EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY. The Aim u Frankness and Sincerity. VOLUME XXVI. BREVARD, N. C., FRIDaV, SEPTEMEEa 2 1921 Number 34 LAWANDORDE LEAGUE PROTESTS is Interested In Tlie Enforeement Of The Prohibition Laws — Not Modem Styles. REFUSED TO BE THE GOAT OVER THE BLOOMER ADJATATION. SUCCESSFE SINGING SmPMANBACK ATTOXAWAY Editor Brevard News: The uriter of this article has been informed and understands that it is being freely circulated all over the city that the dt'crease this summer in the patronajre of the camps was the result of the activities of the Law and Order Leajjae. One auto public ser vice firm made the statement that it was the cause of the decroase in his bu sincss, another soft drink firm sta. ted it had caused the camps to install a soft drink stand of their ©wn and movinjr pictures and had injured bu siness in jieneral in Brevard. That your last editorial touchisng upon the discourteous treatmejit of the ca^fos was aimed at and a result of the oppos ition to the camps of tlie Law and Order Leajjue. I have been present at every meet ing of the Law and Order League 'inco its ofsranization, also a member of the executive commitee and I de- ■^iro to most emphxiically deny the fharji'es a? absolutely false and with out any foundatic.ii whatsoever to stand upon the .tri',tranization has never even I the camps, pro or con. I have investiijated the .source of this runvor and the facts as jratheved are as folio us; Some time last winter a >.‘c.mmittee composed of la'ii' , , n'presenlin'i- some of the clu'b? of the city presciite.i to the board of aldermen in a prot-;'ft airainrt the camp wearin,ir bloomers and rolled down j^fekines in the town. The aldernuMi. I understand, refissed to pass proh;bitin.!i the v,'c;:rinL'' of bloomers an | stockinjcs bu" they d’d instruct the secretary, Mr. Lathrop, so one of the aldermen informs me-, r?' "wn ite the mana,£rtT of the Keystone Camp requesting- an ad- herance to the wishes of the Com mittee of Ladies. The Law and Order League or the Law EnforceTiTon^ Lea^tie is precisely what its name implies, and its princi pal function &*i present is the f.up- pression of the illicit manufactory and sale of w’tiiskey and the convic tion and pui'.ishment of those who fio- late tht' laws now contained upon our statue books. When these objects have been attt^ined, then it mny deavor to pertuado our /city fathers to enact our ordinance as to v/oman’s apparel — but prohibition enforce ment i.*> more important. We firmly believe that the rejmrt was purposely circulated by lawdess element to create public opinion an- ta.uonistic to the Law and Order Lea- jTue to frustrate their efforts to brinj’ the ‘boo'/.e li'/ards’ to justice. H. C. Ranson ECONOMY IN TWONEY MATTERS Great Crowd Gathers At Lake Toxa- way For All Day Sinking. Rosman News W. T. Cantrell returned Monday from Pickens S. C. Leo Winabester and brother have just returned from a visit home in South Carolina. Dr. A. C. Current and brather re turned last Sunday from a visit to Statesville. Thomas Morrison anji wife of Hen- dor.son County spent a few days with relatives in Rosman last week. Bill Jackson, after a few days here with relatives, returned last week to Greenville. Paul Brooks, who has been in Greenville for several months, is spending a few w'oeks with friends and relatives hreTe. A. E. Thomas of Fulleston Cailfor. nia., is spending a few w'eeks with relatives and friends here and Cal vert. This is his first visit in 25 years and we are ^rlad to welcome him here ij^ out midst. Mr. Barnette, the superintendent of the Dttuble Sprinjrs B. Y. P. U. at Shelby, N. C., spent a few day^ in Rosman. He has the second ]ar,crest school of its kind in the state. La?t week Rev. Ed !>umm( v was calk'd from iiis meeting at Connestee to comv home, for his child was very low and he reached home just a short while before God took ’t away. Our sympathy and love with him and his family. The Zion Baptist church last Sat urday licensed brothf^r W. X. Gilles pie to preach. Il<‘ has been an or- ;!aine-! (!econ for many years of Zion churjh; but ht* says that eijrht years airo the Lord calle ? him ’n pi'each the Gospel; and he tried to .tret away from this caliin:: but couldn’t. He asked the church to ijran'i him permission ;:nd they di,} so. Lust Suncay ’.vas a <;ay of enjoy ment at Lake Toxaway for the many people who Lrathertd for tht all day sinsinjr. But sorrj- to say that the lars<> crowd was soTnewhat disappoin ted on account of Cedar ^Mountain’s chiss faiiintr to be present; but it was dne to the fact that Proffessor J. W. Rums was on the Taed of affliction, and w’as not able to be thwe. But Gloucester and pan of Sh^bal Creek clasv- were present and wt su. did have some j?rood sin.'rin.tr. Everybody enjv;v-ed a fine dinner and we want to thank the fTooj Ir.die for ftnjir kind ness and more espijjially do we v/ant (o thank the young; nien who respect ed thii sin.c:ini: and "all who gathered. There was no trouble on the church ^'rounds that day by drinkinj?. I hope all the churches will pet bat-k to those old days of gathermg- aq;ain. Airain tharikmg the good ijeople -t,? Lake Toxaway for their kindness. 1 rtmiain you^s for better Eing;intr, E. D. Randolph FROM m Gets Many Pointers On Opera tion Of Employment Service flE« 11 Itk. INSTITUTE EN SEPT. HRST Shopman Explains That Troops | Thirty Converted — 24 Baptized iilnrollment of Students About Same I Were Sent To Strike Area To And Taken Into Church— ^ As Last Year — O. H. Orr Preserve Order Other News. ; . Remains Principal. (Raleifrh News and Observer, August; 25th) I M. L .Shipman, Cammisioner of been 1 Labor and Printing and Federal Direc " Things have A very successful revival service' The servic(»4 R3IWATES FIRST SIX GRADES: .ROVvTH OF UPPER GRADES ELI- Raleiuh, August i:y. xmngs nave " , . rr i • ’ . j cioscd on last Tuesday, happ^onms rather rap.dly down this uay the pa=t two weeks and Go- ^ ^ _ ^ 1 ii, 4. - 4- Lork in the inti'rest of tlie wage-earrn-rs, he says, and has an : annua! appropriation of S3'»0,000 I with which to operate. It is. the mJ\n i and not the dollar which is receiving confflderatidn and the people of th^' State are gi^ln- Commi.ioner Erv:>Tit largely responsiMe ■ 10fc( -per cent co-operation. Corela-1 tion i- the watchword un there and all ; mi^^o^er Watts, liist to-ok exceptio:. I . . y r>. _ • - * ■> _ I ■> __ _ _ U!(' see him. Mr. Fuzzey is an En- . , r.ative, coming from London . he learned his trade in p’ ;r;c ■ rk .V” Tamos Cox and Mr. Rora Bly;h • - completed some rice repav work 1'. Middlet.on’s house. The nevr ' t-v put on adds very much to .-.ppearance. •Su'ton Wilson is having tome at- 0 -t ve addition put to his residence. H. Cheffield r^ turns to his -old position as dean of boys. Except for thc:ic- two positions^ the faculty remains unchanged from last year. Mr. 0. H. Orr ’’emains as Princi pal, w’ith responsibilities an ! duties practically the same as last year, so far as the management of the class work is concerned. Ho vvill have charge of grading and classifying the pupils, maintaining discipline in f -1- Another criticism in which th. Go vernor figures is the actioTL j* Re venue Commissioner A. D. ..t; reducing the assessed valuation :oi '1020 (determined by the o ' T. ■; * Commir.ion) of the American Toc>r;.i. ‘ . Cair.Tjany and the Liggett Myc- Tcbs-cco Cflmpany practical'.ly SiJ’ 000,000 and ordering refonce : theise corpiiiratiors in state. c-»u-- and citv taxes a?proximscelv Sil^. 1 *■ . * - ^ : 000. Fenner Tax CommisioTier .j. It .ooa- like prosperity i^= still around school hours, keeping the records of v.—.en v e have so much building in pupils, conferring with patrons about rur section. the school w'ork of their children, pro- The rock crusher near tiie station moting students or demoting -them,, : '‘ill ir. action ^nd keeps us in hope<:^ and such other tasks as belong to ther of a goo'i roadinthefuture. The com- principal of a day school, rany is putting down rock or. th^' iow. Mr. Trov.’bridge, w.ho was studying ■ r n.i cf the county near Blantyre. last year, will be on duty this year as 1 Superintendent. He is supposed to AT LITTLE RIVER have general supervis?ion cf the schoo! CH. the farm, the boarding department^ the finance.s, the buildiiiTf- and ::cope ' v.-ach at of work v.iii r-jquire a. ^c:: l.l::'able Episcopal part of his time. The prospects for the enrolment are about as they have been for se veral years. It has been necessary t(» turn away applicants for admission as PREACHING IV^ETHODIST CKUR Tw: . y. M. PruojI.-y wi'i L/rt;::' River Methodist "'u-'ch. near the old -V. -J. Loftir- e. on the third Sunday in S. T*ember at 11 O’clock A. M. He win a;po conduct th; fun era- of old X Commi.sior man Aaron Wilson and his wife at is always the case, although the num- ‘h? family cemetery near the resi- ber of rejected applicants is not so dcnce of David Wilson. gi’eat as in some previous years. The^ financial stringency is perhaps re- TR!P FROM LAKE TOXAWAY TO sponsible for this situation. The pu- •of 'hbor. The folk.^ up thut way bc- : lieve; in teamwork and are prwctacing; ! resiilts. V i . Tir. Shipir.an is enthusiastic over- (the "fine pri;spects for the future do-; J velopment 'of the U. S. Employmenl of the former Ts: of whi\;h he was a number. Secre- tary Josephus Daniel’s paptr here ac cepted the vi'ew' of 5Ir. Maxv.ell as the carrect p*i;!tion :ajid called on the Governor to desert the her Vali day, l’i‘. I. bv RIDGE CI^EST: •L Neely, havin., wr.v O'? Hirvhir.nds “Sumn: er 1 , ■ , ^ t> , ^ ! going hy Bat i T . - ♦ , r j U 1 4 1 o jSer-^ice fhrcughout the countiy andV^^P’-'-' protect-| -topping ovi-r nigiit with l\[r. nation of I declr-res that Director Gtmeral Jones StUie from such un- , Neelv in -^shr^vl’l the right man in the right place - | decisioE:s. CTAE^misioner WaEcts : Ivlountain mnto"e.,l Carolin'.’ y and Lake Toxaway on r.ccomix-.nied by M;-.-. Xee'r (ontinued their trip to A'.'hevill; Ctr.'e and Chimne', topping ovi I He >1X12 execiitive ability -and driving , j heari:ag3 in the case and the the map wher-over he goes. His heart \ cn.j I autlvrities of they jtro IMontrea pOTv^er which wdil put th® Service on the map wher-over he goes. His heart is in the work and nothing is going to ■ be left undoTro to can'y relief to “tho down an;! lutu.” while Mr. Jones re- 1 1 1 -a- • J *1. : , Lu inuuniain, Jiontreat ‘came back witn tne records or the i p;,j„ n ^ r-, . i , : .... , : and liidge Crest nn Tuesuav return- i hearrngs in the case and the suppert j ^ V, ' "' I iiig to their nome in Soutli Carolina snmo day. They speak in the mo?': glowing terms of the Monderfu’ siti&n by tbt city and county Durham, in which thei;e corpomtions are located. I>an- j i be left undorro to can'y relief to “tho | idis And Morrison ca31ed one another 99 pils seem to be of a high type and with high ideals. The course of study has been I’e- IMon- organ;::cd slightly to Vring it in line Vvith the b.:.-3i r.icderr prr.ctice. The grov.th o fthe uppo" 5rrades and the hig!i school h.*s nec^ ssitatej the elimi- iir^-L :i:: grades. Thf.*^ leaves exactly ',’hat constitutes a combined Jun;.>;-^-rior High School, anci the progri.-. ;i cx sludies has been mcdliied slight.y to thi.-^ end. The Ju nior High ScliOOi consists of the se- venthe, eight.i, and ninth grades, and ?ccnic beauty of the region covered its work is chiefly to offer those stu_ Is One Of The Mi)st Commeni32ible Virtues. But Selecting A Safe Place To Leave Your Ssndngs Is Equally 7iv.p; rtant ' 5 o many people r .:'*c«e t. in saving money 3 Anr more conftssions of faith , anti fifteen making application for ■ church mernbershir). main^i at the K'elm, unless t'h^ FecTera3 ! names.Rt “long distan.^e. on the trip. dies and th ;.se facts in each study which are useful as the common know* ,,, - , , I i. J.U i-i. ' “— useiLu cia me common know* i Director for ^orth Carolina is badly either nad seen whac the o.her j prqF. JACK POWER AT METHO-! ledge needed bv every person what- i na:l renllv nlmtrt n r.i. DifTPrf»r._ . . . . ‘ ^ > ALL BREVARD ENJOYS AN ICE CRTIAM SUPPER AND MOD ERN STREET DANCE: I Had really said abiitrt hilm. Differsn. j ces between Mr. Daniels and the Go- \ vel’iuor of a “perseonal tinge” have DIST CHURCH. Prof. Jack Povrer of Washington D. C., wil address the people of Bre- ADMITTED TO THE BAR Charles Nichols, a Transylvanian, was among those who stood the ex amination in the Statt- Supreme Court and passed. This makes ;2in- othcr Transylvanian, a lawyer. , evening s»ept. 4th. at 8 P. M. The i:e cream supper and street! honor to the boys wh© rce- Subject, “Safety First ” or “How dance >given W^idnesiijay night ft>r 1 or a5»usted to m&itce, gj,g| Escane If We' Neglect So . FORD CATCHES ON FIRE. COTTON MILL OPENS The Brevara cotton mill began t>- perating again on Monday, Aug. 2&, after having been closed down lor several months. Mr. J. W. Burnette says they are now operating with a full crew. A ford belonging to the News office, and stancing in fi-ont of the Brevard , Hardw’are Store, caught on fire on 1 la"t Tuesday evening, due to a pile of v a; to cotton left lying on the muf- ' fler. By the quick action of C. S. Os borne who used a “Pyrene” can the blaze w’Es put out in several minutes. All automobile owmers ought to have one in their car as well their business • an 1 residence. Mrs. Henry Gray and daughter j Eleanor, who have been at the Frank lin, left Monday for Tryon to spend a v/eek before teturning to Louisville Ky. FINE MEETING AT OAK GROVE For eight days Rev. A. S. Raper conducted a revival meeting at Oak Grove, the meeting closed on Sunday night. '’Eighteen profesed faith in Christ, 10 of whom signified a desire to unite with the church, and they will be re ceived on Sept. 4th. at 4P. M. The Lord yet saves whis his people do their part. Thank Goj for his goodness to us. Brother Jasper Orr led the singing in nearly every service, day and night. The Lord preserve his life. A. S. Raper, PaStor rcn Wnidnesiijay the bei'tdit of ‘fhii ball team, proved to be a decided success. Ice cream, cake, ice tea and sandv%^ichcs w'ere served in tbe AeAlielwald Hotel din ning rooro v^hiie the street in front was closed to traffic, cleaned and pre- ! pared for dancing. Music was fur nished by a colored fovchestra. Judg. ir.g from the immense crowd who re freshed themselves i^ the dining room and those who participated in and witnessed the dance until a late hour, the occasion was a decided suc cess. Over a hundred dollars was realized for the benefit of the baseball club. Mrs. Marchant and Miss Jack Clay ton had charge of the management, ably assisted by a score of other lad ies. The chapcroners were: Mr. and Mrs. Silversteen, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Shipman; Mr. and Mrs. E. P. McCoy; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patton; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Yongue; Mr. and Mrs. j Flem Glazener; Mr. and Mrs. Kitchcn. ever his or her life may be. The Se nior High School offers a number of 1. ■ u ■ U^ 1- J- 1 J *1. 1 "uuiesa cue people ol Ure- curricula each preparing for some de i since beep amicably-adjusted and the T.T , v 4. I - \ J., I. 1 • -rr J -11 1 , '^^d at the Methodist church Sunday ; fixate sphere in later life. Those w^’o i.tw© appeared in Bfendersonville last: o . , / , - - - - - evening, Sept. 4th. at 8 P. M. , complete the entire course, therefore should be well equipped both cultur- A J J. 1 • V 1. ii we iNeg’iect So and vocationally, for thier im- America a decent place m which to , «>»f ^ . i ^^t’at Salvation?” mediate future, l:ve- JVieanwhile, £be watts cruer i i. • x , i rr •, j- stand., and the effect of it wil! h.ve ve '’‘•y-I , TIL ‘ to determined by future develon- !dml~i, I f;! TT * admic.-,.on, only oifering taken at are admitted to the vocational class- ^ ^ ^ close of address. es at any time, though they arp urtred Contract for the state printing, 4. j . ate urgea , . T , -J a. • • J <-ome to hear this noted man. binding and ide-stampmg expired on | a 9 P the 25rd., but no agreement beyond ! that time has been reached. The' ~ state, through the Printing Commi-1 MARTHA KATE, = <^‘»'-s'dered hignly dc-.re.-ib;o, but sion, has secured a reduction of 5 per I BROOKS. | ere are mal.> v. o r.ibecome ear. cent on present contract prices from artha Kate Brooks, clausbterl ' ^t-ivUio desi- all responsible bidden for a term of ”! Brooks of -a! feeds of two years, but is asking for a one- C'’f *ed Saturday 1 A. M. i .P“f ‘ to at her >o,.ne after an illness of 14 ; educatzc v^'hich is like- to take all the Junior High School work first as a foundafon for the specialize^ vocational studies. This Mrs. Edw'in Fay and son Charles, who have been here during the sum- j mer, left last Saturday for Hender- sonvi’le for a chort visit before going , to Ai:?ti::, Texas. days. She w'as born in this countv: most valuable to each, with- year contract on the same basis. Com petitors for this work have been as- horn in tl..„ , i, ’ ked to indicate the proportion of the ' ^^ars, 14 I attention to college entran. public printing they wil agree to ac-* funeral services were i requirments or the traditional cept on the conditions propo33d by the home by Rev. Du- twelve o'clock today. Final decisic- > 10 A. M. on Sun- in the matter will probably be reach-' offerings were beau- ed in a clay or so. In any event the ! ^ mother and father S.ate is to realize about $7,500 per brother, J. vV. Brooks. The pall bearers were: E. Lewis, A. E. Lewis, O. L. Erwin, Jr., J. M. Za chary, Dr. E. S. English, F. P. Sledge. The remains were laid to rest at Mt. Moriah Cemetary. to realize about $7,500 per year saving undei' any new contract. CATTLE SOLD: E. W. Everett has recently sold a splendid bull to Wm. Fetzer for the Sapphire Camp farm. Several thoro’ ghbred cows to C. W. Edwards of Transylvania and two cov/s to a Mr. . 0* *. ICvC.icVo r>i. Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Hay left this week for Chester, S. C., for a visit to the latter’c relatives. MONDAY ■ " DAY On Monday, C_: temb..- 5th, labor day, the drug stores will keep Sunday hours and the following stores will be closed all day: T. M. Mitchell, Plummer & Tran- tham, F. P. Sledge, J. M. Allison, O. L. Erwin, W. E. Bishop, C. C. Ton gue, City Market, A. E Hampton. Rosey B. Owen of the Lake Toxa way section, was in Brevard Monday.