TIm Aim is FnmloMSs and Siacmritj. VOLUME XXVI. News BREVARD, N. C., FRIDAY. APRIL 15th, 1921. EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY. No. 15 GREENVILLE WAKES TO ADVANTAGE OF JONES aP ROAD 1>r. Hunt Meets With Greenville Cit« izens and Urges importance of Highway to People of Both Counties. MASS MEETING IS CALLED TO BRING ON IMMEDIATE ACTION. Dr. C. W. Hunt returned Saturday evening from Greenville, S. C., where he went to solicit the interest fend cupport Oi ‘several of the leading citi zens for the purpose of discussing the possibiilties of Greenville County immediately taking action toward the building of the Jones Gap Highway from Greenville to the North Carolina State line. Secretary Moss E. Penn, of the Young Men’s Business League of Greenville, arranged for a special meeting of sovtral prominent men to confer with Dr, Hunt at the Business League Headquarters on Saturday. At this meeting Dr. Hunt set forth the mutual advantages and necessity for immediate development of this Roadway. We reprint the following story taken from the April 10th issue of the Greenville Daily News: TELLS OF ADVANTAGES: Delay in improvement of the Jones Gaj) T-Dad is causing Greenville to lose the trade of two North Carolina counties that formerly carried on most of their ccmnierce with Green ville, according to Dr. C. W. Hunt, of Brevard. N. C., v.^ho was present at a meeting hold yesterday morning by the Young Men’s Business League. Those at the meeting were Raven I. McDaviii, member of the legisla ture, O. ? Mills, E. A. Fonda. L. B. Houston, J. Norwood Cleveland and B. H. Peace. Thev heard the re marks of Dr. Hunt, who tdld how Asheville v/ag making an attempt to get the trade of the two counties, Transylvania and Jackson, at this time and aiso that Pickens county was planning to make a drive to take the trade of the North Carolina Coun ties! to that section. Dr. Hunt told also of how the resi dents of tho^p coiTntic!> years ago used to cOmc lo Gvocnville by Wagon to trade, but Lhat Ihey had been cut off because Grconviliv^ county had failed to Iceep uj tho. Jones Gap road OS it had fraqucntly v”onuSv’d it would It was further explained that Tran svlvania county bad bnitt- a road to the state boundary between North and South Cr.rolina, expecting Green ville county to do the same. A genera! discusr^'en foliov.ed the re marks of Dr. Hunt in which it v/as admitted that (ir?er>viile County county should *rc«"5eem its pledge to the people of the “Sapphire country" and that the road should be built as soon as possible in order to bring the trade from those sections to Green ville. K?von L McDavid left yesterday for Co! uinbla and before leaving said ho would see what informat’ '>:-! he could get from the highway commis- rion relative to the cost for improve ment of the Jcnes Cap road. He will report to a mceiin'; to ba held Thursday bv the Chamber of Com merce, v.'hich now has the matter un der discussion. Sev.'i’;)] -of those prc'^ent said that the estimate made on the cost of ini- ryrcv^mov.t of the road "waa r-::eeeJing- ly high and it is probable- ihat cfJorta wil! hr made to cret anotht'r riArvey of the read v/ith tho hope of a re duct 'o:! on ths estimated cast of the undertakinr^'. All present stated that the road should bo built as soon as possible in or.xr :o I ■'’liig the trade cf tho two North Carolinr. counties to Gi’een- ville and to redeem the pledge that Greersv ):e made 'O the pecple of Tranr.v’variiT countv v.hon they built a r'l'ii to t'lo Scuih Carolina line. acrjo:-! b"* tahci at the Chamber of Commerce meeting Thur sda\, 'c "‘.vhirh League will leave further dcve'cpnient of the :natter. Following is n copy of a letter WT’ttCja by Dr. Hunt to the Seci'e- tary of 7'hp Ycunf? Men’s S'j.siness Learjue at GrecnvHIe, v:hic'a will be read at tlie nia~' meeting arranged for on April 14th: April 11th. 1921. Mr. Mocs E. Penn, Secretary Young Men’s Businpvso League. Greenville, South Carolina. . , . ... Dear Sir: — Permit me to express my thanks for and appreciation of the courtesy •:rd !,of conc.orted efforts be»ng put forth iit an early date. We V ''•t ^ '/i ■'s*' ■ ■■ - « ‘ MORE miSTS ARE SDESESID Citizens continue to express Wishes As to Personnel of City Governing Board. In addition to the list of suggested tickets published in a late issue of the Nev/s, a fev/ more have been brought in this week and will be found below. | These tickets hav’e all been submit ted by various citizens and in no wise represent this paper, except as they niay appeal to individual tastes of members of the staff. Three different men have been sug gested for m.ayoi- in the three follow- inf?; D. L. ENGLISH FOR MAYOR: For Mayor, D. L. English; For Al dermen, W. S. Ashworth, C. H. Klue- ppelberg, B. J. Sitton, W. H. Duck-; worth, Cos Poxton. A CITIZEN. R. H. ZACHAFvY FOR MAYOR i Mayor, R. H. Zachary; aldermen, \/. L. Aiken, J. W. Burnett, Hugh Walker^ C. H. Klueppelberg, E. W. Blythe. , CITIZEN. J. L. BELL FOR MAYOR: Mayor, J. L. Eell; aldermen, W. C. Ashv.-orth, W. L. Aiken, R. H. Zachary, Seb Burrell, E. W. Blythe. MANY VOTERS. Mrs. Hunt Predicts Big Tourist Sea son and Advises Building Hou ses For Rent. Mrs. C. W. Hunt, who with her son Charles recently returned from the winter visit to St. Petersurg, Fla., says tliat travel in that State has been immense and that she looks for great crowds to come to the moun tains this summer. Mrs. Runt emphasizes the fact that “Cottages to rent” is the crying de mand. She says that a great many people in the South have made incjui- ries about such cottaffes, and slie be lieves that if they were built here and "vvere ready when called for there would be no troxible to rent them. PUT ROSMAN1 EASTATOE TOWNSHIP j The county commissioners, at the j i meeting last week, entertained a I AT LAKE TOXAWAY Shore Line, Line Running Into Lake, New Road and Water Line « Being £u!rveyed. ENTHOSIASHCAND f lILL MEETING OF . TME BREVARD CLUB Park and Camp Roads Discussed^ Branch of W. N. C. Chamber Ccrnmerce Organized and Other Matters :. ..:,:2,ERc enjoy fine eats J^REPARED BY LADIES’ HANDS The Brevard Club put itself squar ely behind mary matters of town and coui:ty uovelopment in an enthusias tic meeting Tuesday night. This was the regular monthly meeting and was well attended. All the governors and a large percentage of the mem bers were present. Camp roads received a great deal of attention. The committee on the Eoclibrook road reported jthat the County Road Commissioners have a force at work and will fix up the road satisfactory to H. N. Carrier. A good road to the new camp will be made. The committee on the road to Joe Tinsley’s camp was continued. The Club has determined that a road must be made to this point. The matter of raising funds for a _ , For several weeks Thos. A. Cox of petition asking that a part of Cath- i Cullowhee has been engaged in mak- eys Creeli tpv-.’nship, ir.clad:ng Ros- | sui'veys at Lake Toxaway. The man and-the Eo-mai,School District, i lake shore line is being surveyed and |fbaseball park was put into the hands be cut off and be put in Eastatoe ^ also all lines runninjr into the lake. a finance committee, headed bv J. ^township, Ihere v.as a large nun,- T. B. Reid of Lake Toxaway is as-U. Miller. It was decided to accept I ber oji signers. sisting in this work, and C. E. Orr, as ! ~ , -d t i- I The question was left oyer till the representative of Mr. Jennings, own-i _ ov/ing meeting of the hrot Slonday in May. qtt, is giving a good deal of his per-j ^ ^ sout of the school scnal attention to what is going on at baseball purposes. Lake Toxaway. | The question of a small city park Be-ide the actual survey on the j was also discussed and a committee following marri£.gc licenses lake site itfeelf, the surveyors are also i was appointed to look for a suitable ! l;;-::^^5'^MARa:AGE licenses; I Th Ih; '! I^j'pvard are looking forward hope- uily for definite and prompt action MISS GARDNER ENTERTAINS WITH ENJOYABLE DANCE: Miss Margery Gardner entertained a number of friends with a very en- ;;oyalbc dance last Friday night at her home on Broad street. Fine dance miusic v/as rendered on the piano by Mrs. C. M. Cooke. Refresh ments consisting of co.Tee and a deli cious salad course v/ere served. The guests were: Mrs. M. P. Erodie Misses Nell Melton^ Louise Townsend, •faxy Sledge, Margaret Blythe, Dor- o'hy Siivei*3t?en; Dr. T. J. Summey, Alex Kizcr^ Francis Sledge, Overten Er-vYin, P. B. Nickels, Walter Duck worth, Ted Ciement, Muller Albert, Pat Hcck, John Verncr, Jos CInyton. _ in this matter .ns a result of the mass iv.eciting of your commcrcial bodies ■irra’.iged for on next Thursday the 1-ith inst. 'i.h2 entire territory of the pros- ]:orcu3 county of Transylvania and a iavge portion of Jackson county are now !cnocI:ing at tlie doors of Green- v'lle’s unlunited trade ?'acilities. Will they open? We recall that Napoleon concuev£([ the passei of the Alps. The Napoleons of Greenville can con quer the passes of Jov>cs Ga::) if they ' but say “It Shall Be Done”. We ' look forward, in the rot too disiant future, to our opportunity of extend ing the glad hand of welcome, via . the Jone.o Gap Pass, to ail Greenville. Vv’^hen the Jones Gap H:gh\yay has been com.pleted, the people on this E’de of the Ridge Vvdll present to Green . villa tbie products of our fertile lields, ■ saporb mountain climate, a paradise for the Sportsman v/here both valley I moi'iiitain side abound in quail, ‘'I'.ra'-ant. dee-,, and bear, with hund reds of ice cold streams in which the •neckled trout disport themselves in* foamy rapids and limpid pools. The Southern Tourist car_ be refreshed at Green vlile and bidden ‘God speed’ to Brevard, in the beautiful French Broad valley, surrounded by all of the granduer and sublimity of the E'liG Ridge and Appalachian Sloun- tains. Let us master the obstacles ■'.vhich seem to prevent the building of this roadway — then, we will clasp hands and enjoy the double blessing of health, pleasure and posperity. Very respectfully. - C. W. HUNT. BIRTHDAY DINNER PARTY George Nelson of Selica celebrated hi? birth'^’^V. which occurred last v.'eek, with a dinner party O'! Sunday. A fevv fnends and rclr.tive?, '.”erc pre- fcnt 2nd eiijovcd v^^ry murh the social gathering and the bountiful dinner. T!ie guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Perry Galloway and sons. Eckel and Melvin. Mr. and Mrs. V/. T. Bo?-,se and sons, Cr.i’l and Eow- oll, Mrs. Kate DeLong and son Knox, nnd Mrs. Nelson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. V/. P. McGaha. I have been issued by Register of Deeds I Roland Owen since the list last pub lished : March 39, Person Aiken and Miss Zella Meece, both of Rosman. April 1, Lexton Lusk of Cashier’s I Vallejr and Miss Mayo Goldsmith of ‘ Pisgah Forest. April 2. Gilbert McCsill of Che:-ry- field and Miss Mary Emma Gallov,-2y of Wolf Mountain. MiSS EABER ■ ENTERT4JNED I the; FORTNIGHTLY CLUB i looking out a line for a water system to connect with the hotel and a new road to the same place. Mr. Jennings is expected to be here at an early date, Mr. Orr said. H. G. BAILEY ENGAGED site. In connection with this idea, a suggestion was made to place rest benches on‘the streets>- This ques- I tion was deferred to a later meeting. The committee on clean up report ed satisfactory progress, enthusiasm citizens, and coooeration a- 'J-i* Hzs Eacer monibGrs of t r^Ionday of !ar 2 me: pleasantly er.tertained e Fortnightly Club week. Ti:?^ fcat- AS COUNTY ENGINEER citizens, and cooperation I mong merchants and others, Capt. H. -G. Bailey, formerly of |-- An important step was" taken in Hendersonville but of lata a resident' perfecting the organization of the oi Bnvard, has ben c^gagcu by Hen- ^ Transylvania branch of the Western derson county ar. highway engineer. | Carolina Chamber of Com- Capt. Bailey is already on the job i m. n • x , • - ^.1 • ^ jmerce. Tfte following directors and surveying with the viev.'^ to nro- i , , • 3- " .f 3 u ^ . were elected: R. H. Zacharv. W. E. viding pi'ospoctive road builders and j oLhers vrith the data reouired before I road constructi iijr .■s address b ADDRESSES BOY SCOUTS Jof? S. Silversteen made a talk to the Boy Scouts last Friday night. Therb was a good attendance and the boys wore much interested. Mr. Silversteen’s subject v/as the scout irctto. “Be Prepared”, v.hicli he hand led we^l, m.aking timely and inspiring suggestions. ct iiisvruci ‘‘Tonsil Diseases and Adenoid Grow- thf/’. This talk was supplementary a c!e?r ana Summey on L;-. L:i:i TT be undertaken, rconville Nevv's. FAMILY TO LIVE HERE: to study which the rlub is 'oursuinjc at tliis tiir-c. Musical numbers by Misses Shorrel and Floyd of the In stitute Faculty were much enjoyed. Th? next meeting v.dli be held with Mrs. Banks Nicholson on April 18, at 3:30. A. W. Esrnett has Kilnatr'-clc’s house on Breese, C. E. Orr, C. H. Klueppel berg, C. C. Hodges, with J. M. Allison as hcnorary director. The members secured for the or ganization are: T. H. Shipman, v/ho !v>ras previously elected treasurer of 'the Chamber; C. E. Orr, R. H. Zach- C. H. Klueppelberg, V. Fontaine, ENCL!”iI CHAFZL NOTES: Cliicf of p< i- oru.'ht R. P. ^ w.. ■ v.'hitmiro Street and is no’.v occupy-|^^^’ ) it wil’t his son-in-law, C. A. Jones. | F. D. Clement, W. E. Breese, H. N. Some of Mr. Barnett's children have j Carrier J. M. lllison, J. A. Miller, S. ar r.ved irom tienaersonville, and f V m t r, Mrs. Harnett and the remainder of Macfie, T. J. Sum.mey. ■.lie childicn win come as soon as choir A club ccramittee w'ill visit board- school .erm is finished. . , I mg house owners to secure infor- 1. The ICE PLANT WAITLNG: SCOUTS SECUPvE COACH The Eoy Scou'csj in^ conjunction with the Scout Master, ,Rov. i. R. have selected J. A. Iliiler as basebaP coach. Mr. Miller has ac- contoi' tl'ie position and is taklng.niUch interest in the work. Ha has the ro.vantage of a great deal of a^l a- round experience and training,in ath letics. PROGRAM GIVEN IN HONOR OF 33 E. I. KiSGICN VOLUNTEERS Quite a number ezijoycd tl:o ho,”pi- ta’-ity -ol the M'„‘hodl.':t IMissIonary Society last Monday night v/hen they entertained at the church in honor of the thirty-three young people at the Erevard Institute v/ho have vol unteered for life Eervice. An inter esting program was rendered. Mrs. J. W. Setzer, president of the Miss ionary Society^ gave the address of welcome, aftgr which there were three minute talks by the ministers of the town and beautiful short prayers by ?-^rs. Julia Trowbridge and Mrs. E. iH. Norwood. Appropriate songs and readings v/ere given by girls of the young people’s and the Junior Missionary societies and Mrs. H. R. Walkej. sang, very sweetly two selections. One pleasing feature was the presentation of badges to the volunteer class by Mrs. Taylor. After the program, delightful re freshments were served in the Sun day School rooms vrhere every one en joyed a social hour. Ix you {'on’t b:;li?v3 v/n have a .rrood ' Sur'-day School here come and see. . Weddixig beils were ringing here last week when LTiss IMayo Gildsmith boc:ime the bride of Lexton Lusk, Kev. West ofnciating. | Garland Wright attended the sing ing at Turkey Creek last Sunday and reportr^ plenty of dinner. God fit to takt"} from Mr. and ?Irs. C. E. Raines theij* darling baby ' v/hlch ju::t spent three days in this world. May the Lord comfort them in their sorrow. j Our rchcol came to a clo.?;o lr::t Friday. We regret to ]oce from our- Div-t tno ti'r'.chcr. Mis? Lucilo Wilson. *Vebb 'iEollingsworth has besn on the fick list for two weeks. Y/o are glad he is improving. Burgon Camby spent last Sunday ! in Ashevi’ie. ■ [ The ice plant v.ill not start up this Spring, according to J. S. Promfield, nntll after the suit, in which it is • nvolvcd in tbs coming court, is sett- ’sd. RESOI.UTIONS OF RESPECT fivrs. Englirh. Whereas The Great Crortor, in Kis infin'te wiGdom, has been pleased to remove from our midst our beloved friend and sister, Mrs. Inez Englisli, cn the 24th day of March^ 1D21. Be it resolved, That we, the mem bers of Zion Baptist Sunday School, ■.vhile our hearts are filled v/ith scr- ’•ow at tho parting, remember v;lth much placura her pleasant ascccia- t'on v;ith us, and v.hile v."e cherish ber memory here, we commend her spirit to our Heavenly Father in full confidence tha -r^r 1 ■. TT 11. ^ He doeth all things I'lrs. webo Hollingsworth gave a vvell, party in honor of Miss Lucile V/ilson I c j xTr i . last Friday night which was injoyed | by several of onr yonne people. > , ' friends our heai'tfelt sympathy and j invoke the blessings of Almighty God upon them for their comfort and con solation. mation for advertising Erevard. secretary is in receipt of many in quiries and information should be sent to him. Thf fine report was made that since £he bc3'inning of ths yoar the club jnember'ship had increased about 39 •j.-)cr ccnt. G. C. Kilpatrick having resigned as uccretr.ry, K. N. lianscn v*as appoint ed to fill cut the unexpircu term. Foliov.ing the business session, the members enjoyed a feast of colTee and various kinds cf sandwiches, v/hich had been prepared by Mesdames Yi'elch Galloway, H. C. Ranson and R. H. ZAchary. A vote of thanks T.r.s c.itended to the ladies. ASSESSMSt-JT OF KEAL E.STATE ADJUDGED FAIR, AS A V/HOLE. WEXTER. At a joint m.eeting of the Board of Cou.nty .Commissioners land the County Board of Appraisers and ra- . , viaorg Tuesday, Ap. 5, it v/as decided mother and half-sister and her many ! assessment cf the real estate of the County, as a whole, v^'as fair and just. There are some individual WILL OPEN CAFE Gus Roman of Asheville expects to open a cafe in the old Weilt Store room at an early date. Work on the interior is now being done. NEW PRESSING CLUB: C. A. Jones has opened an estab lishment for clothes pressing, dyeing, hat blocking, etc., in the rear of j Smith’s Barber Shop. Third, To her we take this method of paying final triute of love and recpect to our departed sister. Fourth, That a copy of these reso lutions be placed on the I'ecords of our Church and Sunday School and one sent to the county paper for ■ iib- lication. Respectfully submitted, E. D. RANDOLPH C. R. CLARK Miss BEULAH WHITMIRE. assessments that may need re-adju.it- ment. This will be done during the. month of May by the County Com missioners. After this is done the present valuation v/ill be the basis of tax assessment for the ensuing ycnr. NEW SHOE SHOP R. N. Nicholson, who recently sold out his shoe repairing shop on Main Street to W. P. Henderson, has open ed another in the Paxton building on Broad Street next to the post office.