I^EWJI. B1lEyAi;&^ IMMITH QAXLCOiJ^ OiUID«% NOTES Keep A'deee mkdi en |d«nta tiuit 4UPe sown is jhot liede or cold frames. T<HMrtpes» pf^^[»en celexy plants ishould be trai^l^ted so «a.te give more vigorova growth. When placed in cold fru|kes tpmato plants lAotild be |»bated iii. check,.so that the soil may be blocked .out, and when plant is maoved to the field transfer the block of soil with the plant so as not to-interfer with the root system. This will give you to matoes at least two weelcs, earlier tJian you will have if plfints are pull ed out and" no sail carried, with them, cup a portion ox- the <^elery top back ;80 as to make them grow move oashy. This should be done When plants are about 6 inches* high. * Keep the garden soil stirred after every rain. This pulverizes the soil, kiUs weeds, libmtes plant food ^nd helps to retain moisture from the growing vegetables. If your plants fail to grow as they should, top dress-with Nitrate of Soda at the rate of about 200 lbs. to the acre. A liberal supply of _ com, beans, lK>th bunch and pole, aho limasj ould be planted. ^ A few hills of cu. umbers, canteloupes and watermel ons are in ^der. For these use a- lib eral supply'of stable manure and acid phosphate mixed .well with the soil. The hills should be lai^e and flat, and only a little above l^e surrounding soil. . : Watch for insiects and begin war on them before they are so numerous, A mixture of ^ parts Jime to one part arsenate 'of lead makes a good dust for shaking over the plants while they are wet» -and -ig * certain death to worms. • Four ouie^ces eftch, of lime ^and bluestone dii^blved separately each in one and one half gallon of water then poured together making a total of 3 gallons is an excellent solution for spraying. This solution acts as a ref>ellent for small sucking insects, and should be applied fre quently where trouble frpm'^ these pests arises. Anyone wanting additionaf infor mation at any time should feel free to a^k or write for it. Assistance will be rendered whenever possible and gratis. We are looking for results from the Special Garden Campaign that has been conducted recently by Farm and Home Aerents, we heing abW assisted by Rev. Mr. Seagle, Mr. C. C. Yongue and Mr. Ralph Zachary. We take this oppo^unity "of thanki^ them for thc^r kindness in giving their time and valuable assistance. Meetings were held at the following places: Davidson River Schoolhouse. Little River, Cedar Mountain, Connestee, Calvert, Quebec and Lake Toxaway. Due to conflicts anc^fpr other reasons several of the meeting planned were called off or postponed. We expect to visit other sections not mentioned in the above, for there are a number that have, been Jeft out tlwt we hope to reSch'at an early date. : LINDLEY, Farm Agent. \ ^ <■ i«upa| Tatte isi| matter of / qu^tjr , We twe k aii our honest bdicfdiat tbe ixrfiwDoot in Chcned^eU are of find (and hence of betttf taste) t&anin any other dgnctle at ^ price. Uatti9Mftr4 CW RCjUND-TRIP fares v.ta- SO' HERN kv^ULWAV J® jvift 10 for 9c Vaaium tins of 50 - 45c CIGARETTES ofjitrldsh an^ Domestic tobaccos^-blendBd It' So 'ACCOli;^ n aptist idn to his attorney, Ralph R. Fisher, at his' law office in Brevard, N. C. be fore April 28th, 1923 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of xecovery. All persons any way indebted £b the' estate are hereby required, to make immediate settlement. April 28th, 1922. MARTIN p. SHIPMAN, Executor of the la^Will and Testament of Ra. chael Ball, deceased. May-19-4tc.rrf NOTICE—LAND SALE BY COM MISSIONER and au- TOwer id by the Clerk ROSMAN ITEMS. Frank Morgan of Cherryfield was in Rosman Saturday. Walter Lome and wife spent last Saturday night in Lake^ Toxaway sec tion. ■ Rev.. A. J. Manley has been on the sick list for the passed few days. Ward Breedlove of Xake Toxaway visited ^relatives here last week. Miss Karrie Rexter of Carr’s Hill Section spent last week, with her sis ter here, Mrs. Sylvester Winchester. By virtue of the thority to me directe of the Superior ^Court of Transyl vania county, N. C., iii a special pro ceeding pending in said court entitl ed: ■ . j “A. R. Tinsley et al. vs. T. E. Gas ton et al.” I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in the town of Brevard, N. C., on Monday June 1Sl22«. at eleven o'clock A. M. all the following' de-’‘ scribed ISftds aild premises; j FI^T T!E^CT,j Lying in the town of Bwyafd, N. -Cr,' o& th^ south, side of King’s creek, adjoining lands of Mrs. M. A. Cooper, et al., and bound ed as follows: BEGINNING on a stake in the center of King’s creek, at or near the. ford of said creek where the road leading from Whit mire, street to 4lfount Surprise cross es said creek, and run^ then with the bid Cqoper-Eng, line. S.. SI jdegiiH^es west 190 feet to a stake; then south 70 and one-half degrees east 254 feet to a stake _on the bank of the mill raee; then'^own 'an^ with the north bank'of the said Breese mill' The Neosha Sales Day will be next Monday, and I will put up at auction One Pair Horses and Cemple Double Set of Harness and One Double Horse Wagon Clsmd Cantrell Brevard, N. C. Mis-Nancy Jarrett returned last race the following courses and dis- Saturday from a week’s visit to her tances: daughl^ near Beaver Dam, N. C. After a close down for more than three jrpars the members of Pleasant Hill Balptist Church reorganized their Sabbeth School, last Sunday with a large enrollment. We hope for them much succes.3. Many; of the Rosman boys left last ner of the T; H. Shipman lot; then Saturday afternoon for South Caro- with t*’e lirite of skid lot. "north ST6 lina w attend the GreenviUe, Oconnee degrees east 270 feet to a stake in and Pickens County Sing«g Conven- the center of said King’s creek ;%heri ^on which was held at Enon, S. C. up and with the center of said King’s The rteport is that there were three creek to the point of beginning, con^ tn<^sand present. taining' three acres, more or less. Rev. ;Ed Summey spent last week South 33 and one-half degrees east 30 feet; south 70 degrees east 100 feet; north 77 degrees east 100 feet; south 63 degrees east lOO feet; outh 56 degrees east 40 feet; south 82 and one-half degrees east 115 feet to a stake at the southwest cor- in this isection after preaching at many hf the other churches. He preacHej Thursday night at the Bap tist Chiirch here with a large con gregation present. He preached from the subject, Thi§ Word A Pond, and the Devil Fishing with All Kind of “Brp4’ Clayton Nail of Brevard T^ayed .a visit to the Baptist Church here last Sunday morning with the invitation for Zion Sunday School to atte.rtd the Convention which will be held in Brevard, May 11 to 14th 1922. ^ -• The M. *E. S. S. of Rosman observ ed Easter Sunday with appropriate exercis^ and some special music. A special^rogram was rendered by tKe punils ^ pf the Primary Department under^the Supervision of Mrs. Ocker- i^isted by Mae White. On this tractthere is a cottage house. SECOND TRACT: Lying on Long :Uranch,' Brevard" to^ship: Begin ning on a chestnut on the north bank of an old r<md l^eading to King’s, \ and runs north 59 and one-half degrees east 37 poles, to a stake in said road; then along and with said road the following courses and^d^- n^es: south 2 degrees east 4 poles; south 22 degrees east 12 poles; south 38 arid one-half- ea&t* T> poles; thim with the line of G. P. Marshall tract .vwitt 55' and o^e-half degrees west 30 poles to a small chestnut in the Cooj^r line; then north '35 'degrees west 23 poles to a stake.formerly a ^hit'e oak; then Vest I’pble to ^e ^esfinning', containing two acres, ’■’ore br l^s. ‘ ' TRA^T: Lying on Long ranch above the I. C. Tinslev old man as^sted by Mae White. This de- ; residence; Beginning on a bunch of rartment has an enrollment of over east side of the branch, I ^he I. C. Tins'ey corner, runs with the Tinslev line. N, 45 deg. E. 39 poles tion ^LStat 1 near thirty pupils and much interest is being felt in the work. The decora tions foj; Easter Sunday were attrac tive in,potted ferns, Easter lilies and crab-apple blossoms. . Aft)^' spending six years in the missionary field in Africa, Miss Mc- Neal returned to her home in Phila delphia, Penn, to spejid yj^s.-v^ca- tion there and in other.-parts :bf. the Sta1:os. c During this time she became elcome visitor in our town and lie h^r we had the privilege of earirijrV-her speak on the condition of the heathen country in which she labors.But .now, her vacation being ended, iihe is en route to Ma Kump, Africa where she will resume her work ag^in of preaching^ the Gaspel to a lost people.. E. D. RANDOLPH. EXECUTORS NOTICE North Carolina. Transylvania Co. Having oualifled ag executor of the last will and testament of Ra chael Ball,, deceased, 4ate ?pf;rTranayl- vania County,' N. C., iJiis is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of Rachael Ball, deceased.'to present them to the undersigned or G i a smnll black oak near top of the :*'i^e; then N. 44 deg. W. 46 1-2 "oJes to a small spanish oak; then S. 16 1-2 deg. W. 41 poles to a ntone in "1 hollov/; S. 12 deg. E. 5 poles to a "hestnut; S. 32 desr. E. 10 poles to ^ r.tarke^S. 35 V?' a maple on east bank oi the branch 2^en crossing the branch S. 15 deg. 1 pole and 5 links to a chestnut; 21 1-2 deg. E. 4 poleg to a white "ak; S. 1 deg. E. 5 poles and 20 links 0 A stake; S. IT deg. E. 5 poles to 1 white oak; then with east margin or road 9 poles and 20 links to a “^ake; then east 13 links to a s^ke '■n'the Cooper line; then with^'said ne N. 8 deg. E. 12 polesjto a stake in thejbranch; then up and with eaid braiyih 11 poles^ to the beginning, "oritaining 8 3-4 acres, more or less. Sale made 'on the following terms: Terms of sale will be all cash when "i,ale is confirmed. A deposit of 10 ''er cent of the bid made will be paid on day of sale, v- . . * .e This April‘24th,: 1922. WELCH GALLOWAY. Commis- •?ioner. 5-19-wg. Hot Water Facilities Make the Iieat of your range help you wash the dishes. Connect a water tank .^d h^Ve an ample supply of hot water the kitchen, laundry or bathrobm. Th^ practical device ^ overcomes tjie hot water question in thousahds ot homes. Why ik>t have one in your home? We make a spe^ cialt3^ of installing all kitids of water heaters* including gas. We will gladly fumish-you our figures. Our experience in this line makes our repair department 'partidxlariy efficient . • NICHOLSON & DUCLQS . Plumbing, Tinning and Sheet Metal Work NOTICE Brevard, N. C., April 12, 1922 To the Stockholders of the Transyl vania Railroad Company: NOTICE TO CREDITORS North Carolina, Transylvania Coun ty* ~ ^ 5 Having qualified as executrix of tbe last will 'and.., testament of^Ji "F. of io i Hays, late of Transylvania county, N. wiH ho to notify, all persons having rnmnnnv ^ against the estate of J. F. Hays, deceased, to present them to 3uilding, Brevard, N. C., on Wednes- fVio uTKlAraiomofi. trttVioi* n<ronf t day, the 3rd day of May 1922, at 10 o'clock A. M.. for the election of of ficers and directors to serve during the ensuing year, and for the trans action of any other business that may come before the meeting. ^Your attendance is< requested, but if uniU>le to attend please jsign, have witnessed and return promply to this office the enclosed proxy. 6tc. A. K. ORR. Sec. the undersigned, or toj her agent, T. H. Shipman, a^ the office of Brevajd Banking Company, Brevard, N. C. on or before the 22nd day of March 1923, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons in anyway indebted to said estate are hereby require4 to make immediate settlement. March 22. 1922. MABEL C. WILSON,-EScecutrix of Last Will of J. F. Hays, deceased. Jacksonville, Fla., MAY 17-22, J922 Round trip iickets will he on sale from all ' points MAY 13th to 19th, inclusive, with final limit to reach orig^inal starting point by midnight May 27th, 1922, on basis of one and one-half fare,, upon presentation of identification certificates whic^ will be issued by Rev* H. C. Moore, Secretary^ Nashville, Tenn* ' - Those desiring Pullman reservations and other information, should make application to nearest Southern Railway Ticket A^cnt, or address J. H. WOOD, District Passci^cr Agent, ' Ashcv^, N. C. . ^ Insurance Neglected May mean weeping in smoke or m sadness viewing the riims of your home. But Insurance shows business ability. Means ^t- isfaction in protection. Meam Contentment of mwiA- Means the saving of a lifetime’s earnings. , Means the comfort of old age. Destruction has visited your neighbor and our neighboring townIt awaits iis. ' " " " S'. Insure while it waits —* tomorrow may be too late. Brevard Insurance Agency T. H. GALLOWAY, Manager Brevard, N. C. SMITH’S PLACE where you will recdive courteous treatment, and where every one who is employed is a Tonsorial Artist # We .will be pleased to serve you Typewriter Ribbons and Gurbon Paper for sale at News QEfte ■v - . V • ' ' <3;

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