TIm Aim is Fi«ii1dim| maA Sincerity^ VOLUME XXVI. BREVARD, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2Sth, 1921. EXPONENT OF TRAN- SYLVANIA COUNTY. r No. 8 NEW TELEPHONE COMPANY ORGANIIZED: Business Men of Transylvania County Organize Corporation With $25,000.00 Capital. CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE; WHAT AND WHO? I fio came and remained, whose names I we wish to remember and cherish, ; laid the foundation upon which our OUR RALEIGH LETTER: MRS. COS PAXTON ENTERTINS: Michie approached a gloomy looking ^Vm. »A. Band, dear sir: ; laid the foundation upon which our Raleigh, Fcoruary 21 Just two merchant the other day and asked if I': was sheer accidental that thir ! present superstructure is reared, 'voeks remain of the sixty days for he could run an advertisement to scril t ftvrnibled upon the fact of • Their horney hands built their cab- members of the General As- show the good people what'he had lost names that have contributed in-homes, fell tne forest, drained the draw th^ir Lttlo stipend to offer anj he explained that adver- , more or less to historical scenes and land, laid out and built cart-ways $4.00 per day. It Vvill have been On Monday, February 21^ 1921,' tising was a waste of money and that ^ acts of the Ion? a^o '.liat hjve bson so well engineered that our present serr.ion sixty days on Saturday, probably the largest representative darned paper was a nuisance any- | widening out down thru the years i'i.^hways adhear closely to tiie old March 5th. To complete its work body of the business men of Transyl- hov^. Being ready to argue, Michie ' and are still u'istci. :uctors in our ivntira'irks. They tried to moot the the time pr;;scribed, will re- | Brevard, were guests of honor and vania County ever before brought to-, out that in one of the big; present developiu'jtit. In the o^ucuuot*al neevia c2 iheir chilurcn almost oon'tant gr nd day and ^;vere cordially welcomed by those gether under one roof, took place in j (jgyg held in Brevard, which wa^j pro- j mentioning of the fact it was with- long before the common school system night during this week and next. The | present. the Masonic Building over the post- looted by-the Brevard News for the | out motive or purpose, but upon | was thought of. They founded chur really big problems are not yet set- other invited guests were Mrs. D, office. I enjoyment of the country people, and ! mature reflection the thought impres- ches. Among their goods and>chat- tied, but one of them — the highway Mrs. Cos Paxton entertained very delightfully the ladies of the Presby terian Church on Wednesday after noon, Feb. 16, at her home in the Franklin Park. Mrs. John R. Hay, Mrs. Macon Reed and Mrs. R. B. Lyon, who have recently come to The object was to form a Citizens ; v,hen hundreds of folks came to town;} sed itself that this generation owed 1 tels brought to the new country were bill will find its way to the enrol- telephone company and over $17,000 | that he had alone taken in hundreds worth of stock was taken at meeting:. of dollars an-l -^'Id a great bill of '"!'r;i’s what the paper 20 per cent of stock called for immed ^ merchandise ’ -.omething over $2000 paid i jg for, c”.'> ill adjournment. what’. L. English, Mrs. Agnes Marchant, these extinct names some sort of re- found the Bible, Hymn Book, Dill- office on Wednesday or Thursday, j jj There has been rumors and rumors j iji^g thaL whose slogan seems to be of rumors for many moons in regard ; “Po unto others as they would do to a new telephone company or sys-, u^to you” — only do them first, tem being organized; but although ! ^ cognition, if it be but a simple re call. The Allisons, Gashes, Claytons, i'ae gentleman. So Orrs, Whitmires, Duckworths, Glaz- of arguing with a guy eners, Galloways and many others have been able to perpetuate their many meetings have been held and j VACCINATE TO PREVENT SMALL a great deal of talking energy and j POX: many brilliant speeches made or spent worth’s spelling book. Confession of j The Doughton . Connor road bill ■ Kate Clayton Faith and Book of Discipline. The passed the House on its final reading '■ salad course was serv Presbyterians built on the present, last Thursday by an overwholming Setzer, Mrs. \ S. Wood, • and Miss delicious by the hos- majority, only eleven of the 120 mem bers voting against it. Many amend ments were proposed to the bill on upon the subject from time to time, nothing has ever really been done to relieve the unbearable situation until now. site on Davidson river. The Metho dists being more segregated had two names whose decendent^ can speak ^ places of meeting—Pine Grove be- of ancestral exploits or rehearse ; low and Merrimon’s meeting house ' second reading, but only one created family legends, but others who ; above. The Baptists were still more any discussion that amounted to more wrought alongside of our fathers and ■ scattered and met in private dvell- than a grand - stand play to the folks who, as they, have left descendants ings — at Francis Allison’s, John back home. Darden, of Halifax, which are known by other names and Nicholson’s, Sam’l King’s, J. C. Gall- wanted a referendum and offered an To vaccin-1 have lost much of the old family oway’s and under the “Big Poplar- amendment providing that the law The old family and tree” on the Paxton Farm until 1815 should not be effective until ratified It was de- The present telephone system is ab-1 We have unquestionable proof Kolutely impossible — no account — ' that it has and w'ill. Before Dr. Ed- and is hardly considered good junk ! Jenner’s demonstration o|f its by men who have made it there busi-1 efficiency one eighth of the popula- ness to knew. Time and again com-; Cr'cat Britain died of small intended feated by a vote of seventy - five to ' '^-atch thirty - six and proponents of the measure at once realized that “all v.'as over except the shouting”. The bill is now before the Senate com- ml-^tee and will doub ' a.. . o .ner in mind: ;ver, 'd'-Ae '-fta.' Will it pay? What? ate In order to prevent small pox. j jore A very proper question is, what will | church grave yards contain their when they built a house near Selica. by a vote of the people, prevent it? The answer is, vaccina- ; ashes — a few marked with granite For years the brethren slabs, more with moss-grown rocks church with their^re-firn.- and others in unmarked and unknown ed over their schoo^■-, sO- graves. They are certainly worthy ! gatherings with the .. -a of honorable mention. “never to be suri ri.'-eu' . Turn the historic clock back to the wise diplomacy and i-: mittees have been appointed to in- Oll'er sections of the world | ,Jays antedating 1790, what and whom ' ing with the Indian prever'^r'i open finishing touches” before the en l terview the present telephone com- j ^^^red no bettor. Some visitations | do -we see? — What? From the day hostilities. 1835 a new era daw- the week, pany’s officials in order to induce them , destroyed people in a way to rival I the creative fiat wont forth; “Let the ■ ned. The fear and (In ad of a lurk- to try to give some sort of service, ' infiuenza whose toll of human life is j (Jry land appear”, what is now vari- j ing, treacherous n .or pa.’sed a- but to no avail. They have been i in the minds of every one. If | ously known as the Land of the Sky, ■ way as the Indian^ wert removed to coaxed, begged, browbeaten and cus- j we had to-duy a preventive measure the Land of Waterfalls, the Beauti- ! the West. This is th3 pr -per date sed. but the committees have always against influenza as well proven as we j ful Sapphire Country, was a land be- | of the beginning of pro.-per.ty and the been told either in plain words or by have against small pox, I believe that | yond the imagination. Through the gradual tranr-formatior a wild insinuations to go to and stay put. j people everj^nvhere would flock to a- j melenia of ages, it remained a land country into lines leading up to a vail themselves of it. "Why not set of silence — painful stillness solemi- zed by the hum of cascade to cascade. Somewhere beyond unmeasured cen- fathers and mother I turies silence was broken by the gob teas, assisted by Miss Clayton and Airs. Stowers. PENROSE BRIEFS: At la<t the citizens have awakened to the fact that thi; present owners had no intention of giving adequate service; but had really bought the present rotten system with the idea of selling to some one at a profit. All day Monday men gathered in groups to discus the situation with ourselves earnestly to put small pox out of business? Some persons, in- '..od many persons, fear to avail themselves of vaccination because at times some one has an inflamed arm after being vaccinated. In justice to my fellow physicians of Transyl- peculiar harbingers of aboriginal in- vania County I would say, in view of ' vasion. Prof. N. L. Ponder attended the teachers’ meeting in Brevard last Saturday. Mi.'^s Flannette Talley has been visi tinp- her sister Mrs. Rusk of Colum bia, S. C. Miss JiTlia Morgan, a student of our school spent Saturday at her home near Etowah, N. C. Miss Margaret Wilson, bettei? known as “Aunt Margaret” has been f 'ceive “the * corfined to her home and at the pre sent time is reported to be improv ing slightly. Several of our people journeyed to pisgah Forest to hear Rev. A. J. Justus preach last Sunxlay afternoon. It seems that this is kind of a sec ret age in this community fov sever al people would like to know and have it explained thru the columns of the Brevard News why our school is closing one month ahead of time. Also why was the name of the “Bet terment Society” changed to “The Ladies Aid”? To explain thL^vi o\e.^ed viting him to address the Joint - As-| things to our people thru the Brevard sembly. The invitation was accepted j News might mean a better Sunday nd he entertained a packed hall with j School, also a more speedy complet- verently bow, for they are worthy, of the most interesting and en- j ion of our new church. higher civilization. These good men and women, our and did it well, Th^ Dr, Thomas Dixon, no'^od' author and playwright, delivered throe ad- nre:;ses in Raleigh on Thur. day. He came here primarily to oppose the bill providing censorship of moving picture films and to advocate the pas sage of a bill protecting game in Cur rituck County, his present home. On ascertaining that this famous Tar the.r part Heel v/ould be hero at the time men- i dru'i- tioned a resolution was adopted by ble of the American turkey, the beat gery; sowed the seed; .ve are the both branches of the Legislature in- of the pheasant, the song of the rat- ' reapers. Let us with i tier and the leap of the deer, the heads to them who so carof ed out the way for the ch’Ulivn re- Other centuries may have the result that over $17,000.00 was, their modern methods to include com : come and gone but in their wake 1 The names that once appeared on the • i i ^ fVi 'nr, V.-.' o nnm I , , , , i Xne nd.iies LHcti L ctpuLareu on me jovable speeches of the session. ^ ft - - ■ I plete attention to aetail, clean care- | came other denizens of a different j tax jury road mili<-ia and church pany at ?100.00 a share; with plenty I vaccination is 'the rule. rosters have disappeared for lack ought to be re surrected and put on file fo; the fut ure historian. J. M. HAMLIN. If any | type. The yell of the hunter, the more m\estors wanting to get m on i person vaccinated by any one of ' hoop of the w^arrior, and the whizz of | of male descendants, the giound oor. i them does suffer afterwards iit is his arrow betoken a new dispensa- At the meeting held at 8.30 Mon- , due to some indiscretion on the part | tion. These new liege lords of the day night every man attending was a | of the patient, or if a child those in forest, the Cherokee Indians, stand- stockholder. , care of the case. j ing as it were on Mt. Pisgah Abra- It v;as decided to organize a cor-J if a well knowm fact that any | looking North, Ease, South poration, get a charter and immedi- j injury, even a scratch from a clean ‘ West claimed all they sa^v. Who ately -o get bu.sy with a brand new I p.-j, or needle, may bccome infected ' invade! and fi st class system before tlie sum mer tourists aridve. 'at any time after-its reception. ij Time moved along with un- am jur.t in receipt of a report from ^tep. The year 1783 found Jo?. S. Silverstesn acted as State health authorities at Raleigh ; war-worn American colonies free chairman of the meeting assisted by i that it is prevalent in 32 counties in independent states, hut wh"' o' G. E. Lathrop as Secretary. The election of a temporary Board REID-BENNETT The marriage of Miss Grace Reid 4* r- The directors of the Penrose Cheese The State - wide stock le.vv bill, in-; Factory held a meeting last Mondajr troduced in the Senate st eral days . to decide what to do v/ith said factory ! ago, held the centcr of the stage here j hut were unable +o decide whether to last week and finally ran the gaunt- | change it to an Ice Factory, or ait let of the two houses on Friday. This I Electirc Light Plant, or a powder question has come up at each sue- | factory. Gaess they should try ceeding session of che General As- ; making brick ice cream, semblv for the pa:;t twenty - five years, or more. The bill was fought u iland, N. C., to Mr. Charles W. i bitterly at each turn of the way and ..;«ett of Knoxville, Tennessee, was ' opponents of it are,dying hard. 5Iany eastei'n members wei'e especially pro- SGiemv .X at Brevard Thursday after noon one o’clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. E. Puett at his residence. North Carolina. Why should Tran-^ Cherokee Indian:- " : dnd syivania County be free from an in- | “s domains are heroes ' ; ,:.6d with | ■ - Not because our people ; » <>'-t--'7 -d - ‘he vas t on ■ ventive measure. There is now no ' .‘" c.ie families broken, of Governors to draw up by-laws and do the other necessary duties took i have availed themselves of the pre-j rf"- -x:.al freedom, but ^ place and are composed of the fol lowing: J. S. Bronifield, Chairman; Fred Johnson, H. Ransom, C. C. Yongue, Toxaway on the 8:20 train Thursday , , , 1 • 5 J morning, stopped over in Brevard quarentine in this State and people . - ^ travel freely. Remember that the | country prostrate and poverty abroad ; infective germ persists indefinitely in 1 discontentment and restlessness are O. L. Erwin, Cos Paxton, Wm. Henry,buildings, in bedding, in clothing, and G. E. Lathrop as Secretary-treas. | in car seats or wherever it gains a ' ^he impatient saw no pros- lodging. If exposed to it vaccinate ■ ® speedy return were married, the party continued their journey to Asheville, where a Farmer? of this community took advantagj of the nice 'weather last W’eek an J as a result there are several black riarks arr>und in our river bot tom h.nd. do Mr. L. F. Lyday is preparing to ome additional building to his home, v/hich will make it one of the nounced in their opposition and fought manfully to prevent its pas- sage. In vain they pleaded for the right of the people in their respective ■ counties to vote upon the question. ; nicst modern in this community. But all amendments excepting ctys i xhe B. Y. P. U. is progressing ic\^ to vote upon the question. But niccly and much good is expected of all amiendments excepting counties , it in the near future, from the provisions of the bill were j voted down and the original measure ' . The county board of education vis- reception was given by Miss Guthrie i y/ent through v/ithout change. The The following is a list of stock holders : 5 shares each. J. M. Allison, S. M. Macfie, J. S. •^romfield, H. R. Walker, G. C. Kil patrick, J. F. Norris, J. H. McLean, Thos. H. Shipman, W. M. Lyday, C. C. Yongue, W. E. Bishop & Co., O L, Ervv'in, Cos Paxton, Brown - Pat ton Co., T. J. Summey, Transylvania Tanning Co., J. A. Miller, C. H. Klue pp?bvg, Plummer & Trantham, W. J. Wallis, C. C. Hodges, W. S. Ash worth, L. C. Loftis, H. C. Ransom, Carr Lumber Co., T. B. Crary, Wm. Henry, One share each: Miss Mamie Shipman, R. P. Kil patrick, Miss Rasa Shipman, Alex. H. Kizer, G. F. Marshall, J. P. Deaver A. N. Jenkins, G. E. Lathrop, C. K. Osborne, E. W. Blythe, H. L. Wilson, at once. The incubative pei'iod of small pox is about 14 days of vaccin ation less than 10 days. W. J. WALLIS. to normal conditions. Devastation may be en dured abroad, not meekly at home. in honor of the bride. On the following morning the bride and groom, proceeded on their Transylvania’s lost hundreds of her way to their future home in Knox- bcst blood during the days of recon- , Here s wishing them many r.truction from this point of view. , ^'^d happy days. Sid Barnett, F. D. Clement, W. Y. Burk, Rockingham, Mecklenburg, j Mrs. Grace Bennett will be at home Thomason, George Philips, 5 sahres; 1 Iredell and other counties fitted up to her many friends after March 1, S. F. Allison, 2 shares; W. C. For-! exploring, ostensibly hunting, parties, at 2604 Washington Ave., Knoxville, which moved westward — Some for Tennessee, mere diversion, some for adventure, ! - some for the chase, a few for invest- : WHO IS MICKIE? X tune, 3 shares; J. W. Burnett, F. P. Sledge, A. N. Hinton, Mrs. W. E. Shipman, R. L. Gash, FVank Jen kins, 2 shares; Welch Galloway, T. I ™ent and still fewer in quest of ai H. Galloway, Joe Hamlin, Fred John I home away from old scenes'but We have been asked who Michie son, F. C. King, Wm. A. Band, Chas. P. White, 2 shares; A. H. King, Mrs. A. H. King, Ernest Paxton, Rosman, 2 shares; W. S. Price, Sr., R. H. Mor row. WANTED — Girl for House work apply to Mrs. J. E. Loftis, Brevard. 2 t . crd. all in some way to better present con- is and why so often that we will ditions. The rippling brooks , and try to explain. Michie is the guy the few stray trees of the Cherry who is a pillar of the church—on Sun- Fields (as it was then written) gave days. He’s the town goat. The fel- the visitors, regardless of their moti- low that butts into every-body’s busi- ves, a silent welcome and the Indians ness and whom .everyone wants to thought no evil. After the beginn- pull their chestnuts out of the fire, ing of this Western exodus many In other words, Michie is a little came, saw and returned. The few “Devil” of the Printing office. ited our school recently and made a . very careful inspection of the school and the building, and were well pleas ed v.dth conditions they found. Best wishes to the News, all its readers, as well as “Gallias”; please come again. “Robin Hood”. CLIPPING FROM ASHEVILLE CITIZEN: new law becomes effective on Jan- • uary 1, 1922. The big measures “still in the mak ing” are the appropriation bills and the Revenue and Machinery acts. These are expected from com.mittees early this week. The Revenue Bill is practically complete and upon it rests largely the extent to which the committee on, appropriations may go i in parceling out the funds^ ne j Brevard show's that it is not sux- maintaining the State s educational fgj-ij^g from Municipal Sleeping Sick- and penal institutions. It is practi- jjggg^ proposes to expend generous cally certain that all State institutions generous sums of money in making will receive amounts sufficient to en- community more attractive for able them to function without handi- to^rigtg. cap. The public schools will also be | remembered in a handsome way, while paration for two weeks honest-to-good the pensions to old soldiers are likely ^ ness work on the ^art of the member- to be materially increased. | ship. Two sessiol^s a day are not ii^ The closing rush is on and, not un- frequent and three'will be necessary like previous sessions, the clerks are if “thingfs are to be rounded up” by feeling the effects of six weeks’ pre-^ March 5th. m

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