' HOliTH CAlMijHM' .■■■:''■ .-a, ■ Piwp«r*tor7, Noroitlr Master Basiae^ D» ilirt|«4iiMdioM fiGpttoniCii 'AcficMltiire. • Is ue dUvcM % ceach^ with special teahitBK and Hier kiw%r tliett bosinfts. of t&e Institute alre alaae warth the coat of taition. OB Se^mi^ 3. •< Mamrlliib Q Weather Tested What is more important than the roof of your home? Since man first built hcwses to shelter him and his loved ones, the *'rop«u«nceand ecoDom?. lasticngtt and protection they tmbening wide their great bills sweep the fish into the pouch whicli acts as a sein. Then they raise their heads from the sea so that the water may drain, frmn the pouch and leave the fish in the prefer position for swallowing. The little gulls perch on their heads awaiting for . any chance bits tliat may fall from an , over-full pouch. * " In the dark mangrove swamps one sees the gray heron, white egrets, bit tern and coot. Tlie gorgeous macaw in his blue and yellow w: red and-tfreen livery is only a rare visitor from the mainland, but tliere are flocks of greea parrots and noisy parrakeets in ev ery forest glatle.. Toucans, glossy black, with long-curved bills and yel low crests, clatter from the tree tops,' and woodpeckers, red and green, wake- the forest silences with their ceaseless work. In the dark bamboo glades may be seen tlie shy “king the wrong gasoline: ’ ‘ ^ 1 Fi^uent overheating. 2 Pitted valve seats (carbon). 3 Uneven mnning~-cau8ed by cylinders missmg. 4 Dilution of the lubricating oil in the crank-case. 5 Nck:essity for frequent carburetor adjustment. « 6 Vile odor of the exhaust gases—caused by inccm- plete combmtion or waste power. * 7 Spark plugs fouled l>y incomplete combustion. ' Using "Standard” Motor' GasoKr e alone will go far toward correcting these c ifficulties. JTiis improved motor fuel burns quickly and cleanly; it delivers maxi-* mum power. It is the best you can buy—and it costs no more. All power and lots of it. Standard Oil Company J. A. MILLER, Sub. Agent J The Brevard Buililing and Loan Association Opens Its 2rtySeries in March Make Your Money Work For You t The co-operative way is the best way to Mve money. - ' Tlie C0