1 TRANSYLVANIA—“OPPORTUNITIES EMPIRE”—NATURAL RESOURCES FO EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY. Brevard USTWES THE LOCAL NEWS — An Idependent Weekly. VOLUME XXVII BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1922 NUMBER 40 OIIRRALEKp If- COIHNICAIION New Fraternity Budding — Editor Daniels Speakincr For Democracy Raleigh, N. C., October 2, 1922 •— This city is delighted with the pros- MCROBE OF lOVE WAS PRESEN1B. ‘Man Without Woman Is Like a Dog Without^lts Fleas” — About $60 Was Cleared. An enthusiastic audience which fil led the Hijjh School auditorium was pects of another ten-story office build- kept in constant uproar at the presen- ‘ing in the near future. It is to a- dorn a beautiful site at the southeast corner of West Harjjet and South Sal isbury streets and will be known as the Odd Fellows Building. This site is the property of the two local lodges and the new building will be owned ) jointly by them. Raleigh is very much in need of office facilities and this building will meet present needs in a commercial way and provide ad ditional store space besides. It is estimated that the tcn stories will accommodate a total of 105 offices, exclusive of store rooms on the first floor. And a handsome lodge room on the tenth story. The building will be of modern fire proof con.struction with steel columns, concrete slabs and tile partitions. The stairways will be enclosed with fire proof partitions and fire proof doors, and lavratories will be conveniently placed all over the biulding. The ex terior is to bo of limestone for the lower stories, with faced brick above, up to the ninth floor. The ninth and tenth stories will be completed in Roman Corynthian pilasters with an entablature of ornamental brackets. When completed, the lodge room on the tenth floor will be best appointed in the South. It is believed that the Grand Lodge of the Order will, on the completion of this magnificent temple, discon tinue its pilgrimages annually over the State and select Raleigh as the permanent meeting place. The office of the Grand Secretary has been loca ted here for many years and Will most assuredly fin^ permanent quarters in the new building, which will be f" f the most beautiful and w’ell appo’ '.U-l office buildings to be found anywhere in this section of the country. Daniels Starts Campaign The Democratic campaign in the State is beginning to gather force. The latest speaker to take the fielj is Editor Josephus Daniels, of the News and Observer, who opened the ball for the Catawba democrats at Hick ory on Friday. During the eight years Mr. Daniels served as Secretary of the Navy he learne(j a lot of things which the folks are going to know about before the campaign is over, if he keeps on talking. This is the wa^; he summed up the record of the pre sent congress in his speech at Hickory 1. It gave tax revision for the buc caneers. 2. It gave a tariff for the profiteers. 3. It approved Senate seats for the auctioneers. 4. It promises a shiii subsidy; alfo, for the profiteers. The Democratic Handbook has been completed. It contains a complete review of the activities of State de partments and outlines these four pol icies for the party as a national or ganization ; 1. Honest and scientific tax revis ion with taxes equitably levied, so that the bulk of taxes be paid by the, people best able to pay them. 2. A complete tarilf to provide re venue for the government and stimu late domestic and foreign trade. tation of the “Microbe of Love”, by home talent for the benefit of the American Leg on, on Tuesday night. Out of a cast of about 30 there was not gne pr.rt which was not taken credibly. From Miss Thelma Richardson, who directej the p’ay and charmed the audicnco as Madam Cupid, to the viv acious chorus an tiry cupids, the ac tors siioweJ histrionic ability of real merit. Mr. R. R. Fisher, cast in a new role, a henpeckoj husband, delivered a tir ade against women which would blast the hopes of a whole poMtical party, and Mrs. Hugh Walker as President of the Spinsters organization, skill fully delivered 12 lovelorn spinsters cut of their manless existence. Tuneful music anj dancing -were introduced throughout the perfor- mance and the “Microbe Bug”, de scribed as a cross between a domesti- NEW CAHPIGN PLAN OF BAPTISTS SOUTHERN BAPTIST PLAN GREAT UNDERTAKING Trancylvanjff 'ap^iac* in Line With New Or