FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 1 HE BREVARD NEWS. BREVAR D, N. C GENUINE MR. BOWSER IS BRAVE But the Police Do Praise Him. By M. QUAD. BULL DURHAM tobacco makes 50 ^ood dgareHes for lOc We want you to have the best paper for So now you can receive with each paclcage a bock of 24 leaves of — the very finest cigarette paper in the world. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM * SPECIAL EXCURSlpN FARES To NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. AND RE TURN Via Baltiirsore & Ohio R. R.^ Au gust 24th. Via Pennsylvania Rail road, August 30 and September 13th. Tickets will be so'd on the above «{ates and passengers will use the fol lowing schedule: Leave Asheville 4:10 P. M Arrive Washington^ . . 7:40 A. M. ; Tickets on going journey aVe good | only on SPECIAL TRAINS via the! Ba’tiincre & Ohio or Pennsylvania Railroad, as follows: j Vi ■ B. & O. R. R. leave Washington 7:30 A. M., August 26. j V is Pennsylvania R. El. Leave Wash- ; J t ; ic-ion 7:40 A. M., September 1. ■ ar.-J £epU--nber 15. | rXUND TRI? FARE FROM ASHE ‘ Vi'.Li.'.— $33.97, plus 8 per cent War , Tav. j r . V fr.rrr. ;"om other stations in n North Carolina^ inquire of Ic. ’ agt*.ts, cr sec blue flyers. j 1 !KAL Lir.'IiT: Passengers must ^ re."«c!i original starting point on re- tu! n ls :>p before midnight of the nine, j teenth daj, which includes date of j s.'.ie. STOPOVERS: Stopovers will be granted on application to Conductors^ v/i‘.hin the final limit of tickets, at the following points, on return trip: B. & O. R. R. Buffalo Rochestr.i*, Geneva, Mauch ♦ Ch;i;-’'., Ithaca, Philadelphia, Wash- inglci’. Pennsylvania R. R. Euffaic, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, W 0.s!.irigton. BAGGAGE WILL EE CHECKED For Pullman accomodations and other information call on your local agent or write the undersigned: J. H. Wcod, Div’sion Pacscng:;;'^ 42 Kaywood Street, Ashe- /ille, N. C. CHERRYFIELD NEWS (wriiien for last week) Vv'e are having: fine woatiier up and avuu!'.d here now. ?.l:;. Oat Bryson is VL-ry ill, and we an.? hoping’ for ht-r spceay recovery. Mr. Bannett from Shelby has just finished a three days Sunday school Institute at the Mt. Morii'.h Baptist church. Ev’eryone that heard his lec- tuie.s on Sunday school were helped. We are all sorry over the death of uur friend, '^‘ss Katy Brooks. Every one loved . ^ Ka./ that knew her. Mr. Julian Thomas from Fulton, Cal., is visiting 'ms sister, Mrs. E. C. Gluzener, and 1 ’ onds. A crowd of o • boys and ffirl^ left the other day fc Marrs Hill College. Cfierrifield now ' '.rnishes four of the seven students i >m this county who are now in Mar. , Hill College. Julian Glazen r and wife are in from Raleigh on visit. Mr. Glazen- er finishes at the C. State College thi.> coming year in an agricultral , (bourse. r — CARD OF THANICS: — Cherryfield, N. C. Sept. 6, 1921. V^e wish to thank our many friends j for all kindesses and favors shown us during the sickness and death of j our wife and mother. We are veryj thankful, yours OA-US BRYSON AND FAMILY.; (©, 1921, by McClure Nswapaper Syndicate.) Mr. Bowser was going' over to the Store on an errand the other evening when he met a man named Jones, with w'hom he hnd a slight acquaintance. Mr. Jones was walking by fast and seemed very much excited, and it was perfectly natural that Mr. Bowser should ask: “What’s up, Mr. Jones—^Is any of the family sickT’ “No, 3\Ir. Bowser, but I was going to the police station, and I wish you would go along with me.” “Why do you go to the police sta tion?” queried Mr. Bowser. “Say, I made a great discovery, and an awful tragedy may be close at hand!” “Tragedy?” “Ye.*?, one of the worst tragedies that ever happened in this town. 1 am glad I met you. You will tell me what to do.” “I can always tell a person what to do!” pompously replied Mr. Bowser, “do rl^iit ahead and tell me about the ili.SCO very.” “It Is ]ike this,” said Mr. Jones. “I 'vas wjiitin,!? for the car, about six Iti.x ks down the street, when I saw a man sneak into an alleyway, between hi' cohhlcr shop and the grocer. He carried something imder his ann and he carried it mi^'hty carefully. My •;nsT>icinns won* aroused at once.” “Tliafs rifiht,” said Mr. Bowser, as lie patted him on the shoulder. “Al ways have suspicions. (Jo on.” “The man ran our, of the other end of the passajre, and I went in to see what lie had been up to. I found a lio\ ill there, which he had left. It \v:is abi'Ut the siz** of a cisar box' and wnnjrcd lip in brown pajM'r. I di'l Tiot dan> to lift it r.p. but I-,<:ot dowti on iiiy kiu'e.s and listened t<> see if wa.-- ni’y clockworl; iiisii'e. 7 ■’■(in't l!*':ir iinytliinp: like a clock, hur T dill stiifU somethin:: which .trjiv*' nut 'U1 :iv iul stilt'!’. l)f('s an infernal rna- I ■ iri\c oiir nii :ivvl'iil snK'ilV’ ■■’Inst cc-iiiii'ly." the ■‘'i'l !■; ji\-<‘ ii'it a'll of >iilj)hi'r\c i'l. 'i'hat’s tl'i' way tlie jioiico tlnd was tl'.o .<aiiie kind of a stnell l;;:t Jiair dye onr. hut it can'i ■! 1 ;iM- dye.'’ ••X". --’f—I'f'. s'rl It’s an infernal '-h;!!'-! Ir has 1> en pl;'.Mt«-d liicr!' ;<i i.Jo\v up Tl:-' cdT’try and tlic w. thwai’t tlie Iri'^!; 'i(^si"T’. .1 ,• ■ . .. j, '.naclui;.' 1 ''.\ ii! tear down iniiidin^rs l>y tiie ; -.(T !>ftak Viindow.'s hy tin* hiir- •• .V. V. ’! i rl’ ‘ i i'i;::i!t tip sa:d Mf. "S-i, V, :!!' atiythitiL' ol' tJio ' ' Wi' \\ iii ri'M’ox i' tii;it ho;;i!) am’ ■ir;'y it to tlic pt licM station;" "I'.' T. ■'Jr. v,,,v s('r: I don’t want to Mown all to a;'i;a> and T ]>V''snnu' yon don't.’’ “See here, Mr. Jiines,” said Mr. r>owsi>r, as he swelli'd out liis clit'^t “This calls for a brave ;u*t. Ir calJ.'- for r.ei've. It calls tor j>resen,-t o,' tiiind. T am ju.^t tlii' man to lit :li>' place. You.Aiin takt' yoiir str.nd ac/o.-v> tile street, and I will "o into the pas saw and hrin^r out that box. I have praise. They might even publish his full-length pictur*. Drawing a long breath, he entered the passage and, midway of It he found the cigjir box. It was reposing on the ground as sweetly and. softly as a young lamb. No one, to look at It, would dream that it contained tlie lives of hundreds or thousands of peo ple. It w’ould ^low that grocery a hundred feet high, and the grocer would never again sell butter at 70 cents a pound. It would, at the same time, send the fragments of that cob bler shop four blocks long and the old cobbler who had raised his prices three times would never raise them again. In fact. Me w'ould be raised himself and when the fragments of his anat omy came down, the most expert doc tor of surgery could not patch them together. There was the Robin Hood club across the street. There would be about 50 Robins roosting inside and pmoklng their cigarettes and drinking their champagne. In one instant they would be wiped ofC the earth, and their blood mixed with brick and water. Piedmont Pressing Club H. G. HARDIN, Manager Brevard, N- C. PRESSING DYEING DRY CLEANING ALTERING Rear Smith’s Barber Shop Phone 143 Pressing 1 Suit 50c; 4 Suits 11.50 Work called for and delivered promptly ECZEMA Money back without question if HUNT’S OUARANTBED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt’s Salve and Soap),fail in the treatment of Itch, Bcsema, Rinsworm,Tetter or other Itcb- ing skin disease*. Try tbio treatment at our ritk. S. M, Macfie Drug Co. Philip’s Bai(eiii 1 1 i !^i m “He Found the Cigar Box." accomplished just such acts, tlozens of times, and shall accomplish this I” “If you do, you arc a true liero," said Mr. Jones. “Well, I have beer <• illed that many times, whether I cb crved It or not. If I sacrifice ray lil t wiU be in ilu ainse of the puldic. nly one life uil) be lost and, where , if the bon'o i^ left to explode, it ’ .:y kill thousands Come right along, Mi-. Jones, and poini out the T'bi'-e.” “By (. ' r e. Mr. Bowser, but I wisli I had yi ; i ;>Mvage! I am not exaell; B cowari’ I would not handle thir box, if : iiyone was to offer me a mi' lie; ilars!” T' two walked down the st«‘c an'! It length, Mr. Jones polntel O’ the passage. It wasn't so very da in there, ass. an electric light, su-rr'' file'street, she<l some of its bca. While Mr. Jones wont across the sjk' ATr. Fov.’ser stofv! for .a moment. ii< n;; an'! sm(‘llinir. Cobl chills ims vei- -ilui iir.d I'e foil the iier'^it!;-;i iftrt on hi.s !f lie br»<' ’ li/* .vov.M b:!ve b:;f!-e(l onf '!r. ..u.ies wjis • !;iin. '! ' vas heroic ’.vo;"' -d 'hr ' •<’anid ftive iitiMs.; “The Captain Hadn't Any Questions to Ask. There was a church, two blocks down. How many miles in tiie air the spire <if that church would sail when the cxrJo.sion took place it was hard to I ('stiiiiate. { fJtlier things would happen. The I f »:-. e of the explo.^ion might even I rea< h Mr. Bowser’s residence and ; throw ;Mrs. Bowser down iind stand I the cook on her head. The box must I i.e re;n<iv(>(l at v.iiatever cost, j As Mr. I’owser stooped over to pick I ir np, he might have murmured: “Now j r lay me down to sleep,” but, at any j rate, he got the box and appeared j carrying it Mirli the greatest cave. He j cross('(i over to Mr. Jones and retvived ! tlie praise he deserved. Both of them a ion:; smell of the box. It cer- I Tainly smelltMl of sulphuric acid, or j •hn stnf" wliich makes hair dye give I out such a beaiitifiil odor. I “Nov,- for the police station.” said I >!!•. T'ov»s(*r, anil tlK'v wallcod on. I The box was 'K'Ing held at arm’s I Ungtli. whi'ii tiiey entered the station aT'.d!:c(l up to tlie sergeant’s desk. Mr. I'owst'r was. of cours(\ spokes- :;ian. He was l)reathing very hard wli.'ii In* said; “Scr rcai’.t. I liave found a bond) or an i:iI\>ni:'J niacliine, and I wish to leave it with you I” Tl'.e s('"ir('anr looked tip in a careless '■■.•ay and ]>oint»*d to tbe captain'.-i 7'oi>!ii. Mr. T’)0'.\ <cr and Mr. Joik^s entered ;nid roid tlii'ir story. T!;e captain !;:T.n’t aiiV <i'ies;io!is to ask. lie carelessl.v ft'lr for I'is pocket kniTe :ind ci;t the .'tring ?tnd removed the paper. Then lie i>ried iij) the lid of the box and loc.k(>d in. An overpowering odor gaslit'd on*- an?l he bad to tttrn a^\ay head as be said “,‘^ay, you boobs, ought to be lodged vi]> for a we'-k for playing sucli a triclc.” “What is it?” asked M*". Bowser, as h»> advanced and t<*ok a look for him self. There were six eggs in tlie box. One i*f t’lie:;! had become broken. These cgiTS witro anywhere from six to ten years old. » Mr. I’owser and .Tones got out as soon as they could and that ended the tragedy. Mr. Bcm-ser didn’t henst to Mrs. Bowser of his courage wlien be got home, and the papers didnt publish a single line about it. J_ Raised Rare Orchid f^rom Seed. The ll/.ai’d orchid has. been saved from extinction by the efforts of a cottager in Kent. He has proved that is is amenable toi cultivation from seed. At one time this rarest and most beautiful of British orchids was Thought to have entirely disappeared, and the finding of a siiecimen in Kent after a lapse* of many years caused quite a sensation among botanists. Since #hen only isolated specimens have been found at considerable in- ter\-als. Now, however, a cottsger named Fox, living at Adisham, n^;>ar Canterbury, has succeeded in raising a number of plants from seed sown under natural conditions, and has a score or so of plants in bloom.—Lon don Mail. When >1* need of Fresh Bread Cakes, Pies, Rolls, and all other Fresh Baked Pastry try us. I Bread^bne day old is now sold fdr nine cents a loaf It i* our intention to deliver Bakery goods as soon as we are established in our r ew bailding. Plillip’s Bakery Square Pegs. Secretary of State Hughes said at a dinner, apropos of the army of office- seelcers that is infesting Washington: ‘‘Political appointments should be made carefully. The average politi cal appointment reminds me of an an ecdote : “Louis XV once appointed as roya! librarian a ceitaln gay blade nnnied Blgnon. “The appointment was most unsuit able, and when M. d’Argenson, Uig- non’s uncle, beard of it, he said: ‘“Excijrtent, my boy! At last you’ll have an importunity to learn to read.’” CITY PBESSi^S CLUB ; J. E. V^ATERS, Prop. I I Qeaning I I Pressinsf I t I i>ye!ng All work turned out promptly, i Main Street Brevard ! I NOTICE OF SERVICE OF ALIAS I SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION: In the Superior Court., North Caro lina^ Transylvania County R. T. Allison vs Ida Mae Allison. By order of His Honor Thos’ J. Shaw at the July-Aug. jterm df the Superior Court of Transylvania j county, N. C., for the issuing and j publication of notice of alias sum mons in the above stated cause: Therefore, the defendant above named will take notice that an act ion entitled as above has been com menced against her by the plaintiff in the Superior Court of Transylvan ia County, N. C., for the purpose of solute divorce from the bonds of securing from said defendant an ab mati’imony now existing between them; and the said defendant will lurthor take notice that she is re quired to appear at the office of the I'k of the Superior Court of Tran jLl'lvania County, N. C., on the 21st L^y of September 1921 and answer or der.rjr to >._> complaint of the plaintif: v'’ V'’. ” iH be deposited in the oi’.ice c..." v,- clerk for the re lief demanded in his said complaint. This August 16th, 1921. N. A. MILLEK, Clerk Superior Court Transylvania County, N. 4-t-Sept. 16. D. C. **muiiiiiiiiiii!niiiiiti»^"*mii]i[iliMiiiiiiiiiiug U. s. MAIL LINE LwgMt and Fastwt American-Flas Ships **AaMiica’* JiJy 23—An>. 24-Sept 28 ^^^GcMg«WuU^ten’'Jtily30—Aur.27—Sept24 High Standard Service in Second and Third>CIaM (J.S.Ma3 Linen have rtandafdizedsenricefarall cmwCTof IraTelen-and ihatftandard ithish. The Aacrica, for iottance, cania 1.400 3d-daa pa»- WDsen in cabiiMcoatamiiig two or f oui berthsoijy. (2.700 3d-claM pawngeri in all.) Fcrfutfier inntaalioaiM nearctk iteunthip agcBtocwnle U. a. MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. 45 Broadway* N. Y. ^Openlhig U. S. ShipplnsBoard iimmu SMITH’S PLACE f % where you will receive courteous treatment, and where every one who is employed is a Tonsorial Artist We will be pleased to serve you Brevard Lumber Co. I We are selling : cheaper now than it has been since the war started. FLOORING CEILING SIDING WINDOWS DOORS Now is the time to build. We I are looking for higher prices next year on everything in lum ber. We will sell you anything cheap for cash. Brevard Lumber Co. FRANK JENKINS, Prop. Phone 120 Near Depot For Sale for Cash On Saturday^ Sept. J 0^ 10 a* m* All Household and Kitchen Furniture belonging to Mrs. J- R. Boone. SALE BEGINS promptly at iO a. m. at her residence. All the Above Must Be Sold f LOOK FOR THE KODAK SIGNt For Developing Postcard Films or Smaller 1 KODAK FILM TANK Makes developing just as easy as taking, and just as interesting. Daylight all the way. No dark room. Price $6.00 FRANK D, CLEMENT The Hillmirk Jeweler «*MMMia»isie»L(!GK FORTKE KCDAK SICN«a?«rwiW)^fflfi>i

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