Tk« Aiv is FnuJaMs •ad SiBc«ir>tj. VOLUME XXVI. BREVARD, N. C., FitlDAY, MAY 13, 1921. EXPONENT OF TRAN- SYLVANIA COUNTY. No. 19 BALL SPIRIT WAKES AND FIRST GAME IS played: New Diamond Is The Scene of Con> test MarrieH and Single Men Tuesday Afternoon — Walk over For Unmarried. SUBSCRIPTIONS BEING RAISED FOR GROUND AND EQUIPMENT. The local baseball season was init iated on the new diamond near the High School Tuesday afternoon by a contest between married veterans and young fellows not yet encumbered by matrimonial ties. A crowd of on lookers witnessed the defeat of the former, the score being 9 to 2 in favor of the single men. Following the line up: Married men: Miller, pitcher; Hat cher, catcher; White, First base; Grogan, Second base; Gaffney, short, stop; Macfie, third base; Kiser, left field; Johnson, center field; Carrier, right field. # Single men: Clayton, P.; King, 'c; Erwin, lb.; Hartman, 2b.; Carson, ss; DeLong 3b.; Kilpatrick, rf; Albert cf; Fontaine, If; Stowers and Edmondson were umpires. Another game is scheduled for next Tuesday. A subscription list is being circu lated to raise funds to grade and sand grounds and provide "baseball equip ment. The sum of $250 has already been subscribed. All wishing to con tribute to this fund are requested to see Overton Erwin and subscribe. It is hoped with the liacking of the citizens to have some fast playing here this sumineT. The Transylvania Ttmning Com pany is organizing a ball team, which will meet for practice next Saturday. MSCTHH, laM LAST WEEK. METHODIST CHURCH, WHOSE MEMBERS ARE ABOUT THE EDUCATIONAL DRIVE, RESULTING IN SPLENDID PROPRIATIONS. IMPROVEMENTS AND ENLARGEMENT FOR THIS BUILDING. TO BEG!^ LOCAL AP- AFvE PLANNED J aUBSENDSOUT B. L COMMENCEMENT CKE CIRCULAR LETTER BEGINS NIH WEEK.! FUND REPORTED. “Hiose Wishing To Be 'Represented In Program Starts Friday Evening, May , New Folder Are R«^estcd To j 20, and Cootinnes Until Tues- | Make Dona^tions; j Nighl, May 24. ' 'Total of $271.88 Received To D»le— Concert Last Fridfty Night Netted Ovex* $100.00 I BETTERMENT ASSOCIATION DE- CIDES ON ANOTHER LYCEUM COURSE. X I Dear Friend: j , .Following is a program of Brevard t This season it is proppBed that small j Institute Commencement, wTiich b(*. i^iversifigd advertiementa be run in all | gjus on Friday, May 2t», and contin- I Southern Sunday papers of large cir j ^es until Tuesday of fiallowing weeV j culation. There are enough book-j Friday evening, May 20tli, «:I5, I lets left to cover this - year’s adver- j Music and Expression Hecital. ?^tising, but it H alJBolTit^y necessary j Saturday morning, May 21st, 9:00, < that your donation, as te the past, be j Chapel Exercises. ^anailed immediately to the Secretary. Satnrday afternoon, "May 21^,-2:30 These ads. xsnS mend^ direct the | Inter-Society Athletist Contests The Brevard Betterment Associa tion at a recent meeting decided to secure a Lyceum Course again for J reader to write to the Secretary of j Saturday evening, Hay 21st 17:15 next winter. Mrs. J. W. Simth was j the Brevard Club for further infor- UxMHt and Band Owncert. re-appointed manager. jmiation. It is xawposed *fnat all who | Sunday evening, May 22nd, 11:00, — ) cater to the tourist trade notify mejAronttal SEiincm "by Itev. O. J. Ckand- I -at once the number of rooms for rent | d. d. Asheville. I or the number of boarders you can Sunday evening, Jlay 22nd, 6:00, j accomodate witli ‘the lowe^ price up. j Last meeting of the Y. W. and Y. M. 1 All who desire to be represented and j c. A’s, conducted by the Seniors, j who donate will mentioned in a' Mond-ay afterno»ii,'May 23rd, 2:30, folder which is Ijreing printed to send | Commencement Cixacert. I out with propaganda. Themsual es-' Monday evening, May 23rd, 8:15, ■ timate of a donatitm is approximately ! Iriter-Sodety OoriteSts. CAFE NEAR DEPOT W. Y. Thomason has established a new cafe in the Jenkins %auilding near the depot. L. E. Hartman, who re cently came here from Lincoln ton, is in charge of the busincist. BIG CROWD ATTEND ALL-DAY ^2.00 per room or $4.00 per boarder SINGING AT LITTLE RIVER: Many people attended "the all-day singing at the Little River Baptist Church last Slmday. J^3>out half the crowd was aVle to into the church. There was dinner on the grounds. Prof. Willie Patterson of Green ville, J. Burns and Hobart Bishop of 'Cedar Mountain and others were leaders in the singing. Miss Wilkie of Henderson County played the or- ^n. A selected choir of about 25 ^cougf’egation, and "T* ■ ”-^re ccveral quartettes, all n-.i-i.’ '' that was pronounced fine E. Allison of Little ’{’'an address of welcome. Among those from Brevard attend ing were C. C. Yongue, U. Merrill and family, E. B. Hamilton tmd F, L. Wilson. The following amaants have been received for the China Famine fund: Miss B. M., $1.00; H. L. Hawkins, $1.00; Metfeodist C^hurch, Brevard, $32.9d; Oak Grove Church and Sun day School, $€.35; C, JX C., $1.00; Receipts fiPOmXoncert, $107.91; Dav idson River Presbyterian Church, and Sunday School, $24.23; J. W. Lind- ley, $3.00; M. A. G., .50: Presbyter ian Church and Sur-day School, Bre vard: — $81.40; H. M. N., $2.50; Total of $271.8S. Reports bave not yet been received from the other churches throughout the county. Through some misunder standing no collection was taken at Brevard Baptist Church for the “Fam ine Fund,, last Sunday, but it is hoped a good offering will be received next Sunday. I wish to thank all those who helped in making the concert at the High Sch.3ol Auditorium last Fri Local Exhibit Wins Praise—Students Arc Promoted — Seventh Grade Ci*a^u4.:::iy £.::c-i-cl3ea — Growth of High School VITAL Tones ON COHHUNITY NEEDS AT CLUB MEETING GROUND HAS BEEN BROKEN FOR NEW SCHOOL BUILDINGr Committees on Roads, Besehall Park, c r. d Advertising giva Reports Which Are Dk-ussod By The Members: COMMITTEE IS APPOINTED TO LOOK AFTER PUBLIC BENCHES: The Rosman Schools, closed a very successful year’s work on Friday, May 6. The Local School Exhibit, on Fri day, April 29, was an interesting oc casion for parents and pupils. The fine display of pupil's work in the various departments elicited much praise from the many visitors who attended, and reflected much credit upon teachers and pupils. The last few days of the school v/ere devoted to the final examina tions in the various grades in deter mining promotions for the following year. HONOR PROMOTIONS: The following High School pupils having met the considerations of the rule conferring the honor of exemp tion in full did not have to take the examination. Beulah Reid, Virginia Powell, Lola Owen, Freeman Hayea, Nettie Jack son, Dollie Galloway, McKay Collins, Austin Hogsed. The following High School pupils v/ere required to take only a part of the examinations: Ophelia Hender. son, Welma Chapman, Siva Clark, Rub Galloway, Vasco Manley, Rowe Clark. SEVENTH GRADE GRADUATES: On Friday afternoon, May 6, the pupils of the school together with n?any friends assemled to witness the graduating exercises of the Seventh Grade pupils, and to receive the final reports of the year. After a rief but interesting pro- jyram l)y the seventh grade, diplomas WtJre issued to the following pupils certifying to the completion of the cotrrse: Stella Fisher, Margaret Mull, Ima i)wen, Ola Paxton, Dexter Powell, Amy White, Edna White, Mac White, Iracie Cantrell, and Broadus Hender- GROUND BROKEN FORe NEW HOUSE. The ground has been broken for iSie new school building and work of tronstruction is expected to begin in a - ■iTew days. The outlook for a large High The regular monthly meeting of the Brevard Club was held at the Club rooms Tuesday night, and several matters of interest were discussed. The reports of various committees were received. The committee on the road to the J. H. Tinsley camp reported satisfactory progress in the work, which, it v/as said, would be completed in a few days. Considerable discussion was brou ght out in connection with the report of the committee on good roads. A strong sentiment in favor of working the road from Rosman to Pickens County Line developed. J^o spec ial recommendation, however, was adopted. The committee on the ball park re ported that the work there had almost been completed and that over $200 had already been spent. The advertising committee has pre pared a circular letter, which appears elsewhere in this issue of The News. The question of providing rest ben. che on Main Street and at other plac es was discussed. Serious objection was urged against the movement so far as Main Street was concerned, but a committee was appointed to loot after the matter of providing l>fen- ches at the ball park and possibly elsev/here. This^ommittee consists i of R. K. Zachary, C. H. Klueppel- berg, C. P. White and J. A. Miller. • Two applications for membershipt’ were, acted upon favorably. Following the business session ice cream, 'cake and coflfee were served to the members and their guests. er' TuesdayTnorning, May24fh.9:30, ^ ^arge xiign ; Senior Essavs and ‘Orations. ^ splended success, for j ^chccl next year is very encouraging, ^rl ovf'o. 4-1,1^ their very material asistance. {’The grov/th this year over the pre- v : oenior i\ssays ana uraiions. ^ou have as many ras four rooms tor | Taesday morning, IHay 24fh, Athle- •rent your donation to the advertis- (tics. rag fund ought to "be $8.00. Tuesday afternoon, l\Tay 24fh, 3:00 If not convenifiTrt .at the present ^ Annual Meeting of the Alumiu Ass- time to pay casli, please make your j ociation, ciieck payable the first of June or; Tuesday ■evening, Itlay 24th, '8:15, Jtily; but all ^chefcs ^Hsust be "Kiailed : Annual Conrmencement Address bjr ! zTiTinediately. Dr. W- I. Cranford, Trinity 'Coliege, j All v.^ho fail to respond by the 16th , and graduating Exercises. j of May will, of course, be oniltted I —: ;— — i from the printed folder. Please re- i spond at once so that you v/ill be re- j prc^^ented. ^ i Yours for a successful season, | Brevard News I H. C. HANSON, , p?easo allow me to thank the citi- I Secretary. | -ens and especially tTie Tadie^ of Itos- i ' man for the support they gave ine 1 • n the town election held <on last their very material asistance. { Will all Church and Sunday School | "vious has been more than 100 per treasurers throughout the county,» and there is reason to expect I please send in amounts collected prom j ^ similar increase the following year. I ptiy, £D we wish to send fund to head-1 quarters as soon as possible. | DEATH OF MRS. CALOP: 1 ERNEST H. NORWOOD, Treas. | ^ Mrs. James Calop, aged 51 years. RESULTS OF ROSMAN GOOD ORDER LEAGUE: SERVICES CUOSE SUNDAY. The Revival Meeting at the Metho-, t u i. tt j .f ^ Liberty Church near Henderson diet Church will continue until Sun-! r ^ ^ , J T.- 1.J (Where the interment took place, day. Preaching «ach day ^ clock, A. M., and 7:45 P. public invited to attend. I died last Friday morning of pneumon- I ia at her home in South Brevard. The body was taken on Saturda^igto 'Tie, ■his IMPROVING PROPERTY In that section of Brevard, com« niunicated with by Maple Street, con siderable improvements are being: made by some of the property holders- J. W. Smith has- moved into his new house next door to his former res- idence. B. W. Trantham and R. H.. Zachary are also adding to the at tractiveness of their homes by lawit cultivation and other canges on the premises. D^. HUNT THANKS FIRE DEPART MENT. Dr. and Mrs. Hunt wish tb‘expre^ their chanks to the Brevard Fire Co.,. for the recent prompt answer to a recent fire alarm at their home. A defective flue allowed the smofcs to come through the roof, which look, ei very much like a fire. M. CLtAN UP AT OAK GROVE IS ATTENDED BY LARGE CROWD 1 day, May the 3rd, 1921. Preaching «ach day at 10 o^- i ^ i. j. The'^^^ was the former home^of the . j deceased, and a large number bf otd I friends and neighbors attendetf the I Inncral. Mrs. Calop was a member of one of the Baptist sects and had the re- LECTURE SUNDAY NIGHT: NEW ROASTER AND POPPER S. M. Macfie has installed in the drug store a new peanut roaster and com popper. It arrived this week from Chicago and is already doing business. . The fine machine with enow white popped com showing thru the glass walls easily attracts the eye of all customers in the stor». The follow- Secretary 1 putation of being a grood woman. She ^ , i "^”ti Saloon League of N. C., yras noted for ing ticket -i7as elected a good ma- i . notea lor _____ I • adciresq the people of Brevard in i. J. I. T, ^fethodist Church next Sunday I Following IS a/report of the an- For Mayor,-¥/. P. Hogsed, for al-j at 3:00 P. M., on Responsibility of j nual worliing of the Oak Grove Cem- dermen, J. E. White, F. J. Whitmire ; citizenship. i ctsry On'May 10 for the year 1921, and E. A. Glazener, If the Lord, i ^ I by M. J. Orr, trustee; j good citizens and ladies are for us — • ^ NARROW ESCAPE* The day was cloudy and was a fine against us? ‘ day to work and not get too warm. Yours for good order, and 125 folks, including the l)abies, { p, HOGSED. Kindness an.oi;', her neig'hboro in South Brevard and is much missed by them. She is survived by her husband and one son, Grayson Calop, and by a i sister, Mrs. Lou Simms. V. FONTAINE WILL- RE - OPEN' VULCANIZING PLANT MONDAY, V. Fontaine will re-open his vul canizing plant next Monday in the building next to the post office. Ralph Edmonson of Hendersonville, who has had experience in vulcanizing plants for the last five years, vnll be ir. <^r the RETURNS FROM SCHOOL; BOOK CLUB MEETS were present. One hundred were counted at the table or dinner ground at a time and ©thers came in later to , work, and did work to the finish on all } the family grounds that had been EARLY MORNING FIRE: Fire came near destroying a house With his hand glued to a naked live wire Wednesday afternoon, little Howard, four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Lyon, escaped death by what seemed little short of a miracle. A light pole had blown down in the yard. The child was playing there Nine Transylvania studer.i ^ attend ing college at’Mars Hill S lshed the year’s term last Friday. They are Ralph and Blanche Osbor 9 of Bre vard, J. L., Frank and Id-’ Whitmire LfFork\ara"t' stlicv mong them W. E. CampTeTu?SeL ! cwLgW Alf? ^ viUe. who ha, rented Miss Janie Gill- ' MOVES TO NEIGHBORHOOD W. C. Graveley of East Fork was of : Penrose itmire of . The Wednesday Book Club held l^e last meeting with Mrs. R. W. Everett at the Everett farm near Davidson River. Beside enjoying the hospitality of Mrs. Everett at this beautiful country residence, the ladies were entertained by well writ ten papers, which constituted the pro gram. A paper was read by Mrs. J. S. Silverstee-n on “What the senators think of women”, and another by Mrs. D. G. Ward on “Why nobody likes the camel/^i grouiius znai naa oeen |. „ ^1 , , . , m, ya.ra. me cniid was playing th< i given out to all the folks that had 'f H^y Clarke s yard early Thurs- ^ wires. morning. About two o’clock, r. .. , . ix> tt 1- ,• .L 1 was some time before he could niT- A • . 1R. H. Morrow, who lives next door, u- j j . M.SS Ann.e Gash came over fron, Let 1 j asked for lots. espie’s farm and is living in the Cas tle house. Several families of Smithf he said, had moved to the head wat ers of East Fork. who is remaining course of studies. fo! ^turned to ■ Whitmire, a summer rose to investigate. • He found the « ^ uu 1 fe vu u uiic ^ qJ rubber gloves. The child's the Davidson River Cemetery to join were buried at Oak Grove, and the jXihi" “t^isrTer^*-- “ followmg IS a hst of them: . ' BUILDING BIG BARN: V. P. Adair of Cherryneld is build ing for O'Neill CantrcH a $7000 bam oil ^he letter's place r.crth of the riv er at Island Ford. It is reported that Mr. Cantrell will 1- Ye a $17,000 re . -o T 01 ^ ' '*—“*•' ^’“*1 CHANGE OF DATE. Albert R.^ Lyon, Sylvanus England, Clark and family were expecting to ! I T. Henning, Thomas Allison, Gas- occupy this house in the summer and | J. W. Lindley farm a^ent ' w'M iPl>™W”g work done in the annoanceme’nt made that the ' sidence erected the’-s later M J Ne’.?; Vr A’ "» i of farmers, announced last j son, F. S. Starrette, D. P. Bishop. I there. j ^^^urday May 14, at the Court house eastern and Virginia, is * ' ’ at ^ o clock. home for a few week’s vacation. FINDS RARE COIN; C. M. Cooke recently dug up in his yard a very rare f'>pper coin, of a denomination tha' las L::;i out of circulation for many year.:. It was^ a half-cent piece and bore date of 1849. ' Lionel Wilson, son of F. L. Wilson, graduated at the Dorland-Bell school at Hot Springs this week. Kis sis ters, Miss Lucile Wilson and Mrg. F. J. Whitmire, the ^er of Rosman, at tended the commencement exercises.

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