two weeks before her death.. She is timi' and constant work entailed up- survived by five children, Mrs. Jane on the ])ublishor to get out each edi- Tones, and Elbert and George Bishop I (if tho paper, they would be nior of Cedar IMt., A. E. Bishop and R. api rc eiative and more cooperative. I.. Bisho]) of Oklahoma. Tilt' publisher spends his days cir- “Grandmother Bishop or Aunt < ulai ’ig amoii,.’; t the people for mat- Vira” as she was called by everybody r'a! f 'V hi.-: paper and the greater nia:iy frien(]s and rolative.s who 1 ;.rt o' his each and every will mourn her death. She was a IV.! ^ !n coippiiing the same, (viie Christian wonTr-Ln. havin.'r been a 'I'lu ^■ab^^hv'r confesses that the member of Ro-ky ni!] ("nurch for a- 1’’ var • News has not been anil is !>out sixty ver;y^. She having turn- r.i>t I'ow all that it should be, but he od into h'or '^‘>th year when death 1'' vetemiint.-d that by the help and claimed her. c i.c'H rat'ion i.ht people it shall Mr. J. M. Hamlin, Brevard, N. C., 304 Rev. C. E. Puett, unable to fill his Rhett Street, Greenville, S. C. pulpit Sunday morning,-is much im- Dear Sir; — proved. I read your memories of Mary High The ladies of the Baptist Church tower Duckworth. I have some data Brevard, gave a very interesting and that might interest you and posibly helpful program Sunday night to a others of the older people of Transyl full church. Each one showed pat- vania County. Eppaphrodtus High ient preparation and practice, tower was born 29 April, 1774, in They are to be congratulated upon the upper part of Greenville County, such a good service to foreign mis- S. C., marrisd Lucy Tenney, who v/as sions. At the close a collection was born 3rd May, 1773. He departed taken for the starving people of the this life Nov. 19th, 1853. Lucy de- East amounting to |45.25, which was parted this life on August 20th, 1863 forwarded to J. F. Love, Richmond, They moved to N. C. settled at the Va. If any of the Baptist Churches old Hightower place on Little River, in the County wish to contribute to He v/as clerk and deacon of the Bap- the suffering in China or the near tist Church at Little River, a member East, arrangements have been made of the Legislature and a Justice of for your money to go direct to the the Peace. : place desired and with the least pos- John Joseph Gedding Hightower sible delay, through Secretary of Vv-as born October 14th, 1812. Was Foreign Missions, J. F. Love, Rieh- one other ^'bn and five daughters. I mond, Va. have the old Pible. — J. E. Morrell. | Rev. S. B. McCall has bonri called ! to the pastorate of Gladys Branch n b.-a. .(f j)U . till - ilU' ‘ for this county ■’a-re.'-t countv in Tlu‘ r<Mnains wa.' carried to the Rocky Kill Baptist Church where Rev. S. E. -Mc('all cor.(hii,'U‘ii the fun-eral \' h ('itixfi’ship unsur- ir ihe Stiit^'. ill io !i-. lp and im- sPrvicos. t From thorc tli; nallbearors I am glad to acknowledge tho re- Church, ccipt of the acconipanying letter, first Membf^rs of tho Cars H it como.s in as the result of incidental report inspiring service^ or unintentional advertising and will church Sunday. The.' sa be fielp-C il t(' the New's publisher in a growing interest his contention? that it pays to ddver- ministry of the pastor 'v^ tise. S:' ! It’s self evident. If the close of the servic ' . you h:,ve w.ire^ to dispose of or want ing five new members \ . infonr.at:i-.r. just put it in the Bre- by letter, var-'' v 'T reaches out into un- Rev. Isaac Hendtrsc^ r^ thou;:hr cor’.-:ers b(>yond its supposed did fifth Sunday mett ; territorial limits and can’t help but Grove Church. Says Br do ihe un:'xpected. ' In the second delivered two great cuu^", T)!ac6 it stimulates the writer in his dresses. Two yount^ la quest of lost names. ; ers: Miss Manley. U-. ;uht The writer stands corrected by Mr. A. J. Maniey, an<i . h'lrch 'ir OUR RALEIGH LETTER: I Raleigh, N. C., February 7 — The progressive program for future state bvxilding, outlined by Governor Mor rison ill his inaugural address and later before a joint-session of the joint-session of the General Assem bly, was given three distinct boosts during the past week and the indica tions now are that the major portion of his recommendations will find their way to the statute books of the State before the Legislature adjourns First, came Mrs. George W. Van derbilt on Wed. with an inter esting and highly appropriate ad dress before the joint-Assembly, in which she said: “Our distinguished governor has a splendid and far - reaching Jtogram for road construc tion, and I am sure most of us hear tily endorse his plan, and wish to see it carried through. It means, as we ail know, the opening up of many regions at present difficult of access and consequently undeveloped; and in connecting county seat.*; with hard .^urfacod roads we will be able to •'r.r.C'Ct our industries, fai’m products •;i ,; commodities with outside mar- .. thus bringing comfort on an . roved scale of living to the people THE BREVARD CLUB: • The Brevard Club is an organiza tion of the most progressive men of our city for the purpose of further ing the economic, business and social life of our town. It occupies a suite of rooms on the third floor of the Aud itorium Building which include, pool room, reading* room, parlor and din ing room. The reading room is furnished with a great quantity and variety of ma^> azines and the leading newspapers. There is absolutely no gambling allowed in the club and no lockers are permitted. The writer has been about the club rooms at all hours and has never seen any conduct or heard any word that would bring the blush of shame to the inmates of any of the best homes in our city. The men v*'ho compose this club <Io not call thetnselves a betterment association, yet they are one and all working for the betterment and pros perity of Brevard and Transylvania County. They may not all be church members, yet they love their fellow men and are working for the good of the community. When any project comes up w'hich the majority of the members decide rf"note and hitherto neglected for the advancement of the town .:a.;it:es. Thursday Secretary of the uvy Daniois s]''o've to the senators r- i-resentatives -n the hall of the H use and -igairst tho suggestion, of ■;ve.nor Morri^'on came in for a and community’s best interests, the Brevard Club is always ready to go to thi limit of her treasury and make up any deficits by private subscrip tion, to push the good work along. The Brevard Club assisted mater- V.i r, 1.' 'tl 'iTmUX to t: ■ a'ld r ,:z;ressiveness v:-?" 1 it we rrc 'udirea li.'. ;hc outside world. our ]Hibli.~hi r can only do his r.-n-t. which is mosth- that of compil- grandsons. Selnor. Emmerson Osborne who informs him that daughter of Rev. F. M. :uv’ H-nv'-n Tones, llnrilm, Wilkie, Young referred tA as “John These papers sho'.v, ;ind. Poyc .'bishop, came ! her to the Youn.c” in last v.'eek’s issue should benefits received ann (.e’v.- ery ".here she was quietly laid ]-,ave becii Elliah Young. This ad- building v.'oi’k done in to beside 'ler Irasband. v\'ilie’s right to raid her husbands poci-again has been legally estab- ing nnd printing, getting all sides of lishcd. Now will the judge make all f;uestior.s, giving thorough study profiteers leave some loose change to the opinions of all the citizens th.'re for her? and endca’. orin'4 to be helpful in all What makes us all feel such a v.ays. in every thing, .both to the hatred of hypocrisy is that people and the met chants, his adver- pome taint of it in us. liscrs. It is for the people to make the paper what they wish and what familv. it should be. Give your publisher your ideas. To It is the Peo'ple s Paper and if publish the good ideas and good works it fails in any way it is the privilege every citizen in the county will and duty of the people to make it ]^g]p every other citizen and will lead vbat it should be. closer and happier social life, de- It -the paper does not suit you, if velopment and prosperity, then by it needs more and better items of citizens your paper news pitch in and tnake it to your more interesting and more notion. It’s columns are open to all valuable. progr«‘ssive citizens and they are al- Speaking of prosperity, we can be w;;y^ invited to give the paper their -^vell satisfied with the past and pre- in- 'uable cooperation. The publisher ^ent busin vh-. s may not be jours; but he will county. And W’e can rest as- not hesitate to i ; ;l you so and natur- ^nved that increased efforts on our a; . expects you to do the same. pj^j,j- certainly bring increased See that every item of news reach- prosperity, < s your paper. Take a pride and in- The readjustment of business fol- terest in it. Boom and keep it boom- lowing the recent depression has not : "VS -S .ast ar>. Broiher ditional information about Mr. ational schools. Mrs tj- Young’s odd.ities wns h-'^.med. He tended Meredith ColK " made apparently a business call upon Manley Fruitland Instituu one of his neighbors. He found the Rev. Mr. Dupre, of ( nn. good, lady of ‘-he home surrounded by made a fine impression a: her children. He signaled her out Creek and ^t. Moriah chur( of their presence whiqh impressed Sunday. Some of the bn ' ■ her that he had some business pro- almost in a calling notion, position to siibmit. She immediately Pipes, of Mars Hill, will preach for withdrew an>} when all ears w'ere clos- these churches next Sunday. The ed but theirs, he said: “It really is Lord lead them to the right man. none of my business but I want to say This is by far the rtrongest field in The possibilities noed- disclosure he bid her adieu. ^ ed to develop this field. This writer does not remember see to^ you ’Capt. Deaver’s whole corn- this association, crop is too thick by half”, with this are great and a strong man fug l\Ir. Y’oung but once and that was OWEN — NICHOLSON . r-e measure of commendation. In bringing the various camps c 'urse of liii address Secretary "here; and in locating the Transylvan- sa il- "(iove.'nor Morrison, Tanning Co, at this place; their .^’.ite ones you a great debt for funds have helped build roads, and :■ ur vision in the n:agnincient inaug- advertise the advantages of this sec- ’jrai address you made an.i your re- ^^on. During the “flu” epidemic the . message to the Ge’^eral Assem- advanced money for doctors and 4>!T. No part of it means more to ^u^ses, and is a staunch supporter of t!‘eciive government than to give re- Cross Work. ■ '.sibility to the chief maeistrate Every right thinking citizen of . f the commonwealth. The Gover- Brevard and l!ransylvania County nor of North Caroliiui ’s entitled to should be a member of Brevard Club, a eabinet of his own cnoosing, who The mayor of the town should cer- will share his view« and be responsi- tainly belong, the ministers should bie to him so as to secure the f.allest also be there. The time has gone by c-.op(‘ration in every state activity, ^vhcn the cleric must be a recluse. We are too progressive to stay in ‘hv: mud. North Carolina people are tired of riding in the mud. They are willing to pay fair taxation and to assume fair burdens for good roads. I believe iji being practical arid until we all become angels, which will not be long, and begin to fly, we on the road-side. He was in com- ■ pany v/ith his father who could not A very quiet wedding which will should have roads that will transport the ■’)roducts of this State to market The most successfyi preachers of jday are good mixers. Ministers of Brevard come and "oin us. We need your presence at our meetings, your advice and sympathy in our various problems, we need your good word for our club. The Brevard Club is the only pl?ce in town where a man may enjoy good reading, find a quiet place to v rite a letter, bring a friend to meet .he business men of our city, or play a game of pool. The free will be helping to do the town and community good. — E. H. N. Secretary Colby is recommending several changes in the State depart- Th( pass without a sh9rt talk. The boy come as surprise to their many V - toU' 'hnf 1 J? without the wheels being so clogged remembcTo nothmg of their talk but was solcmized au ths home of , . , „ K,, Vic ■Po+v.Q-.-o •-a with mud that the tax upon industry a statement made by his fathers re- ^ ^ Galloway Sunday ,,, , . , ^ lative to ditching he had done on his o ’ i w p M greater than the tax upon jg given to our sum- ess prosperity of our town fj^^d not given satisfaction. ’ building good roads. ^ isitors upon request of a mem- Mr. Young explained that doubtless when Miss Estella Owen became the the week, for bgr, and many of them avail themsel- it had been done by “greenhorns”, bride of Cleve Nicholson. A. E. Gal- the Governor’s program, developed ^es of this privilege. The idea seemed to be accepted^by loway ofilciating. Miss Owen is the in the road hearing on Friday after- Brevard who are not mem- father, but it was puzzling to his attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. noon attended by hundreds of high- bers let me urge you to come with us boy. To him the idea of ditching Luther Owen of Jackson County. Mr. way enthusiasts from the mountains with horns was unheard of and be- Nicholson is the son of J. M. Nichol- to the sea. Thie Morrison program in<i'. and it will boom you and your been so acutely felt by our people as gj(qes Ji^d never seen any green son of Sapphire. Both the young was not specifically mentioned, but County. Send in your nev;s; but re- has been the case in other sections. jjow long the boy labored people are widely known throughout the Doughton-Connor road bill, which member that ncr=onal a-rrandniement lusiness has been good nnd is in- i^mder the hallucination brought about the community. “occupied the center of the stage” or publicity is not always news, but proving every day. Why? Because new word is not remembered Miss Owen will remain in Jack- during the discussion, is based larg- is sometimes purely an advi^rtise- our labor, farm products, and wood ^ut to this day Elijah Young and r.on County until her school is out ely upon the plan outlined by the Harding will not need* products are always in demand. The j^Teenhorn are in his mind insepar- then they will make their home at Governor in his inaugural address. Colby’s recommendation to make a Each township should see that all merchants in Brevard and Transyl- yes, it was puzzling but the Sapphire. Congratulations and best In brief, the bill provides: A State ^ery important change there on March of its nows, happenings, and efforts vania County are doing a good busi- trouble came from the interpretation. wi,?hes go with them for a long life system of roads, 5,500 miles in length made by its citizens towards progress ness and increased confidence and often pure motives, good expres- of prosperity and sublime happiness, with an approved bond issue of $50, reaches the paper. The improve- business efforts are expected to de- acts are misinterpreted 000,000 to be issued as the work re- ^ Uncle Sam gets revenue out of ments and intended enterprises in velop a large spring trade for which discount of the actor. “Take ginning a new school, in the morning quires; State maintenance and con- the excess profits tax this year, he improved agriculture, roads, churches the merchants are well stocked with yg hear” is a divine in- of the first day he appeared at the struction, maintenance to keep pre- should try his hand at extracting schools and all that affect its people ^^w goods. junction. door of the school room with a six- sent roads in usable condition and blood from a turnip. \ ill teach and stimulate the citizens Our hotels and boarding houses There were two contemporaneous foot sprout in his hand. He held to prepare them for eventual hard The only people offended by Hard in the other townships. Remember are looking forward, from present in- families of Youngs in this county, himself aloof from his students and surfacing; nine construction districts ings’ insistence upon a simple inaug- that everything that happens in the <Jications to an overwhelming sum- having no blood relationship. A is said was never knoygn to laugh in to seure simultaneous construction, uration are the Washingtonians — county is of interest to every one in mer travel and it behooves us to build wrong interchange of given names school but once. What he did and with the present commission retained, the county. more houses and business buildings brought about the mistake of last was outside the school room is not but expanded to nine members; re- than either of the others proposed. By your coopoerative efforts you at once to accommodate the increased week. John Young was a school recorded or transmitted as far as is evnues by bond issue, with present None of the big issues before the can make your paper more interest- number of visitors that will swell our teacher who did his principle work in known, but that he was esteemed for interest and sinking fund from mot- Assembly have been settled yet and inr:, m.ore newsy and through your borders this coming summer. the central part of the present county his work sake there is no doubt. He or and gasoline tax, amounting to nothing of state-wide significance has paper build up all of the enterprises Let each and every one put his He enforced rigid discipline requir- taught many students and doubtless about three-quarters of a billion dol- found its way to the enrolling office that will benefit each and every one. shoulder to the wheel and get ready ing all regardless of age or sex to sliaped the behavior that led up to lars, and the remainder of the motor the past ten days. Ihe “tug of war The people through your paper will for the comihg record breaking observe the “Rules” or submit to the good citizenship; but he passed away fund devoted to upkeep. This bill on some of the larger propositions ome one large, happy, communica- season. one “inevitable, the lash.” In be- and his name is last. J. M. Hamlin, has a better chance of getting thru will come this week.

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