- 'i<-'' ■,v' - p^ # ■ ■ *F ■ ■ fW gxAmBTT OP TIAM^ SYLVAMIA COUNTY^ .ii '-.•v 1**^ . . CS:' * ■ ■■" ‘'"m ■j' .. . -J 1 i-.- V . '■';7-.f t'^vl TW;J|liBi..lB ,fN|itii>iiV , aa4 jtteeerhy. . i ■<■ ; * i *VOLUMB XXVI. A SESSION NOW PROBABLE May ^ C^lwl Th^ SumBMr to Main .Good Um Dofoets In'Mu- nicipal Finance Act. (By M. L. Shipman.) MB) LAST WES Death Cam* At Homo of Brotiter A! Etowah, Whilo She Wat Re- tofaminc to BroTard. Mrs. R. C. Simmons died last Fn- day evening, June 17, at the home of her brother, Thos. S. Gash^ of Eto wah. She had stopped there on her way fro;n Hendenonville, returning to Brevard, whefl she was attacked with colitis, death resulting m a* few days. ^ Mrs. Simons had spent the winter in Hendersonville with her only daughter, Mrs. W. C. Jordan. For a number of years her home has been in Brevard with the family of 0. L. Erwin, her cousin. She vmi also an aunt of Mr. Erwin’s first wife, and after her death had done a mother’s part in the home in the rearing of ^ the chUdiieiu * Mrs. SimmasB was bom in Oc tober 1839^ 'bcliix at the time of Jier death in hUr 82&d year. Her early childhood was spent in the Etowah. sectiviL, hut her parents dying when she was quite young she was takes into the 'home arent need for an ex tra session kas been under discussion, ^vemor Morrison has contended iSktX muncipal authorities can bor row mont^ under the machinery pro. Tided in .^e provisions of the 1919 law to lade them over until the next regular session of the Legislatiire, Irat meafbers of the North Carolina Mtuiici]nd Association in session kere «m Thursday practically convinced His Eancfllency that he is mistaken. The JUnciation called on the Gover nor in a body and |w«sented resoln- tioicB, ^«3iich had been unaainaas}y a- dopted, requesting that a special ses- :sion 'di the General Assemb^ be cal led at the earliest date practicable to pnmde relief for the taxing pow ers of i^e municipalities finding them- selvecin distress. The Governor frankly told his cal- krs ^£hat he was strongly apposed ia Ivringix^ the General Assembly ItestB this summer unless it was absalotc^ necessary. But after fistcBBas te thev “^le of woe” he acknowledged liiat £T the statements made were oar- rect relief is badly needed. Tke mayors ^f a number of citiM ^ uroducted by the pastor, Bev. A. | sermon from ifte band stand at the * ,. , **? acay g Raper, assisted by Rev. J. !R. ^ay, | court hoase. Hiere was al»lg crowd ^vy deficits cannot be hnd- ^ ^ eloquent tribute ; to hear tiie ersiigelist — teo big to led^ut .uthonty from Hie ^ ^ char«M« .f Wde- j be houed at «ke After utatana. Ipartefl .lady. Mr. Hay condensed At the conclusion of the confer-1 into a ^Pew words the desenplaan of oice the Governor announced that ke | ^ Chn^an life spent in doing .^od aMMdd ttaBie the matter under advise- j foy others, posing with atatament xnentand try to reach a concluskiB ias fflnktif aSie could now speak, iflM'SRould ao0B :as i>ossible. The Council of ascxibe “the praise to Chrial* interment followed at Oi& tSxove aacMlba^, The pall bearers were: IL H. 'Sachary, D. L. Englisli, John Maxwell, Fred Johnson, F. F. Slaflge, £. laoKoa. . . BIEVARD, N. C. ay; JUNE 24, 1921. f Ha* ,29 \ m i. THE PRAYER CORNER: **Without Bleatith” The Iamb chosen should be witho^ blemish. It would not do if it were imperfect. The people were not to bring in a lame, crippled or blind lamb. Godj^ants the best. We should always bring to Him the best we have We should give Him our heart when it is warm, tender and unstained, not HtS.ll. DSD LAST IRIDAY Deadk Qccwrred at Merriwether Hes> rdtal —• Leaves Record of ChrUtiaa CWracterk This and Many Other Vital Tows Matter* Discussed and Acted On at Last Meeting. A VERY ENTHUSIASTIC MEET. INC OF BREVARD' CLUB HELD. The meeting was called to order by Fres^ J. M. Allison. The gov^- nors voted'to donate $50.00 towards paying expenses of the “Imform^t- ion Bureau” and to pay for phone during the summer months. It was decided that the ministers of the town, bd urged to join the Club and that the dues be remitted. , The following -applications for membership were all elected: T. Cooke, F. O. McCuen, C. D. Bagwell, J. B. Summey. W. E., Breese, chairman of com- mitt^ appoMited to secure better pas senger service for the summer, re ported that he made a special trip to Washington and had-a confertnce with R. E. Simpson, Mr. Tayloe, Mr Andrews, Henry Miller and others and that they ^omised to take the matter under advisement and let us . [know later. T. H. Shipman, W. E. Mr^ B. T. Egerton died on Friday, Breese, and Wm. A. Band were ap- of last i««ek at the Merriwether hos-, pointed to confer with the proper i^Tting unto-it has grown cold in the ! Pital in Asheville after a long illness, authorities and push the “better pas- Since the last pablieatiott af the service of the wrld. We Aould j Pnnwpal services were held on Sat-jsenger service program”. Ae J>rwin ismily and from theirkane ' News, or withia tke k»t sevas days, hands when tkey are afternoon at Shawa 'Creek) A committee consisting of J. A. wmt forth as a bride just befota ^e Brevard kas pkiyed* three gaaas of -idlftsl aad atnnur for work: not Methodist Church near Yale, conduc- MUler, F. E. B. Jenkins, and C. H. waiting until they are emmped stiff, ^ by Presiding Elder W. H. Willis, Klueppelberg was appointed to ^ I assisted by Rev. W. A. Thoma« of I cure a suitable place for a pabhc civil war, hsaving this county wmg »v- ball and Upiaa.. ingior a%hne in Georgia. Herkus- | The fint of tfcaw was last Friday band wa»« Confederate soldier, -was afternoon, wb/ta '0^ Brevard team taken pinoner, and it was aapposed ^ went down to ^aadarsonviUa to get died in prison. They had only t tke funeral | toifet facilities and wood, were all members of the l»otiierhood The club voted to have **Home of locomotive engine'eni, of wKch Mr. j Coming Day” in the near future in- in I Egerton kina^ is a iaeniA»er. They j eloquence and flie wmg are iwnie, and has since been identified ^gnet. A gn^ game nM played' ^nd ntk wwt ttll our valaa is' were: with this section. Of a largelkmily that day, aew «Citike best pfacped W- ib^^aeaadktaawMSicinit^ 1 J- H. Srfllvan, J. F.» Hendrix, Joe «f fera«hers and sisters only tw» sur- I where, aiad at l|^ end «f tta im in- j newr kriag to Go^iftin^ Daa^teatr, ^ny Hose, R. G: vive: T. S. Galh of Etowak aad Mrs. j ning, tke aoax« «k>od 2 to 1 in favor j liliaiTiffii il. Tteeping I l«y» flattie 3. Moore of Macon Ctaifty. | of Brevard. anrselfes and layhig on ffia al-» E8**t»n was buried at her old The Mineral services were-held Sun j The neact same ixras played on Mon-1 ^ longer prts^T TV> | home dnom* eametery and the large d^ imming at the Brevari IMtho-' day. Town «ad country 3uki j^ I we never give to Ckrist only ^ poor | <^ngz«gation of people from that dist clnnrch, of which she had been a had the privilege of listeniacT for anj after we have servad our-1 testimony to'the es-Iwhat it proposes to do. A'a^parate Bieirfber for years. ' The sergices hour to Cyclone Mack preadh a great ^ jteem in wkiek she was held there. * booklet for each County will be lare Dr Witam Merle Smith tells of i^ *«“« testimony was borne by I pared «nd iawed ^ee to each eountsr kuyhig a ring his wHfe. He '“*8® naanber of Brevard people containing aU of the advantages, foomd «ae ^vhich was very Iteautiful, I attending tte cerenuaiy. * The oct. stead of having a Four^ of July celebration. Mr., Giles of the Western Nortir Carolin# Chaaakcr- ot Conasi—aM—^ a visitor and the Club was tieatcd to a very interesting on tile pea- sibilities of the Weswn Coimlies that compose this organization and State wnld have been called together sdiately following t^ conf^ witii representatives of Ike imnii- ciparautfaoxities, but for the fi^tthat Ike Attorney General was in Near York at iBbe time and his opinion is denred on the question of authority vested In 4ie cities by the law at present operative. The Gwerner left on Fjriday for Boone, Blowing Rock and other points in the moun- COBBLESTONE THE RAtSE Many kouses have been knittr Iq Brevard with cobblestone basements tains inspect actual and proposed “ years, and-a hswe j kig^hways and ^ attend a good roads hearing tke wnion, the «sawd went to the kail park and aaw Brevard beat AAeviBe 4 to 2. Then on l^sday Brenard visited Biltmore and 'had an cxciting game, coming off Ticior, 15 Ita Su There was some poor work, of course, to allow sack la^ scoring, Init most of the runs were made in one inning, Brevar^s eoaiBBg like a laaSslide to ward the claae. A. second SPme with SSltmore Is to be played ^^day aftemoan on tiie local fidd. natural, industrial, water power and mth « ^ne £tac wa. r«» and ridi. «“ »” “* ”®« wctioii ^e salesman Aein dko'mt him an- aadness, many of «ie c^ngregatloll «a>er raig alm»5t idenfe* with the «»wted to (ke point of weep- BEAX EXOTTES imZKESTi aaMwiation. The oost of jm extra session of tke General Assemb^ will be around |40, 000 and it is littie wonder that Ike Covcmor is trying to find some other way out of the (filei|>ma. There is heard the usual talk amongst the mem her- that their activities be limited to the specific purposes for which ^hey may be called together. When they get here thercb is no accounting for what may happen. Tkeir authority is unlimited, except by tiie Constitu tion and, of course, tiiey would not ben entErely constructed of iMs mat erial. Of late, the cobblestone wall haa keeooae popular. In addition to the wall bdSare €he court house, built by Tell aad. Joha Brown, and the ones in Nortii Brevarf boSlt by W. B. F. Wrighft and brother, all of which have hat previous mention in this paper, the latest work of this kind is to ke found A, small klaidk bear was captured recently on the govemmnft Teserve by Spurgeon Edmondson asid ^brought to town. Fortanately far the cap tor, tke nether bear was lAwent at the itime, as otherwise tke '^capture mig^t have resaBad in some knpleas- antaess. The littie aahnal, only a fear nanths j>ld, was left la 1^\ care of 3. W. first; aad ^id: *‘1 can eelEL you tiiia one lor just Ihslf the priae of the other”.. The rings wcae so alike, that none but an' expert eaold tell the idSFereace. Qft*. Smitii -w^ed why the second T^g was offered "^r so much less aad learned that "fkere was a tiemate and «lmost teperceptible flaw a the Jtfa»ne whi^ only an ex- peai; tmild dcibect. *TS9o,” he said, "I do not want that. Would I pro- aent ta the »nman I ksve best a flaw ed artme?” Should we to €9nist a flawed offering, a khmii^ed llfir, an imper- fertaervioe.? . H. A PR A EE*;: Gfkd, loxa Bather, we thank Thee tkat l%ou didrt ao love an as to give Thy kelorved Son to £e “for us, and wko, with llim dort frej^ give us al! tklngB, keilp -n Always ^ bring our best ta Thee. Ihmkle as%a give Thee OU9 heart it is warm, tender, and unstained, our hands while they at the Hunt Cottages, at Beverly ! Smith, where it is a^ely housed in a i are, akilial and Strang for work. Our Mitchell Naely^ .a^ kM, in tka Hunkar woikal Hja^Un Ffai., k«9iB for 1^, fully seleet^d stanes, which afford ornamentation to both lawn and stret. stop with .dj».terth« in the.^,^^ ^ ^ ^ municipal finance affair. And, just i As likelr ^ not, they would spend twenty da^'here instead of complet- ing their work in ten, aiiich can easily be done. The special session of 19v 20 lasted eighteen^ays and the print ing alope cost |lz,000 dolkin. However, the cost to the state of an extra session, say tiiese interested municipal officers, is quite insignifi cant compared to the dangers now im> pendmg. Without relief, it is said, tome .cities in the State will face de ficits in excess of $100,000; approx imating 40 per* cent of their 1920* 1921 ii'evenue. So it appears that we id^l have the Lsfl^flal^^ with us a;- roimd August fiftfSii^ not at an eartier date. Trantham's aad at Charfey Kdcel- *><>x ^th wire over the opening. Oc- simer’s booses. Mr. Trantham’s ter- ; «asionally yoans Bnain is take* out race wall was constructed by tke about wifli a halter arannd Brown Brothers, the Hunt Cot- neck, when ke eaccites the la&eEr tages Mr. Wright has built a series of 9** and curiosity of fsrerybody on -the street. Young as he is, he has devel oped a set of teeth and knows kaw to «e them if tiie occasion, demands; but ke is not usually vicious and seems to &ake friends readily. Being the fnroperfcy of Uncle San^ Br^in will b^ taken, after a brief sch iovacn in civilization, to Boek Springs near Mount Pisgah. SERIES OF SERVICES TO BE AT THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Rev. Willis Clarke of Trinity Church, Ash^lle,' will conduct a series of se^ces at St. Phili]^ Ep iscopal Church, Brevard, beginning attendance at the U. D. C. Sunday evening, July 10, and lasting ^e^past week has been tf. D. C. NOTES: one week. The public is most cor dially invited. tfib HOUSES REPAINTED: Mrs. A. King is having tiii lioiues which constitu^ t^ lachian hotel repfdntedf, thus grtttly adding to Ike altraettveneas of! tha 84. Of these the majority were vis- ton, «id there have 1been many , in quiries about board, rooms, cottages, ate. Boardftig boose keepers and othert tee^ 'aAile they are swift and ready to nm wpon Iky emoifls, our lips while Ike e^qpence and the song are still in thesa, not ws5Ung until our heart kas grown cold in the ser vice of the world, and our liands are cramped, stiff, and unfit for beautiful service and our feet hvve become crippled wilk age and oUr voice is broken and kas no mwic in it. How can we offfr Thee, O Precious Saviour, a^aw^ offering,' a blemish, ed life, ap ^ia$erfeet soraicel No! No! “Love so amazing, so divine, do main our soul, our Ufe, our all.” Take* them, and make tiMm wholly Thine, and help m ever to give Thee of our b^t —; the best we are and the best we have for Iovm owu Rake. Amen. C.'D. C. k«- Mrs. Egeiton was botn May SI, 1873, and was .the daughter of the lata lir. and ^rs. Bronson Broyles of Yale. She was married to B. T. Mr. Gilos said that Tran^^lvaniai stood second in the membership liat in Che Chamber of Commerce. A committee was appointed to look after supplying rest benches on tke streets, and at favorable points^ Since this appointment it Is re-' Egerton 20 years ago, spending the! ported that the committee has secur- greater part of her marri^ life in I «d front tiie colored picture theatre Brevard. About three years ago her | about 30 benches; which will be re place of residence was changed to jpainted. LaTce *Toxanvay. | Rev. Cl»s. Smith, of the Baptist It was during the seventeen ™ » ««®st and upon being more yeafs passed here that Mrs. Eg- introduced m^e a very interesting ertaa formed some of her closest I complimenting the hospitality friendships ahd did* the greatest work of kmc life. She was a consistent meatiker of tke Methodist Church, and was actively en^ged in its every de- paitaien^ A brilliant Bible student,, a teacher excellent qualifications and a liberal giver to every church cause, she became a leader in relig ious activities and left a'record of inspiration among h^ acciations are rapidly falHng into lir /' in tkki grei^ and im^rtant movem nt The meeting to be hield here ngaxt Wednesday is to formulate plans for movmpi^i iii Transytvaaiii this County. TJie li^ors of the ctock- es, thei raiperiniendents of Sunday' SciKK>]s, One oT ?r rcr.)rcljsentBitiva UNDERGO^ OPERATION: women ^in ed to attend, by t^' ;Bi|it^ of ^ * Oms. C. . J!, and one or dbireh, 1^ ^ed;^ mee^ting tor's W. ML Qoud. Jr., ilraa ealladt home nl^irary. Skoa m