THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1922 BACKERS ARE KEPT GUESSING About On« of tho Most Uncertain Sporting Events Imaginable Is a Cockroach Raco. Russian refugees in Constaatinople turn their hands to all sorts of money->^ making devices. The latest and most ■uccessful are cockroach races. These are held in rooms which the Russians hire along the Grand Rue de Pt^ra. The story as told by Kenneth L. Rob* erts in the Saturday Evening Post, is that in the center of each room is a large table with a miniature race track built on it The owner places a box at one end of the track and waits until his patrons have made their bets on five contestants. Then he opens tlie box and discloses five enormous cockroaches attached to diminutive sulkies. As the box is opened four of the contestants may start briskly around the track, while the fifth may turn abruptly and canter In the wrong direction amid heart-breaking groans from those who are backing his colors. Then the leader of the four racers who are headed in the right direction may stop short and twiddle his feelers pen sively, and the other three may also 0top -and cluster around him to inves tigate the cause of the delay. While the conference is in progress the cock roach that started the wrong way may change his mind, turn and come dash ing past the four Idlers with his eyes flashing and his tail up. Then the four idlers may recover from their mo mentary ennui, start briskly up the track again and pass the fifth'contest ant. who has probably fallen Into a brown study and leaned up against the race-track wall with crossed l®gs and weakly waving feelers. And so It goes, until one of the cockroaches final ly pulls himself together and scuttles across the finish line. SEES POSSIBLE FALL OF MAN Scientist Points Out How the Race May Sink to the Level ef Lower Savages, “Some millions of years from now an entirely new and more highly or ganized animal may spring from some ancestral stock now relatively ob scure and rise, at first slowly and then more rapidly, to even greater heights of achievement than anything which lies within the capacity of the human species.” After tracing the geologic evolution of the earth so far as man knows It, Dr. Eliot Blackwelder of Harvard uni versity, at the meeting of tlie geolog ical societies of tho American Associa tion for the Advancement of Science, in Toronto, Canada, in these words suggested the possibility of a future usurper of man’s pre-eminent place on earth. “As our modern civilization becomes more and more si)ecialized and diver sified, our relations to our environ- nient become more and more complex and our adjustments more delicate,” Doctor Blackwelder said. » “Eventually, after all the latest pos sibilities for advancement possessed by the human species have been ex hausted, the race may conceivably sink back to the general level of the lower savages, which are but little above the other mammals.”—Kansas City Star. When Ingenuity Triumphed. i Caught short on time with a New York oi>enlng date booked, and fac* Ing a huge loss for each day’s delay, a moving-plcture producer made ar rangements to edit, title, and cut the play en route between Los Angeles and the eastern metropolis recently. With a special car equipi*ed as a lab- ' oratory and attached to a limited •train, the work was found entirely jpractlcal even while speeding east ward at a mile a minute or more. ‘Twenty-eight heavy steel containers •carried the original film, which re mained in the “can” all the time it was not actually in use. Editors and cutters worked continually, stopping only for meals and for a few hours’ sleep at night, and on these occasions every s?rap of film was returned to Its proper container. The work was entirely successful; nnd liy the time the train arrived In New York the film was finislied and ready for delivery. . —Popular Mechanics Magazine. To the old maid theru Is only one marriage problem.' The flapper vamp is rarely as dan* gerous as she is painted. What the fanner needs jnost is an auto that will eat oats. And now China wants to scrap her navy-^naturally as Junk. You can pull yourself together by pulling together with your fellows. About the only thing that scares a horse in town now is anotlier horse. Divorce statistics suggest that they still are scrapping on tlie matrimonial sea. The reason many have to walk is because they cannot afford both taxis and taxes. The champion cow of 1921 has been chosen and it’s all right. She won’t go into vaudeville. Next war might not Impose such heavy burdens on us. We might have the luck and lose it. Anybody who can waive all con scientious scruples can become a sort of “financial wizard.” The twenty-eight Princeton fresh men who say they have never kissed a girl don’t say what girt. Even In this era of changing values it appears that three of a kind are still better than two pairs. On the Jump. “I reclcon you had a riglit lively s time in Kansas City?" insinuated an acqiuiintance. “Tolable,” replied Gabe Gosnell of Grudge, “but nothing like what I prob ably would have had If I wasn’t con siderably lively on my feet. You see, ' Uj> In Kay See, if you meet a respect- •• ablf ■' -'king man after four o’clock In ithe iiiu rnoon anywliere the least bit •oft’ to one side, he’s a lioldup and robs :you. "And if :'0U meet one that don’t look respi- i.ibie, he's a plain-clothes policeman, ; id pounds you because he thiakis you'. ' a holdup. So I was prac tically on t' ^ keen jump all tlie time I was there, ‘lodging one or the other.” —Kansas C .y Star. Would Have Helped Some! w Nick Slick, the latest acquisiticwa to V the town, luid done the “heavy" In no .;half-hearted fashion. Smart, and glib of .speech, he had tfound the townspeople of Little Lit- >1.116 very simple folk : ad easy game. “^' He had obtained < . ~idlt right and left aud then he h.- l flown gently i\vay. ^^ ithout ever d; urbing the dust or the pile of unpaid i.ills in his lodg- *”»By Eostil” mutl ed Wilkins, the grocer, wto was ■ i h't by tl.o dc- Yfiul'-€r, ' if I’d kr.< vn he dida t in Staying, I’d 1 .ve ci:ar.^ed him double. I wooldl”- London Tit-Bits. Blue sky is excellent, but overcredu- lons citizens should not be allowed to spend their good money for It. One nice thing about the disarma ment conference: It gives everybody a chance to say, “I told you so.” It would appear that among the least lucrative professions In Europe is that* of collecting war debts. A doughboy with the bayonet is still the most effective Instrument of war if the enemy will fight that way. There is little likelihood of a man building his house on the sands these days. It requires too many rocks. If ever we get ambitious and start out to break a record. It will be the one the neighbor plays about 11 p. m. In the Sudan It costs eight spear heads to buy a wife. In this country a single bonehead often .secures a fine wife. At ninety, a doctor attributes long evity to proper food. Other doctors add that enough o? It Is also as im portant. Driven to the wall though It may be. Jazz can at least claim credit for having brought the cowbell into the orchestra. There has been considerable talk for a year or so of reforming the dance, but have you looked on at one lately? A brunette has been declared the prettiest woman. Pedestrians are waiTied against flying bottles of peroxide. Tho wireless Is taking the coun try by storm, but there are signs al ready that It will not be a wireless campaign. The world Is facing a shortage in olive oil tins sensou. There’s another calamity to be laid at the door of the boll weevil. The law o.’ >?empensation is what balances the .iverage between the l)obbed hair (•'•op and the feminine “switch” output. If the movement to print restanrant menus in plain English gains to» many adherents it will take the giamoujr out of commercial eating. ^ A Massachusetts professor say» the metal coffeepot Is unsafe. Yet the old tinnot helped settle this cowntry west of the Alle,::henies. A young lady to whom $60,000 wa«- left in a will if she did not marry, has married. That is what many would look upon as will power, London doctors clain» that it r» bflid for the health lo jump out of bed as soon as you w:rfee up. Most of us are very careful of o«r health. I’r< f’iiering in wive* has beg^ in Ceii . Africa, showing how long It taki M.. the savages to adopt tlie lust. iijs of Christian naticcs. The United States propaganda bu- «-au might find a way to correct the ’ritish impression that polygamy is •uite general In this country. “Debauchery in dancing” among S’oung persons is declared by an edu- i-ator to presage the ruin of civiliza tion. What does he mean, “civiliza tion”? liachelors are, up in firms against the proposed tax on them. They de clare that the strain on them row is as great as it Is up<m a single sjsik'b der butt on. Fairm For Sale An Eighty-Nine Acre Farm at Penrose, N. C. / Good eight-room houset running water. All new outbuildings, including Barns, Sheds, Hog Pens, etc. For sale at a bargain for cash only* SEE R. S. BOYD, Penrose, N. C. I DO ALL KINDS OF Machine and Repair Wori( Satisfaction Guaranteed s. L. BARNETT At the Bravard Tannin Co.'s Machine Sh<^ PISGAH FOREST, N. C PROFITABLE DEAL IN FOXES Treasury of the United States Betie> fltcd and the Value of the Breed Increased. In the spring of 1921 the bureau of biological survey directed attention to tiie fact that the blue foxes on some of the Aleutian islands are deteriorat ing through inbreeding, and that there was a desire on the part of the na tives and others to secure animals fronj tlie Pribilof islands for restock ing purposes. In order to assist In btrndlng up the blue fox industry of the Aleutians, where climatic conditions appear to l>e favorable, the introduction of new blood from the Pribilofs was accord ingly undertaken by the bureau of fisheries, and eight live blue foxes were placed aboard the coast guard cutter Bear at St. George island Sep tember 15, 1921. One pair went to L. A. Lavigne, lessee of Unaigai is land ; one pair to the Unalaska Native Brotherhood, lessees of Avatanak is land, and two pairs to N. E. Fe>l- shanin, lessee of Kavaiga and other islands. The purchasers suppli^ shipping cases and transportation was at their risk. All the foxes w-ere received at Una laska In good order and were prtmipt- ly placed on the Islands imder lease to the various persons concerned. Tlie' price charged for eaJ^li animal was:^ $88.12, this being the average realizedT for PribHof blue fox skins at the sale- at St. Louis February 21, 1921. The- amount received for the eight foxes was .?704.90; $5 was allowe<l natives; of the PribHof islands for esicli fox secured, and tlie net proeee<ls, amount ing to .^6(>t.96, were turned into the^ treasury of the United States.—Flsli- eries Service Bulletin. NOTICE North Carolina Transylvania county George L. Pegues -Vs. Ruth Flora Pegues Inthe the Superior Court ^tfly term, 1922. The defendant above named wM take notice that an action entitled as sibove has been commenced im the Superior court of Transylvania^ county, by the plaintiff to obtain a^ decrc« of absolute divorce, and the said defendant will further take no tice tfsat she ig required to appear at the term of the Superior court of said itounty to be held on the 6th Monday before the first Monday in Septembca;, 1922, at the Court House of said ctwinty in Brevard, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complbrint in said action or the plaintiff apply to ,the Court for the relief diunand^ in the complaint. This the 13th day of June, 1922. N. A. ASILLER, Clerk Superior Court July 7.-D. L. E. NOTICE. \ Having didy qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of L. E. OTCelley, deceased, ncstice is hereby g"iven to all persons haring claios against said estate to presjnt thera, itimized and verified, to theundersfijfiMd, on or be fore May 25, 1923 or tfris notice will be plead in bsa?- for thar recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please nnucke imnsediate settle ment. This May 25th. 1922. Mrs. Flora O’KELLEY Jidminisirator riunc 30—pd. i«3TICe: Another evidence of return to nor malcy i‘3 the f’oport that p<»ker play ers are more afraid of hfitdup men , than of tlie police. New Cape Breton Sait Bed. The first rock salt deposit ever fonnd in Cape Brettm has been made near Whywxcomagh, Victoria county, where a tliiu upper vein tvf a salt bed has been pierced at a depth of 120 feet below the ground’s surface. A Runtber of natural springs rich in salt have* also bc^ dlsci>vere<l and a com pany of Caiw* Bi*eton has been incor porated for the purpose of developin" tile salt protluction industiT in the dis-- A nation gets rich by going to wapj much as a bear gets fat by sucking' Its paw. ' lAICKIE SAYS j — - I VK%OS»«>MOOVDS^ ^ SUPPW4' out OMi SOVAE OF OOU AR6 \SSV!C«1 AMD K^\C»<\E« TtXJU i W DMM OF U>Oe« OF fiOUAOSM««-»k\)0 *7^ 'TOMO^L QHku. DOO^ AS Special Clothing Sale! For 10 Days 1 200 f Men’s Suits to go at $16.45 $19.95 $22.95 First come, first served BRENNER-PENNY DEPARTMENT STORE Successors to Anthony Bros* HENDERSONVILLE, N. C, I Xorth Carolina Transylvania cc*mty A. J. Hamilton «t al. vs;. Merrill Pickelsire«r et aL In Superior Court Before the Cledc The defendants in the aboT© en titled action, to wit: Merrill Pickel- simer, and w’ife—Pickelsimer, J. C. Fullbright and wife, Janie FuIFbright James Norman and wife; Dovie Nor man, John H. AlFison and wife, Bes sie Allison, Jeff" Pickelsimer, Lemuel Pickelsimer and' Daisy' Lee Pickelsi mer, will hereby take nertice that a .special proceeding entitled as above has been comrn^enced in the S'uperior Court of Transjrlvanfa county, N. C., before the clerk of said court for the purpose of selling a certain lot of land lying in Boyd township, Tran sylvania county,. N. near Blan- tyre station, and dividing the pro- cVed'! of said sale among the various ravties entitled thereto. The said defendants will further take notice that they and each of them are retiuiretJ to appear at the office of the^c of the Superior court of Transylvania county. N. C., on the 22nd day of July, 1922, and then and there answer or demur to the petition of the plaintiffs, or the relief demanded in said petition will be grantctf. This J'urre 2Ist, 1922. N. A. MILLER, Clerk Superior ^ rourt, Transylvania county, N. C. Julv 21-4't.-W. G. r Bathroom Fixtures 1 We can undoubtedly save you money on 3roiir bathroom equipment. Our stock of fixtures includes the best and most reliable makes» And it is complete In every detail—bathtubs, lavatories, sanitary clos ets, all kinds of water heaters, towel racks, soap dishes, tooth brush and tumbler holders, toilet paper holders and everything needed in bath room fixtures. We make quick, careful and thorough Installation and are^ sure we can please you. Phone or call and talk it over witlr us;. NICHOLSON & DUCLOS Plumbing, Tinning and’Sheet Metal Work MM Improved Methods Oxy-Acetylene Welding APPLICATION FOR PARDON North Carolina, Transylvania county Application for pardon of Sherman Ow'en Application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Sherman Owen convicted at the November-December term of the Superior Court of Transylvania County for the crime of murder and sentenced to State Prison for a term of fifteen years. All persons who oppose the grant ing of said pardon are invited ^ for- w’ard their protests to the Governor without delay. This the 19th dav of June. 1922. MRS. SHERMAN I OWEN June 30-W. E. B. GET YOUR CARBON PAPER AND TYPEWRITER RIBBONS FROM THE NEWS OFFICE. We have just installed-fat great expense an acetylene welding gas generator and now manu facture our own welding gas at much lower ex pense. Consequently we are now able to do all kinds of Cast-Iron,. Steel and Brass Welding at much lower cost to you* Nothing too large or too small for us to repair. We also have our portable outft to use cn|out-of-town jobs which are not prac ticable to be brought into the shop. Call on us anywhere, any time for anything. Harris Machine Company * DAD Automobile Repair & FRED Oxy-Acetylene Welding Phone 191 lip mu

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