* ^ A* ■’ ■ ^'*1 V '.-.- ■■ OP TRAN* lA couimr. . >i ■!•.•,•• .,• • -.V' •' ' ii"". J*.r- V-:' , • :• .• -• ' VOLUME XXVI. - BREVARD, N. C., FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1921. ; ..,5 . - *• • ' k.i >'V .’r ■? - , •■•; : J, .;, •• *■ £-'}:-f^ .' iiiii .iiiiiniiil iij I ^iiiiiijiit|>i .i^W' 4i. BREUIOIP.O.NeS MDCUSS !>«• to Liri> Tola^ t Ymmr-^Swmm 1 Svrvie* Jiaiy the Brevaxd % secof4 class offio6^S8iiSg •1^i«ted firom tte jnxUc of t&lli el^ W recent jj^dVfTninen* tal oriw. the receipts of '^IjlMr ending Decem- excess of ,$8,000. :de ihe sale of all d stamped paper. ,* Postmaster Hen- have been hov> Ellis F. Barton died Sunday night Ar'viittice, Eaded Lone Period of Suffering Sunday. This "'mef^^ -«this office ^''ber 31 last .; These receipts - ^ kinds of sta: For seTeral ry sasrs, the re< Ellis F. Bareon died Snnday night at Selica, at the home of liis uncle, Henry Barton. He was twenty-nine years of ^ge. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at Catheys Creek church, conducted by the pastor. Rev. DuPree, and a former pastor'of the deceased, Rev. A, J. Manly, and the interment took place at the church cemetery. Ellis Barton was the son of G. T. Barton, who now lives on the Clough EIGHT CXIIPS FORMMG GIRGI£ AROUHP BREMBO HEADY FOI SEI^MIX OTEN TMS WEEK Ulahee Leads Way With Group of Giriv F<4- lowed by Transylvania, Sapphire, Ivy Hill, OTE WKE ACmSS ROAD ms ering around th€tf^,000 mark, and it place. Besid« this parent — his is his Velief tha^tiie presence of so mother having jweceded him to the many camps and tlie general growth grave — he is suivived by five bro- of llie community"will insure the fut- thers and two sist^s, who are; ure Ending of the office above third j Julius, Rufus and H. W. Barton of claaa. Selica, Seldon Bartoii of Brevard and The transition of the office from ■. Lew^is Barton of Little River, Mrs. John Raines and SmiJl -OiiM Blnot Dfath While Going From Home To Neif hbor^e House. A live \Hre of the Brevard Light and Power Company lying across the ^ I road cost the lives of two Brevard Brevard and Tr^sch Broad—Rock Brook on Thursday night of hist week. Between seven and eight o’clock dh that evening^ the family of John Rain Beginning with the last day of side to Lamb’s Creek, whose waters es, who lived in a hous.e on John Duck June and extending for several days, will afford bathing, and swimming worth’s place, got ready to go across the opening of a number of summw facilities to the girls staying there the creek to attend a prayer meeting camps in the vicinity of Brevard this summer. This camp ,is under at the house occupied by Barney Mc- marks the starting point of a season the direction of Mrs. T.-W. Lingle of Gaha. The family consisted of Mr. of activity whose term will last thru- Davidson, Mrs. W. H. Davis aAd'her Raines, his wife and a little four-year out the months of July and August. daughter, Miss Mary Mci^hail Davis., old boy. Mrs. Raines being not quite For six or eight years two camps Another of the new camps is Illahee ready to start, Mr. Raines took the and Keystone to Open Next Week. for boys occupied the field. They constructed by J. H. Tiiuley on his were French Broad and Sapphire, land nearly two miles from town and child in his arms and went ahead. What happened after that time is each about two miles from town, a short distance from the French largely conjecture, as* the man and Within the last few years, so great Broad where it winds in one of its I child, after-leaving their own door- third to second class will not be mark* \ Fannie Stepp of Pisgah Forest and ; has been the development of the camy famous loops past the Hunter farm. | step never set foot on it again orjwd ed by many noticeable changes. Busi j Miss Pauline Barton of Greenville. aess, which was heretofore conducted through Greensboropwiil now be car- ired on directly with Washington. But this change will mean nothing of importance to the patrons of the offi ce. In assuming the work of the classi fied service the office force will stric- Ellis Barton was one of those yomig TmnsF^&nians who answered Question llajr Not Settiw4 Mvddlo of Month—Som* Out May Bo Fouad. (By M. L. Shipnian^ Raleigh, N. C., June 27, — Wie all-important topic oiE discussion here now is whether an extra seulon of the General Assembly is to be called for the purpose of straightening’ out the tangle, in the Municipal Finance Act declared invalid by the courts. Immediately following the meeting of the North Cftrolina Municipal As> sociation last week everybody ' was practically of the same mind and Ral eigh began to take seriously, the pi«- diction that the legislators, would soon be here again. But their anticipat ed vi^it is apparently farther away this week and some there be Who pre dict that a way will be found to a* void the trouble and expense of brmg ing the members together in extra ordinary session at all. idea and so favorable to this idea haa A ro^ has been constructed lead- communication with anyone. When Governor and Council of State been the region around Brevard, thk ing from the top of Rocky Hill to this Mrs. Raines crossed the bridge over protracted meetings ^ original number has been quadrupled, place, and an artificial lake makes the pasti week which were devoted to their^eoantrys call for fit men to de- {Instead of two camps, one north and one of the attractions of a valley al- child “P®® ground ^«here j bonsiderrtion of the extra session fend world democracy against the aut j the other south of town, eight camps, ready 'vcll supplied by Nature with the fat^ wire had arrpsted then: pro- suggested in the resolutions ad- ocracy joi the Germans. He had | at slightly varying distances, now beautiful scenery. This camp is for gress. In her attempts to save them j Municipal Association, training »t Camp Wadsworth and j form almost a complete circle around is under/khe management of she was badly burned about the face conclusion was reached! then went overseas with his divisiosa. I this place. Starting in almost any Rev.'T, W. Raywnd, D. D., President and in the hands, and for a while it' While fighting on the fields of France direction, the traveler now reaches of a Mississippi Synodical CoHege. was feared that she would not recover tly observe the eight-hour system and ^ late in the fall of 1918, he was ga®- one of these. institutions, which are Rock Brook Camp under the dir- from her injuries, be run on the government schedule. I sed and taken to a hospital. Tliis ' playing such a large part in the train- ection of Mrs. H. N. Carrier is just Gradually a crowd, attracted first The office will open at 6 a. m., and ! was onJy a few days before the aarmis-; ing of young people and also in the about to start on its first season. The « neighbor and then by remain open till 6 p. m., except for' tice, s© that he was among the last ^ permanent growth of the local cOm- camp is k\cated a short distance from the rafi^«spreading of the news, gath such time as is necessary to distri-I of the American boys to be numbered . munity. the public highway, well up on the ered at th^spot. Efforts were made bute mail, when the delivery window among the casualties of the great war. j While boys were the first to receive slope of a hiU and the surroundings resuicitate the man and child, but will be closed. There will be n« Afhar being brought back to fhis the attention of the projectiors of are ideal. In keeping with the name futile, general delivery after 6 pi. m. country he was placed in one gewem- ■ these camps, the girls are rapidly and the great masses of rock which will probably never be know» On Sundays there will be m> open- ment ihospital after another, the last' coming into their own and it is now obound in this locality, the club house JH^hether Raines ran into the wire ing of the delivery window. TKs is being the Old Soldiers* Hmne at five to three in their favor, so far as is constructed of stone. Above it without observing it or stooped to strictly prescribed by law. No pack- Johnson City, Tenn. Finally he was the number of camps is concerned; on the slope of the mountain are the under it and was struck in at- ages will be delivered on Sundays broaght back to his old home at iSeli-, Most of these girls’camps are entirely camp houses. In addition to tempting to get under. A neighbor except special deliveries and perish- ica, where he lay for months ibefore j new, having their firrt aeason this, g6neral camp *recreations, horseback farther up the road is said to have ables. ; the roud possessors of a fine baby lyay, Charles Carson. MEETINGS POSTPONB>: The first Monday in the month be- French Broad, Sapphire, Transyl- ing: Camp Brevard, under Mrs. L. G. last reports her condition was im- ' proved. SHIPMAN HOUSE REOPENED. vania and Keystone are now well known to Brevard people as well as' Joiner of Birmingham, Ala., July 1. to hundreds of tourists who have visi- j Camp Transylvania, of which J, A, ted them. Brevard Camp at C. M. I Miller is local director, June 30. ing the Fourth of July, the county , Siniard’s lake, while a new enterprise ! Camp Ivy ^lill, June 30. oommissioners will hold iitear meet- | is Ifcated on familiar ground. Those Camp Sapphire, under direction of | The Shipman house in the western ing on Tuesday, on which day also opening on entirely new ground are W. M. Fetzer, July 1. | suburbs of Brevard, which has been tihe Pension Board will meet. j Ivy Hill, Rock Brook and Illahee. The I French Broad Camp, Major H. E. closed for some time, has been open- 'The county road commiBslMers will j first of these is at the beautiful Raines, July 2. ; ed again for the summer season and X- meet on the Thursday, July 7. country residence of the late Rev. j Keyftone Camp, Miss Fannie Holt has several guests. This boarding The county board of education J W. H. Davis on a wooded inoll stand- will meet on Tuesday and i3ne countx board of health on Friday. The bank and post office will ob serve the legal holiday, as ^sual. ing out in the midst of Davidson River valley and sloping down on one of Jacksonville, July 6. Rock BroOk Camp, July 6. Camp Illahee, vJune 28. house will be conducted jointly with the Bryant. Miss Mamie Shipman The Council realizes that there is vei^T strong opposition to an extra session and has decided to find a way out without having to resort to such a contingency. The matter is to be held in obeyance until the municipal ities claiming to be in distress sub mit bins of particulars bearing upon financial conditions affecting their operations. Conclusive evidence that a special fiession ^ the Legislature is necessary must o^^ the hands of the Governor and his Council before* affirmative actioh will be taken. , to requtf^ furt^ i?viH^«w ‘®r^the imperaiii^e &ed fof convening the Assembly here this summer indicates delay in settling tho question to possibly the middle of July. It may be an arrangement can be made with State and local bankers to accommodate the' cities in need of assistance, in which event ihe lOxtra session idea would be aban doned. Even the members them selves, with whom the matter has^ been discussed, are opposed to it.. News from Washington is to the*^ effect that Frtuik A. Linney ^11 be confirmed as United States Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina. It will be recalled that the nomination of Mr. Linney by the Pr^ident several weeks ago was op posed by the Senate Judiciary Com- POOLE-LYDAY MARRIAGE fl. S. BUILDING AT RQSHAN GOING OP Tir. W. M. £yday on Tuesday re-; * ceived a telegram from his son. Dr. j. m. Kibatrick mt Work With Lairge Emmett Lyday of Gastonia, announc- ’ Force of Men Tendkers Eelect- img the news of his marriage to Miss | *d For Next Sesaiop. Naomi Poole of Greensboro. Miss ' Poole had been principal of the high _ ® school building at school at Gastonia. ' After the ceremony at Greeasboro f ^ v/ho the married couple left for a northern tour, “wTiich wilL include New Tork, Niagara Fails, and a visit to the Dem- sey-Carpentier fight. They will be here about the 7th of this month. has a large force of workmen* on the job. The excavation work and foun dation walls are itiow about cojbplet- ed. The work is being pushed .with a LEAGUE GAM^ OPENUPHERE. : and Mrs. Ida Bryant are giving their I personal attention to the old Shipman mittee on complaint , of leading neg I home, while the Bryant is under the | ^oes of the country on the grounds of immediate charge of Misses Rose and his antagonism to that race during Annie Shipman. The Shipman home has been for the campaign last fall. But for the interce isions of Senator Overman, a Brevard Defeated by Asheville Wed. netday — Home Town Goes to Canton Friday and Saturday The opening game of the Western North Carolina baseball league, which consists of Brevard, Asheville, Henr dersonville and Canton, was played here Wednesday, between Brevard years open to summer visitors and 1 minority member of the committee, has attracted a larg^ number of | unfavorable report would have guests. Its reopening wiU add mat- * been made on the Linney nomination erially to Brevard’s facilities for hous ! without even giving him a chance to ing its sumiyer population. 1 be heard in his own defence. On ■. ‘suggestion of Senator Overman REPORTS ACTIVITIES OF HOME over and LinYiey ad- ECONOMICS CLUBS: , vbcates got busy. — 1— ! From the incipiency of the fight The Home Economics Club at Lit- North Carolina republicans have ev- BARACAS ENTERTAIN THEAS. PHILA-' On Tuesday evening at the home f - ^ ■ Miss Dora Gillespie of Rosman has . >>““ to teach the school at mire St., fte Baraks oi tfe caison’s Creek for the next term. Baptist ^urch enter^ned the Phil- ^,5^3 Gniespje has ta <$scrirp 3 dps qualified hey wer^ jje- rosecute luiy aAed a^binat plied. CARO OF THANKS* a negro on the grounds of his color * 4. J. '— *•— rr*‘ w keep a register m tiie ^® same as he would an Illicit dis- 1. . assistant, not yet sup- iuihb« has been teicl both wMte and c3fsinie {Sarson in H^iitersonviUe. fal that Linney comproniised qii the negro fssoe. < 'Ay* WHEAT ^^HE^TS* ./,BOOY’^ ^