ixroNENiL9r tran- 3YLVANIA COUNTY. . ■ r'- , ' ■■■ -w -'. :.v^"--'te"*''-.-'' . -v^ ■ .• ,-- rmm VOLUME XXVI. BRtVARD, N. Cn i«IDAY» JUNE 10, f9tl. fU,Z3 n -■ '■> ^■ t* i (w I,. ;:i i. ■ ■* h 'i^ [ft CHJflJIADQDACODIISE DORDKTflEWEEK. AlDERffiNHEAR CmW WANTS Firct Nttnib«r Wat Male Qaartat Tvm Nigkt — Contmuad Gaod Piogram Pfcmiaad. A Chai9tattqaa course of five even ing entertainments is b«iing conduc ted this week at the high school audi torium. The first o^ these enteartainments was on Tuesday night, ft consisted of a concert given by a uale quartet. The program had many pleasing nttM- bers, some vocal, some instrumenlail. ^ch member of the ipiartet, beside' Ilia role as singer, played some instru ment. Violin, cornet^ saxophone »nd piano, when used ttqp^^er, gtf^ al most the effect of a ftaU orchestnt. It was uafutanate foT ^ Chau tauqua managers and for the local guaranton ,'^hail owing ^o inefficient advertisement'%eTy litne was known by the public aliMit the aomrse this week. To many people the announce ment early in I3is week came as a sur prise. As a cftnsequenct, Tuesday night’s entertainment wa» not well attended. Prognons scheduled for Wed- Law Enforeemant League Asks For Tax on Dance Halls — Other Petitions Baf«i Do^re* Record . Breaking Crowd. May Bo E^ pected This Snmmer. prospects for the comng tour ist season are decidedly favorable, in the opinion of Henry Ranson, secre tary of the Brevard ClUb, who be lieves t)iat splendid results have fol lowed the. work of systematic, .per sistent advertising. “On the eve of the opening of the 1921 touriat season,*’ said Mr. Ran- son, *‘the prospect for Brevard and vicinity are decidely encouraging. It it true that the South, especially the farmers therein, suffered severely from the sudden decline of the cotton and tobacco market together with all ether farm products and ^it was but reasonable to suppose that an un- OUBKEEmG m^AYNKBT. Secretary W. N. C. duunber of Com* nercei To Meet With Local Members Joist Beloir^ Chib Meetiag. PENROSE UTGHES ‘ JDJNNG FEVER. The firevard club will hold its re gular meeting for the month of June, next Tuesday night at the club'rooms. The reports of pommit^es will be heard and discussed and to other mat ers of . business transacted. Following the business session re freshments will be served to the mem bers. nesday night, Thursday, Friday ^d ^ and exploit the 'neighboring resorts. Saturday ni^Uts. TD^e announc* ments indicate a course well worth at tending, consisting of lectures on timely topics, music and other x>opu- lar features. One of the Trombers taking pfom- inence rs a play, “Gappy Rick^, to be given on Thursday night. DEATB OF MRS. CAIOAIO): which are at pKsent inacce«ihl». No action was ti&en by the board on this propmutjoa. T. S. Wood and others asked tbe board to open Trench Broad vvenxie from Franklhi IPark street to the roafi leading by Mr. Wood’s house. The matter was Tefefted to the stre^ committee wfCh power to act. O. H. Orr 'and F. P- Slodge -appeBr- liottt*. noted eTan«eliit. ii «xp«ted, S'*" South Join Ae party and is Mhedukd y » of lectoro. Western North Carohna vm. k V _jn the following year. But like the The church party will rewtn to, *. V *.. * weather man in predicting the weath. Gxieeasboro just before the openmg v —• xiT i m irt Ae camp for «mu.«r .* Ernest Garland died last Fri day, Jane 3, aait Tier Imme near Tra cey’s Grove in Henderson County. She was buiried on Saturday at the cemet€sry ©f Dunns Creek Church, of which ske was a :niember. This church is :situate9 near the summit of See-Oif ridge. A large congre gation of sorrowing relatives , and " friends attended fiie service, which ^ ATTCNDS‘CHURCH CONFEREIIci was condtrcted by Rev. S. B. McCall, 1 pastor of Carrs Hill church. | Rev. J. It Hay was absent from liis Mrs. Garland was about thirty years • palplt la^t “Sunday, having accepted of age. She was bom and reared an mvitation to take pait in a con- in the «mramnityi^ere her'iody was -ference on young peoplc^s acts^ies . laid to i«st. ‘She was married about st Abingdon, Va. Mr. Hay wasach- a year | «dn!ed for 'two places on &e inro^ram Mrs. Garland was before ber mar- at' Ihis "coiiference. He expected riage Miss Lula Hogsed, dau^ter of leaving ^ return Thursdig' of Riley Hegsed, a well known citi^n iJiis -week. of Dunns Rock township. Sie bore | 'Services*at the Presbyterian'church among brr friends and acquaintances Sunday were cJbduCted by Rev. the reputation of a splendid char- | H. p. Smith of Asheville, who preach- acter. ! ed also at "Davidson River church in She is survived *by both her par-‘ iOie afternoon. Mr. Smith is snper- ents, two brother^ Bunyanand Gar- intendent ^ the home mission work mon Hogsed, of T&rnins Rock Town- in this setftwn and has many HrKiids shop, and a sister, Mrs. Oscar Ball, ^axmng the bcal Presbyterians, of this coxmty. Heclrasbandand two infant daughters, twins, also survive her. “Life" has wcMitly assued a “Bh» «^ery famished house with ex. Law Number.” The discarded blue;^ that haa been listed laws of old Kew England, the blue ^ Secretary of the Brevard laws oa the statate bt»lcs at preseat, ^ ^»eoi leased. Hundreds of . blue n« ponding, and Moer .»x>«nUn» hoaae Mor- cd hi Whall ®f the law «nd Wiet' 'aws yet W eralrad in th» bniM rfi of fanatical '«wald-%» reformers —aB ■•■■■■ Appeoxi*teiy fifteen-han- these mwt Imve 5>haKied into «ie l|ookiets togiether v?^h other hideoas n«M»iare mi blueness, side- «*r«tisii« propagKo^a has been sent ing the editor The bOTraTrecessed in order to ^taike up fifrfher Ibusiness nett JSonciay nii£^ With tlio fmst subjeeL {Statnday issae ia June and centinu- Life", fto be »«», is only oa* a | ^ middle of July there wiU chorus of hbwlers and this editorial W«w m over twenty-five large Sou- choras « lentitlea to a re«»*abW; newspapers a large a^ertise- hearins* S» nne reads carefiiHy the ofBreeard enumerating its com^iitts set Inrth, and then w attractive features with the re begins to -aronder. The first thing we note is that we are not told what as proposed in Ikfu of the bihie laws nEHnplained of. T\® bregiu "wifli, ^n^iat is a blue law? Woirk On School Home PasSes •paction — Church Plans BviU- ing Program. Edwin Poor, chairman of the Board of educatiifn, with superintendent A. F. MitcheB, was viuting us the last week. Mr. PooV and Mr. Mit chell spoke favorably of the wprk done on the school house. Messrs Duclos and Nicholson had th6 contract on the plnmlnng for die installation of the water ssrstem in the school building and completed a Mr. Giles, secretary of the Western first class job last Friday. Our North Carolina Chamber of Com- people ought to appreciate this great merce will be in Brevard on Tuesday help to the school to the extent that and is anxious to meet with all the they would co-operate with the wish- members of the Transylvania mem- es of the board in doing more for the bers of the new organization. A. meeting for this purpose is called to be held at the club rooms just be fore the meeting of the club. CAPT. HENRY LYON. betterment of the school. Duclos & Nicholson have also com pleted plumbing work for Dr. Lyday of this comi^nity and have a con tract on work for L. F. Lyday. It seems that a kind of building spirit is all over our people. Carson Woo I fin has made some good improvements Marsh Holiday Was'a gentleman; there was noth- Ing m^n, groveling or little about! about his house, him. J He had almost complete self-! has just added two nice rooms to his control jsave on the better side of him-‘residence. Albert Williams has a self. Because he possessed slaves building fever. Carlos Lyday also and tfioney ^d beeause he could not has a building program on foot, resist the importunities of friends for i Thomas Williams, Rev. E. G. Led- his endorsement in their financial; ford and N. L. Ponder were in Bre- ventures and because of thsir fail- • vard Monday purchasing material for ures sat him down on a small home- the new church at Enon. A building slead on the ea^ side of French program is to begin Tuesday of this Broad river where Mr. A. H. Gilles- week. pie now Uves. He lost the magni- l^tor E. G. Ledford was present fioent farm recently bequeathed to whii-a good crowd of his people at the Thomasville Orphanage by the fenon Saturday night and further Misses Galloway. He saw his prop- plans of building were discussed, erty glide away from uader his hand P. E. McGuire has completed his but instead of losing himself in des- carpenter work on the school build- ^ir,. he set out Jn the decline of life mg- to^regaia some of the loss. iSeiiig of The ladies Aid Society met PnAy a mechanical turn of mind he be?* P. M., ,and planned to have an ice took himself ^o furniture making. He . cream supper in connection with at, r.oon ^w that" wagon building might play by the B. Y. P. U. members be remunerative and added that to . the Wtter part of June, his business. | . Henry Brown, who has been away It is said up to about this time there i in the State School at Raleigh, is v?ere perhaps less than a half dozen visiting his father, John Robert wagons in this broad land. Isaac Brown. j Glazener had a wagon which he kept Bud worms seem rather destruc- well lioused and having a number of tive of corn crops in this section, industrious daughters, they spun and Automobiles traffic up and down wove a heavy covering which was our good road should use this display spread ov^r for additional preser- nowadays: “Excuse my dust”. vat^on. Geo. Washington Galloway i owned a wagon. Having made a | FORTNIGHTLY CLUB HAS AN large land purchase, he. sold his to i ENTHUSIASTIC MEETINGS' John Owen of Gloucester. There was j - ■■ ' — ■ not even a cart-way fro* the “settle- | x very pleasant meeting of the SUNDAY SCHOOL ITtSITS THE BALFOUR ORPHANAGE REPAINTING STORE; impioivemerfts is *the repainting of outside and interior of Hie Farmer’s Supply Company store. ' quei^ that they write Board of trade for booklet and other In&rmation In addition ’to this we can with pride l^iy 'Claim lo eight boys and girls snmTnOr eamps within a radius of I impose ttbe"*^er' would' be, “A I niHes surrounding the city, 6ach law tfaat iuiDextfem witii my p«rsonal issued a Imoklet des- liberty.” f!or our old friend -Pter-i;2!? its advan- sonaSiLiberlty” is3»t yet dea4 af orer ^ accomodatiaa for relat- worik- X]>n1fhe conftrary, he is merrily ^ e m cwnp. danc«d ts> vto fronW whenever we are 1 ^ advertise. Systematic, anw3Hing.it£> sulmrdinate our indivi-|^ adverting properly dual wishBB to the general good. | ^«we^p means a pocket full of The reaestmerit against blae Jaw* fmr every dolte invested. We seems to centre upon prohibition laws \ Sun'Say laws, anti-gambling laws, and seekers desire, J*"®'xrj _ i-nd from ' a i ' U.W,. to Dr. English's, owned a four - horsp ; a re^entative of the Southern wsgon. Robt. Jordan doubtless f Chautaugua Service, also Mrs J E. owned a wagon. Capt. Lyon fore- Ockerman of Rosmaii seeing the opening, succeeded in sup- One interesting fekt jre of the lymg.the country. i meeting was the presentation of a ment” to Gloucester, so Owen moved Fortnightly Club was held at the home bis wagon piece by piece and when - ©f Myg; Nicholson on Monday collected did good farm service, sam- afternoon June 5, Several visitors. cited imaBiBjtions persist in declar- to ^m ft»ogh the med- ing are to Tw forced upon the palillc. ® A^ alcoholic drinks are forbidden by l£kt iCon^tution 4>f the United 'Among the recent business h«use ! States-not usatally regarded as a bhie Peptic — watch the results this sum- aner anfl%e convinced.’" MEW PASTOR ARRlVESt About fifty persons from the Pres- bsrterian Sunday School, inchidmg the superintendent, E. W- Blythe, larveral of the adult members and a lE^rge TT-oi'cr ion of the children, went in j Rev. Charles C. Smith arrived from cai-s O’! Wednesday «f last week to ; Durham last week and preachred his ? Vrantain Orphanage at BaMour. j first sermon as pastor of the Bafltilst TSae cccasion was originally planned ' Church last Sunday morning, as a Sunday School pAcnle for -the * Mr. SmitVs €amily will come ito plwsure of the children, but it devel- Brevard later. He is stajrias at oped into a plan for giving a good day 1 present at Mrs. T. J. Neely’s, to the children at'tiie orpfhan^s bome. j ' • Accordingly, the baskets were pre- { WEDDING INVITATlONt ]>ared with a view to sharing the good | The following invitations have been received by the many friends of the contracting.parties: Mrs. F. A. Patterson requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter Ada Robota . / to Mr. Philip Lyday Morgan Tuesday Gening, June four-teenth nineteen hundred and twenty-one at half after seven o’clock First Baptist Church Asheville, North Carolina Owing to 8 recent bereavement in the groom’s family the ceremony will be very simple. Mrs. William McKay of Henderson- ▼Me, "preodetit .of Jksheville Pres- %yterial, was here last Thursday and Presbyterian (chnrdi ja the interest things to eat with tl^e fatherless children. The party left Brevard in Hie mid dle of the morning at Balfour in time ^ spread the feast ^t noon. ’ After Iping dinner witn leaving with them the suWbm^al surplus, tile party returned by way of Laurel Park, where the children en joyed themselves on and in the lake. ing dinner witn the orp] •htta and nnRantial BEATS HENDERSONVILLE AGAIN NEW PRESIDENT ELECTED: The Brevard baseball team went down to Hendersonville lastJTuesday afternoon, and beat the “all-star” team of that town by a score of 14 to 8., Many Brevard people motored diayed recently on the local diamn as well as tiwo- retically that the ideal community is the one where laws are respected, and wh»e the pleasure of the individual is acknowldged to be secondary to the welfare of the ma^—-do these rights count for anything? Surely, “Life” would have us to believe that such rights are to be^dismi^d with a sniff. Only the rights of tipplers count for anything there. Then, there are blue laws that fort>id In+hose days the country was larg. sUver fountain pen to Mrs C R ^ aelf-reliant — Lyoa suppUed wag- Crabb, the retiring president! The ons, Gillespie sporting rifles, Jimmie pen was a gift from each member of Neil, Hats; Jimmie Siniard, barshare j the club and was presented by Mrs. widi«,e hidie. aid society of the ' “ | Setzer. - - .T V ^ ^ turf-board. Phelta * The officers for the coming year ..^niain* circle, fcr «oxiM«y 1!!!“ M- J- Wid^itStlll Ar&f Chapter, D. A. R-, met with Mrs. Elizabeth M._Sil- versteen Monday, Jun« SHl Plans were ii^de for attending the District Meetmg in AAevffle June 14th when t^ cbapter is invited to be the guesf of Edward Buneombe Chapter.. The next meeting will be 'with Mrs. Katherine G. White, July 4th. and plates. My grand mother had -a oet of these plates. I was present one winter morning when she * nwL ed to great-great grand children but the more fortunate to say to the less Hamblen asked for The News to be no one bears his nrme. I feel it a fortunate, “You must work on Sun-i“®^ » ^rdet that he might privilege to tell the readers of «The days-or lose your jobs.” ; New* > that such a gentleman once dnd the %iends of his boyhood. | and acmacl the society of our I progeaitoa.'*’ Many good mm Instttnte es havjs ^h;^ ^raii^d W la^eeds 1,-. .ih ': days—or |ose your jobs. . How are we to tolerate ^ sour faced PuritanUin that tries to secure for tile ioilift,^ eoe day of rest o^ of tiito woek? Brt yn yriK leave eur wcmderihgs OB Sunday Bhte LfWs. for anoth^ J4' for Bre^lMi: Aasoc^atteiie ' Hi)i» Bidder of BreVard has acc^t^ the -peisition tel at aiey -iiidl’''F* ZaChiucJr'.'fi ' ■■ ' ■ .fi, ' 4t atteur '^ jOia of ^ tins ing of this writer, has Hccurred. seems , to have bequeathed the better part of!; hin^self i j hws following to have and to hold forever. . 1 r^«r you to tfc C. Lyn^ a repr^nta^ tive of the fourth genar^on.; Isn- / t he a pretty^ clever feUewT'?' wrong with Lee? / I of iMtf^ wUh Lyon bloO^Vwobo j^^^^aiie^^^ fewl^ptter. ifj reoMww to'' ' :e|iBea: