'‘O CV'.' >v-. ^ ^'r: ,7^ TRANSYLVANIA-*"THE LAND OF WATERFALLS'^—2,2^ f *£T ABOVE SEA I^E\^ ra * The Al* k'FpfiribNWe Midi Si—as above, everyone \yho was not present at the meeting that they have been apnointed to the diflFerent committees. This will ^ave time and expense. my view point, it would be very dis I astrous to repeat the-political history I to which Mrs. Wallis refers. In countv matter, the situation is 1 '’iflferent. Here the issues are .sim'oly I tliat the money be properly sPent. the j records efficiently kept, and the laws i honf'-^t’y enforced. And upon theso ronditioris. Col. James Young, and ' the npcrro office-holder.-.! have no bear- m? whatever. The republicans have i repeatedly h?d control of the county, .*3nd if ever they have turned it ov^v to negro office holders, I have not be''n so informed. ! Let the politicians once leam that ^ho-^*omen will support just any can-* ' ’-'’qte. ft or unfit, that their respec- I tive parties put out, and the Poli^^'*al ■^’tuation is rot one whit bettered by '’rivent of the woman voter. Women, so far. (at least in Tran- I sv’vania) are quite ienorant of the I '•<«hcm:ng. and wire pullinsr. nnd bar- -'I’n p'r t’^at goes on in politics. Pray heaven, they may semain so. Since I they are no matches for the men in rcspcct, nor wish to be. they can bu*- ?av. “Gentlemen. w6 wish to suppoit onr partv. No mere personal dtf-* M'os, ot trivial rea-sons shall prevent 'mr so doing. But we cannot vote ! for men of known indecency, or SUNDAY SCHOOL SWDWCFOOL TRAINIG SCHOOL FOR BREVARi Refreshments were served consist- whose previous record^ prove them FIRST TIME BREVARD HA$ SE- Owners of Franklin Lake CURED ORGANIZATION FOR ccive Offer and Accept MEETING HERE ite Rc- C. C. Yongue to Build Lake ing of ice tream and cake and good cigars were enjoyed by those who in- dule'ed. The next regular monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 9. and every member is expected to bring hi^ lady friends, wife or sister, as it will be Jjadies Night. D. E. Henry wa,g elected a new mber. iSITORS FROM FRUITLAND Institute . unfit for office. You know the politi cal game; we do. not. Help us to se cure candidates for whom we can vote without violating our sense of right. And it shall be our pride and pleasure, not only to vote our straight ycket.3, but to live by and work for our party's princfples.” Mrs. FRANK JENKINS. SERMON SUBJECTS FOR NEXT SUNDAY AT BAPTIST CHURCH On Sunday mifirning at the Bap- t'st church Rev. Chas. C. Smith, the pastor, will preach the next sermon Mirses Mildred Bearden and Win nie Reed of the faculty of Fruitland i in the series that he is preachng on Institute, spent. Saturday night and ' Sunday mornings from the book of Sunday in Brevard, being the guests t Mathews, the subject being, “The n the home of Chas. C. Smth. Baptism of Jesus.’’ the Scripture has Prof. J. L. Jone^^fcthe same insti tution, came up on Sunday afternoon and ^as at the Baptist church that night, when he and Miss Bearden de lighted the congr«gaton wth two dup+1. Miss Bearden sang a solo at the morning service. Miss Reed was the proficient accompanist. * These talented young people not only made a favorable impression for themselves, but also far their insti- /iition. which is one of the ve^ best ^gh schools in ths entire section. IS being the last five verses in the third .fhapter of Mathew. At night he will preach on “The Second Commandment.” A large and interested congregation heard the sermofk of the first commandment last Sunday night and doubtless a still larger crowd will hear him next Sunday night, as these Ten Command **ionts hold an abiding interest for the human heart, and are applicable to people in all ages and countries, being exceeding fundamental. To Be Held in The Baptist Ckarch. As has been previously announce 1 in these colums ths local . Baptist Church has arranged to hold a Sun day School Training School here be ginning on Wednesday, May* 10th. and continu^Ing thru the following Sunday, the 14th. For a number of years the Baptict of the South hiave been holding these training schools in the cities where there are several Baptist churches, but onl-y a favored few of the smaller towns have been able to secuj;? the experts to come to their churche.-?. Bjrevard is %ne of the many towns that has never before ’lO.d '>nc O'f these schools. However, Rev, Chas. C. Smith, vho prssent pastor on coming here last summer, began to work to get one of the.'Je schools for his church, and for some months correspondei with sana dollars. Dr. B. W. Spillman in the efTort to .procure him f or the f^rst tranngschool an.^ounce to be held here. After a lon^^^ . i candidate io Mr Smith succeeded in , sheriff this year, Spilman to give the local Baptists a date, and this date Dr. Spilrr.an fixed as May 10-14. On account of this being tie fir't training school held here there will BREVARD INSTlTUn NOTES It is rumored that C. C. Yongue has made 'a proposition to the pre sent owners of the FlankMn lake site for the privilige of building a lake thereon providing"enough fresh, run ning water can be obtained from the town and the owners receive only the ! taxes on the property for a period of five years, j Mr. Yongue I3 quoted as saying that • if the proposition is accepted, he will immediately begn woi k building a most modern and up-to-date swim- mrng- pirai’ wvrfit jbII the necessary equipment including bsthint : boats, raft"?, etc. It is boliev* the venture will be' a £ ’ '■! investment and through liiai, ti ming pool will pay for the swimming receipts in one It is estimated that the fir investment will be around one ] \ r.a '- ancinl swim ease I ^ncip.. thou- Misses Poindexter and Long of tl faculty had a delightful week en motor trp with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wils«n. They left Saturday and t> urned Monday, visiting Greenvll Cliffaide, FoYest City and oth po'nt3 of interest, among friends. Miss Whisnant made a short tri; to her home at Henrietta, leavin: Friday and returning 'Monday nigh’ Miss Pike motored.to Henderson ville with friends on Monday. On Saturday night a social was'j held in the adminstraton building.' The school was divided into groups, j each group havng to get up some original “stunt.” Some very funny thin^ were planned and successfully carried out. Prof. Tro^vbrdrre ref^rr.O'l Frlcay night from Kno.cville, Y-hrre he hai been attendiivg the Converiticn %f Mountain Workers, whch was in ses sion for several days. be only one class this year, with one teacher. Next ye^r there v/ill be «’■>- other school here and then there will be two teachers. These teachers have to be arranged for a long time ahead, and already Mr. Smith is doing some preliminary correspondence in regard to the .'’chool for 1923. Dr. Spilman will teach the first divi sion of the Convention Norman Man ual, which is book number one in the teacher training course of Southern Baptists. Those who attend this class may. if they wish to do sc. stand an examination, and a successful ex amination will entitle all such to a certificate, and when examinations on all three divisions of the Manual shall have been stood all such wll receive diploma/j which are gven by the Bap- tirt Sunday school BoaYd located in Nashville, Tenn the examinations, for all who w ish Lo attend these classes may do s j and not take the examination shouh [ they prefer not. ^ It is hoped that the near-by Baptist Sunday Schools, such as Carr’s Hill, Glady Branch, Cathey’s Creek, and Pisgah Forest, will take nai t i i this training school, and will gel "^h » best of their young people togethei -/ith their officers and teachers. Air sessions of the training school will be held at night, and whijg the hours have not definitely settlled on yet, still the usual plan of these train ing schools will likely be followed. This plan is to meet at 6:30 p, M., have one class, closing with a popu lar and inspirational lecture l>y Dr. Spilman. Many will want to come late and hear this lecture who may not care to take the class work. This will be especially true of people of j other denominations, a large number jof whom the Baptists hope v,ni at- Yet' it * is not compulsory to take • tend these lectures. U. D. C. RESOLUTIONS: As member^ of the United Daugh ters of Confederacy we desire to publicly express our deep sorrow at the passing away of our oldest, and one of our faithful memb^jrs. Miss Hattie Deaver. She wa,3 ever loyal to the society, and although deprieved of the pleasure of attending the meet ings in her last years, she had unfail- iilg interest in the workings of the Chapter and all that it stood for. In her gentle spirit, and sterling charac ter, she has left u.g a beautiful legacy which we would strive to emulate. While we have sustained-a great loss, let us not complain, but bow in hum ble submission to Him who is too wise to err and too merciful to be unkind. Resolved: That we, the members of the U. D. C., extend to the bereav ed family our heart-felt sympathy in the great loss they have sustained. 2nd. That copies of these resolu tions be sent to the family, to the Brevard News, and a copy placed on the records of the IJ. D. C. Society. L. W. MILLER. DELLA. j?ASH. JANE D. PATTON. Balsam Camp No. 116 Woodmen of World will oflfer a special prize of $25.00 cash for best exhibit by mem ber of Woodmen order living in Tran sylvania County. Gentlemen, money talks and can be heard a long ways. Offer enough prizes and we will have a grand buc-> cess. " If any bnsinei'3 man or organization wants to offer some special prize (not under $25.00 or over $1000.00 let us hear from you*1at once. W. H. GROGAN. P. S.:—^Wm. A. Band oflFers $50.00 worth of subscriptions in prizes to the premium list committee, subject to their direct placing. W H. G. fHE NEWS IS ONLY $1.50 RECEPTION / T MANSE There will be a -sting of all ex soldiers in Brevar on April 21 at .8 P. M. All ex-s^ ace men are re quested to attend as there will be something doing that will interest each and every one. The Presbyterian Manse wa3 the scene of a most enjoyable occasion on Wednesday eveninar when Re^r and Mrs. John R. Hay informall received the memben of the Presbyterian con gregation fr jm 8 to 10 o’clock. Spring flowers artistically arranged, taste fully decorated the spaciou-j rooms.. while glowing ligMs, sweet music aad agreeable conversation created an at mosphere of delight. ■' The new relations, just entered upon by pastor and people rendered the occasion a most delightful one and went far toward strengthening the bond ofxgood fellowship already-^ existing among thqm. The hostess was assisted by various ladies of the congregation while"" girls of th»^ “teens age served dtflicioug and cake during the