TRANSYLVANIA—"THE LAND OF WATERFALLS^^—-2,239 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL EXPONENT OF TkAN- SYLVANIA COUNTY. TIm Ai« is FvaaloMM Mul Siaccritjr. VOLUME XXVIl BREVA1U>« N. C. FRIDAY, MAY 19th, 1922. NUMBER 20 EXERCISES AT THE BREVARD DKrmiTE PROGRAM OF THE COMMENCE MENT EXERCISES AT THE BREVARD INSTITUTE. Friday, May 19, 1922, at 8:15 P. M., Music Recital of members of the piano and voice classes. Saturday, May 20, 1922, at 9:00 A. M., last chapel exercise for .the vear. Address by Superintendent C. H. Trowbridge. Saturday, May 20, 1922 at 2:00 P. M., Field Day l^ercses. Saturduy, May 20, 1922, at 8:15 P. M. Class Day Exercises. Saturday, May 20, 1922, at 9:15 P. M., Exhibit of the work done in the Academic, Domestic, Commercial and Art Departments. Sunday, May 21, 1922, at 10.15 A. BUCKNER SAYS BOOKLETS FINE SEES GREAT FUTURE FOR LAND OF WATERFALLS”- SPEAKS OF NEW ROAD. THE M. 0. MC-CALL WANTS FAIR CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF WRITES INTERESTING AR TICLE ON FARMER’S PROBLEMS One of the question of today to which the educatonalists of the Uni- GEOLOGICAL AND ECONOMCmVEY N. C. BAPTISTS GIVE TO DRIVE NORTH CAROLINA RANKS FIFTH IN UNITED STATES WITH 360,000 HORSEPOWER. GIVE OVER TWO MILLION TO GREAT DENOMINATIONAL DRIVE. Statistics recently made public by Books of the several boards of the the North Carolina Geological and Southern Baptist convention closed AMERICAN LEQON IS ORGANIZED HERE PISGAH POST No. 88 ORGANIZES^ AND ELECTS OFFICERS— LARGE ATTENDANCE. . On last Wednesday night in the Brevard Club rooms. May 17th, the Economic Survey and the U. S. Geo- Wednesday night. It is not known j American Legion organized a post M., March of students ann teachers 1 ^^om t^reenville to Brevard and and visiting friends from the campus ' Henaersonville the influx of visitors to the Methodist ^urch. At 10:45 ' and new business into Brevard and A. M., scliolastic procession from the \ entire section will become im- Sunr’ay School room into the church j ®oticable and itg ^pular- Asheville, N. C., May 12, 1922. Dear Mr. Band:— We have just received a bunch of Brevard booklets which we are pleas ed to have on our front tourists and visitors, ^ ^ ^ ^ — tiful booklet, well gotten up, and the song, “Howxe Going to Keep | ed in order of magnitude of develop- E. Maddry, of this city gives out the der and Mr. Sloan,* Commander of written in a most interesting and at- j Them Down on the Farm.” The brain ‘ ed water powers. North Carolina following figures: $898,243.33 is the the OtC!en Post, were present and' tracting manner. It will, no doubt, .... - . be the means of bringing a great deal of new business in Brevard and Western North Carolina. We will be glad to keep a supply of these for the tourists who call at this office at all times. With the completion of the Hisrh- audltorium. At 11:00 A. M., com mencement sermon to the erraduates by Rev. R. H. Daugherty of the West End Methodist Church, Winston- Sa lem, North Carolina. At 6:30 P. M. last Vesper scTvice for the year, con ducted -hy the Class of 1922. Monday, May 22, 1922, at 10:30 A. M., Field Day Exercises continued. At 3:00 P. M. Commencement Con- ity as a tourist resort will continue to grow. Cordially yours, N. BUCKNER, Sec. BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES FOR NEXT SUNDAY In the absence of Rer. of the world has long ago decided stands fifth with 360,000 horsepower, sum total given for objects fostered i each gave a very interesting talk, that to succeed in this, it is necessary j The first five states rank as follows: by the denomination during the year j The officers elected for the ensuing to create an interest in the work i New York 1,291,875 H P. by North Carolina Baptists. Of this ' year are: on Jhe farm. If your boy or .girl 1 California 1,149,099 H. P. amount, $106,000 came into Treasur- ! Dr. T. J. Summey, Commander, realized that the farm has not at- i Washington 454,350 H, P. er Walters Durham’s office last week. Mr. Eugene Allison, Vice-Coniman- tractons and that there is no pleas- ] Maine 449,614 H. P. Total amount given since the begin- der. ure or no hopes of a future; then of 1 North Carolina 360,000 H. P. ning of the 75-Million Campaign vwo | Mr. H. E. Stowers, Adjutant and course they forsake the,farm. Why ’ ... . . _ . j _ •«. not make the farm interesting by having a county fair. Dr. Dinwiddie, Service Officer. Mr. Roland Owens, Historian. Mr. Clyde Ashworth, Sgt. At Arms.^ About a hundred Transylvania War In potential or undeveloped water and a half years ago, $2,822,408.78. ; Finance Of&cfiT^ power North Carolina is exceeded ' Comparing the above figures with ]^v._Hay, ^Chaplain only by New York of all states east those of last year, it will be seen The Transylvania county fairs of the* Mississippi River. It is es- tl}at there has been a falling off in 'vhich we have had in the oast have timated that there is at least 1,500,- gifts of about $153,000. The total been more than a success,. Fairs not i -000 horsepower in North Carolina ‘ amount last year was $1,052,223.60. only advertise our products to our j streams which can be developed for But in view of the fact that vhe , veterans were present and considet^ home custormers, but also to foreign j future use as industrial needs in the North Carolina churches have been j able enthusiasm wag manifest over markets. It gives the boy a desire j State arise. Much of this amount of passing through most stringent times the prospect for a live wire organiza- to work and raise corn, beans, po- ^ undeveloj)ed power is not economical-, during the past year, the above fig- j tion here. Rooms and a hall have been tatoes and other products of the j ly develonable under present condi- ^^^cs exceedingly gratifying and ; rented and will be furnished at once; farm. By the means of a county fair ^ tions, but even now there are vast' surpass the sanguine expectations of j and H is hoped that every dx-soldler better means of farming is nroctact. ' quantities of potential hydro-electric niany If all the other states h\ the , will become a member of the local i ed. Transylvania county, with its fer ^ power going to waste which might Southern Baptist Convention have post. water and delightful cli- profitably be used to increase the in- , done as weli as North Carolina, it is | The Legion will put on a moving , „ fv« «. f + r ^^^snding mate, should be the garden soot of dustrial output of North Carolina. ' thought that the different boards will * picture show in the Auditorium in the ceTt hv teachers and advanced pupls tne boutnern aapnst L^^nvention in the South. Let us, you and I, help; The State at present has an rvera'>‘c have comparatively easy sailing, i near future for the purpose of rais -he Music Department. At 8:15 Jacksonville, Fla., Rev. Mr. Crow of to ^ i , , . . ' ^ xt. .. Department. P. M., Inter-Society program, includ ing a debate on the Bonus Bill, music an'^’ recitations. Tuesday, Ma;r23. 1922. at 9:00 A. IVl. delivery of senior essays and ora- and the Breviird News »n exercises. Addres«r by Dean A. Mason DuPre of Wofford College, Spartanburg, South Carolina. Award of diplomas.' Announcement of honors. r* ‘i-u .i-i* J. • i.x J* ^ wi. vfiiLCUi V uc tiocu i-i/ xiidcci.av Lilt; i Smith, the pastor, who is attending mate, should be the garden soot of dustrial output of North Carolina, tho T^nvor^finn Let US, yOU and I, help ~ ~ ^ . to make dreams come true. Let us Asheville wJ 11 preach in the Bre- i^^ve the largest and best fair fn of well over 2,000000 kilowatt hours. boards curtailed their expendi- expects to publish a special edition of vard L»aptist cnurcn on next ounday North Carolina. In this respect it is exceeded b'^ no this year as much as possible^ twenty-four pages for their benefit morning and evening. Mr. Crow Thanks to Brevard for the effort ctate oast of the Mississippi except in Though, in spite of that fact, it is right soon, preached far this congregation about .^rhich she has put forth in the oast Nc\v York, which contains the Niar-?'- feared there will be a debt, especially a year ago after Mr. i'uett had lett hclj^insj to make our fars a isuc- ra Falls power. In output of indivi- the Home mission board which over from last year a debt oi dollars. , Baptists A . f Tia f f . T, ‘ better pro- pany reaching about 790,ooofooo ki^o Dcnalions me leaaers oi tne isaptist cnurcn . ducts are Produce/^ in s?ood old Tran- ^ratt hours, an output exceeded by ' Maddry has just mailed a business in life might apparently be onlv eleven companies in the entire check for $50,00 to the Foreign Mis- the administration of what is called United States and Canada. The peak sion_board at Richmond; $30,000 to medicine. But m^edicine is like rain* are aware that the commencement sermon ^ the Brevard Institute will ba preached on next Sunday morn- Ali entertainments 'wTll bt Tipen to ^nd it would aff«.rd all a genuine tlie public without charge. j pleasure to call in the service at I that hour were it not for the limited i size of the auditorium of the Method^ 1 ist church. As that church will not -r, X n/r J HI TIT u i. ' hold the church going people of Bre- j :Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Webster, fair to those who can not get in The little daugh^r t>f Mr.-and Mrs. servke in the Baptist ! IS s^wly recoverirsg giuirch.’• Mr. Grow will nymc’! c.1 ll:Oi(> A. ROSMAN ITEMS. ducts are producer in good old Tran sylvania. Let this be our motto, “Tiransylvania C^'unty Fair First, Last and Always.” (To be continue^? next week> M. O. McCALL THE IMPORTANCE OF PROPER! ' FOODSTUFFS ' ♦ # This way at first sight appears ;:o be a strange theme for one whose A. TU. White from pneumonia Sylvester Winchester just rr •: ^ ' returned from the Auto School, ne ODR RALEIGH COMMUNICATION load of this country for one day ''Z Home Mission board of Atlanta; at first a useful trouble and" not al- est'mated at about 218,300 >.no’vp.+ts. ' «d S12.000 to the Ministers’ Relief ways as welcome. It appears to the ' which is er-'aivalent to 203,00 horse-! Dallas, Texas. This was only writer that whatever concerns human • power. —- . , . , . ISLAND FORf' NEWS. M. S:00 T. Ik. aind a cordial in- Viiauon is extended to the public to -! hear^^Tsn. OFFICERS INSTALLED IN THE EPWORTH LEAGUE. ■week in the Bible Conference now in attended in Kansas City, TVIo "Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Mull and ' ren of Brevard spent last Sunday :t>. relatives in Rosman. Garlin Duncan is able to be on the .streets again after suffering many we^Vs with a broken leg. Ur. A. P. Bell returned last week from Alexis, N. C., where he has been engaged in teaching The New Sfhool ted and is furnisTied ^iarhts. Each room ped with ample light. We were D;;SrtmeWrs“pe"tate;S^ i Mr Erwin -B-CT^el! of what came in last week. When the welfare is a subject for presentation j abovf figures are compared v/ith to the public be it cleanliness of ' whnt was given the year before the , homes, order of minds or premises. 75-Million Campaign was put on. It is well-knov/n that where acute ' whicli was about $300,000 it will be j shortage of foodstuffs exists a long geeii that the Baptists of North Caro-1 train of uncom.fortable diseases fol- Ina have given approximately three ! lows, as for instance in Russia. Ser- TT „ , -TT X* i ti-mes as much the past year as thev i via Poland and other war-sv/ept dis- T" ° years ago. I'tricts today, i.aiurcay. ^ ^ sixty-seventh session cf -the | A properly balanced diet list i? j Mr:': Nmcy Pain®^, M^ss ^olly ^o" i Southern Baptist convention will be needed to procure a well-balanced : sed, ^vlr. Louis Rain’es. Mr Mays Wal- ilield in the City of Jacksonville, Fla.. I and disease-resisting body. Vego- Raleight, N. C., May IB. The cap- drop took dinner with Miss Carrie j lifpv 17-22. The convention sermon j tables stand high from a health .giv ital city has been interested the past j Baewell Sunday. j -will be preached by Rev. Dr. S. J. ing standpoint, the list of tljis type Mr. Mrs. tt. v. [ I ^he v/eoVrnd with Kr. W. H. Ho^a'^d. H. B. G1j5.7.cTirfi’ and Mrs. W MUST DECLARE PARTY ALLEGl ANCE IN PRIMARY. IF AL- - LOWED TO VOTE. Id fhc P^ogiess at the Tabernacle Baptist j sed Mr Wade Bajrwoll, Mr. Tom ! ^Hernate, Rev. Dr. W. F. Powell, of I ea^^ue "of the Bi-evard Methodist i Conference speakers j well. Mr. Loui^^ T^aines, Mr. Mavr,' Nashville, Tenn. It is an interest^n-, tnnif /.hivtrr. of o? ^’^i^’neapoHs, Waldrop, Mr. William yr- ; fact that "both of these distinguished; gotten, particularly as 1 T> ’ i pastor of the First Baptist c^.urch ■ .•’r>d Mrs. H. P. Ho^'sed. Miss BeuTa> ' P'entlemen are North Carolina boys. \ known that water is a medicine for of foods is long and need n^t be" en umerated here. Then, too, an abun dance of pure water is not to be xOr- it is well- The <»fficers were installed by Rev. ern Baptist Theological seminary, of family from the cradle to the end of .Yidy Bosjon. Doctor TVlassee’s I ing mtendent, Anthony Trantham; 3rd. : ^ ri-ituiim :no iiicc Jouvet iiuiii iTj.jiii-II- n f"I - '"Standing in America as was Spur--’m+i, na trusting that this wiH not be -he ^ikSi^ Lc^etary Dorothy i Tabernacle m England. An- ^ Ic.^thor and mother. Mr.'and Mrs. M. roadine thr» nice I, iNcin Carolinian, was Dr. Ar=b C. ^ ,; r.pwcrtn Era Agent. Ted Cle-Atlantr, secretary of mis-i ^enoVrson took M-.s-,. ment; Corresponding Secretary* . q ^ ’ Mary Sledge. After the installation, i ^ * :.-v o the service was tumed over to ’the i music is being ffrrected^v Rev. Px'esident, opening with a Scripture | ^ i^tnre of Western Retidmg by May Caa;ry. An addi-ess | i early ife, “The Maltese Cross”, Nell Aiken; j re$;ular arm^. anr] after j pf.—I fn "T^Tr and Mrs. S. E. Gr:iv- Mnri la--. May Rth. a pon. •How the Church in various ■‘valks ofi have our best regards in tliat lonely country. ’ Zion Baptist Church on last Sun- .'’av night licensed "L W. Duncan at his request +o preach the gospel. We hid h?m God Speed as Tie presses T>n "vith the "lad news of the Blossed Sa viour. Ma^' hie r?V'ard here ho many *-ouls v^ho he has led to believe on Jesns Christ and alf»s. when is fini«?hod and he lias come *»nd of life’s iourney may >.is be as Paul’s. “I havp fought fig^t. T kept ■•ho ■<'aith X)n Wednesday Mav thf> 10<-h. 1922 tire Death Angel visited the Tiome of . Mr rnd Mr-?. Colwell Gpllo\-av, and ed a pageant, “In the Name of ihe called for Mae. their daughter, to ■ Nine nations were represent curry her soul away from tlie car*'s ' ed in costume in the ■following order: rrH+ronbles of this j;in "blighted world '^nierica, Miss Falls; ?iouth America, | m * M the beautiful field-* of endless Anthony Trantham; Turkey, Nell Ai- ' ’ ^5me.. to be forever in that peace that | ^en; India. Arthur B^=on; Korea, Vh^^ thr%-e^. j sister-ir-^aw Saturday. -TaeiJenme Aiken; China.. Mudred Tran-: Columbus Holden of Plsgah I’as at Selica Sundav. Louisville, Ky., is the president o the conv'ention. There Vtrill pei'hap?- be no change in the personnel of the officers of the convention thi’. 1 year. Nancy Raines home Sunday. ! * coMr Louis Raines is plowing H-, | “ vamng t^tom.of beng life. It seems at times that its pre- : eminent value is not sufficiently realized by a majority "of people. The trend of the last two or I decades seems to be toward tlep^^ 1 ing the king of cereals of the great- I est food value; I refer to the pre- i convention because it is the middle point of the 75-Millicn Campaign. , *-<*v . n. ^ 'which was to cover a period of fiv< of Glndy Eranr-'i Nvears. This period has bee^ inarlc?^ ?*Ir. Johr, vide experirnce derit. Appropriate songs were 3cng ana is nmv an assiFiaTit pas- ^ | g^da has been raised an<] more ■^han during the service. , tor in Suffolk, Va. IWrs. Jollay. :c(^m-^ Carolina Ho<-",ed and ■ a Tia^f million members have been Sttiiday night the l^eague pi^esent- ' where°Mr Jc^aT^w^s' en'^ag^ed ^ '^auThtor a hir^h-^pv dinner Ijy ' ad^d to the chwohes by baptism yar_^, w^ere jvir. 01^2 i thprnsr^vos Thursday. M.ay 11th. | v/itnin this time. Baptist schools and in Tjusiress for a nnnjber of vears. ' colleges, orphanages, hospitalc; .‘snd The whole wheat flour con- tans nearly e;very food essential that con be found in any grain. Which it is true that the teeth of children receive today care that a generation or two ago was not given, it is true also that the bone forming substanc es that wheat contains are not at this time being fad to children. Milk contains a balanced food in itself as is evidenced by babies, calves, colts, pigs and other young animals that re ceive it in sufficient amount. joined her husband ^tn-e^ -on Satur- j ^ ir7ission"\voVk ‘ ha^ g^^^ mention the day and is assisting liim in Tiis work; age and her grand-daughter ■si>--i onj* Kmin/io value of I tC'''' Mr?. W. H. Hogsed went to see "her .reth for the people of God. Mae j Jennie Aiken; China, Mildred Tran- i ' loved bv all who Icnew her. both | tham; Taexico, Marion Tongue; Ja- ; doctrmes of the Bib e and ^rought ?, )id PS well as the \’onnr Slv^ 1 pan, Dorothy Silversteen; Africa, : f^^rnng message? to his Ralei„li au- I Forest w r«mareth for the people of <^od. M ”'as old ■v<.’^avc spoke a kind word to those with whom she came in contact. Nineteen years and a few davs being her stav ear«:h. during this time, vvas of Pat Koolt I diences. The others .speaTiers are rr, . ’ V- J u Ti/r- I wondei'fully gifted teachers and ora- J were heard gladly by large Clarke w:rh the nations made an ap- ^-Qdlenfes. Dr. Massee’s discourse iintii fnrn- xTon-r ? people for volunt^r^ upon the origin of man was eloquent -rfect health lentil four year ago ^ appeal was answered by Dick <,sn^incing. He scored the Dar- She \vas taken \yith measles, which . .Zachary. Interwoven throut'l' Jhe th-ory of evolution and agreed did not The Confer- 'K.TATJv r> c! jeuco wlIl couclude ou Thursday of MARY SLEDGE, Cor. Secretary. | -week. ! The State Board of Elections rules j that tlaose presenting themselves at : the polls on June 3rd must declare SUGAR AND VINEGAR. STEAM SHOVEL FOR COUNTY ROAD WORK POU^HT. Vft her in a critical condition fol-hjageant rang the sweet voice of Miss ‘T^-rvnTi thif -man bv the “flu” thpn 'at-r ,le-1 Pi’to in appropriate hymns, accom- "J'? v»lonini- into tiibercBlosis ivTiich -prov-1 paniod bv May Crary. , ‘.Ll "„ill j. ™ Tl.„ <’d fa<-al. Her body wa« laid to rest ‘Hen^'ath i-he bossom of Mother f^arth in the Whitmire cemetery, until vhe "f'P‘'rection day. May the riches of '^orl''^ ble^tsing rest upon the bereaved familv find that each one v/il] be pre- pj>Ted when death comes, to mept TT^?o in that Citv of God, as she left -nch strong evidence that heaven was h?r home. A friend. E. D. RANDOLPH. CARD OF THANKS. We wish tt» thank our many friends their party allegiance in the presence MUD SLINGING. TVT-iie there is perfect harmony in -^hr Democratic ranks, at the same *^hre ihs voters will do well to be vp;-v careful not to listen too much t'' “Rumorr. about any candidate’s who ^sisted us dunng the death of < election officers, v/ith the view to dear Hushed and Father. May the j preventing the members of one poli- good Lord b es^ them all. ■ tical party Participating in the selec- Mrs. O’Kelley and Children. ' i . The county officials have purrhn-n '' a new st^^am shovel for county work. The approximate cost vr'- about .SR,500. 'T’his machine y.d^i ^ materiaMy to the efficiency of ■iho road constmction now under wp”. The County Commissioners are aid ing the Road Commissioners in every conceivable way to help lift Tran sylvania out of the mud. caps and bounds. ' Five or six thousand delegates are expected to attend this year. The ! cessions will be held in the Billy Sun day tabernacle. This is the third I year Mr. Sunday’s tabernacles have 1 served the convention. It is exceed- ; ingly difficult to find any other place ■ that will take care of the crowds. I Kan'^r.s City and News Orleans are , I ‘b'dding for the next session of the ! j cn’^'v^’ntion. ^ j Rov Chas. C. Smith pastor of 'the ’ocpi Baptist church, expects to .■at- ; tend this convention, and it is his pres ! «^nt intentioH to leave here on next ; Monday afternoon. While away he pav a brief visit to his mother, who lives in Fitzgerald, Ga. Hp rvill be away from Brevard for about v,*eeks returning in time to fill pulnit. on the f?rst Sunday in an abundance of fruits, such as apples, peaches, strawberries, rasp berries and a long list of other fruits, aside from the pleasure they give the palate, they have a high food value. We, in this favored section of our favored country, are in a position to produce a supply of foodstuffs of the greatest value and it behooves us to do so, , Sincerely W. J. WALLIS BIG SEASON IS AHEAD; BUSI NESS IS BETTER. June. That day will mark the be ginning of the second year of Mr. in democratic ranks. The republicans I tion of nominees for the ether Ride, have contests m the Tenth Contes- gJ^^jth’s pakorate here,“and will, there ! In districts and counties where both senatorial districts. ^ anniversary. have con- Outside of these districts members, , ’ of that party v.'ill not be interested i in the primary at r^l. except in con- ‘ tests for county nom’nations. That! party has hitherto been keening away j from primary elections by getting td- j gether in advance of them and se' ASHWORTH FOR COUNTY COM- i democrats and republicans have MISSIONER. ! tests an opportunity to “mix” tickets will be presented and “doiibtfui elec- B. W. Trantham. a business man who can review business from many angles because of his connections, says conditions are rapidly im.proving and he thinks the wo~'t is behind. On account of r- idly improving conditions.. Mr. T ^ntham believes that Brevard will ’ xve one of the best seasons this e j nmer in her his tory. <»harac^r.r.” If you could run the false words. He realizes that hoods, down, you would nrobably find they were inaugurated by the oppo- F’te party in order to create confu- c:on in our ranks.* ' A VOTER. The many friends of W. S. Ash- ! tors” are going to be closely watched, worth have insisted on him making if local poll-holders heed the advice the race for County Commissioner, j of the State Board. Voters are free, Mr. Ash^worth did not want to “get ' of course, to change their party af- mixed up in politics”,, to ' ' WF55TFRN NORTH CAROLINA TIMES A SEMI-WEEKLY. Congratulations to the Wester" I. i North Carolina Times for the splen'^- WITHDRAWS FROM THE RACE. T wish to thank those who sugges ted my name for county commission er. but can not make the race this time. JOHN C. MAXWELL. 'Treat financial sacrifice, etc.. but the pressure has been so tremendous and there i^ such a strong sentiment cs'nin-t hio'H t.ixes, the souandering of the piih’ic funds, etc., th"' he has to the rac» 'vithout virh ■ihe determin-it’on to regardless. ■'’'here Hv.- ■•--h a i .• ’-isi- • ^ the »se hTs o‘™ I Sr in^ one man for each office to b., • W paper t^t is It 1‘ ITi ?r.! rmfne:: wi^bo^f 0“'“"'* i t™nt^e~™weSf v'oves an- Tni-3 to th "li? chin.s ?Jr. A"' to stick to convictions expressed in nominee, witnout a contest. ( m the primary. A voter cannot legally The state-wide primary this year i tima Kppti nnHor thf nVjir cast a ballot for a particular candi- is to be a “pink tea” affair compared j „ p. date in a party of which he is not a with that of two years ago when there i o f^ member. There ’“j ro contest in the venuhli- can part^'' frv ''^nr’‘*or?.tio^*: Com’-nin- friT- oimnct Publlcan tr a Democratic organ. If were strong candidates lor almost every oflRce to be filled from gover- j nor on down the line. Interest cen-! progressive pace. pioner e’ecte'^ '■•’te ofl^ccr ■^o be * . . Vv I -^O ^ no ,* J jV. / - C T». ters in the Third Congressional Dis trict where the fight becomes more spirited with each passing day. The ofi-ipr congressmen arc htivin:T little trouble. ♦CAPACITY CROWDS ATTENDED FARMERS SUPPLY CO’si REDUCED 1 PRICES AS ADVERTISED ! Capacity crowds have been doing business with the Farmers Supply Company T'is wepk. J, M. Allison, manager of this big hardware and furniture store laid special stress on the fact that the folks had been read ing his half page ad of last week. The ad was very attractive not only in designing, but in the reduced prices announced, “Mack” is very opto- mistic over the future business pros pects and believes that the tide has turned and that we have reached the “Back To Normalcy” movement. He QiTRcr^RP vnn THP RRF predlcts a great tourlst season thls SUBSCRIBE FOR THE BRE- yggj and looks for bright businesHt VARD NEWS. prospects. we will expect shortly to hear of a seven days a week paper

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