m^:..r '■!■ * -; . »i '»!;# w -'•5^i.'- I"- *■:-lF:-viv or TRAM SYLVANIA oouimr. , '■j=nA BUVARD, N. C, FRIDAY, SBFTEinEII SO, IMt YOLUMS XXVL SONDAYSCHOOL COMVimON OHHNKAIIOH INCODNTY M SfMlMM So«ffct HmipM ^tioB *•»»•#*- lAtioB — OfiMn Elact«A> Saar* Arlisl* WrittM Of Hi^ PricM •y SImmM B« Accaptad la Spirit WrittMu % Sunday Sdiool workers from va rious seetioBS ol the county were in attendance at the Transylvaiia Coun ty Sunday School Convention which was held in the Baptist Chwh, Bre vard. At the close of the meeting the re- xecords showed that 8 Sunday School «i bMn represented in the meeting. Among Uiose present were 6 pastors, 4 Superintendents, S2 teachers, the total attendance being about 200 peo The State Sunday School Associa tion was represented by Mr. D. W, Sims -and Miss Flora Davis of Ra- kigh. The addresses of these two workers were said to be very interest Sng and instructive. The plans and purposes of the State Sunday Sch^l Association were represented by Mr. Sims in a most comprehensive way. In speaking of the work of the State Sunday School Association Mr. Sims said it seeks helpful co-opera tion, not union. Its conventions and institutes discuss methods of work; not church doctrines. The Conven tions held under the auspices of tht; State and County Associations are i for our Business Mens’ OrgantzsCtran free schols of methods open to ^11 to take up with the proper autfaori- who attend. Again, in twtftoirflSies ties that we may enjoy the same ad- where ther are no Sunday Schools {vantages of other towns. Brevard’s the Association does wst suggest the ■ greatest need is a wholesale grocery organization of nnksi ^Sunday j house. If all of the merchants would Schools but urges the organization j take some stock and pledge to sup- of denominational scltools of l2»e de- i port one, there is absolutely no rea- nomination preferred by the people | son why a business of this kind of the community. Our tadft:, said ^ should not pay hantlsome dividends. Mr. Sims, is to form enough .Sunday j In conclusion, I would like to re- Schools to reach every per®n, and \ peat that my article referred to a- to make existing Sunday Schools' bove was written in an effort to re- better. Especially, he added, is this \ duce prices and emcourage trading need great in tiae rural sections of i •'it home. This can only be accom- the State. j plished by Tcniormg the cause that At the Friday'^TBession of :the Con- i induces us it© trade elsewhere ^Let vention the Transylvania County * us all help to remove £hnt cause. Sunday School ABSOciation was or- j H. C. RANSON. ganized and officers elected ~fof the | ^ coming year. The <object fof the As sociation is to bring the Sunday DAVIDSON "RIVER DAY School v/orkers of all deiumiination ' together in County Conventions for , Sunday October 2nd, old David the purpose of exchanging plans and River Church wijl celebrate its methods of work, and to be of mu-1 annual *T>avidson ^:iver Day”, with The Brevard News:—-' In regard to my article last week **^ding at Home** and the high prices in Brevard. I have been in formed by Bome of our local mer chants il^hat the list of prices as given contained some errors. Please allow me «pace to make the following cor rections:— , 1 lb. White House Coffee .46 in stead of .50; 5 lb. can Karo Syrup, .45 instead of .55; 1 box uneeda bis- suits, .8 1-2^ instead of .10; 1 cake (large) OctagOn soap, .08 1-2 instead of 10; and Gillette razor blades for \50 cents. I am very glad to make this state ment in behalf of our merchants and will sidd that the majority of them have proven to me that their profits are not unreasonable, and that due to tbe absence of a local wholesale htrase they have to pay freiglit and drayage while Hendersonville and Asheville enjoy the advantage of bav ing their goods delivered to the door free of chargfe. Another disadvan tage suffered by our town is exces sive freight rates. This is a duty DamoMlralioB Agoal Bgplat^s Fail-; RasdutioM Drawn Up C—eiftst, Has No Use For Calami^ SvgflMts Sovoral Fln^ressivo ure To Inia«f«rate Stii. Aa> aval Coaaty Pair. The llay^r Aa4 The .Brevard News. Moasaros. Meatioiu Mr. Warr^ As A Frospact F«v Gavaraor ia 1924 — Ojdkar Naws. At the regular meeting of the Lea ^ i^t the calamity howler howL It event iHT Raleigh, N. C., September 1921: — The outstanding state oflBicial circles the past week was tiTe hearing before Governor Morrison of an appeal for executive clemency in the case of J. T. Harris, Ridge Crest Merchant, under sen tence of death for ahooting to death, on September 3rd, 1920, E. W. Moli- nish, a summer tourist from the state When I first came to Tl^aasylva- nia County to take charge of t^' Monday night, September 26th, is his nature, “The Leopard Cannot work"^ begun by Mr. Lawrence, 1 waa number of resolutions were of- Change His Spots**. To me the fut- informed by Mr. Lawrence that the fered and unanimously adopted as ure of Tran^lvania County looks 1920 County Fair was not what it ^pressing the attitude of the or^ni. bright and big. We can “point with should have been. He reported • zation on various phases of the' law | pride** to many improvements in the seeming lack of interest, and advised enforcement question. One of these I past; witness our improved roads, that the County Pair proposition be y.as offered by Rev.''A. S. Raper as i schools and churches and other public allowed to rest for a year. After follows:— ! buildings. Our County home is a this discourgagement I decided it j Resolved: That it is the sense of monument to its builders, praised by would be best to act on my predeces- Law and Order League that those every stranger who sees it; add our ©f Alabama. The plea^of thk pris- sor*s judgement, unless there was ^ho pose as good, law abiding dti- other public buildings. The construe oner’s attorneys was for commuta- sufficient interest voluntarily mani- sens and >till buy liquor from boot- tion of many many dwellings and tion to life imprisonment, the reas- leggers are the greatest hindrance to store houses being daily built speak .'ons for which were ably<presented by the enforcement of the law. This of prosperity and progress. Our ex-Govemor Locke Craig, Judge brought up some discussion as ^ere modem telephone system recently in- Frank Carter and Judge Thomas A. was a question in the minds of some stalled is an other step in the line of | Jones, of Adieville. The family ‘of munity, a County Fair had not been | members as to the absolute primacy progress. | the deceased was splendidly repre mentioned until about three weeks in importnace of this ^ssue, but Mr. i The efficient management of our sented by former Solicitor Mark W. ago. A few individuals cannot make ! jf. e. Gray urged that if this body of public library and the bureau of in- Brown, also of Asheville, a successful County Fair, and unless j drinkers would stop buying liquor formation for the town has done a > Defense attoimeys contended that a propostion of this kind • receives! the business would likely die out, and great deal for Brevard and helped conviction of their client was lar:*- fested. With the exception of one or two men living in Brevard, and two or three living in the surrounding com- the resolution was adopted without a many visitors who filled our board- ely due to the machinations of one dissenting vote. ‘ ers this season. Our Library is a Livingston Mays, corresponding se<^ Another resolution enthusiastical- great asset to the town and should retary of the Southern Baptist Assem ly adopted commended Mayor Mit- be incouraged by everyone. Speak- bly Groun^ at Ridge Crest, who was chell for his firmnesi in executing fhe ing of the Library I will repeat a sug pictured by the prosecution at the and condemr^ the alleged at- gestion made to me by Mrs. Beulah trial ag a messenger sent from Al- this great' the time June to mate plans, but begin NOW. I acts, to withdraw their trade from ive prosperity of our town. Mrs. defense was unable to produce any- It really takes twelve months of pre- ■ him. The third rwolution conunen- Zachary suggests that our next book’ thing detrimental to the character of paration, to stage <be best Fair, i ded the Brevard News for its fixm lets, gotten out by the town and Dr. Mays and his evidence stood un stand for the enforcement of the law. County, should contain a map of the impeached before the jury. The de- and expressed a desire on the part; of County for' the use of autos, riders fense contended before the Gover- the League to co-operate with the £nd tramp^rs. I wish to endore the nor that without the testimony and tihe whole hearted support of both town and community organizations, it is useless to undertake it. Since the interest recently shown by the Brevard Club has been so fa vorable, it has been decided that there year, e, will be a County Fair next titude of some citizens who have Zachary, who has labored unceasing- might yGod to avenge thi , so let*s not wait even until next threatened, on account of his official ly for the Library and the progress- wrong against society. At Let’s begin NOW ibo “Plant and Sow** with the idea of having the best and biggest Fair ever held, in Transylvania, in 1922. There will be m entertainment given at Blantyre Schoolhouse Satur day night, 8 o’clock, in the interest of Community Fair. C. B. Deaver of Brevard will delrmr the address. Re freshments will be served. The pub^ lie is cordially invited. On account -of difficulty of secur ing* 'jadges^ the (Community Fairs have been postpaned one week. The new dates are. Lake Toxaway, Oct. ISth.; Blaiitsrre, ©ct. 14th. and Litfle River, Oct. 15tk There is a disease prevailent a- mong Txogs in <^k!and and Eoheraa Press in all things looking to better ed conditions. Brief addresses were made by C. H. Trowbridge, A. B. RHey,’ E. W. Blythe and Rev. A. S. suggestion most heartily as it‘is just other activities of Dr. Mays the pris- what we need, and will be of untold oner could not have been convicted advantage in many ways. The map ®f murder in the fii^ degree. Pre- or copy can be obtained from the dieted upon this idesT^hey proceeded Raper. Mj. Trowbridge referred to government. Yeg by all means give to show by affidavits from leading the traditional opposition of the liq- us a map qf the County in our next churchmen and officials in localities uor traffic which has always been booklet. I wish to thank the street served by Mr. Mays as pastor before characteristic of the Western North committee for the^great improvement he came to Ridge Crest that Iw is ut- Carolina mountains. The large ma- made in the sidewalk at M. M. Chap- terly unworthy of belief. These af- joTity of the matmtain t»unties hav- man’s and the general improvement fidavits pictured Dr. Mays as an. ing been under local -option many of the streets and for the work under enemy to* his country during the. war,, years before state wide prohibition way to improve our sidewalk at K. pointed to immoral practices while he* was adopted. In spite of a notice- Kings. Mr. King -mil beautify his hdd various pastorates and that h& able tendency to joke about liquor walk by building a fine cobblestone been dismissed from the service drinkers just now, he expressed the wall. of the government as consul to Cana- «ppinlon that the real attitude of Yes, Brevard and Transylvania from the ser^e of the Y» oections, which syraptons indicate j mountain people is as much -opposed County are on the eve of greater pros'* camps during the^ We expect to secure | to whiskey as ever, and he urged that perity. Let each one keep his should hog cholera. I 4.1. ^ • J. r 1 1 service of the Federal Agent, j every effort be made by the members ©r to thn r,^itsh tual helu tn earh ™ the mommg at 11 o clock. ^ v*neei ana pusn, pash hot; tuai neip to eacn other. Accordmg t ^ ^ » who is w«ri<mg to suppress hog chol- j of the League to consohda^e this only once but all the time. Our far- to Mr. Sims, many countres of the : <ijnner on the grounds, and preaching State have similar organizations and i ®sain after dinner. Rev. J. F. Ligon good results are being reported. An- I Hendersonville \sill preach. This other object is to irold Township Con ; * number of new and inter ventions when the workers ®f the va- i Qsting-features will T»e added to the rious Tovmships will get together to j ^ program. discuss their problems. The Tran-! services will be given aylvania County Swnday School As- • up to a discusslqn of “old times” at sociation is one of the :nn!ts of the North Carolina Sunday Scbtosl Asso ciation. , Davidson River. Interesting bits from the oldest records of the session will be read, mention wiil be made of The officer selected for 'Transyl-' notworthy persons and events in the vania County were: Picsident, E. W. i history of th^'^church, the older Blythe, Brevard; Vice Pr^ident, i pcople will be called on for stories Alf Hampton, Breavyd; Vice Presi-i ancedates of the by-gone days, dent, Welch Galloway, Brevard; Sec- ^ cordial welcome is extended to retary, C. H. Trowbridge, Brevard. everybody to attend these services, to eat a good dinner, to spend a pleas PROGRAM TO TEACHERS ASSO- friends. CIATION AT BREVARD HUGH j aaoming service SCHOOL I everybody will go to Davidson River Cemetery on the hill to lay flowers era a^«si early date. All who have | an1i-Tiquor*sentiment, and that every mers, merchants and citizens in gen- rack hogs, that would like to hav« i^ne might fee! responsible for his eral, including the Brevard Club and luiiem impected, please report same i neighbofbood to Farm Agent>Bt once. FARM AdENT A COOD COLLECTION At Uie ^Baptist Sunday Scliool last all other local enterprises are busy Attention was called to the fact r and prosperious. that Revenue Officer Osteen, and j The ca’amity howler said that our Commissioner Hampton have already tourist s*^ason w^uld be a failure, destroyed seven stills and bound five while some of the towns in Western men over to appear in Judge Shaw’s North Carolina may have had a poor eouiit. The determination of the season, Transylvania County has been Sjinday morning a collection -was ta- \ sheriff" to push the fight for law en- full ©f turists. forcement was also mentioned tot Another evidence of progress is. the encouragement of the League, j thfv fa-t that our home paper is daily Mr. ’Blythe gave reasons for think extending ite list of subscribers. This Tng ftaft much less whiskey is sold fg as it ^onld be, nothing helps a now than two months -ago. He place like its home paper, and the .States, that the officers are conscien- name ‘*Home*’ paper should make it On Sunday niglit at tSie local Bap- J® every citizen, and every citi tist Church, Rev. Chas. C. Smith the ^ ^ expressed zen for <heir own good and the good * ‘ are of his family, and for the pood of his ken for Uie- 75 Million Campatngn. and seven hundred, dollars werte rais ed. % SSXVKES AT BAPTIST CHURCH pastor, will preacTi on the subject IT " I oi ftislamfly, and for the pood '‘The Distmctlve Beliefs of Bap- i ^aliit, and that oth^r- county should be a subscriber to his tists.’ Of course there are inany J ‘ mfluence to the lawless'element. He ditions wonM 10 A. M. Oct- 1st. 19*1 1 on the graves of all those who served i things ttmt aH evangefieal dehomina- r. Music, Mrs. O. L.’ Leader, j j “ ! war. On completing the reading of the affidavits Judge Carter declared that the prisoner had been convicted upon the, perjured testimony of an imposter who stole the sacred cloth of the church to do the work of the? devil. The Governor agfreed that the defense had ^etty thoroughly' discredited the testimony of Ihfc Mayai out did not acquiesce in the <kMiteiI- tion that he was the only materifUl witness against the defendant. Soli citor Brown pre?;nted a number of letters in rebuttal, but this did >?ot change the strong impression created by the damaging statements present ed by Judge Carter. The closing argument by Governor Craig in the prisoner’s behalf was a masterly effort. His frail body shook with emotions as he drove home tell ing blows in defense of his client. He sat to speak, but talked with the old time .vigor and wag heard by many of ^ friends of former years who re- 2 Discussion of work of County 5 ditions would be without a local pap- — lormer yea: .V. -. --r . stressed tbe power of public opinion, jer. It is a general clearing house *2 the reality that although It wiU T« fltting that aU i a«iomh»ti«n its o™ beHefa that «P«»sea_T!leg.re gat there i» i of>aBmes., ,ews, and knowledge for bereft of teachers’ Assembly and its rela tion to the N. C. Teachers As sembly. Supft. A. Leader. who have loved ones buried place flowers on their graves too. In F. MitcheT, | that the cemetery be approp riately neat and clean for this occas- there « Pecnhart^ ttsSf »WhoShrfd The’,Tp^"i dea, rad '■ ;— *.- . ^ - tlmt the government treats all alike better now than ever known in its convincing. How 3. Music, Mrs. O. L. Erwin, Leader. I people in the county who have 4. School and Inter-school’Athletic' renting there are urged C^jsts, by Mrs. A. B. Riley. i ^ cemetery at 1 P. M. on 6. Geography of Transylvania Coun' September 30th, to g^ve it a ty, by Rev. J. C. Seagle. good cleaning-up. ^e tainy sum- reas* voice ing the beliefs ftat other denominac tt^l.«rhild, ftMbyten^s lav. d* what: history, thanls to tte”pres«t“i.^- S^n^wto ing their «wn i«tin«fi« doctrine. “ »«• C. W. HUNT. Mr. ^ ^emwtabir^ d^ fen«e, issued a degree that the jadg flat are wt in the creed, of others . * i Bin in favor of permitting search of ” ’ suspected'automobiles without wai^. Episcopalians the same way. Baptists are no exception to thisi rule, and these belfefs that distixs guishBaptists :&om others and #ake on. A SPECIAL SERMON: A special sermon to the old people 6. Music, Mrs. O. L. Erwin Leader. 7. 'Note: 1. General discussion of the a- bove topics by the teachers. 2. Each teacher will be limited to ten minutes. 3. A question box will be open ed for use of teachers in which miyr be placed any and aU ques-| Sunday at 11 A. M. ';iois of general interest. 8. 'The law requires the attendance' people, of all teachers at meetings.' Please be present every meeting. Thanks. A. F. Mitchell. . mer has caused weeds. Invars, and ^ |^elr separate existance worth while, grass to cover everytldng; clean-up j what the Baptist imstor will set is badly needed before winter comes every man has his price every ®ent of the court must s and. rairt, and it was voted that jnessages figure. —Mount Mor- Chairman Thomas D. Warren takes be sent to our Senators and our re- todex. h» defeat |br associate justice like presentatives requesting their sup- ' - ■ • — ! th^good ipOrt he has long shown port for this law. beginning to meddle with whiskey. ^«s or. 3 of the pnt forth on Sunday niirht next I l®*^e Bre These boys wiU some day be t)ie lead. ‘ ®n hav- Mr. Smith ^es assurance before-' business lyasons, and his ers in the community, and their in- ^ -aoed a state usly: cussed without ^‘Jumphkg on** other denomination, and that ment which concludes “I am no kicker ar . aave no com plaint to make. I am unwilling to hand that this subject wIU be dis- of the Exe- Auence is needed on the side of right. ois- eutive Conmuttee was announced. He The tendency to lawlessness is found *ny the importance of an expres- -everywhere just now, and is an at- .. sion in favOT of law enforcement from tempt to brings the prohibition law or party swvlce for Buaisi v.irarca ----r- ™. every good citizen as the force of into disrepute with the hope that it *??““"^««»»ndizement My ser. Special m«ic hem tte sennoH wiB toTO afty am ^ ^ ^e dianged. We must expect "“*»♦'«> P»rty »nd my Mead. ha. for oir««e or for f«e^ bemg -R, U4. end all -vho the Aorche. to lead ift aU ^ *ithottt «.y wounded. Consequently a cordial Mirw BituaMvn. XV UU5 end ail wno me onarcnes to leaa in all moral . ^ muiuuc any bo^ or are opposed to whiskey are uged to questions, and all church people rewar-?. The DoMoratie / Co. Si^t. Schools. If you will notify Welch Galloway an auto wiil call for you anywhere«n town. Notify him on Saturday or notify Brotiier A. S. Raper the same day, Saturday. The meeting hour ig 7:30 o’clock. Pvorworkad. the County! Let e^ oU ma„ and woman ' f «>« g.t S -‘Hn, e.cipt o.^ be present at come. The children too. P. hc.generaUy to hear this sermon. < sentiment on the matter. He Law Order Leafjue. He referr- *<> serve it in the as felts sure that the agitation of the ed to'a rumor that some effort will tri®d to serve it in #ej|piit.^ / questioii already!, has had an &apor> be nu^ to interfere witii the prose* -Aiid m»w ^ tant effect. cntMm of Cqoot. cases at the next "W* Rev. A. 9^' Raper, who eiqpects to tern of conrt» aa4 urged that this BOrio^ be mOved a tthe approach&ig Metho- nui^^ watched and ^ G<niference,. urged the "aroiise- ^ full force of the Ipw. ': ofvail Ghiiiitiaii in ,<iw^laiOwinir..i^ iaeeaiii.og-.;fji^- One chap is told of w;ho always Mnies a whisk bromn with him, to brush his ctotliM off when he gets up < M«i are not n< aftev tiiUnf a dirink of ho<^ — Eu-f ji^t because they mie faula^ idJH.) ; I CUcago ^ J ' L.'.' -i:’ ' We certainly hope ^hat ^4|i^ovem ment .«t' Washington aeries "out its big guns Intention tq ecoMmiie i^^rxnting. par »i»t» ttr s'**;.-

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