,W’v.~ -"‘4^ 'w. ■•'>> . r-f* : -t-#. ti IHB BipVAIII> MBWf, Itlll If itiaill t^ije , NORTH CAROUNA ,. Preparatory, Normil, Music, Basiness, Do rBoMeh^ &onomics. Agriculture. fti m directed by teachers with special training and TEer know their husiness. ' > the Institute are alone worth the cost of tuitibn. on It^ta^ilfar 3. s i". t ^ Fruit of the Tree Probably there is no build ing material i^iore universally used than lumber. As a fruit of the trees of this earth, the building material which shelters us ranks with the food that nourishes us. Like all £rait, some is g;ood for one purpose. J^jiother kind is needed for a different pun>ose. It must be cated for. It most be used in the rigbt way. Lumber Our Specialty Our business is the bu3nng of lumber in la/ge quantities in order to serve tiose ai you who wish to use it. It is cor businesj to knofr what kinds are the best l dustries. %