THE BREVARD N^WS, BREVARD, NORXk CAROLIffA / FRIDAY, JUNE 2. HH Wonderful Pageant of War HThe Unknownl - CONNESTEE NfWS After the dvll war had been fought and won, the • soldiers of the Army of the Potomac and of Sherman’s array, to the number of more than 200,000, marched In a grand review through the streets of Washington. This crown ing ceremony of the war, reviewed by j President Johnson and by Grant and Sherman and other generals, was the supreme pageant of all time to tlie soldiers and the people w^ho had fought in or supported the war for the Union. It was an American pageant pure and simple; it was viewed by the representatives of foreign nations but curiously, and with respect for the sorely proved and now triumphant power of the American republic. For M The Grand Review. two whole days, the 23rd and 24th of May, 1865, regiment after regiment, «»rps after corps, cavalry, artillery, infantry, subsidiary branches of the rervice, the sanitary commission—the Oivi! war equivalent and forerunners of the Red Cross—swung do^Ti Penn- Kylvania avenue In the full pride of their war-stained uniforms of blue, i«id bearing the tattered flags of a thousand battles. No one who wit- messed that great final parade will f^ve^ forget it. ^To Those in Fiance | This is the memorial to the Ameri cans who died in the World war, erected in New Orleans by the Ameri can Legion posts of that city. Opposite tlie memorial inscription at the base of the shaft is the first verse of “In J'landers Fields,” and a bed of pop- jfiies surrounds the monument. At the top. where the world-surmounting e«ffle of the marines is shown, are afso, on the other sides, the emblems n by a king in pomp Adorn tlieir breasts, but on each hal lowed head A crown—the laurel of eternal life— Marks these the victors, the triumphant dead. —WTiitelaw Saunders in the Kansas City Star. It sure is cold this week for farmers to be at work. Miss Claudy Raxter of Greenville, S C. i« visiting her aunt and i^cle, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Raxter at Carrs Hill Ray Lowis has returned to his home at Piedmont, S. C. Rev. S. B. McCall preached at the Methodist church Sunday afternoek first the king dom of God and his righteausness. For what shall it profit a man if he ‘'hall gain the whole worH and 'ose his own soul. We are iivihg in a time of strenuous activities when a man mu'?! make a thorough prepara tion and he must dedicate to hi^ profession or calling every atoni of his being, every moment his time, body soul and spirit if he is fdon?r to succeed. Now there ic a danger of givinPT sc much time and atten tion to the preparation for this Hfe +hgt we neglect our souls eternal welfare, therefore we have the warn- ’no-; “Remember now thy ’reator in the days of thy youth, before the evil davs come and the years draw pi'gh when thou shall say I have no Ttleasurc in them.” Be sure to touch Xst has© 2nd base 1 Tim: 4:14 “Nieglect not +he gift that is in thee " God be- 'ieves in individualism. He has -lade Tio two men ali^ ^. No two mer have same talents. The reason for ^his is tha+. God has a special place for every man, a work to do, a nlace i, to fill. And he has given you a pe- k cnliar talent disposition and gift, ij which if properly develtrpp-’ will nre- S pare yon for that work". That talent | comes to you in germ fcrm and He | expects you to develop- ft to its high- ' est efficient and then use it to the fflory of God and the good of man. That is what you do in school col lege and the university of Hard Knocks. In doing this it will lead vou well on to"'vai*d tiiird base. 2 Peter 1:10 “Make your calling anil election sure.” ^ , While I believe God is calling men into the ministry in as definite a way today as he di^ in the days srone by. I also believe that He is calling for j educators, music teachers, Merchants | and mechanics, doctors and nurses, j etc. To every man his work. And j vou will never be happy nor success- i full until you a'^e actively engaged j in that work ^^d filUng that place 'vhich.God intended for you to fill, nprl no pare’^t ^^.n make a greater OPPORTUNITIES AWAIT I '^Money makes money" is a proverb that is old and true. • Big opportuntitics often come to folk with a little ready cash. By starting a savings ac> count with us now> you soon will have suffi cient savings to enable you to take advantage of some worthwhile bargain. \ To Wc it may be too late. PISGAH BANK BREVARD, N. C. r> to s. ,r ' " I . n they undertake c^ildreh what they ^••“nts should he^’i "«'rtain what Go ] whatsoever r m